Born August 23, 1979. Not married and no kids. I'm from Oklahoma so I am a Redneck. And proud of it. I'm waiting for that big day when I win the lotto and never have another worry again. And worry I do. I suffer from Agoraphobia and a little Anxiety, but I've never had a panic attack. I use to categorize myself as a Republican, but they've went off the tracks a little too much for me so I'm now left without a party. I do, however, consider myself a Traditionalist Conservative with Libertarian leanings.
I am half Tsalagi (Cherokee). My Cherokee name is Kawaistiyowa which means Christopher. I enjoy long walks on the beach, non-smokers... wait, that's for something else. And I've never even been to the beach. The closest I've ever gotten was the Arkansas River. I'm somewhat of a computer geek, more so in my mind than in reality. And I'm part of a secret underground resistance movement that's dedicated to stopping the forces of the government that want to destroy our republic. So far it consists of only myself, but it'll catch on. I love the Blues, Classic Rock, Classical, 80's Rap and Techo/Electronica/Trance etc.... I read Stephen King and I love a good game of Footie. Or Soccer for the Americans.

I created the Wednesday Hero posts because the only time the news media talked about our men and women in the military was when they used them as pawns in their "We hate Bush and his illegal war" stories. I felt they deserved better than that. I also wrote two short stories: Blood Plague and Tony The Gerbil.
If you think we could be more than just friends call me at... wait, sorry, got lost again.
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder and harder and harder as you get older
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer
Pink Floyd - Dogs