We are! We are sneaky and hateful and we would definitly damage property in the middle of the night. Agh! Who can be bothered?? Oh wait - a democrat who doesn't have facts and the truth behind them, they can be bothered!
If You Can't Do Something Smart, Do Something Right
It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government. Thomas Paine
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
Of The United States of America, And To The Republic, For Which It Stands;
One Nation Under God,
Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
We Have Assumed Control
Wednesday Hero
Wednesday Hero was started in 2005 to honor the Men and Women of the United States Military. To let people know who was fighting, and dying, for them.
We are! We are sneaky and hateful and we would definitly damage property in the middle of the night.
Agh! Who can be bothered?? Oh wait - a democrat who doesn't have facts and the truth behind them, they can be bothered!
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