The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"When I die don't think of me
As one who died too young But as one who lived too long And felt too many wrongs When I die don't mourn for me Just think about yourselves For it's you the young that's left Behind to fight the war of life. Just take my broken heart and bury it Don't cry for me Bury my heart at wounded knee Don't cry for me Just take my broken heart and bury it Don't cry for me I have cried for liberty For peace and unity But the wicked men don't want to see Us living in harmony So they try to silence me To take away my song But I know long after they're Dead and gone My song will carry on My song will carry on So take my broken heart and bury it Don't cry for me Bury my heart at wounded knee Don't cry for me." |
"A doctor whose license was revoked for botching abortions, including leaving fetus parts inside a patient, was arrested on charges he continued to perform the procedures.
He allegedly left fetus parts inside a 41-year-old woman who complained of bleeding and pain after an abortion. The woman later sought treatment at an emergency room, where doctors performed a hysterectomy and found fetus parts in her uterus, according to the state records." |
"A group of French teenagers have mugged Father Christmas, attempting to steal his sack of presents.
The man dressed as Santa Claus was handing out sweets in the southern town of Ales when things turned nasty. One of the teenagers demanded extra sweets and, when the red-cloaked Santa refused, he and his friends started kicking and pummelling the man. The teenager and his friends, all about 15 years of age, were eventually scared off by passers-by. Father Christmas suffered multiple bruises and has lodged a criminal complaint, the AFP news agency reported" |
"A 17-year-old is accused of firing a pellet gun from a second-story window, hitting a man dressed as Santa Claus on Monday night. Police said the boy confessed.
Scott Slodysko, a volunteer fireman, was riding atop a fire truck when he heard a popping sound at an intersection. 'It felt like a bee stung me -- like a very bad bee sting.' Slodysko said he knew immediately that somebody with a pellet gun was to blame. He described the wound as "a black-and-blue mark about the size of a silver dollar" and said the attack won't stop him from portraying Santa next year. 'We do this for the kids," Slodysko said. "I just can't believe someone would do something like that.'" |
"'There was real concern within our law enforcement community about whether we are torturing individuals,' ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero told the Associated Press" |
"One al-Qaida suspect was compelled to sit on the floor of the interview room with an Israeli flag draped around him, loud music being played and a strobe light flashing" |
"Former This Week host and National Public Radio veteran Cokie Roberts blamed conspiracy filmmaker Michael Moore on Sunday for causing Sen. John Kerry to lose the presidential election.
'I think Michael Moore actually had a very major impact - a negative impact - on the Democratic Party,' Roberts told NBC's Chris Matthews Show. 'I think he exemplified all of the things that people hate about Democrats. And the fact that he was - it was a hate-America-first campaign and that hurts the Democrats every time.' Adding insult to injury, Roberts also contended that Moore's 'physical appearance did not help'" |
"Harrison Ford is to star in what will be Hollywood's first feature about the current Iraq war.
Producers Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher have bought the option for No True Glory: The Battle for Fallujah, a non-fiction written by Slate reporter Bing West. The book is due to be published in May and tells the story of an assault on Iraqi insurgents in Falluja, from the perspective of US marines. Variety reports that Ford is already attached to play General Jim Mattis, in charge of the attack." |
"Rule 1. If your film shows contempt for evil, racist Republicans, it's good.
Rule 2. If your film show Republicans in ANY WAY as being good, decent or smart, it's trash. Rule 3. If your film shows religion in a bad light, it's okay. Rule 4. If your film shows religion in a good light, it's evil. Rule 5. If your film shows the U.S. military in ONLY a positive way, it's bad. Rule 6. If your film shows the U.S. military in ANYWAY negative, it's good. Rule 7. If your film shows America in ONLY a good, positive way, that wrong. Rule 8. If your film shows America as the evil, oppressive place we know it to be, it's a hit." |
"The dispute kept the Senate in session past 10 p.m. on its final legislative day.
In the end, House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and McCain reached a deal on the boxing bill. McCain, in turn, allowed a package of telecommunications bills to clear Congress" |
I AM 41% INTERNET ADDICT! ![]() I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck! |
I AM 41% WHITE TRASH! ![]() The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense. |
I AM 22% GEEK! ![]() I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun? I should try writting an online test application at 1 am in my underwear |
"SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - Osama bin Laden take note: You wouldn't be safe in Costa Rica. A startled taxi driver shot and wounded a jokester wearing a plastic mask of the al-Qaida leader, police said Tuesday.
Leonel Arias, 47, told police he was playing a practical joke by donning the Bin Laden mask, toting his pellet rifle and jumping out to scare drivers on a narrow street in his hometown, Carrizal de Alajuela, about 20 miles north of San Jose. Arias had startled several drivers that way on Monday afternoon. But when he jumped out in front of taxi driver Juan Pablo Sandoval, the motorist reached for a gun and shot him twice in the stomach. He was hospitalized in stable condition. "For me and I think for anybody else at a time like that one thinks the worst and so I fired my gun," Sandoval told Channel 7 television. Police declined to detain Sandoval, saying he had believed he was acting in self-defense" |
"In a written statement to the network, the 31-year-old said: 'I have never participated directly or indirectly in any business related to the United Nations'" |
"Our moral values are closer to the American people than the Republicans' are."
Howard Dean |
"The Democratic Party stands for the majority sentiment, the majority values in this country."
Martin Frost, former U.S. congressman from Texas |
"We must reject the lunatic fringe, whose fanatical hatred of President Bush and open contempt for American values has caused us to lose one election after another."
Terry McAuliffe |
"Although people close to the president say he likes and respects Mr. Giuliani, they say the president has long been leery of him as a man who could not be counted on for the loyalty demanded by Mr. Bush" |
"The mayor ended up endorsing the better bet, Mr. Bush. But during the Republican primary in New York the following March, he barely appeared in public at the side of Mr. Bush, who was fresh from his embrace of religious conservatives in the South Carolina primary. Instead, Mr. Giuliani lavished praise on the independent-minded Mr. McCain. Mr. Giuliani's advisers worried at the time that if the mayor made too many appearances with Mr. Bush, he would alienate the Democrats and swing voters he needed to defeat Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Bush's advisers brushed off the mayor's brush-off as a necessity of New York politics.
But Republicans say that Mr. Bush felt little affection for Mr. Giuliani, and that he was particularly perplexed as the mayor allowed his personal life to unravel publicly in the spring of 2000" |
"Mr. Michael Moore
XXXXX New York, NY 10XXX Dear Mr. Moore, No doubt about it: The American soldier has done a lot for Michael Moore. Hundreds of thousands of them are serving right now in Afghanistan and Iraq- two wars you opposed-defending you from a terrorist threat you claim does not exist. As you frequently point out, more than 1,000 of these soldiers and Marines have died, and thousands more of them have been injured. These soldiers have also made you quite a bit of money. The most powerful scenes in your film Fahrenheit 9/11 feature soldiers and their families, specifically those servicemen who were wounded or killed in battle. Your new book, Will They Ever Trust Us Again–a collection of letters you’ve received from members of the military who served in Iraq-will likely gross hundreds of thousands of dollars for you and your publisher. As I said, America’s soldiers have been very good to you. Most of them don’t like you, but they’re prepared to die attempting to protect you from terrorism so that you can continue to crank out your profitable propaganda. They’ve done all this for you. I’m writing to give you the opportunity to do something for them. My radio station, 630 WMAL, is leading a fundraising effort on behalf of the Fisher Houses here in the Washington, DC area and the Fisher House Foundation. Given your obsession with the costs of the War on Terror, you are no doubt familiar with the magnificent work done by the Fisher House on behalf of wounded soldiers and their families. These families are struggling with the emotional consequences of a battlefield injury and its treatment. Fisher House helps solve some of the short-term financial and logistical challenges for the wives, children and parents who have wounded loved ones receiving treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bethesda Naval Hospital or Malcolm Grow Medical at Andrews Air Force base. The message of your books and films is that the American soldier is a victim. The soldiers I’ve spoken with at Fisher House vehemently disagree with you, as do the majority of my active-duty military listeners. However, we all agree that the soldiers who have been the victims of Iraqi terrorist violence (I think you call them “the true patriots, the Minute Men") deserve our support. Therefore, I am writing to challenge you to give back just a small portion of the money you have earned as a critic of their mission. Your film Fahrenheit 9/11 has grossed around $150 million. Our entire goal for the Fisher House this holiday season is a tiny percentage of that amount. Though I am a confirmed right-winger, I believe there should be no partisan divide when it comes to standing by our troops. My fellow WMAL employees and I are dedicating our time, efforts and money to that proposition. The question, Mr. Moore, is whether or not you will do the same. Many Americans feel that you have exploited the injuries of our soldiers for partisan purposes but have no real concern for them or their families. On behalf of the Fisher House, I would be thrilled to receive your generous donation as evidence that we are wrong. If you feel, however, that the money can be better spent on yet another trip to France, nobody will be surprised. You can send your check made out to the Fisher House Foundation, care of 630 WMAL, 4400 Jenifer Street NW, Washington, DC 20015. Thank you for your time. Michael Graham 630 WMAL Washington, DC" |
"I'm going out telling the story that I think is the biggest story of our time: how the right-wing media has become a partisan propaganda arm of the Republican National Committee. We have an ideological press that's interested in the election of Republicans, and a mainstream press that's interested in the bottom line. Therefore, we don't have a vigilant, independent press whose interest is the American people" |
"SEATTLE-In a victory for rebellious teenagers, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a mother violated Washington's privacy law by eavesdropping on her daughter's phone conversation.
Privacy advocates hailed the ruling, but the mother was unrepentant. 'It's ridiculous! Kids have more rights than parents these days," said mom Carmen Dixon, 47. "My daughter was out of control, and that was the only way I could get information and keep track of her. I did it all the time.' The Supreme Court ruled that Dixon's testimony against a friend of her daughter should not have been admitted in court because it was based on the intercepted conversation. The justices unanimously ordered a new trial for Oliver Christensen, who had been convicted of second-degree robbery in part due to the mother's testimony. The case started with a purse-snatching four years ago that shocked the island town of Friday Harbor, population 2,000. Two young men knocked down an elderly woman, breaking her glasses, and stole her purse. Christensen, then 17, was a suspect. Sheriff Bill Cumming asked Dixon, whose daughter was friends with Christensen, to be alert for any possible evidence. When Christensen called the Dixon house later, Lacey Dixon, then 14, took the cordless phone into her bedroom and shut the door. The mother hit the "speakerphone" button and took notes on the conversation, in which Christensen said he knew where the purloined purse was. The ruling will likely not result in parents being prosecuted for snooping, Cumming said. But it forbids courts and law enforcement from using the fruits of such snooping. Federal wiretap law has been interpreted to allow parents to record their child's conversations. But Washington privacy law is stricter. Washington is one of 11 states that requires consent from all parties involved before a conversation may be intercepted or recorded. 'The Washington statute ... tips the balance in favor of individual privacy at the expense of law enforcement's ability to gather evidence without a warrant,' Justice Tom Chambers wrote. That right to individual privacy holds fast even when the individuals are teenagers, the court ruled. 'I don't think the state should be in the position of encouraging parents to act surreptitiously and eavesdrop on their children,' agreed attorney Douglas Klunder, who filed a brief supporting Christensen on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union. Lacey Dixon, now 18, graduated from high school and is attending a massage therapy school, her mother proudly reported. Christensen's whereabouts are unknown. Dixon has a 15-year-old son still at home, whose phone conversations she sometimes secretly monitors. She said she'll stop that now. 'If it's illegal, I won't do it,' she sighed." |
"Christian Wire Service today reported glad tidings: The conservative group Public Advocate of the United States, 'not dissuaded from 'bah, humbugs' to groups like the Boy Scouts of America and pro-family Americans in general,' sang traditional religious Christmas carols in front of the Washington office of American Civil Liberties Union." |
"At the end of the day, customers will choose based on content. Our content with NFL, with Howard Stern, Eminem, and other programming is clearly superior to XM" |
"Asked whether he believes that Mr. Annan should step down, the Arizona Republican and outspoken hawk replied, 'No. I think that we should have a full and complete investigation and then make decisions like that. Am I disturbed when I hear that his son was on payroll? Of course I’m disturbed about it, and apparently Kofi Annan was [disturbed] also.' He added, 'I think Coleman is kind of a symptom of some dissatisfaction within Congress about the U.N.—but no, I think we need a full and complete investigation, and there’s plenty of time to decide whether people should keep their jobs or not.'" |
"Teddy Kennedy is raising a reported $3.5 million to pay for an oral history project he conceived that will memorialize his life.
The project is unique in that it will be the first ever oral history of a sitting U.S. senator." |
"Conspiracy filmmaker Michael Moore was so devastated by President Bush's election victory last month that he refused to get out of his pajamas or leave his bedroom.
'He was so unhappy over Bush's win, he didn't roll out of bed for three days,' reports gossip columnist Liz Smith, after chatting with the left-wing movie man." |
"The media outlets, especially Rush Limbaugh and his ilk on talk radio, scare our patients to death' said Gordon, facilitator for the meetings.
'More than anything else, people with PEST tremble physically." |
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - A school bus driver who chatted about stem cell research with her pupils was fired for inappropriate behavior, a local newspaper said on Thursday.
Stem cell research was a divisive issue in the November U.S. presidential election. Supporters say it may eventually help people with conditions such as Alzheimer's and cancer but opponents argue it would be unethical when it involves cloning human embryos or harvesting cells from embryos. The Buffalo News said Julianne Thompson, 42, was fired from her job in Grand Island, New York after parents complained about her discussing the issue with pupils on Nov. 1, the day before the presidential election. Thompson told the newspaper she had read an interview where movie director Mel Gibson said more than 20 years of embryonic stem cell research had not cured any diseases but more than 300,000 cures had been found with adult stem cells. She said she then shared the stated facts with the pupils, without offering her opinions. 'In the midst of all the misplaced outrage, is the story of the sad and disturbing success of a fraudulent social 'conscience' that devalues life in favor of demonstrably failed science, wasting billions of dollars in the process,' she was quoted as saying. Education authorities in the town were not immediately available for comment but the paper quoted schools Superintendent Thomas Ramming as saying employees were not allowed to discuss political issues with students. 'You can say anything you want as a private citizen when you are off duty,' Ramming said." |
"A South Korean woman paralyzed for 20 years is walking again after scientists say they repaired her damaged spine using stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood.
Hwang Mi-Soon, 37, had been bedridden since damaging her back in an accident two decades ago. Last week her eyes glistened with tears as she walked again with the help of a walking frame at a press conference where South Korea researchers went public for the first time with the results of their stem-cell therapy." |
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