This started out as a Wednesday Hero post but because of the heavy casualties that 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment, 3/5 Darkhorse, suffered, 25 Men KIA in seven months, I decided to make it a memorial post. Semper Fi, Marines.
I'm hoping you've all heard about 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 3/5 Darkhorse, and the heavy casualties they took during their deployed to Afghanistan in 2010. Below is a list of the 3/5 Darkhorse Marines that payed the ultimate price I'm missing one name that I can't seem to find. If you know who it is, please let me know.
Marine Sgt. Ian M. Tawney
Marine Lance Cpl. James D. Boelk
Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph C. Lopez
Marine Lance Cpl. Alec E. Catherwood
Marine Lance Cpl. Irvin M. Ceniceros
Marine Pfc. Victor A. Dew
Marine Lance Cpl. Joseph E. Rodewald
Marine Lance Cpl. Phillip D. Vinnedge
Marine Cpl. Justin J. Cain
Marine Lance Cpl. John T. Sparks
Marine 1st Lt. William J. Donnelly IV
Marine Lance Cpl. James B. Stack
Marine 2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly
Marine Lance Cpl. Randy R. Braggs
Marine Lance Cpl. Brandon W. Pearson
Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew J. Broehm
Marine Sgt. Matthew T. Abbate
Marine Cpl. Derek A. Wyatt
Marine Pvt. Colton W. Rusk
Marine Sgt. Jason D. Peto
Marine Lance. Cpl. Jose L. Maldonado
Marine Lance Cpl. Kenneth A. Corzine
Marine Cpl. Tevan L. Nguyen
Marine Lance Cpl. Arden Buenagua
Marine Sgt. Jason G. Amores

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

I love this website!! Thank you for getting these fine Americans into the public domain.
Just read a new book that's also about Americans who love their country. I recommend it cause it's so real.
As a VietNam Veteran I only wish you were around when I & others were in war. Maybe, you can start adding some names from previous wars. Just an idea. Again, thanks!
Yeah, most of the ones I've profiled have fought in this war but I've profiled heroes from WWII, Korea, Vietnam. I profiled GySgt. Carlos Hathcock just a few weeks ago. I've even profiled a Soldier who fought in the Civil War. And thank you for your service. You guys didn't get the thanks you deserved at the time.
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