Well, it's the big day. Christmas. The day in which the jolly fat man comes to your home to spread the joy. No, I'm not talking about Michael Moore. He's not jolly but he does spread something, however it's not Christmas joy. No, I'm talking about Santa Claus. I hope everyone, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, has a safe and happy day.
Merry Christmas
Well, it's Christmas eve. The day before the big day. I thought I would share the all time favorite story with you today. Please read it and and enjoy.
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
God Bless America

Well, it's Christmas eve. The day before the big day. I thought I would share the all time favorite story with you today. Please read it and and enjoy.
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."
God Bless America
Want to know what Democrats what for Christmas? Well, Mallard knows.
The Mallard link wasn't working, but now it's fixed. Sorry for that.
God Bless America
Want to know what Democrats what for Christmas? Well, Mallard knows.
The Mallard link wasn't working, but now it's fixed. Sorry for that.
God Bless America
Like the Where's The Beef reference? Some may be too young to remember. But anyway, I was looking at some blogs this morning and I came across one that I really liked. I'm trying to get a link for it. On one of this blogs posts, the author made a great observation. Remember when Bush's twins were caught drinking? The media were all over it. But, Al Gore's son was arrested for possession of marijuana, reckless driving and suspended from his over priced private school. Where's the media on this? I haven't heard anything about this on the news channels. And something I didn't even know about. Howard Dean's son was arrested for breaking and entering a home to steal alcohol. What? Where was the media on this one. The only reason I knew about Gore's kid was because I read in on the internet last week. Well, I guess rich kids will be rich kids.
God Bless America
Like the Where's The Beef reference? Some may be too young to remember. But anyway, I was looking at some blogs this morning and I came across one that I really liked. I'm trying to get a link for it. On one of this blogs posts, the author made a great observation. Remember when Bush's twins were caught drinking? The media were all over it. But, Al Gore's son was arrested for possession of marijuana, reckless driving and suspended from his over priced private school. Where's the media on this? I haven't heard anything about this on the news channels. And something I didn't even know about. Howard Dean's son was arrested for breaking and entering a home to steal alcohol. What? Where was the media on this one. The only reason I knew about Gore's kid was because I read in on the internet last week. Well, I guess rich kids will be rich kids.
God Bless America
I'm getting sick. I think. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac about matters like this. I think I'm getting sick all the time. But this time I'm really freaked out about it, with this damn flu going around. I've tried to be really careful and not get it, but apparently not careful enough. Hopefully it's only a cold.
God Bless America
I'm getting sick. I think. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac about matters like this. I think I'm getting sick all the time. But this time I'm really freaked out about it, with this damn flu going around. I've tried to be really careful and not get it, but apparently not careful enough. Hopefully it's only a cold.
God Bless America
Just one small thing. I had to change the pic I had for the American Indian Movement. Having two pics on this site hosted by was eating up my bandwidth too fast. I had to get rid of one. I couldn't find the flag, so I had to change the other. Hopefully, this will help. I don't want the dreaded X poping up when I exceed 20MB.
God Bless America
Just one small thing. I had to change the pic I had for the American Indian Movement. Having two pics on this site hosted by was eating up my bandwidth too fast. I had to get rid of one. I couldn't find the flag, so I had to change the other. Hopefully, this will help. I don't want the dreaded X poping up when I exceed 20MB.
God Bless America
The government has raised the terror threat to High today. I heard that there’s even talk of raising it to Severe. Damn terrorists. I'm already paranoid by this damn flu, now I have to worry about this? Well, I'm not going to let it ruin my Christmas. This is a time of joy and celebration. Not fear and hiding. But, this is what terrorists do. They attack during a holiday, just because it's a holiday. God Bless America

The government has raised the terror threat to High today. I heard that there’s even talk of raising it to Severe. Damn terrorists. I'm already paranoid by this damn flu, now I have to worry about this? Well, I'm not going to let it ruin my Christmas. This is a time of joy and celebration. Not fear and hiding. But, this is what terrorists do. They attack during a holiday, just because it's a holiday. God Bless America
Nothing to blog on today and I'm bored. So I thought I would post some more of my twisted thoughts. Enjoy
Why do people put so much emphasis on name brands? I have a niece who absolutely will not wear anything unless it's comes from some overpriced store in the mall. Abercromie & Fitch and Tommy Hillfiger. Please, tell me what’s wrong with Wal-Mart? Nothing.
Why does Apple charge $99 to replace the batteries in the iPod? Don't they think we paid enough for the iPod itself, $400, and now they want us to pay another $100 every year for new batteries. Bull crap.
Is the bald eagle not the most magnificent animal on the planet? Well, aside from a 20-year-old Asian woman.
Speaking of which, why are Asian woman so much more beautiful than other women?
Are these blogs not the most asinine things on Earth? If so, then why can't I stop posting on it?
I want a 65 Mustang Fastback. Cherry red with black interior. Damn fine car.
I also want a Hummer. Not that butt ugly H2, I want the H1. All black.
Hulk Hogan will forever be a hero to me.
Why do people need to access the internet from their phones?
That's all for now, I don't want to run out of things to complain about. I may need more before too long.
God Bless America
Nothing to blog on today and I'm bored. So I thought I would post some more of my twisted thoughts. Enjoy
Why do people put so much emphasis on name brands? I have a niece who absolutely will not wear anything unless it's comes from some overpriced store in the mall. Abercromie & Fitch and Tommy Hillfiger. Please, tell me what’s wrong with Wal-Mart? Nothing.
Why does Apple charge $99 to replace the batteries in the iPod? Don't they think we paid enough for the iPod itself, $400, and now they want us to pay another $100 every year for new batteries. Bull crap.
Is the bald eagle not the most magnificent animal on the planet? Well, aside from a 20-year-old Asian woman.
Speaking of which, why are Asian woman so much more beautiful than other women?
Are these blogs not the most asinine things on Earth? If so, then why can't I stop posting on it?
I want a 65 Mustang Fastback. Cherry red with black interior. Damn fine car.
I also want a Hummer. Not that butt ugly H2, I want the H1. All black.
Hulk Hogan will forever be a hero to me.
Why do people need to access the internet from their phones?
That's all for now, I don't want to run out of things to complain about. I may need more before too long.
God Bless America
Happy Chanukkah. We sometimes get so caught up in Christmas, we tend to forget the other holidays this time of year. Well, I didn't forget. For those who don't know too much about Channukka, HERE'S a link the should help.
God Bless America

Happy Chanukkah. We sometimes get so caught up in Christmas, we tend to forget the other holidays this time of year. Well, I didn't forget. For those who don't know too much about Channukka, HERE'S a link the should help.
God Bless America
First off, I worked things out with Jake. I wrote him a sappy e-mail and he called me a wuss, and I put his link back up. I had to be the big man and put my frustration aside.
Secondly, a little Christmas gift for my readers. I’ll be changing the pic everyday, along with the countdown, to a new dream Mrs. Claus. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
God Bless America
First off, I worked things out with Jake. I wrote him a sappy e-mail and he called me a wuss, and I put his link back up. I had to be the big man and put my frustration aside.
Secondly, a little Christmas gift for my readers. I’ll be changing the pic everyday, along with the countdown, to a new dream Mrs. Claus. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
God Bless America
Well, Wacko Jacko has been charged with 7, count them, 7, counts of child molestation. Yet he has been given his passport back so he can go to England for Christmas. What the bloody hell? This is where the kiss jacko goodbye comes in. All he has to do is hop the Chunnel to France and we'll never see him again. ala Roman Polanski. Well, that's what Liberal leaning courts in California do. If Jackson comes back, I'll be genuinely surprised.
God Bless America
Well, Wacko Jacko has been charged with 7, count them, 7, counts of child molestation. Yet he has been given his passport back so he can go to England for Christmas. What the bloody hell? This is where the kiss jacko goodbye comes in. All he has to do is hop the Chunnel to France and we'll never see him again. ala Roman Polanski. Well, that's what Liberal leaning courts in California do. If Jackson comes back, I'll be genuinely surprised.
God Bless America
I think I may have found a quote I like as much as my ingnorance quote.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
Kind of makes since, doesn't it.
God Bless America
I think I may have found a quote I like as much as my ingnorance quote.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
Kind of makes since, doesn't it.
God Bless America
I've added a new link to the site. Awesome blues band. Click it and go there. You won't regret it.
God Bless America
I've added a new link to the site. Awesome blues band. Click it and go there. You won't regret it.
God Bless America
All you geeks out there, you know who you are, are probably familiar with TechTV. If not, then you don't have digital cable or satellite. It's a channel that deals with anything tech. Computers, mp3 players, robots, anything. They also have an uncanny ability to hire the most jaw dropping women. Here's a pic of one of their hosts, Cat Schwartz. When I think of the TechTV girls, this is what I've pictured. Just one word. Damn.
God Bless America

All you geeks out there, you know who you are, are probably familiar with TechTV. If not, then you don't have digital cable or satellite. It's a channel that deals with anything tech. Computers, mp3 players, robots, anything. They also have an uncanny ability to hire the most jaw dropping women. Here's a pic of one of their hosts, Cat Schwartz. When I think of the TechTV girls, this is what I've pictured. Just one word. Damn.
God Bless America
I need some help from my readers. If you'll notice the flag and skull shield on this site, well I have them hosted on is an okay hosting site, but they only allow a 20MB bandwidth per month. Already this month, I'm up to 13MB. Almost at my max. If you'll go down to the bottom of the page, you'll notice a counter. It's over 100 already since I put it on a couple of weeks ago. Thank you all. If anyone knows of an image hosting site, free, that allows a larger bandwidth, or if you have one and are willing to host the pictures please contact me. Thanks.
God Bless America
I need some help from my readers. If you'll notice the flag and skull shield on this site, well I have them hosted on is an okay hosting site, but they only allow a 20MB bandwidth per month. Already this month, I'm up to 13MB. Almost at my max. If you'll go down to the bottom of the page, you'll notice a counter. It's over 100 already since I put it on a couple of weeks ago. Thank you all. If anyone knows of an image hosting site, free, that allows a larger bandwidth, or if you have one and are willing to host the pictures please contact me. Thanks.
God Bless America
I was watching a documentary this morning called In The Last Days. It followed 5 surviving victims of the holocaust that Hitler brought upon the Jewish people during W.W.II. Very moving film. It talked about what really went on in the concentration camps at that time. One woman who was in one of these camps said that movies that deal with the subject don't even come close to describing what it was really like. It brought me to tears watching this and listening to the stories of these people. And it made me sick to my stomach to know that some in this world see George W. Bush as a bigger evil then Hitler or think that the holocaust was fake. Look at the pictures above. Just stare at them for awhile. Yeah, the man that caused this wasn't so bad. But Bush, oh man, watch out for him. Because he's told the American military to go into Afgahanastan and Iraq to kill the Arabs and Muslim people, steal their oil and enslave them.
God Bless America

I was watching a documentary this morning called In The Last Days. It followed 5 surviving victims of the holocaust that Hitler brought upon the Jewish people during W.W.II. Very moving film. It talked about what really went on in the concentration camps at that time. One woman who was in one of these camps said that movies that deal with the subject don't even come close to describing what it was really like. It brought me to tears watching this and listening to the stories of these people. And it made me sick to my stomach to know that some in this world see George W. Bush as a bigger evil then Hitler or think that the holocaust was fake. Look at the pictures above. Just stare at them for awhile. Yeah, the man that caused this wasn't so bad. But Bush, oh man, watch out for him. Because he's told the American military to go into Afgahanastan and Iraq to kill the Arabs and Muslim people, steal their oil and enslave them.
God Bless America
As you can see, I've taken the link to Jake's Blog, formerly Gohan's Blog, off. I can't, in good conscience, leave it up. As the title says, he’s gone off the deep end. In his latest diatribe he sides with Howard Dean in saying that President Bush knowingly let over 2,000 innocent humans die on September 11. I just can't support that. It's one thing to say that Bush makes Hitler look like a saint, but saying, and even more terrifying, believing, that Bush let this happen is over the line. That's where Howard Dean is trying to take the Democratic Party. If you don’t believe Howard Dean is a dangerous man, you need to open your eyes.
God Bless America
As you can see, I've taken the link to Jake's Blog, formerly Gohan's Blog, off. I can't, in good conscience, leave it up. As the title says, he’s gone off the deep end. In his latest diatribe he sides with Howard Dean in saying that President Bush knowingly let over 2,000 innocent humans die on September 11. I just can't support that. It's one thing to say that Bush makes Hitler look like a saint, but saying, and even more terrifying, believing, that Bush let this happen is over the line. That's where Howard Dean is trying to take the Democratic Party. If you don’t believe Howard Dean is a dangerous man, you need to open your eyes.
God Bless America
As you can see, I've added a new link to the site. It's a banner that gives up to the minute news from the offical GWB re-election site. Click the top of the banner to go to the site. Enjoy.
God Bless America
As you can see, I've added a new link to the site. It's a banner that gives up to the minute news from the offical GWB re-election site. Click the top of the banner to go to the site. Enjoy.
God Bless America
I criticize the French. But it's not the French people I don't like, it's the government. The French government are cowards more so than the public. However, they could have fought harder during W.W.II. But not everything about the French is bad. They did give us the Statue of Liberty. But more importantly, they gave us Jean Reno. Reno is a great action star. Born in Morocco, he moved to France when he was 17. So I guess he's not really French. Cheers mate. But he lives in France. With movies like Mission: Impossible, Godzilla, Wasabi and my all time favorite, The Professional, I guess it's easy to see why he's the best thing to come out of France in a long while.
God Bless America
I criticize the French. But it's not the French people I don't like, it's the government. The French government are cowards more so than the public. However, they could have fought harder during W.W.II. But not everything about the French is bad. They did give us the Statue of Liberty. But more importantly, they gave us Jean Reno. Reno is a great action star. Born in Morocco, he moved to France when he was 17. So I guess he's not really French. Cheers mate. But he lives in France. With movies like Mission: Impossible, Godzilla, Wasabi and my all time favorite, The Professional, I guess it's easy to see why he's the best thing to come out of France in a long while.
God Bless America
Two things to do right now.
First. Here's a link to a funny Mallard Filmore comic strip. I like Mallard, it's got to be the best comic out there. This strip deals with Howard Dean's pandering to us rednecks down here in the south. Very funny.
And secondly. People who read this blog and have e-mailed me in the past, could you send me a short message. I've finally decided to start using an address book and I need your addresses.
God Bless America
Two things to do right now.
First. Here's a link to a funny Mallard Filmore comic strip. I like Mallard, it's got to be the best comic out there. This strip deals with Howard Dean's pandering to us rednecks down here in the south. Very funny.
And secondly. People who read this blog and have e-mailed me in the past, could you send me a short message. I've finally decided to start using an address book and I need your addresses.
God Bless America
I've added a new picture link for you all. If you don't know who Leonard Peltier is, he's a prisoner in Leavenworth who is being held on the murders of two FBI agents. The thing is, he didn't do it. He's a scapegoat for the government. Go to the site and read up on the facts of the case. Then I urge you to write President Bush and ask him to grant Peltier a full pardon. I also suggest that you pick up a CD. Robbie Robertson's "Contact From The Underground World Of Red Boy" and listen to the song Sacrifice to hear the story from Mr. Peltier himself. In case you don't get the CD, here's what Peltier says on the song,
My name is Leonard Peltier
I am a Lakota and Anishnabe
And I am living in the United States penitentiary
Which is the swiftest growing
Indian reservations in the country
I have been in prison since 1976
For an incident that took place on the Oglala-Lakota Nation
There was a shoot-out between members of the American Indian Movement
And The FBI and the local Sheriffs State Troopers
Two agents were killed and one Indian was murdered
Three of us were charged with the deaths of the FBI agents
My co-defendants were found not guilty by reasons of self-defense
My case was separated and I was found guilty before a jury of non-Indian people
The prosecutor stated that they did not know who killed their agents
Nor did he know what participation Leonard Peltier may have played in it
But someone has to pay for the crime
There's a lot of nights that I lay in my cell
And I can't understand why this hell this hell and this terror
That I have been going through for twenty-one years hasn't ended.
But yet I know in my heart that someone has to pay sacrifice
To make things better for our people
The sacrifice I have made when I really sit down to think about it
Is nothing compared to what our people a couple hundred years ago
Or fifty years ago or twenty-five years ago have made
Some gave their lives
Some had to stand there and watch their children die in their arms
So the sacrifice I have made is nothing compared to those
I've gone too far now to start backing down
I don't give up
Not 'til my people are free will I give up
And if I have to sacrifice some more
Then I sacrifice some more
It's not only the story he tells, but the way he tells it, that has a lot of impact. There is also a movie, Incident at Ogalala, that you should pick up. He needs our help. He doesn't deserve to die in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
God Bless America
I've added a new picture link for you all. If you don't know who Leonard Peltier is, he's a prisoner in Leavenworth who is being held on the murders of two FBI agents. The thing is, he didn't do it. He's a scapegoat for the government. Go to the site and read up on the facts of the case. Then I urge you to write President Bush and ask him to grant Peltier a full pardon. I also suggest that you pick up a CD. Robbie Robertson's "Contact From The Underground World Of Red Boy" and listen to the song Sacrifice to hear the story from Mr. Peltier himself. In case you don't get the CD, here's what Peltier says on the song,
My name is Leonard Peltier
I am a Lakota and Anishnabe
And I am living in the United States penitentiary
Which is the swiftest growing
Indian reservations in the country
I have been in prison since 1976
For an incident that took place on the Oglala-Lakota Nation
There was a shoot-out between members of the American Indian Movement
And The FBI and the local Sheriffs State Troopers
Two agents were killed and one Indian was murdered
Three of us were charged with the deaths of the FBI agents
My co-defendants were found not guilty by reasons of self-defense
My case was separated and I was found guilty before a jury of non-Indian people
The prosecutor stated that they did not know who killed their agents
Nor did he know what participation Leonard Peltier may have played in it
But someone has to pay for the crime
There's a lot of nights that I lay in my cell
And I can't understand why this hell this hell and this terror
That I have been going through for twenty-one years hasn't ended.
But yet I know in my heart that someone has to pay sacrifice
To make things better for our people
The sacrifice I have made when I really sit down to think about it
Is nothing compared to what our people a couple hundred years ago
Or fifty years ago or twenty-five years ago have made
Some gave their lives
Some had to stand there and watch their children die in their arms
So the sacrifice I have made is nothing compared to those
I've gone too far now to start backing down
I don't give up
Not 'til my people are free will I give up
And if I have to sacrifice some more
Then I sacrifice some more
It's not only the story he tells, but the way he tells it, that has a lot of impact. There is also a movie, Incident at Ogalala, that you should pick up. He needs our help. He doesn't deserve to die in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
God Bless America
I was watching Fox News earlier, and they were talking about the capture of Saddam. And something hit me. Saddam and French president Jacques Chirac have had some sort of relationship for something like 30 years. When Saddam was found, he came out of his hole and gave up without a fight wanting to strike a deal. Sound familiar? Looks like he not only modeled himself after Hammurabi and Hitler, he also modeled himself after the French.
God Bless America
I was watching Fox News earlier, and they were talking about the capture of Saddam. And something hit me. Saddam and French president Jacques Chirac have had some sort of relationship for something like 30 years. When Saddam was found, he came out of his hole and gave up without a fight wanting to strike a deal. Sound familiar? Looks like he not only modeled himself after Hammurabi and Hitler, he also modeled himself after the French.
God Bless America
Who's worse? Adolf Hitler or George W. Bush. Well, conventional wisdom says Hitler's worse. But don't tell that to liberals. They seem to think that George W. Bush is the greater evil. So let's compare the two shall we?
Ordered the genocide of the Jewish people. Had millions of Jews killed in concentration camps. They were tortured, experimented on and starved to death. After he lost WW II, he went underground and killed himself.
Hasn't ordered the genocide of any people. Hasn't killed, or ordered the deaths of millions of people. No concentration camps, tortures, exterminations or starvations.
Well, I guess conventional wisdom wins out once again.
Now, let’s compare Saddam to Hitler.
All the above stuff
Either killed, or ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen, women and children. Use sarin and mustard gas on the Kurds in the 80's. Gave refuge to terrorist over the years. When found yesterday, he was hiding underground. Too bad he didn't kill himself like his idol Adolf Hitler.
Now, who's more like Hitler?
God Bless America
Who's worse? Adolf Hitler or George W. Bush. Well, conventional wisdom says Hitler's worse. But don't tell that to liberals. They seem to think that George W. Bush is the greater evil. So let's compare the two shall we?
Ordered the genocide of the Jewish people. Had millions of Jews killed in concentration camps. They were tortured, experimented on and starved to death. After he lost WW II, he went underground and killed himself.
Hasn't ordered the genocide of any people. Hasn't killed, or ordered the deaths of millions of people. No concentration camps, tortures, exterminations or starvations.
Well, I guess conventional wisdom wins out once again.
Now, let’s compare Saddam to Hitler.
All the above stuff
Either killed, or ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his own countrymen, women and children. Use sarin and mustard gas on the Kurds in the 80's. Gave refuge to terrorist over the years. When found yesterday, he was hiding underground. Too bad he didn't kill himself like his idol Adolf Hitler.
Now, who's more like Hitler?
God Bless America
As you all know by now, Saddam Hussein has been captured. Oh happy day, oh happy. A glorious day for the Iraqi people. Now they know he will never be coming back. He was found in an underground crawl space outside of Tikrit. Underground like the rat that he is. Bin Ladin's next. It's only a matter of time.
God Bless America

As you all know by now, Saddam Hussein has been captured. Oh happy day, oh happy. A glorious day for the Iraqi people. Now they know he will never be coming back. He was found in an underground crawl space outside of Tikrit. Underground like the rat that he is. Bin Ladin's next. It's only a matter of time.
God Bless America
As you may have noticed, something's different. I changed the color scheme. The red, white and blue scheme was getting kind of old. Maybe even a little sophomoric. I wanted something that looked a little more professional. I looked at template after template and couldn't find what I wanted. So I just decided to change the colors of this on. I had to start from scratch. I'm not too good at HTML, and it took awhile to get this right. But I like. I would really like to know what you all think of it. Write me and tell me.
God Bless America
As you may have noticed, something's different. I changed the color scheme. The red, white and blue scheme was getting kind of old. Maybe even a little sophomoric. I wanted something that looked a little more professional. I looked at template after template and couldn't find what I wanted. So I just decided to change the colors of this on. I had to start from scratch. I'm not too good at HTML, and it took awhile to get this right. But I like. I would really like to know what you all think of it. Write me and tell me.
God Bless America
Netpal Gohan gave me this idea from his latest post. It was so good, I thought I would steal it from him.
Kind of says it all, don't it.
Is it me, or is the economy getting better? No. It's not just me. It is getting better.
I want to know who Photshopped the cover of Micheal Moore's book "Dude, Where's My Fat", I mean "Country". That was good work.
Who is Al Gore trying to cross by endorsing Dean? The Democratic establishment or the Clintons? Either way, I wouldn't want a two time presidential looser on my side. Seems like a jinx.
Is AC/DC not the greatest band on the entire planet?
I'm thinking about upgrading my CPU to a 2.6GHz, but don't have the money. Why are computer parts so damn expensive?
I love America. We are without a doubt the best country there has ever been.
Gen. Wes Clark is the Clinton's puppet. For further proof. He's thinking about asking Hillary Clinton to be his running mate.
Some think the Republicans are scared of Hillary Clinton. More specifically, the prospect of her becoming president. Here's the truth. It's not Hillary we're scared of. It's the thought of another Clinton in the White House. We've already had one fuck it up, we don't need another.
I wish Roger Waters and David Gilmour would put their differences aside and reform Pink Floyd. A new album from them would easily shot right up to number one.
Why do some think Zel Miller has sold out. Just because he sides with President Bush, some think he's double-crossed them. Who ever said you had to agree with everything your party says. Same with Joe Lieberman.
Have a very Happy Chanukah and very Merry Christmas.
God Bless America
Netpal Gohan gave me this idea from his latest post. It was so good, I thought I would steal it from him.

Kind of says it all, don't it.
Is it me, or is the economy getting better? No. It's not just me. It is getting better.
I want to know who Photshopped the cover of Micheal Moore's book "Dude, Where's My Fat", I mean "Country". That was good work.
Who is Al Gore trying to cross by endorsing Dean? The Democratic establishment or the Clintons? Either way, I wouldn't want a two time presidential looser on my side. Seems like a jinx.
Is AC/DC not the greatest band on the entire planet?
I'm thinking about upgrading my CPU to a 2.6GHz, but don't have the money. Why are computer parts so damn expensive?
I love America. We are without a doubt the best country there has ever been.
Gen. Wes Clark is the Clinton's puppet. For further proof. He's thinking about asking Hillary Clinton to be his running mate.
Some think the Republicans are scared of Hillary Clinton. More specifically, the prospect of her becoming president. Here's the truth. It's not Hillary we're scared of. It's the thought of another Clinton in the White House. We've already had one fuck it up, we don't need another.
I wish Roger Waters and David Gilmour would put their differences aside and reform Pink Floyd. A new album from them would easily shot right up to number one.
Why do some think Zel Miller has sold out. Just because he sides with President Bush, some think he's double-crossed them. Who ever said you had to agree with everything your party says. Same with Joe Lieberman.
Have a very Happy Chanukah and very Merry Christmas.
God Bless America
Well, it's still only fall. But you couldn't tell that by the weather around here. We just had a pretty good snowfall Tuesday, and tonight they’re predicting another one. A pretty big one. 6-8 inches in some areas. I say bring it on. I don't have to get out in it. Talk about a perfect precursor to Christmas.
God Bless America
Well, it's still only fall. But you couldn't tell that by the weather around here. We just had a pretty good snowfall Tuesday, and tonight they’re predicting another one. A pretty big one. 6-8 inches in some areas. I say bring it on. I don't have to get out in it. Talk about a perfect precursor to Christmas.
God Bless America
I was looking around and I found something I found damn funny.
NOUN: One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
ETYMOLOGY: From Old French couard
How appropriate is that? Our word Coward comes from the French language.
God Bless America
I was looking around and I found something I found damn funny.
NOUN: One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
ETYMOLOGY: From Old French couard
How appropriate is that? Our word Coward comes from the French language.
God Bless America
Now that Saddam is gone and Iraq needs help, people want in. France, Germany, Canada and Russia all want in on the rebuilding of Iraq. They want to take part in getting some the lucrative contracts. Germany and Canada have been more helpful as of late. They've send money to help with the rebuilding, but France and Russia have stood in our way every step of the way. I say fuck France and Russia. They've done nothing to help, why the hell should they benefit from the yellow streaks running down their backs? And now the U.N. is calling for unity. Where were they a year ago when we asked them for help? They snubbed their noses at us hoping we would fail so they could say, "We told you so". But now that we've succeeded and Saddam is gone, now they want to "help". Yeah, help their wallets. France, Russia and the U.N. can all go to hell. Unless you've help, you deserve nothing.
God Bless America
Now that Saddam is gone and Iraq needs help, people want in. France, Germany, Canada and Russia all want in on the rebuilding of Iraq. They want to take part in getting some the lucrative contracts. Germany and Canada have been more helpful as of late. They've send money to help with the rebuilding, but France and Russia have stood in our way every step of the way. I say fuck France and Russia. They've done nothing to help, why the hell should they benefit from the yellow streaks running down their backs? And now the U.N. is calling for unity. Where were they a year ago when we asked them for help? They snubbed their noses at us hoping we would fail so they could say, "We told you so". But now that we've succeeded and Saddam is gone, now they want to "help". Yeah, help their wallets. France, Russia and the U.N. can all go to hell. Unless you've help, you deserve nothing.
God Bless America
I was reading one of my fellow bloggers post, click Ted's Blog, and at the end of it he wrote "Ah the joy of being a 'rich' Republican". And it got me thinking about the stereotypes of political parties. I'm poor. I'm blue collar. I'm mixed raced. I'm not too smart. Damn, I should be a Democrat. But I'm a Republican. Why is that. Isn't the Democratic party suppose to be talking directly to me? How come I'm not receiving their message? Then again, I've always been one to go against the grain.
God Bless America
I was reading one of my fellow bloggers post, click Ted's Blog, and at the end of it he wrote "Ah the joy of being a 'rich' Republican". And it got me thinking about the stereotypes of political parties. I'm poor. I'm blue collar. I'm mixed raced. I'm not too smart. Damn, I should be a Democrat. But I'm a Republican. Why is that. Isn't the Democratic party suppose to be talking directly to me? How come I'm not receiving their message? Then again, I've always been one to go against the grain.
God Bless America
This is who some want as our next president? Dear God in heaven I hope not. Look at the man. He's full of hate and contempt. He sticks his foot in his mouth so much he call Dr. Scholls when he wants to eat out for dinner. And the media just lets him slip by virtually unscathed. He accused President Bush of knowing that the terrorist attacks on Sep. 11 would happen. He refers to Russia as the "Soviet Union". The Soviet Union hasn't existed for over a decade. If Bush had done something like that, people would be calling him dumb, stupid or a retard. When Bush was running in 2000, people were all over the place saying that he didn't have any experience. That he didn't know how to be president. Well, what experience does Dean have? Where's the criticism of Dean on this subject? I keep hearing that Dean has the White House worried or running scared. What? People really think Bush is sitting in a corner sucking his thumb scared of Howard Dean? No. Sure Dean could win, I think he will personally, but the White House isn't scared of him. I'm going to make a prediction right now. I want someone to copy this and save it somewhere. After the election, if Dean wins, we will see the Democrats go berserk. Gloating, bragging and whole nine yards. There's sore losers, as I'm sure some Republicans will be, but there are also bad winners. I've already excepted this. I'm preparing myself for it. And if Bush looses, I have a quote I like to say. "A great leader is measured not by doing what's popular, but by doing what's right". And that's what Bush did. Or one by Churchill, "A great leader is someone who is willing to put everything on the line, even if it costs him everything".
God Bless America

This is who some want as our next president? Dear God in heaven I hope not. Look at the man. He's full of hate and contempt. He sticks his foot in his mouth so much he call Dr. Scholls when he wants to eat out for dinner. And the media just lets him slip by virtually unscathed. He accused President Bush of knowing that the terrorist attacks on Sep. 11 would happen. He refers to Russia as the "Soviet Union". The Soviet Union hasn't existed for over a decade. If Bush had done something like that, people would be calling him dumb, stupid or a retard. When Bush was running in 2000, people were all over the place saying that he didn't have any experience. That he didn't know how to be president. Well, what experience does Dean have? Where's the criticism of Dean on this subject? I keep hearing that Dean has the White House worried or running scared. What? People really think Bush is sitting in a corner sucking his thumb scared of Howard Dean? No. Sure Dean could win, I think he will personally, but the White House isn't scared of him. I'm going to make a prediction right now. I want someone to copy this and save it somewhere. After the election, if Dean wins, we will see the Democrats go berserk. Gloating, bragging and whole nine yards. There's sore losers, as I'm sure some Republicans will be, but there are also bad winners. I've already excepted this. I'm preparing myself for it. And if Bush looses, I have a quote I like to say. "A great leader is measured not by doing what's popular, but by doing what's right". And that's what Bush did. Or one by Churchill, "A great leader is someone who is willing to put everything on the line, even if it costs him everything".
God Bless America
I have a new link for you all. It's a pic link, you can't miss it. Thank you for keeping the boycott alive. Great site.
God Bless America
I have a new link for you all. It's a pic link, you can't miss it. Thank you for keeping the boycott alive. Great site.
God Bless America
If you go to the Right-Wing Conspiracy link to the left, you'll see the following. Something I like, but the news channels apparently don't.
Since May 1:
Since May 1...the first battalion of the new Iraqi Army has graduated and is on active duty*
Since May 1... over 60,000 Iraqis now provide security to their fellow citizens.
Since May 1...nearly all of Iraq's 400 courts are functioning.
Since May 1... the Iraqi judiciary is fully independent.
Since May 1...on Monday, October 6 power generation hit 4,518 megawatts-exceeding the pre-war average.
Since May 1...all 22 universities and 43 technical institutes and colleges are open, as are nearly all primary and secondary schools.
Since May 1... as of October 1, Coalition forces had rehabbed over 1,500 schools - 500 more than their target.
Since May 1... teachers earn from 12 to 25 times their former salaries.
Since May 1...all 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open.
Since May 1...doctors' salaries are at least eight times what they were under Saddam.
Since May 1...pharmaceutical distribution has gone from essentially nothing to 700 tons in May to a current total of 12,000 tons.
Since May 1...the Coalition has helped administer over 22 million vaccinations doses to Iraq's children.
Since May 1...a Coalition program has cleared over 14,000 kilometers of Iraq's 27,000 kilometers of weed-choked canals. They now irrigate tens of thousands of farms. This project has created jobs for more than 100,000 Iraqi men and women.
Since May 1...we have restored over three-quarters of pre-war telephone services and over two-thirds of the potable water production.
Since May 1... there are 4,900 full-service connections. We expect 50,000 by January first.
Since May 1...the wheels of commerce are turning. From bicycles to satellite dishes to cars and trucks, businesses are coming to life in all major cities and towns.
Since May 1...95 percent of all pre-war bank customers have service and first-time customers are opening accounts daily.
Since May 1... Iraqi banks are making loans to finance businesses.
Since May 1...the central bank is fully independent.
Since May 1... Iraq has some of the world's most growth-oriented investment and banking laws.
Since May 1... Iraq (has) a single, unified currency for the first time in 15 years.
God Bless America
If you go to the Right-Wing Conspiracy link to the left, you'll see the following. Something I like, but the news channels apparently don't.
Since May 1:
Since May 1...the first battalion of the new Iraqi Army has graduated and is on active duty*
Since May 1... over 60,000 Iraqis now provide security to their fellow citizens.
Since May 1...nearly all of Iraq's 400 courts are functioning.
Since May 1... the Iraqi judiciary is fully independent.
Since May 1...on Monday, October 6 power generation hit 4,518 megawatts-exceeding the pre-war average.
Since May 1...all 22 universities and 43 technical institutes and colleges are open, as are nearly all primary and secondary schools.
Since May 1... as of October 1, Coalition forces had rehabbed over 1,500 schools - 500 more than their target.
Since May 1... teachers earn from 12 to 25 times their former salaries.
Since May 1...all 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics are open.
Since May 1...doctors' salaries are at least eight times what they were under Saddam.
Since May 1...pharmaceutical distribution has gone from essentially nothing to 700 tons in May to a current total of 12,000 tons.
Since May 1...the Coalition has helped administer over 22 million vaccinations doses to Iraq's children.
Since May 1...a Coalition program has cleared over 14,000 kilometers of Iraq's 27,000 kilometers of weed-choked canals. They now irrigate tens of thousands of farms. This project has created jobs for more than 100,000 Iraqi men and women.
Since May 1...we have restored over three-quarters of pre-war telephone services and over two-thirds of the potable water production.
Since May 1... there are 4,900 full-service connections. We expect 50,000 by January first.
Since May 1...the wheels of commerce are turning. From bicycles to satellite dishes to cars and trucks, businesses are coming to life in all major cities and towns.
Since May 1...95 percent of all pre-war bank customers have service and first-time customers are opening accounts daily.
Since May 1... Iraqi banks are making loans to finance businesses.
Since May 1...the central bank is fully independent.
Since May 1... Iraq has some of the world's most growth-oriented investment and banking laws.
Since May 1... Iraq (has) a single, unified currency for the first time in 15 years.
God Bless America
I was watching Fox News this morning. They had two people talking about Christmas trees. The woman on there was bitching and moaning about how Christmas trees, and the decorations in general, offend her. She was saying that they shouldn't be in public display. That they should only be displayed in our homes or churches. She went on about how the Christmas tree offends Jews. The other one, a Jew himself, kept trying to get it through her head that he wasn't offended by Christmas decorations. But that he was offended by the small group of people who don't celebrate Christmas trying to tell those that do celebrate it what to do. So, because a few people are offended by Christmas decorations, we should take them down? Well, I'll tell you what offends me. Painting a picture of the Virgin Mary and then covering it with elephant shit. Now because that offended so many people, why didn't they take that down? Rap music and the message it sends offends a lot of people. Why don't they get rid of it?
Lastly, we're getting our first snowfall of the season today. As the song says, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas". Come on snow.
God Bless America
I was watching Fox News this morning. They had two people talking about Christmas trees. The woman on there was bitching and moaning about how Christmas trees, and the decorations in general, offend her. She was saying that they shouldn't be in public display. That they should only be displayed in our homes or churches. She went on about how the Christmas tree offends Jews. The other one, a Jew himself, kept trying to get it through her head that he wasn't offended by Christmas decorations. But that he was offended by the small group of people who don't celebrate Christmas trying to tell those that do celebrate it what to do. So, because a few people are offended by Christmas decorations, we should take them down? Well, I'll tell you what offends me. Painting a picture of the Virgin Mary and then covering it with elephant shit. Now because that offended so many people, why didn't they take that down? Rap music and the message it sends offends a lot of people. Why don't they get rid of it?
Lastly, we're getting our first snowfall of the season today. As the song says, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas". Come on snow.
God Bless America
It's just been announced. The looser of the 2000 presidential election has just thrown his support behind the hopeful looser of the 2004 election, Howard Dean. I guess this just shows that Gore isn't a Clinton puppet like many other powerful Democrats. If he were, he would have thrown his support behind the Clinton puppet of a candidate, Clark. But you have to wonder why Dean and not his 2000 running mate Joe Lieberman. Well, I’ll tell you why. Because Dean is ahead in the polls. If John Kerry or John Edwards were ahead, then Gore would support them. That’s the mentality of many Democrats in the election. It’s only about beating Bush.
John Kerry, while giving an interview to Rolling Stone magazine said "Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did?" Now, I have no problem with foul language. Shit, I say them all the damned time. I also know that presidents use them. Their only human after all. But what I don't like is Kerry's obvious attempt to pander to young people. I guess he thinks that by saying Bush fucked something up he's going to get the Gen X and Y vote. Sorry, but we all saw through the attempt you Frankenstein looking motherfucker. I know, I know. Insult. Just had to get that one in. Hey, hey, JFK, how many babies did you kill today? Another insult, I know. Damn, I'm just full of piss and vinegar today. I don’t mean any disrespect to any Vietnam Vet. What I’m talking about his Kerry’s support of abortion.
A study shows that teens today are more conservative on social issues. I can't find a copy of the article, but I'm sure if watch any of the 24-hour news networks one of them will show the story. That's good news. Maybe there's still some hope left after all.
God Bless America
It's just been announced. The looser of the 2000 presidential election has just thrown his support behind the hopeful looser of the 2004 election, Howard Dean. I guess this just shows that Gore isn't a Clinton puppet like many other powerful Democrats. If he were, he would have thrown his support behind the Clinton puppet of a candidate, Clark. But you have to wonder why Dean and not his 2000 running mate Joe Lieberman. Well, I’ll tell you why. Because Dean is ahead in the polls. If John Kerry or John Edwards were ahead, then Gore would support them. That’s the mentality of many Democrats in the election. It’s only about beating Bush.
John Kerry, while giving an interview to Rolling Stone magazine said "Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did?" Now, I have no problem with foul language. Shit, I say them all the damned time. I also know that presidents use them. Their only human after all. But what I don't like is Kerry's obvious attempt to pander to young people. I guess he thinks that by saying Bush fucked something up he's going to get the Gen X and Y vote. Sorry, but we all saw through the attempt you Frankenstein looking motherfucker. I know, I know. Insult. Just had to get that one in. Hey, hey, JFK, how many babies did you kill today? Another insult, I know. Damn, I'm just full of piss and vinegar today. I don’t mean any disrespect to any Vietnam Vet. What I’m talking about his Kerry’s support of abortion.
A study shows that teens today are more conservative on social issues. I can't find a copy of the article, but I'm sure if watch any of the 24-hour news networks one of them will show the story. That's good news. Maybe there's still some hope left after all.
God Bless America
"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
That's how President Roosevelt's speech began when he addressed Congress on Dec. 8, 1941. Today is December 7, 2003. The 62 year anniversary of the attack. Today is a day in which we should all bow our heads and give a silent prayer to the men and women who were lost on this day 62 years ago. HERE'S a good site that has a lot of info about that day. I recomend you all take a look at it.
God Bless America

"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."
That's how President Roosevelt's speech began when he addressed Congress on Dec. 8, 1941. Today is December 7, 2003. The 62 year anniversary of the attack. Today is a day in which we should all bow our heads and give a silent prayer to the men and women who were lost on this day 62 years ago. HERE'S a good site that has a lot of info about that day. I recomend you all take a look at it.
God Bless America
First off, let me just say I HATE RAP. Rap is the scourge of all music, if you can call rap music that is. Anyway, white-boy rapper Eminem has a new song out in which he says that he wishes President Bush was dead. First he had a video in which he kills VP Cheney and now this. Sure he has his first amendment rights, but freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say ANYTHING you want. Or does it? If it does, then I am going to exorcise my freedom of speech. I hope someone abducts Feminem one day, ties his hands behind his back, shoves a rusty piece of barbedwire up his ass as fast and as hard as they can and pulls it out ever so slowly. Over and over and over and over and over and over again. Just exorcising my freedom speech. Damn that felt good, I think I'll do it again. I hope someone takes Martin Sheen and super glues a piece of duct tape to his mouth while bitch-slapping him. I hope someone takes Madonna, shoves a grenade down her mouth and runs like hell. Harsh, yes, but it's freedom of speech. Unlike Eminem, I don't really wish any of these things would happen. Except maybe the duct tape on Sheen. He should have left that on.
God Bless America & George W. Bush
First off, let me just say I HATE RAP. Rap is the scourge of all music, if you can call rap music that is. Anyway, white-boy rapper Eminem has a new song out in which he says that he wishes President Bush was dead. First he had a video in which he kills VP Cheney and now this. Sure he has his first amendment rights, but freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say ANYTHING you want. Or does it? If it does, then I am going to exorcise my freedom of speech. I hope someone abducts Feminem one day, ties his hands behind his back, shoves a rusty piece of barbedwire up his ass as fast and as hard as they can and pulls it out ever so slowly. Over and over and over and over and over and over again. Just exorcising my freedom speech. Damn that felt good, I think I'll do it again. I hope someone takes Martin Sheen and super glues a piece of duct tape to his mouth while bitch-slapping him. I hope someone takes Madonna, shoves a grenade down her mouth and runs like hell. Harsh, yes, but it's freedom of speech. Unlike Eminem, I don't really wish any of these things would happen. Except maybe the duct tape on Sheen. He should have left that on.
God Bless America & George W. Bush
Saw a site on a few news shows today, thought I would share it with you. Babes Against Bush. It's a bunch of half-naked models hocking their Anti-Bush calendar. When you go there, the home page has something on there that I find damn amusing. "you don't have to be beautiful to hate George W. Bush, but you've sure got to be ugly to like him". Damn, it's finally been confirmed. I'm ugly. Calling people who like Bush ugly. Sounds like an insult to me. And we all know that insults are the language of the ignorant. It's the man backed in a corner that lashes out in anger. So this is what the Dems have been reduced to? The economy is getting better. The majority of the people support Bush's actions in Iraq. So they have to use nice looking, naked, women to try and get their message across. It's actually ingenious. If they bring out a calendar like this against Dean after he wins the nomination, you can damn well bet I'm going to have one on my wall. One last note, read the reasons why Bush sucks. I'll give you my three favorite reasons they have. 22. Fox News. President Bush sucks because of Fox News. That’s a good one. I didn’t now Bush had anything to do with Fox News. 89. Supports nuclear power. Now aren't these the same people who love the French? And don't the French use nuclear power? And 94. Can't drive a Segway. Damn, I didn't know riding one of those was a pre-requisite for being president of the United States.
God Bless America
Saw a site on a few news shows today, thought I would share it with you. Babes Against Bush. It's a bunch of half-naked models hocking their Anti-Bush calendar. When you go there, the home page has something on there that I find damn amusing. "you don't have to be beautiful to hate George W. Bush, but you've sure got to be ugly to like him". Damn, it's finally been confirmed. I'm ugly. Calling people who like Bush ugly. Sounds like an insult to me. And we all know that insults are the language of the ignorant. It's the man backed in a corner that lashes out in anger. So this is what the Dems have been reduced to? The economy is getting better. The majority of the people support Bush's actions in Iraq. So they have to use nice looking, naked, women to try and get their message across. It's actually ingenious. If they bring out a calendar like this against Dean after he wins the nomination, you can damn well bet I'm going to have one on my wall. One last note, read the reasons why Bush sucks. I'll give you my three favorite reasons they have. 22. Fox News. President Bush sucks because of Fox News. That’s a good one. I didn’t now Bush had anything to do with Fox News. 89. Supports nuclear power. Now aren't these the same people who love the French? And don't the French use nuclear power? And 94. Can't drive a Segway. Damn, I didn't know riding one of those was a pre-requisite for being president of the United States.
God Bless America
You're damn right it's police brutality. Brutality against the police. No doubt you've seen the video of Cincinnati police officers attempting to arrest Nathaniel Jones. If you watch the video, you will see Jones attack the police first. When the officers finally got him to the ground and attempted to arrest him, Jones was still fighting. Some may call that a beating, but that's how police officers are trained. Subdue the person any way possible. Did you see the size of the man? He was huge. It took 6 officers to finally get him down. Jones later died on route to the hospital. It was found that he had an enlarged heart and that his blood contained cocaine and PCP, or "angel dust". When you're on PCP, you feel no pain and are almost unstoppable. It's just another example of people attacking police officers because the suspect was black. If it had been a 400 plus pound white man fighting the way Jones was, the police would have acted just the same. The police officers were being attacked by a man that could kill any one of them pretty damn easily. What did you expect them to do. Sit back and let him. Watch the video. The officers continued to try to get Mr. Jones to place his hands behind his back. And at no time did they strike his head. They were not trying to kill or harm Jones, only to arrest him. He was belligerent and uncooperative.
God Bless America
You're damn right it's police brutality. Brutality against the police. No doubt you've seen the video of Cincinnati police officers attempting to arrest Nathaniel Jones. If you watch the video, you will see Jones attack the police first. When the officers finally got him to the ground and attempted to arrest him, Jones was still fighting. Some may call that a beating, but that's how police officers are trained. Subdue the person any way possible. Did you see the size of the man? He was huge. It took 6 officers to finally get him down. Jones later died on route to the hospital. It was found that he had an enlarged heart and that his blood contained cocaine and PCP, or "angel dust". When you're on PCP, you feel no pain and are almost unstoppable. It's just another example of people attacking police officers because the suspect was black. If it had been a 400 plus pound white man fighting the way Jones was, the police would have acted just the same. The police officers were being attacked by a man that could kill any one of them pretty damn easily. What did you expect them to do. Sit back and let him. Watch the video. The officers continued to try to get Mr. Jones to place his hands behind his back. And at no time did they strike his head. They were not trying to kill or harm Jones, only to arrest him. He was belligerent and uncooperative.
God Bless America
On a recent appearance on MSNBC's show "Hardball" the Democratic presidential front-runner told host Chris Matthews that he wants "break up" the Fox News Channel along with other conservative news outlets owned by media baron Rupert Murdoch. Dean went on to say "Eleven companies in this country control 90 percent of what ordinary people are able to read and watch on their television". I guess Dean's never heard of the countless other news channels, broadcast channels, news papers, NPR or the magazines that are available on the news stands all over the country. Matthews then asked Dean "Would you break up Fox? ... Rupert Murdoch has 'The Weekly Standard.' It has got a lot of other interests. It has got the New York Post. Would you break it up?" To which Dean responded "On ideological grounds, absolutely yes".
He wants to get rid of Fox News just because it's a Conservative news channel? I guess Dean just doesn't like people to have freedom of speech in this country, unless that speech leans to the left. To read the entire article, click HERE. There's a good part about how when Dean realized that he was starting to put his foot in his mouth, again, he backpedaled.
God Bless America
On a recent appearance on MSNBC's show "Hardball" the Democratic presidential front-runner told host Chris Matthews that he wants "break up" the Fox News Channel along with other conservative news outlets owned by media baron Rupert Murdoch. Dean went on to say "Eleven companies in this country control 90 percent of what ordinary people are able to read and watch on their television". I guess Dean's never heard of the countless other news channels, broadcast channels, news papers, NPR or the magazines that are available on the news stands all over the country. Matthews then asked Dean "Would you break up Fox? ... Rupert Murdoch has 'The Weekly Standard.' It has got a lot of other interests. It has got the New York Post. Would you break it up?" To which Dean responded "On ideological grounds, absolutely yes".
He wants to get rid of Fox News just because it's a Conservative news channel? I guess Dean just doesn't like people to have freedom of speech in this country, unless that speech leans to the left. To read the entire article, click HERE. There's a good part about how when Dean realized that he was starting to put his foot in his mouth, again, he backpedaled.
God Bless America
For the past few months we've been hearing how Howard Dean is the darling of the internet fund raising. How he's raised so much money for his campaign over the net. But in a recent, I believe MSNBC, story, I heard that President Bush has raised 6 times the amount Gov. Dean has over the internet. So far for his re-election campaign, President Bush has raised somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 million dollars over the internet. So I ask again, who is the darling of the internet?
God Bless America
For the past few months we've been hearing how Howard Dean is the darling of the internet fund raising. How he's raised so much money for his campaign over the net. But in a recent, I believe MSNBC, story, I heard that President Bush has raised 6 times the amount Gov. Dean has over the internet. So far for his re-election campaign, President Bush has raised somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 million dollars over the internet. So I ask again, who is the darling of the internet?
God Bless America
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