I need some help. There's oil leaking from the muffler on my lawnmower. As it's coming out it's burning on the muffler. I called a repair shop and they said to check the oil level to make sure it didn't have too much oil. I checked and come to find out it did have too much. So I drained it to the correct level, but oil's still leaking from the muffler. Does anyone know why this is happening? Could it just be oil left in the muffler that's coming out? I removed it but no oil comes out of it. Will running it like this hurt the mower in anyway, because I've got to get my yard mowed.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Remember when Bush landed on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln? Dems had a field day with the flight suit. But now that there's a picture of Kerry in his Umpa Lumpa suit, they're crying foul. One looks like an idiot in suit that looks stupid, and the other is George W. Bush. Who would you rather run this country during a war?
I was just watching Fox News Watch and I had a thought. Why doesn't Fox News hire younger people for on air shows? As much as I like Brit Hume, Tony Snow and Cal Thomas I don't relate to them. We're from totally different generations. Fox should take a step towards really grabbing the young audience. Bring in some people who are under 35. You know, people who have at least heard of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. Alan Colmes, I'm talking you to. I still say give Michelle Malkin her own show. Get some bright eyed and bushy tailed Dems and Conservatives on there. The news is too stuffy as it is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing


Remember when Bush landed on the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln? Dems had a field day with the flight suit. But now that there's a picture of Kerry in his Umpa Lumpa suit, they're crying foul. One looks like an idiot in suit that looks stupid, and the other is George W. Bush. Who would you rather run this country during a war?
I was just watching Fox News Watch and I had a thought. Why doesn't Fox News hire younger people for on air shows? As much as I like Brit Hume, Tony Snow and Cal Thomas I don't relate to them. We're from totally different generations. Fox should take a step towards really grabbing the young audience. Bring in some people who are under 35. You know, people who have at least heard of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. Alan Colmes, I'm talking you to. I still say give Michelle Malkin her own show. Get some bright eyed and bushy tailed Dems and Conservatives on there. The news is too stuffy as it is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Mr. Kerry, who's your favorite Red Sox player?
Eddie Yost
Uh, Mr. Kerry. Eddie Yost never played for Boston.
I didn't say Eddie Yost. I said Randy Johnson. It's a conspiracy by the Right-Wing.
Randy Johnson never played for Boston either, sir.
Uh, uh, uh. Bush is evil.
In an interview, Candidate Waffles said that Eddie Yost was his favorite BoSox player. But as you can see, Yost never played for Boston. I made the Randy Johnson part up. But it shows that Kerry will say what ever it takes to get people to like him. He said he's a Red Sox fan, but he didn't know Yost never played for them.
Credit: MSN
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Eddie Yost
Uh, Mr. Kerry. Eddie Yost never played for Boston.
I didn't say Eddie Yost. I said Randy Johnson. It's a conspiracy by the Right-Wing.
Randy Johnson never played for Boston either, sir.
Uh, uh, uh. Bush is evil.
In an interview, Candidate Waffles said that Eddie Yost was his favorite BoSox player. But as you can see, Yost never played for Boston. I made the Randy Johnson part up. But it shows that Kerry will say what ever it takes to get people to like him. He said he's a Red Sox fan, but he didn't know Yost never played for them.
Credit: MSN
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching H&C and Hannity was talking to Jeanne Garofalo. Did anyone else watch this? This girl is wacked out. She kept calling Bush a liar, yet when Sean asked her if Kerry was a liar for saying the same thing about Saddam and WMD, she refused to say it. Kerry was given bad info, but Bush, given the same info, lied. When Sean told her about a recent poll that says 55% of Americans believe Kerry says what people want to hear rather than what he believes, he first words to come out of her mouth? "What what is it? A NewsMax poll." When Sean told her it was an ABC/Washington Post poll, she just kind of stuttered and "Oh". You could see her trying her best not to go into the Democratic talking points of how Bush is an evil Nazi liar. These people can't see the truth for the hatred that clouds their eyes. I use to be a fan of her's. She was a fairly decent actress and not too shabby looking. Then she let the real Jeanne Garofalo out of the bag. She's as insane as Howie D. That's Howard Dean for those readers who weren't with me during the primaries. Then she chopped her hair and dyed it blonde. That was bad. But at least she let it go back to black.
You may have noticed the spinning Earth above. If you'll have a look at my Sitemeter link, you'll see that I've been getting hits from all over the world. Mexico, Italy, Australia, Denmark and others. Mind you, it may only be like 1-2%, but that's still cool.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching H&C and Hannity was talking to Jeanne Garofalo. Did anyone else watch this? This girl is wacked out. She kept calling Bush a liar, yet when Sean asked her if Kerry was a liar for saying the same thing about Saddam and WMD, she refused to say it. Kerry was given bad info, but Bush, given the same info, lied. When Sean told her about a recent poll that says 55% of Americans believe Kerry says what people want to hear rather than what he believes, he first words to come out of her mouth? "What what is it? A NewsMax poll." When Sean told her it was an ABC/Washington Post poll, she just kind of stuttered and "Oh". You could see her trying her best not to go into the Democratic talking points of how Bush is an evil Nazi liar. These people can't see the truth for the hatred that clouds their eyes. I use to be a fan of her's. She was a fairly decent actress and not too shabby looking. Then she let the real Jeanne Garofalo out of the bag. She's as insane as Howie D. That's Howard Dean for those readers who weren't with me during the primaries. Then she chopped her hair and dyed it blonde. That was bad. But at least she let it go back to black.
You may have noticed the spinning Earth above. If you'll have a look at my Sitemeter link, you'll see that I've been getting hits from all over the world. Mexico, Italy, Australia, Denmark and others. Mind you, it may only be like 1-2%, but that's still cool.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Last night, Kerry's speech pulled in a combined 12.9 rating. That's from all 3 of the Big Media networks. That's down from Gore's 13.8 rating in 2000. A rerun of CSI an hour earlier pulling in an 11.3 on it's own. It's gets a little better. Viewership of Kerry's speech actually went down during the speech itself. He can't hold an audience. He's too boring. Unlike Bush. Did anyone watch his speech this morning? He was on fire. He speaks with real passion. Kerry speaks with passion when the polls tell him to. If Bush says half the things he said in his speech this morning during the debates, he'll leave Kerry slack jawed and confused.
Thanks to the convention, the Kerry/Edwards ticket has gotten the bounce everyone talked about. Only it's not a big a people thought it would be. 5%. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the naming of a VP and your parties convention give you at least a 10-15% bounce? Kerry had actually been going down in the polls until the convention. Could this mean something about what people think about Kerry/Edwards? Could be.
Credit: Reuters
We all know how Kerry turned his swift boat around in 'Nam to save one of his crewmates. But did you all know that's not the only life Kerry's has saved? It's true. It seems that one day the Kerry clan was waiting at a dock when one of his daughters hampster cage fell into the water. With no regard of his own safety, Kerry grabbed an oar and fished the cage out. I'll let Alexandra Kerry describe it for you.
And starting next week, Licorice the hampster will on the road with Kerry/Edwards to talk about the Senators heroic actions. Just a note. I couldn't stop laughing while I was typing that last line. This is a funny story.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Last night, Kerry's speech pulled in a combined 12.9 rating. That's from all 3 of the Big Media networks. That's down from Gore's 13.8 rating in 2000. A rerun of CSI an hour earlier pulling in an 11.3 on it's own. It's gets a little better. Viewership of Kerry's speech actually went down during the speech itself. He can't hold an audience. He's too boring. Unlike Bush. Did anyone watch his speech this morning? He was on fire. He speaks with real passion. Kerry speaks with passion when the polls tell him to. If Bush says half the things he said in his speech this morning during the debates, he'll leave Kerry slack jawed and confused.
Thanks to the convention, the Kerry/Edwards ticket has gotten the bounce everyone talked about. Only it's not a big a people thought it would be. 5%. Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't the naming of a VP and your parties convention give you at least a 10-15% bounce? Kerry had actually been going down in the polls until the convention. Could this mean something about what people think about Kerry/Edwards? Could be.
Credit: Reuters

"My dad jumped in, grabbed an oar, fished the cage from the water, hunched over the soggy hamster and began to administer CPR. There are still to this day some reports of mouth-to-mouth, but I admit it's probably a trick of memory" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles walks on stage and give the line he hopes will be the headline for tomorrow. "I'm John Kerry, and I'm reporting for duty". Real headline for tomorrow? Convention Ends With Faux Patriotism. I thought it was priceless the Dems trying to show how much they love America, even though they put it down every chance they get. All the flags, the red, white and blue balloons and confetti. Made me what to sing Born In The U.S.A, which by the way isn't a patriotic song. Just read the lyrics. It talks about being born in a country that could care less about you. Kerry's slogan was "Help Is On The Way". He's right. Come August 30th and the Republican National Convention. We'll finally be able to wash the bad taste of Kerry Lovefest '04 out of our mouths. One last thing. This accidentally aired on CNN. It's the DNC Convention director. Take a listen.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog to enjoy. Random Pensées. Sorry it took so long to get your blog up, but welcome to our little blogosphere.
I know all of you have been on the edge of your seat wondering about the new mouse I ordered. Well, I finally got it yesterday. Give me a week and I'll have a full review on my favorites blog for you. But as of right now, it doesn't look too good.
This is good. There's a new book coming out in August called Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. As you can guess, it's about Candidate Waffles. Kerry likes to talk about his "band of brothers" who support him, but it seems only 2 of the 23 Swift boat commanders from Coastal Division 11 support his candidacy. This book will talk, in detail, about how 2 of Kerry's Purple Hearts were awarded because of self inflicted wounds. I don't buy political books like this, but I may have to get this one. It's already #2 on Amazon.com
Credit: Drudge
The staged scenes in Kerry's Vietnam deepen. Not too much to talk about here, but this was great.
That's from the new book above. I think I'm going to have to get this book now.
Credit: Drudge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog to enjoy. Random Pensées. Sorry it took so long to get your blog up, but welcome to our little blogosphere.
I know all of you have been on the edge of your seat wondering about the new mouse I ordered. Well, I finally got it yesterday. Give me a week and I'll have a full review on my favorites blog for you. But as of right now, it doesn't look too good.
This is good. There's a new book coming out in August called Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry. As you can guess, it's about Candidate Waffles. Kerry likes to talk about his "band of brothers" who support him, but it seems only 2 of the 23 Swift boat commanders from Coastal Division 11 support his candidacy. This book will talk, in detail, about how 2 of Kerry's Purple Hearts were awarded because of self inflicted wounds. I don't buy political books like this, but I may have to get this one. It's already #2 on Amazon.com
Credit: Drudge
The staged scenes in Kerry's Vietnam deepen. Not too much to talk about here, but this was great.
"Kerry would revisit ambush locations for reenacting combat scenes where he would portray the hero, catching it all on film. Kerry would take movies of himself walking around in combat gear, sometimes dressed as an infantryman walking resolutely through the terrain. He even filmed mock interviews of himself narrating his exploits. A joke circulated among Swiftees was that Kerry left Vietnam early not because he received three Purple Hearts, but because he had recorded enough film of himself to take home for his planned political campaigns." |
Credit: Drudge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It is now 7:37 pm CDT, and as of this time this blog has received 88 unique visits. That's the most in one day I've ever gotten. I've noticed in the past few weeks that number going up. Has my little internet home taken off? I don't know about all that, but it has reached heights that I never would have thought it could. My one year blogiversay is coming up in September, and I now have a goal. To reach 100 unique hits in one day before Sept. 15. Only you can make this dream come true. There's something just a cool that's been happening. I've been getting a few hits from the military as well. Mostly the Coast Guard, but also some Navy and just today a hit from the Air Force. It's only 2% of the total visits, but that's 2% that seem to like my blog. Now if only the word could get out to the USMC, Army and the rest. Thank you everyone.
Excuse me while I do my little jig.
A mere three and a half hours after this post, my goal was reached. 107. Yes. First time over 100 in a single day. New goal, 200 in a single day. Come on loyal readers, help me out here.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It is now 7:37 pm CDT, and as of this time this blog has received 88 unique visits. That's the most in one day I've ever gotten. I've noticed in the past few weeks that number going up. Has my little internet home taken off? I don't know about all that, but it has reached heights that I never would have thought it could. My one year blogiversay is coming up in September, and I now have a goal. To reach 100 unique hits in one day before Sept. 15. Only you can make this dream come true. There's something just a cool that's been happening. I've been getting a few hits from the military as well. Mostly the Coast Guard, but also some Navy and just today a hit from the Air Force. It's only 2% of the total visits, but that's 2% that seem to like my blog. Now if only the word could get out to the USMC, Army and the rest. Thank you everyone.
Excuse me while I do my little jig.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'd like to welcome the newest members of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. NASA. NASA released the Umpa Lumpa photos of Duk... I mean John Kerry to hurt him. At least that's what his campaign manager, Mary Beth Cahill, is saying. Brit Hume asked if she thought it was a dirty trick and she replied
She claims no photos were supposed to be taken, but you can clearly see Candidate Waffles smiling to the camera.
I'd like to welcome the newest members of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. NASA. NASA released the Umpa Lumpa photos of Duk... I mean John Kerry to hurt him. At least that's what his campaign manager, Mary Beth Cahill, is saying. Brit Hume asked if she thought it was a dirty trick and she replied
"Well, what do you think?" |

We had a primay election today for Senate and Congress. I voted. Just warming up for my big vote in Nov.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was just flipping through the channels and came across Larry King. They had Ben Affleck and Al Sharpton on there. They were talking about the overwhelming majority of celebs being Dems. Affleck seems to think Hollywood's 50/50 Dem and Republican. My laugh at that statement isn't the point of this post. As they were talking about this, I had a thought. We Republicans may not have many celebs in our camp, but the ones we do have are quality people. Bo Derek, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kelsey Grammer, Rick Schoder, Clint Eastwood and Danny Aiello just to name almost all of them. Not like Whoopi Goldberg, George Clooney and Barbra Streisand who are low-class and low quality. And may I add that I respect Affleck. He hasn't stooped to the level so many other celebs have. Sure he's gotten his jabs in, but that's to be expected. We jab Dems, they jab us, but Ben Affleck hasn't felt the need to sink to the level of bottom feeder. I respect him for that. He's one of very, very few in Hollywood who actually act like a human being.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was just flipping through the channels and came across Larry King. They had Ben Affleck and Al Sharpton on there. They were talking about the overwhelming majority of celebs being Dems. Affleck seems to think Hollywood's 50/50 Dem and Republican. My laugh at that statement isn't the point of this post. As they were talking about this, I had a thought. We Republicans may not have many celebs in our camp, but the ones we do have are quality people. Bo Derek, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kelsey Grammer, Rick Schoder, Clint Eastwood and Danny Aiello just to name almost all of them. Not like Whoopi Goldberg, George Clooney and Barbra Streisand who are low-class and low quality. And may I add that I respect Affleck. He hasn't stooped to the level so many other celebs have. Sure he's gotten his jabs in, but that's to be expected. We jab Dems, they jab us, but Ben Affleck hasn't felt the need to sink to the level of bottom feeder. I respect him for that. He's one of very, very few in Hollywood who actually act like a human being.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I just turned it to The O'Reilly Factor and was surprised to see Bill at the convention in Boston. He's surrounded by some 4,000 people that hate him with a passion. The man's got some grapefruits. Speaking of the convention, Candidate Waffles has ordered his minions to tone down the hate speech over the next week. We'll see what happens. Oh, one last thing. Michael Moore will be on The O'Reilly Factor tomorrow. Don't miss this.
Why do I think of Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory when I look at this picture?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing


The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Boy, was I ever wrong. I gave my prediction on how much F911 would make at around $44 million. It's now broke the $100 million mark. I love this line from the article,
Point of correction. F911 isn't a nonfiction film. One lie after another has already been proven. Hell, even the 911 Commission proved Moore to be a liar. But $100 million. That's some good blood money. And all it took for Moore to earn that $100 million is the death of 3,000+ human lives. Good job, Mikey.
Credit: Yahoo! News
I'm sure we've all heard about Teresa Kerry telling Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, to "shove it". Some history first. Mrs. Kerry said the following,
When McNickle asked Teresa what she meant by un-American, she denied even saying it. Even thought it's on tape. When McNickle asked about it again, Kerry replied
A couple of things about this. First, this shouldn't be unexpected. Teresa isn't the classy, proper lady Laura Bush is. And second, I really don't see the problem. I've seen reporters at work. There've been times I would have said more than just shove it. Reporters need to be put in line. So don't go getting your hopes up this will hurt Candidate Waffles and "Baby Face" Edwards, because this is really a non-issue.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Boy, was I ever wrong. I gave my prediction on how much F911 would make at around $44 million. It's now broke the $100 million mark. I love this line from the article,
"As 'Fahrenheit 9/11' crossed the $100 million mark this weekend, a first for a feature-length, theatrically released documentary, Michael Moore noted that a new benchmark has thus been set for nonfiction films." |
Credit: Yahoo! News
I'm sure we've all heard about Teresa Kerry telling Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, to "shove it". Some history first. Mrs. Kerry said the following,
"We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics" |
"You said something I didn't say. Now shove it." |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
BOSTON (Reuters)-Democratic White House contender John Kerry made a surprise visit to Boston for the Yankees-Red Sox baseball game on Sunday by secretly entering a city tightly secured for the Democratic convention that will nominate him for president.
I'm taking wagers on whether or not Candidate Waffles even watches baseball.
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
BOSTON (Reuters)-Democratic White House contender John Kerry made a surprise visit to Boston for the Yankees-Red Sox baseball game on Sunday by secretly entering a city tightly secured for the Democratic convention that will nominate him for president.
"It's a wonderful rivalry and it's a great event," Kerry said. "I love the Red Sox, the idea of missing a Yankees-Red Sox series right before convention week was not acceptable" |
I'm taking wagers on whether or not Candidate Waffles even watches baseball.
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Go to Google image search and look for angus young sg. I'm the first site to pop up. Sweet.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Go to Google image search and look for angus young sg. I'm the first site to pop up. Sweet.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, the Democratic National Convention is set to start. I just have a few questions that will be answered over the next week.
1. How will the Dems blame Bush for everything wrong with the world?
2. How many times will "Bubba" plug his book?
3. How many times will Candidate Waffles mention that he fought in Vietnam?
4. Why is Ron Reagan dragging his father's memory though the mud by participating in this partisan debacle that will do nothing but slam the party the man loved?
5. Will Teresa Kerry mention the fact that she's African American again?
6. Is there still two Americas, or is it back to one?
7. And finally, how long into Al "Nut Job" Gore's rant will he loose it and begin to foam at the mouth and need the nice men in white coats to come out with the nets?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

1. How will the Dems blame Bush for everything wrong with the world?
2. How many times will "Bubba" plug his book?
3. How many times will Candidate Waffles mention that he fought in Vietnam?
4. Why is Ron Reagan dragging his father's memory though the mud by participating in this partisan debacle that will do nothing but slam the party the man loved?
5. Will Teresa Kerry mention the fact that she's African American again?
6. Is there still two Americas, or is it back to one?
7. And finally, how long into Al "Nut Job" Gore's rant will he loose it and begin to foam at the mouth and need the nice men in white coats to come out with the nets?

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's happened again. A group of fans in Livermore, California I'm guessing, walked out on Linda Ronstadt during a concert. She had the people in the palm of her hands while the show was going on. Then towards the end, he again began giving her political views on Moore's F911 and fans began to walk out on her. One fan said in the parking lot,
Another one yelled to a camera crew,
When are these celebs going to figure out that when we pay out hard earned money for a concert, we're not paying for their political views? And Ms. Ronstadt really needs to watch out. There's not too many people that would pay to see her concerts anymore anyway. She doesn't need to be alienating the few that do.
Credit: Instapundit
La Shawn Barber has moved. She's left the Blogger homestead and struck out on her own. lashawnbarber.com.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's happened again. A group of fans in Livermore, California I'm guessing, walked out on Linda Ronstadt during a concert. She had the people in the palm of her hands while the show was going on. Then towards the end, he again began giving her political views on Moore's F911 and fans began to walk out on her. One fan said in the parking lot,
"She just had to do it" |
Another one yelled to a camera crew,
"It was good until the end" |
When are these celebs going to figure out that when we pay out hard earned money for a concert, we're not paying for their political views? And Ms. Ronstadt really needs to watch out. There's not too many people that would pay to see her concerts anymore anyway. She doesn't need to be alienating the few that do.
Credit: Instapundit
La Shawn Barber has moved. She's left the Blogger homestead and struck out on her own. lashawnbarber.com.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm bored and there's nothing to post on, so I thought I would share some funny jokes I found on the net. Enjoy.
There's a teacher in a small Massachusetts town. She asks her class how many of them are Kerry fans.
Not really knowing what a Kerry fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raise their hands except one boy--Johnny.
The teacher asks Johnny why he has decided to be different. Johnny says, "I'm not a Kerry fan."
The teacher says, "Why aren't you a Kerry fan?"
Johnny says, "I'm a George W. Bush fan." The teacher asks why he's a Bush fan. The boy says, "Well, my mom's a Bush fan, and my Dad's a Bush fan, so I'm a Bush fan!"
The teacher is kind of angry, because this is Massachusets, so she says, "What if you're Mom was a moron, and you're dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"
Johnny says, "That would make me a Kerry fan."
A group of people were in a shipwreck and were stranded on an island.
The group consisted of 12 women and 1 man. After a few months, the women grew horny and it was decided that the man needed to take two women a day and they allowed him to have Sundays off.
One day on a day off, he was just relaxing when he noticed a boat nearing. He felt hopeful that maybe they would be rescued, at last.
The boat was almost to the island when the guy noticed it was a man in the boat. As he got out the first guy said "Oh my God buddy, am I ever glad to see YOU, To which the second guy responded "Well alright sweetie! It's been a long time for me too."
The first man exclaimed "Oh hell, there go my Sundays!"
"I am Kerry of Borg. Your incomes will be assimilated."
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.
The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.
The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept $15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm bored and there's nothing to post on, so I thought I would share some funny jokes I found on the net. Enjoy.
There's a teacher in a small Massachusetts town. She asks her class how many of them are Kerry fans.
Not really knowing what a Kerry fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raise their hands except one boy--Johnny.
The teacher asks Johnny why he has decided to be different. Johnny says, "I'm not a Kerry fan."
The teacher says, "Why aren't you a Kerry fan?"
Johnny says, "I'm a George W. Bush fan." The teacher asks why he's a Bush fan. The boy says, "Well, my mom's a Bush fan, and my Dad's a Bush fan, so I'm a Bush fan!"
The teacher is kind of angry, because this is Massachusets, so she says, "What if you're Mom was a moron, and you're dad was an idiot, what would that make you?"
Johnny says, "That would make me a Kerry fan."
A group of people were in a shipwreck and were stranded on an island.
The group consisted of 12 women and 1 man. After a few months, the women grew horny and it was decided that the man needed to take two women a day and they allowed him to have Sundays off.
One day on a day off, he was just relaxing when he noticed a boat nearing. He felt hopeful that maybe they would be rescued, at last.
The boat was almost to the island when the guy noticed it was a man in the boat. As he got out the first guy said "Oh my God buddy, am I ever glad to see YOU, To which the second guy responded "Well alright sweetie! It's been a long time for me too."
The first man exclaimed "Oh hell, there go my Sundays!"
"I am Kerry of Borg. Your incomes will be assimilated."
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.
The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.
The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican's pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept $15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

I have to apologize for the crappy pictures I've been posting lately. My mouse is on the fritz. It wants to double click when I left click. But I should have a new mouse either Monday or Tuesday. Then my "artwork" can get back to it's C+ level rather than the D- it's at now.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing


Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been blogging for almost a year now and until today I've never received any hate mail or even really any hate messages. But that's all changed, and I couldn't be happier. Look at the Haloscan messages for the posts WELL, WHICH IS IT, WHAT'S HE HIDING and A REASON TO LIVE. Some chickenshit coward who's too scared to even give his real name has left some pretty vicious messages. Read them and you'll come across some real beauties like
Which I take to mean, I'm really jealous of you and can only wish that could be more like you.
Which means, The Republican party is the party that will lead this country to unimaginable greatness when W wins a second term in November. Oh, and I like to have sex with 70 year old women.
And my absolute favorite
Which means, Sandy Berger is a lying piece of crap, just like his former boss. You are so smart and awesomely cool.
There it is ladies and gentlemen. The perfect example of the Democratic Party today. The party of hate and ignorance. Boy, have they come a long way since FDR and JFK. And one last thing anonymous coward, I'm proud to be a lying scumbag GOP neocon. As Donald Duck once said, it's the only life for me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been blogging for almost a year now and until today I've never received any hate mail or even really any hate messages. But that's all changed, and I couldn't be happier. Look at the Haloscan messages for the posts WELL, WHICH IS IT, WHAT'S HE HIDING and A REASON TO LIVE. Some chickenshit coward who's too scared to even give his real name has left some pretty vicious messages. Read them and you'll come across some real beauties like
"Total fucking ignorant neocon garbage. Go fuck yourself." |
"Doing nothing would be better that the slimeball scumbag buyllshit rancid GOP lies you served up. And by the way, I fucked your mother" |
And my absolute favorite
"You aren't good enough to dispose of Sandy Berger's personal waste. Your're an absolute scumbag fuckhead. Your mother sucks Iraqi prisoners off" |
There it is ladies and gentlemen. The perfect example of the Democratic Party today. The party of hate and ignorance. Boy, have they come a long way since FDR and JFK. And one last thing anonymous coward, I'm proud to be a lying scumbag GOP neocon. As Donald Duck once said, it's the only life for me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As nobody knows, I like to write short stories. I don't often share them with people, but I've finally got enough courage, or stupidity maybe, to share one with you all. It's not very good, I mean, I just barely passed English in high school. There's errors and bad grammar and the like, as you all know by my posts here. But don't judge it on that, judge it for the story. Mostly I like to write horror/suspense. This is the first time that I've tried my hand at comedy. So go read it and let me know what you think.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As nobody knows, I like to write short stories. I don't often share them with people, but I've finally got enough courage, or stupidity maybe, to share one with you all. It's not very good, I mean, I just barely passed English in high school. There's errors and bad grammar and the like, as you all know by my posts here. But don't judge it on that, judge it for the story. Mostly I like to write horror/suspense. This is the first time that I've tried my hand at comedy. So go read it and let me know what you think.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It seems the whole Democratic party is taking it's cue from Candidate Waffles. Taking both sides of an issue. If you listen to the Dems, Bush is a simple minded idiot who can't even put his pants on right. But these same Dems also claim that's he's somehow the genius mastermind behind the theft of the 2000 election, 9/11, Joe Wilson's wife being exposed, the timing of the capture of Saddam and that he already has bin Laden in custody and is waiting for the coming election to announce it so his poll number will go up causing him to win a second term. I'm surprised Bush hasn't been blamed for the death of JFK, Elvis and creation of the Ford Pinto. So, back to my question. Which is it? My view, he's smarter than he lets on. You can't be a total idiot and be president, unless you're Jimmy Carter.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It seems the whole Democratic party is taking it's cue from Candidate Waffles. Taking both sides of an issue. If you listen to the Dems, Bush is a simple minded idiot who can't even put his pants on right. But these same Dems also claim that's he's somehow the genius mastermind behind the theft of the 2000 election, 9/11, Joe Wilson's wife being exposed, the timing of the capture of Saddam and that he already has bin Laden in custody and is waiting for the coming election to announce it so his poll number will go up causing him to win a second term. I'm surprised Bush hasn't been blamed for the death of JFK, Elvis and creation of the Ford Pinto. So, back to my question. Which is it? My view, he's smarter than he lets on. You can't be a total idiot and be president, unless you're Jimmy Carter.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was watching Tough Crowd last night, and they did a segment that asked "Who would you rather sleep with. The Bush twins or the Kerry daughters?". I won't go that far, but it brings up an interesting question. Guys, and maybe some girls, if you are, or were, single, who would you rather date.
Barbara & Jenna Bush
Alexandra & Vannessa Kerry?
Try to keep politics out of it. Just go with the superficial details. You know, who looks better. Myself, I'd have to pick the Bush twins. Especially Jenna, the blonde. I love a girl with a little meat on her bones. The other three are too damn skinny. And also, the Kerry girls look too much like their father, and...no. I don't think so.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was watching Tough Crowd last night, and they did a segment that asked "Who would you rather sleep with. The Bush twins or the Kerry daughters?". I won't go that far, but it brings up an interesting question. Guys, and maybe some girls, if you are, or were, single, who would you rather date.

Barbara & Jenna Bush

Alexandra & Vannessa Kerry?
Try to keep politics out of it. Just go with the superficial details. You know, who looks better. Myself, I'd have to pick the Bush twins. Especially Jenna, the blonde. I love a girl with a little meat on her bones. The other three are too damn skinny. And also, the Kerry girls look too much like their father, and...no. I don't think so.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Al Franken finally has a reason to live. His show, The Al Franken Show, beat The Radio Factor in New York City. In the months of April-June, Franken received a 2.6 share compared to O'Reilly's 1.1. However, Rush whipped both their asses. I love this part of the story.
Bouncing back. That's good. I'd like to know what network insiders are say this. Les Moonves. Ted Turner perhaps.
Credit: Yahoo! News
Hillary proved that he's a Stand By Your Man kind of person, and now "Bubba's" showing that he is as well. Bill's standing by his national security adviser, Sandy Berger.
Well, of course they were all laughing about it. The entire Clinton Administration is full of scandals, lies and crimes they got away with. They know Berger will walk away with just a slap on the wrist.
Credit: Denver Post
We'll see how long it takes for this story to be covered up and forgotten by Big Media. Can't let a story that proves Bush was right go on for too long, now can they.
Credit: Washington Times
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Al Franken finally has a reason to live. His show, The Al Franken Show, beat The Radio Factor in New York City. In the months of April-June, Franken received a 2.6 share compared to O'Reilly's 1.1. However, Rush whipped both their asses. I love this part of the story.
"Franken launched Air America amid much fanfare on March 31 as a liberal radio alternative to a predominantly right-leaning talk show culture whose ranks include such personalities as Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and O'Reilly.
But the network soon ran into management and financial troubles. With a new group of executives in charge and investors committing more capital, network insiders have said the venture is bouncing back. Air America now claims 17 stations nationwide, plus a presence on the XM and Sirius satellite radio networks" |
Credit: Yahoo! News
Hillary proved that he's a Stand By Your Man kind of person, and now "Bubba's" showing that he is as well. Bill's standing by his national security adviser, Sandy Berger.
"We were all laughing about it on the way over here," the former president said of the investigation into Samuel "Sandy" Berger on classified terrorism documents missing from the National Archives. "People who don't know him might find it hard to believe. But ... all of us who've been in his office have always found him buried beneath papers" |
Credit: Denver Post
"Iraqi security reportedly discovered three missiles carrying nuclear heads concealed in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad, official sources said Wednesday.
The three missiles were discovered by chance when the Iraqi security forces captured former Baath party official Khoder al-Douri who revealed during interrogation the location of the missiles saying they carried nuclear heads," the sources said. They pointed out that the missiles were actually discovered in the trenches lying under six meters of concrete and designed in a way to unable sophisticated sensors from discovering nuclear radiation. The sources said al-Douri, who is related to former Vice Chairman of the Iraq Revolution Council and Saddam's right-hand man Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, was captured after Iraqi police intercepted an e-mail message in which he set a meeting with another former Baath official. The report could not be authenticated by the interior ministry or the national security department, but the paper noted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiar Zibari made a surprise request recently to Mohammed el-Baradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, to resume inspections for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" |
Credit: Washington Times
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's that time once again for everyone's favorite post. Random Thoughts. For those readers who don't know, Random Thoughts is where I post some of the junk that's just floating around in my head. Let's get started.
The most consistent random thought. I STILL want a brand new, 2005 Hummer. All black. Nice.
Do any of you still watch cartoons? I'm not talking to you all with kids. I'm talking to those of you without kids. I do. There's one on Nick I like, Fairly Oddparents. Funniest damn thing. You should watch it some time.
I hate Summer. It' too damn hot. 97 today with a heat index of 105. I like Fall and Winter. Any temp below 70 is my ideal temp.
Do you say pop or soda where you live? Around these parts, we say pop.
My birthday's coming up in next month. I'll be posting a gift list sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Elephant - Big, Strong, Smart and Loyal
Jackass - Small, Stupid and Stubborn
No wonder Republicans are better.

Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Superman. This movie will suck ass. It's not Superman without Christopher Reeve. I wish they wouldn't make this.
Law & Order: SVU. Watch it.
Also watch Joe Schmo 2 on Spike TV. This is the best "reality" show out there. Monday nights at 10 CDT.

Click for the best director out there today.
Okay, that's all for now. But stay tuned for more Random Thoughts. Some Random time, but same Random blog.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's that time once again for everyone's favorite post. Random Thoughts. For those readers who don't know, Random Thoughts is where I post some of the junk that's just floating around in my head. Let's get started.
The most consistent random thought. I STILL want a brand new, 2005 Hummer. All black. Nice.
Do any of you still watch cartoons? I'm not talking to you all with kids. I'm talking to those of you without kids. I do. There's one on Nick I like, Fairly Oddparents. Funniest damn thing. You should watch it some time.
I hate Summer. It' too damn hot. 97 today with a heat index of 105. I like Fall and Winter. Any temp below 70 is my ideal temp.
Do you say pop or soda where you live? Around these parts, we say pop.
My birthday's coming up in next month. I'll be posting a gift list sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Elephant - Big, Strong, Smart and Loyal
Jackass - Small, Stupid and Stubborn
No wonder Republicans are better.

Law & Order: SVU. Watch it.
Also watch Joe Schmo 2 on Spike TV. This is the best "reality" show out there. Monday nights at 10 CDT.

Okay, that's all for now. But stay tuned for more Random Thoughts. Some Random time, but same Random blog.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Former Clinton national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is under investigation after he removed classified documents from the National Archives while preparing to appear before the 9/11 commission. After he was told by the Archives that some documents were missing he immediately returned them.
Whoa, wait a second. He threw away documents that he wasn't supposed to have? Dems and Big Media flipped out when a name is blackened out of Bush's service records, why aren't they doing the same here? With this new report out that states "Bubba" was told ahead of time that al-Queada wanted to hijack airplanes and smash them into the WTC, and now this, I smell cover up. But it gets just a little better. It seems the tool of the Democratic party, The New York Slimes, buried this story on page A16. Not the front page like they would have done if Condoleezza Rice had done the same thing, but rather in a seven paragraph wire story.
All The News That's Fit To Hide.
Credit: NewsMax
Then - I will not take federal campaign money.
Now - I will take federal campaign money.
Flip flop after flip flop after flip flop.
Credit: Boston.com
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Former Clinton national security adviser, Sandy Berger, is under investigation after he removed classified documents from the National Archives while preparing to appear before the 9/11 commission. After he was told by the Archives that some documents were missing he immediately returned them.
"I immediately returned everything I had, except for a few documents that apparently I had accidentally discarded" |
All The News That's Fit To Hide.
Credit: NewsMax
Then - I will not take federal campaign money.
Now - I will take federal campaign money.
Flip flop after flip flop after flip flop.
Credit: Boston.com
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've been doing some cosmetic work on the site. I didn't like the huge space between the post column and the columns on the right. So I worked the code and finally got it the way I like. I want to thank Jeff for his help. I think it looks better. More streamline.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've been doing some cosmetic work on the site. I didn't like the huge space between the post column and the columns on the right. So I worked the code and finally got it the way I like. I want to thank Jeff for his help. I think it looks better. More streamline.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I wanted to make a quick post about all this talk about cloning humans and stem cell research. I'm against this. All it is is creating life just to kill it. Remember that scene in The Matrix where Neo's shown the fields of humans being grown just so the machines can use them as an energy supply, only to be discarded when they are no longer useful? That's what this is like. Creating a human life just so some mad scientist can get what they want from them and then throw the rest away. It's inhuman. And we don't even know if human stem cells will be able to cure anything anyway. This may be mass genocide for nothing. I read somewhere that scientist are working on alternative methods of what people think stem cells may accomplish. And before you go on a rampage, it wasn't NewsMax or any other Right-Wing magazine, it was some scientific magazine. This is what government funding needs to be used for, not for turning
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I wanted to make a quick post about all this talk about cloning humans and stem cell research. I'm against this. All it is is creating life just to kill it. Remember that scene in The Matrix where Neo's shown the fields of humans being grown just so the machines can use them as an energy supply, only to be discarded when they are no longer useful? That's what this is like. Creating a human life just so some mad scientist can get what they want from them and then throw the rest away. It's inhuman. And we don't even know if human stem cells will be able to cure anything anyway. This may be mass genocide for nothing. I read somewhere that scientist are working on alternative methods of what people think stem cells may accomplish. And before you go on a rampage, it wasn't NewsMax or any other Right-Wing magazine, it was some scientific magazine. This is what government funding needs to be used for, not for turning

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link in the Bugs & Other Stuff section. Everyone visit the site.
I did a post once on the group called Protest Warriors. For those who don't know, Protest Warrior is a group of Conservatives who go to anti-freedom protests to try and balance them out with some Right Minded views. They're met with huge amounts of hostility and hatred from the Left-Winger anti-freedom protesters. Nazi and fascist seem to be the most popular names to call them. Anti-freedom protesters have tried to censor Protest Warrior at the rallies, but police refuse to do anything about it.
I tell you, these Left-Wing nuts love to hold up the Constitution and scream "FIRST AMENDMENT" every chance they get, but when someone they hate uses the same first amendment give their views they cry fowl. I love it.
Credit: Fox News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link in the Bugs & Other Stuff section. Everyone visit the site.
I did a post once on the group called Protest Warriors. For those who don't know, Protest Warrior is a group of Conservatives who go to anti-freedom protests to try and balance them out with some Right Minded views. They're met with huge amounts of hostility and hatred from the Left-Winger anti-freedom protesters. Nazi and fascist seem to be the most popular names to call them. Anti-freedom protesters have tried to censor Protest Warrior at the rallies, but police refuse to do anything about it.
I tell you, these Left-Wing nuts love to hold up the Constitution and scream "FIRST AMENDMENT" every chance they get, but when someone they hate uses the same first amendment give their views they cry fowl. I love it.
Credit: Fox News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks, Barry.

I'm a space nut. I love looking at pictures of the planets, moons, galaxies asteroids and the like. Things like the Andromeda Galaxy above fascinate me. How many stars are in that galaxy? How many planets are orbiting those stars? Is there life on those planets? So every once and awhile, I'll post a picture from the Astronomy Picture Of The Day website. You can click the picture to learn more about what you're looking at. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks, Barry.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here it is. Centigrade 911. It took a few weeks, but the site telling the lies of Fahrenheit 911 is up and running. And already there's quite a few lies debunked. But it's not only the lies of Fahrenheit 911. It also has articles by both Conservative and Liberal writers trying to get the facts out. I don't know if this will be the definitive Fahrenheit 911 debunker, ala Bowling For Truth and Bowling For Columbine, but it's a good start.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here it is. Centigrade 911. It took a few weeks, but the site telling the lies of Fahrenheit 911 is up and running. And already there's quite a few lies debunked. But it's not only the lies of Fahrenheit 911. It also has articles by both Conservative and Liberal writers trying to get the facts out. I don't know if this will be the definitive Fahrenheit 911 debunker, ala Bowling For Truth and Bowling For Columbine, but it's a good start.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
UPDATED with two CD reviews and a new look. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
UPDATED with two CD reviews and a new look. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In July. We're just a little more than five months away from Christmas. I love everything about Christmas. I love the cold, snowy weather. I love the family coming together. I love Christmas music, Carol Of The Bells is my favorite song. I love decorating the old homestead. I love putting up the tree. I also love the presents. I love the whole feeling of Christmas time. I'm just trying to get everyone in the right mood. Merry Christmas In July.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I wonder which one's for and which one's against the issues.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We, the VR-WC, hate it when someone attacks our president. When that happens, there's no ends we won't go to to silence them. Ask Howard Stern and now Whoopi Goldberg. We have our fingers in over 90% of the companies in America, and Slim-Fast is one of them. Thanks to our threats, Slim-Fast has dropped Ms. Goldberg.
On a serious note. The hate-filled Left needs to understand that there's consequences to their actions. They have every right to say what they want, but we as Americans also have the right to let our feelings be known about what they say or do. What gets me is the double standard here. If Ted Nugent were to get up during a Bush fundraiser and just rip Candidate Waffles and "Baby Face" Edwards apart like Goldberg did Bush, and he wouldn't distance himself from it like Kerry has yet to do, Big Media would be screaming bloody murder and demanding that Bush apologize.
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We, the VR-WC, hate it when someone attacks our president. When that happens, there's no ends we won't go to to silence them. Ask Howard Stern and now Whoopi Goldberg. We have our fingers in over 90% of the companies in America, and Slim-Fast is one of them. Thanks to our threats, Slim-Fast has dropped Ms. Goldberg.
On a serious note. The hate-filled Left needs to understand that there's consequences to their actions. They have every right to say what they want, but we as Americans also have the right to let our feelings be known about what they say or do. What gets me is the double standard here. If Ted Nugent were to get up during a Bush fundraiser and just rip Candidate Waffles and "Baby Face" Edwards apart like Goldberg did Bush, and he wouldn't distance himself from it like Kerry has yet to do, Big Media would be screaming bloody murder and demanding that Bush apologize.
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, Republicans failed to get the necessary number of votes on the measure to ban same sex marriage. So, it doesn't look like this is going to pass any time soon. Let me give you a little info about my feelings on this. I think there should be an amendment to the Constitution. Now before you get all huffy and give me the "the Constitution is a sacred document that we shouldn't be changing", it's not like it would be the first amendment added. Unless I'm totally reading this, which I probably am, there have been 17 amendments added since 1791. Anyway, back to the compromise. Compromising puts a bad taste in my mouth. I hate it. But, as I can see this will never pass, I guess I'm going to have to settle with each state voting for or against it. As long as states who vote against it aren't forced to recognize same sex marriages.
I thought I would showcase my favorite "artwork" that I've done. Some of the newer readers may have never seen some of these, unless they've went through the archives. Now, they aren't necessarily the best, they're just my favorite. Enjoy.
John Kerry:
Flip Flops
Wack A Rat
Waffle House
Micheal Moore:
Moore At Cannes
Movie Poster
Honor Vets
And my personal favorite, and the best one I've ever done,
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, Republicans failed to get the necessary number of votes on the measure to ban same sex marriage. So, it doesn't look like this is going to pass any time soon. Let me give you a little info about my feelings on this. I think there should be an amendment to the Constitution. Now before you get all huffy and give me the "the Constitution is a sacred document that we shouldn't be changing", it's not like it would be the first amendment added. Unless I'm totally reading this, which I probably am, there have been 17 amendments added since 1791. Anyway, back to the compromise. Compromising puts a bad taste in my mouth. I hate it. But, as I can see this will never pass, I guess I'm going to have to settle with each state voting for or against it. As long as states who vote against it aren't forced to recognize same sex marriages.
I thought I would showcase my favorite "artwork" that I've done. Some of the newer readers may have never seen some of these, unless they've went through the archives. Now, they aren't necessarily the best, they're just my favorite. Enjoy.
John Kerry:
Flip Flops
Wack A Rat
Waffle House
Micheal Moore:
Moore At Cannes
Movie Poster
Honor Vets
And my personal favorite, and the best one I've ever done,
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know who people like this will be rooting for in November.
I have a question for you. We've all seen how Big Media loves John Edwards' southern accent. They swoon for it and praise it when ever he talks. But why is it when a southern Republican speaks, it's cause for ridicule? They slam us as rednecks, hicks and backwoods hillbillies. Yet "Baby Face" Edwards is called smooth. Jealousy? Not so much jealousy as it is anger. I'm just tired of the double standards that are being portrayed as truth by the media.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

I have a question for you. We've all seen how Big Media loves John Edwards' southern accent. They swoon for it and praise it when ever he talks. But why is it when a southern Republican speaks, it's cause for ridicule? They slam us as rednecks, hicks and backwoods hillbillies. Yet "Baby Face" Edwards is called smooth. Jealousy? Not so much jealousy as it is anger. I'm just tired of the double standards that are being portrayed as truth by the media.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Extreme Left-Wing nuts are planning to try and basically shutdown the Republican National Convention with acts that could be described as acts of terror. They're planning on trying to fool bomb sniffing dogs by hiding gunpowder and tablets laced with ammonium nitrate. They're hoping that this will temporarily shutdown trains and maybe even cause an evacuation of MSG. These Left-Wing terrorists are using the internet to spread their message. Read some of the things they want people to do.
Like I said, does this surprise anyone? This is what the hate-filled Left has become. They're all for free speech, as long as it's their free speech. I hope these bomb sniffing dogs have been taught to bite.
Credit: New York Daily News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Extreme Left-Wing nuts are planning to try and basically shutdown the Republican National Convention with acts that could be described as acts of terror. They're planning on trying to fool bomb sniffing dogs by hiding gunpowder and tablets laced with ammonium nitrate. They're hoping that this will temporarily shutdown trains and maybe even cause an evacuation of MSG. These Left-Wing terrorists are using the internet to spread their message. Read some of the things they want people to do.
""Go to a rifle, pistol or skeet shooting range, spend an hour shooting to saturate clothing with smell of gunpowder, go directly to a New Jersey Transit, LIRR or subway train headed for Penn Station.
"Try to have at least two people on a train in different locations, sit or stand near the doors as the train approaches the station, try to get near police and dogs, loiter as long as possible around the dog, try to pet it if possible. "If the dog alerts on your scent, do not leave or resist; the situation will cause a major disruption of the train schedule. ... If there is more than one person on the train that causes a dog to alert, you can bet that the train will not be going anywhere for a long time ... neither will any trains behind it. "It is important that the police call in all possible resources to investigate the situation. ... This will result in the maximum disruption. ... With any luck, Madison Square Garden will be evacuated. "Rush hours are ideal, the final night of the convention, very good, too." |
Credit: New York Daily News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is a documentary that's setting out to expose the truth about Fox News. That it leans to the Right. Uh, Duh. Everyone knows it leans to the Right.
Same old Liberal talking point about Fox News being a puppet of the Bush Administration. The same Fox News that has shown the trailer for Lienheit 911 more times in one day than I can count, has people on there that just rip Bush apart, disagree with everything Bush says or does or believes. Yeah, they're his puppet alright. It's hard being the big dog on the block. There's Fox News, the St. Bernard, sitting on top and they have these little Chihuahuas always running up and nipping at their feet then running away. Jealousy, that's all it is.
Al Franken is changing the name of his show. He went through a couple of names that didn't' work. "The O'Limbaugh Factor" and "The O'President Bush Factor" before settling on this masterpiece, "The Al Franken Show". He could change the name to "The Radio Factor", it wouldn't matter. It's not the name, it's who's hosting it and the message he's spewing forth. Sane people don't want to listen to a madman on the radio. The whole network can change it's name, it'll still go under.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism is a documentary that's setting out to expose the truth about Fox News. That it leans to the Right. Uh, Duh. Everyone knows it leans to the Right.
"What we found is not that Fox is a conservative network, but that it's a network that follows the party line of the Bush administration" |
Al Franken is changing the name of his show. He went through a couple of names that didn't' work. "The O'Limbaugh Factor" and "The O'President Bush Factor" before settling on this masterpiece, "The Al Franken Show". He could change the name to "The Radio Factor", it wouldn't matter. It's not the name, it's who's hosting it and the message he's spewing forth. Sane people don't want to listen to a madman on the radio. The whole network can change it's name, it'll still go under.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Members of the NAACP are bashing Bush for declining to speak to the organization. Next Thursday, Candidate Waffles will address the group. I can't wait to see how Kerry's going to call Bush a racist for turning them down. I think he made the right decision for two reasons. 1) If Bush were to address the NAACP, the Left would say he's only doing it because he feels he should and that he really doesn't want to be there and 2) Why should he set himself up for Big Media to use footage of him being booed over and over and over again. Him addressing the NAACP wouldn't have made any more blacks vote for him than had already planned to. The leadership of the NAACP hates him, and he's not too fond of them either. So why go there and be bombarded with hate.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Members of the NAACP are bashing Bush for declining to speak to the organization. Next Thursday, Candidate Waffles will address the group. I can't wait to see how Kerry's going to call Bush a racist for turning them down. I think he made the right decision for two reasons. 1) If Bush were to address the NAACP, the Left would say he's only doing it because he feels he should and that he really doesn't want to be there and 2) Why should he set himself up for Big Media to use footage of him being booed over and over and over again. Him addressing the NAACP wouldn't have made any more blacks vote for him than had already planned to. The leadership of the NAACP hates him, and he's not too fond of them either. So why go there and be bombarded with hate.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to post a correction to another post. I posted that the Iraqi terrorists holding Filipino, Angelo de la Cruz, had let him go as a result of the Filipino government giving into their demands. It seems that they haven't let him go yet. Sorry about that. I must have read the story wrong. Damn, with this correction I now know what it's like to write for the New York Slimes.
After weeks of back breaking work, digging into the life of John Edwards, Time Magazine has found that "Baby Face" Edwards likes Diet Coke. Sometimes up to four cans by noon. Ladies and Gentleman, this is investigative journalism at it's best. More to come on this story.
Credit: Drudge

The one soldier in Iraq who supports Kerry/Edwards waits with bated breath for John Edwards' visit.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to post a correction to another post. I posted that the Iraqi terrorists holding Filipino, Angelo de la Cruz, had let him go as a result of the Filipino government giving into their demands. It seems that they haven't let him go yet. Sorry about that. I must have read the story wrong. Damn, with this correction I now know what it's like to write for the New York Slimes.
After weeks of back breaking work, digging into the life of John Edwards, Time Magazine has found that "Baby Face" Edwards likes Diet Coke. Sometimes up to four cans by noon. Ladies and Gentleman, this is investigative journalism at it's best. More to come on this story.
Credit: Drudge

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"Sir, we've been attacked again."
"What happened?"
"al-Queda has blown up the Sears Tower. Over 1,000 Americans have been killed."
"How do we know it was al-Queda?"
"They've sent a video to the media claiming responsibility."
"Okay, get me the U.N. on the phone. We need to figure out what happened."
"Sir. Figure out what happened? I just told you."
"I don't want to take any chances. We're going to have to talk things out for a couple of months."
"Sir, we don't have a couple of months. We need to strike back, now."
"Look, we need the U.N.'s permission to strike back. We can't just go out and defend ourselves without their consent."
Meanwhile, al-Queda's recruiting homicide bombers to attack us on the streets and we become another Israel.
This could be an actual event should The Toilet Twins win in four months. Kind of scares the crap out of you, doesn't it.
The battle lines have been drawn. It will be VP Dick Cheney debating John Edwards. Lets see the tale of the tape.
-Has yet to finish one term in office
-In his five years in the Senate, he has yet to author a piece of legislation that even made it to the Senate floor for a vote
-Since 1991, Edwards has only voted in 9 out of the 18 elections in his home county, citing the fact that he was just too busy
-Never had a job that would be considered hard work, even though he claims to be a man for the "blue-collar" worker, except at a UPS loading dock for six months
-Has never held an executive position, and at one point had no idea who Yitzhak Rabin was
-Advisor to President Nixon
-Chief of Staff to President Ford
-US Representative, including leadership – 10 years
-Secretary of Defense during the Gulf War
-Incumbent Vice President
Need I say more? Dick Cheney will wipe the floor with "Baby Face" Edwards, but will lose the debate. Big Media will swoon all over Edwards southern accent and charm and will declare him the winner.
Credit: Miller's Time for the Edwards facts
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"Sir, we've been attacked again."
"What happened?"
"al-Queda has blown up the Sears Tower. Over 1,000 Americans have been killed."
"How do we know it was al-Queda?"
"They've sent a video to the media claiming responsibility."
"Okay, get me the U.N. on the phone. We need to figure out what happened."
"Sir. Figure out what happened? I just told you."
"I don't want to take any chances. We're going to have to talk things out for a couple of months."
"Sir, we don't have a couple of months. We need to strike back, now."
"Look, we need the U.N.'s permission to strike back. We can't just go out and defend ourselves without their consent."
Meanwhile, al-Queda's recruiting homicide bombers to attack us on the streets and we become another Israel.
This could be an actual event should The Toilet Twins win in four months. Kind of scares the crap out of you, doesn't it.
The battle lines have been drawn. It will be VP Dick Cheney debating John Edwards. Lets see the tale of the tape.
-Has yet to finish one term in office
-In his five years in the Senate, he has yet to author a piece of legislation that even made it to the Senate floor for a vote
-Since 1991, Edwards has only voted in 9 out of the 18 elections in his home county, citing the fact that he was just too busy
-Never had a job that would be considered hard work, even though he claims to be a man for the "blue-collar" worker, except at a UPS loading dock for six months
-Has never held an executive position, and at one point had no idea who Yitzhak Rabin was
-Advisor to President Nixon
-Chief of Staff to President Ford
-US Representative, including leadership – 10 years
-Secretary of Defense during the Gulf War
-Incumbent Vice President
Need I say more? Dick Cheney will wipe the floor with "Baby Face" Edwards, but will lose the debate. Big Media will swoon all over Edwards southern accent and charm and will declare him the winner.
Credit: Miller's Time for the Edwards facts
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Scroll down to Bugs & Other Stuff and you'll see that I've added a Rate Me link. Now you can really let me know what you think of my blog, the best all the way to the worst. One quick note, anyone rate me the worst and I'll send you a virus. Just kidding. Maybe. And I have to thank DeoDuce because it's from her site that I got the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Scroll down to Bugs & Other Stuff and you'll see that I've added a Rate Me link. Now you can really let me know what you think of my blog, the best all the way to the worst. One quick note, anyone rate me the worst and I'll send you a virus. Just kidding. Maybe. And I have to thank DeoDuce because it's from her site that I got the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As much as I hate the man, I have to admit he is pretty damn smart. We all know Moore keeps his lawyers on speed dial in case someone says something about him he doesn't like, so why hasn't he attacked Mike Wilson yet? Because he doesn't want any more media attention brought to Wilson's film. Moore knows how to play the media better than anyone. He knows how to pull the strings and create false events. Look at the whole Disney/Miramax thing. That's why he refuses to talk about this film or to Wilson. Moore knows the power of controversy. I'm going to make a prediction right now. Michael Moore Hates America will make, in total, around $25 million. Not bad for a documentary, but no where near Lienheit 911's money. But if, for some reason, Moore looses his cool and slams Wilson in the media, that total will rise by at least another $10 million. I would love to hear your predictions on what you think this movie will make.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As much as I hate the man, I have to admit he is pretty damn smart. We all know Moore keeps his lawyers on speed dial in case someone says something about him he doesn't like, so why hasn't he attacked Mike Wilson yet? Because he doesn't want any more media attention brought to Wilson's film. Moore knows how to play the media better than anyone. He knows how to pull the strings and create false events. Look at the whole Disney/Miramax thing. That's why he refuses to talk about this film or to Wilson. Moore knows the power of controversy. I'm going to make a prediction right now. Michael Moore Hates America will make, in total, around $25 million. Not bad for a documentary, but no where near Lienheit 911's money. But if, for some reason, Moore looses his cool and slams Wilson in the media, that total will rise by at least another $10 million. I would love to hear your predictions on what you think this movie will make.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Joe Wilson, the man who accused the White House of leaking the name of his wife to Robert Novak, and who was also the man the CIA used to find out if Iraq was trying to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa, said that his findings would lay to rest any notion that Iraq sought uranium there and has said his findings were ignored by the White House. This is lie number one. The Senate intelligence committee report that came out yesterday debunked Wilson's claims and found that his report bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts. So, wait a minute, the White House was right? Wow, who would have guessed? Oh, that's right, Right-Minded people knew. Here's lie number two. Wilson also claimed that his wife, CIA employee Wilson claims was outed by the White House, did not recommend him for the yellowcake mission. But that turns out to be a lie as well, because the Senate report points out that Wilson's wife did recommend him for the job. Lie after lie after lie. Does anyone know if Wilson is a hold on from the Clinton Administration?
Credit: Washington Post and Blogs For Bush
I opposed AIDS before I supported it. That could be Kerry's next flip-flop. Candidate Waffles now wants to let people with AIDS immigrate to America. A ban that he supported in '93. As if we don't already have a strain on our healthcare system from people who are legal, now Kerry wants us to spend even more money, that we don't have, on illegals. Damn.
Credit: Yahoo! News via Brian and Michelle Malkin
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Joe Wilson, the man who accused the White House of leaking the name of his wife to Robert Novak, and who was also the man the CIA used to find out if Iraq was trying to acquire yellowcake uranium from Africa, said that his findings would lay to rest any notion that Iraq sought uranium there and has said his findings were ignored by the White House. This is lie number one. The Senate intelligence committee report that came out yesterday debunked Wilson's claims and found that his report bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts. So, wait a minute, the White House was right? Wow, who would have guessed? Oh, that's right, Right-Minded people knew. Here's lie number two. Wilson also claimed that his wife, CIA employee Wilson claims was outed by the White House, did not recommend him for the yellowcake mission. But that turns out to be a lie as well, because the Senate report points out that Wilson's wife did recommend him for the job. Lie after lie after lie. Does anyone know if Wilson is a hold on from the Clinton Administration?
Credit: Washington Post and Blogs For Bush
I opposed AIDS before I supported it. That could be Kerry's next flip-flop. Candidate Waffles now wants to let people with AIDS immigrate to America. A ban that he supported in '93. As if we don't already have a strain on our healthcare system from people who are legal, now Kerry wants us to spend even more money, that we don't have, on illegals. Damn.
Credit: Yahoo! News via Brian and Michelle Malkin
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Filipino Government has capitulated to the terrorists. "Iraqi militants", or terrorists, were holding Filipino Angelo dela Cruz hostage and were demanding that the Philippines pull their peace keeping troops out of Iraq. They agreed. They will begin to pull their troops out in August. As a result of their surrender, the terrorists have released dela Cruz. Which is the only good news out of all this. Wow, that's two victories. Spain and the Philippines, they're on a roll. But seriously, this is the absolute wrong thing to do. They see that these threats can work, and that's what keeps them going.
I loved this. Enjoy.
Credit: Claudia
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Filipino Government has capitulated to the terrorists. "Iraqi militants", or terrorists, were holding Filipino Angelo dela Cruz hostage and were demanding that the Philippines pull their peace keeping troops out of Iraq. They agreed. They will begin to pull their troops out in August. As a result of their surrender, the terrorists have released dela Cruz. Which is the only good news out of all this. Wow, that's two victories. Spain and the Philippines, they're on a roll. But seriously, this is the absolute wrong thing to do. They see that these threats can work, and that's what keeps them going.
I loved this. Enjoy.
"Once upon a time, on a farm in Texas, there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains of wheat. She called all of her neighbors together and said, "If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat. Who will help me plant it?"
"Not I," said the cow. "Not I," said the duck. "Not I," said the pig. "Not I," said the goose. "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen. And so she did. The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain. "Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen. "Not I," said the duck. "Out of my classification," said the pig. "I'd lose my seniority," said the cow. "I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose. "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did. At last it came ti me to bake the bread. "Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen. "That would be overtime for me," said the cow. "I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck. "I'm a drop out and never learned how," said the pig. "If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said the goose. "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen. She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see. They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share. But the little red hen said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves." "Excess profits!" cried the cow. "Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck. "I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose. The pig just grunted in disdain. And they all painted "Unfair!" picket signs and marched around and around the little red hen, shouting obscenities. Then a government agent came. He said to the little red hen, "You must not be so greedy." " But I earned the bread," said the little red hen. "Exactly," said the agent. "That is what makes our free enterprise system so wonderful. Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he wants. But under our modern government regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who are lazy and idle." And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand." But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her. She never again baked bread because she joined the "party" and got her bread free, at someone else's expense. And all the Democrats smiled. 'Fairness' had been established. Individual initiative had died but nobody noticed; perhaps no one cared, as long as there was free bread" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

There are many things a man will fight for. His country, his woman and his kids. But the television remote control is the most important thing to a man. Don't believe me. Try taking it away from a man one time. We'll beat you within in an inch of your life to get it back. Because he who rules the remote, welds the power. The remote control is the object that takes the commercials way and brings us our wrestling, football, Fox News and late night softcore porn on HBO Friday and Saturday nights. Not that I watch that kind of stuff. Ladies, watch your man one night while he's watching t.v. During the show, he won't lay the remote down. He'll continue to hold it, all be it unknowingly so. He is unconsciously protecting it. The remote is like the ring in the Lord Of The Rings. It weaves it's power over us and, ironically, controls us. Why am I ranting on about a t.v. remote? Because I'm bored. But, am I lying men?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

There are many things a man will fight for. His country, his woman and his kids. But the television remote control is the most important thing to a man. Don't believe me. Try taking it away from a man one time. We'll beat you within in an inch of your life to get it back. Because he who rules the remote, welds the power. The remote control is the object that takes the commercials way and brings us our wrestling, football, Fox News and late night softcore porn on HBO Friday and Saturday nights. Not that I watch that kind of stuff. Ladies, watch your man one night while he's watching t.v. During the show, he won't lay the remote down. He'll continue to hold it, all be it unknowingly so. He is unconsciously protecting it. The remote is like the ring in the Lord Of The Rings. It weaves it's power over us and, ironically, controls us. Why am I ranting on about a t.v. remote? Because I'm bored. But, am I lying men?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was wondering if someone could tell me if this is biased reporting. Big Media is all over the the Senate report released today about pre-war intelligence, but has largely ignored the Useless Nations report the Saddam had WMD's and had shipped them to Syria before and during the invasion. Why is this? This couldn't be because of they're Left leaning hatet of Bush could it? And why is FoxNews the news outlet covering the Oil For Food scandal? It couldn't be because it makes the Useless Nations look bad, could it?
We've all heard about the Radio City Music Hall hatefest yesterday where the Toilet Twins were sung the praises of the Hollywood Lefties. We also know about Whoopi Goldberg's tirade about Bush's last name. Candidate Waffles is refusing to release the tape of the event. Why? Doesn't he want the America people to know what kind of people he claims to be "the heart and soul of America" really are? I don't know about you, but the people I call the heart and soul of America don't compare George W. Bush to a vagina. But that's just me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was wondering if someone could tell me if this is biased reporting. Big Media is all over the the Senate report released today about pre-war intelligence, but has largely ignored the Useless Nations report the Saddam had WMD's and had shipped them to Syria before and during the invasion. Why is this? This couldn't be because of they're Left leaning hatet of Bush could it? And why is FoxNews the news outlet covering the Oil For Food scandal? It couldn't be because it makes the Useless Nations look bad, could it?
We've all heard about the Radio City Music Hall hatefest yesterday where the Toilet Twins were sung the praises of the Hollywood Lefties. We also know about Whoopi Goldberg's tirade about Bush's last name. Candidate Waffles is refusing to release the tape of the event. Why? Doesn't he want the America people to know what kind of people he claims to be "the heart and soul of America" really are? I don't know about you, but the people I call the heart and soul of America don't compare George W. Bush to a vagina. But that's just me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a background image. I may change it up just a little in the near future, it kind of sticks out just a little too much. It took me over an hour to get this thing to show up, so you better like it, damn it. And yes, I did get the idea from FoxNews' background image.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a background image. I may change it up just a little in the near future, it kind of sticks out just a little too much. It took me over an hour to get this thing to show up, so you better like it, damn it. And yes, I did get the idea from FoxNews' background image.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog for you all to enjoy. Army Of One. Great site. Go check it out. One quick thing. There's a test on the site that will tell you if you're a Neocon or not. I took the test and found out I'm a
-Want the US to be the world's unchallenged superpower
-unwavering support for Israel
-Support American unilateral action
-Support preemptive strikes to remove perceived threats to US security
-Promote the development of an American empire
-Equate American power with the potential for world peace
-Seek to democratize the Arab world
-Push regime change in states deemed threats to the US or its allies
-Historical neoconservative: President Teddy Roosevelt
-Modern neoconservative: President Ronald Reagan
So for all the Lefties out there who think I'm a NeoCon, here's the proof.
Get a load of this. You'll need WMP to play it and you'll have to go through a story about internet gambling in internet cafes before you get to the story. There's a computer game coming out where you'll be able to run the campaign of either Bush or Kerry, or any other candidate throughout time. Or you can make yourself a candidate and run against someone online. This sounds pretty cool. I may have to get this, if the online play is free that is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog for you all to enjoy. Army Of One. Great site. Go check it out. One quick thing. There's a test on the site that will tell you if you're a Neocon or not. I took the test and found out I'm a
-Want the US to be the world's unchallenged superpower
-unwavering support for Israel
-Support American unilateral action
-Support preemptive strikes to remove perceived threats to US security
-Promote the development of an American empire
-Equate American power with the potential for world peace
-Seek to democratize the Arab world
-Push regime change in states deemed threats to the US or its allies
-Historical neoconservative: President Teddy Roosevelt
-Modern neoconservative: President Ronald Reagan
So for all the Lefties out there who think I'm a NeoCon, here's the proof.
Get a load of this. You'll need WMP to play it and you'll have to go through a story about internet gambling in internet cafes before you get to the story. There's a computer game coming out where you'll be able to run the campaign of either Bush or Kerry, or any other candidate throughout time. Or you can make yourself a candidate and run against someone online. This sounds pretty cool. I may have to get this, if the online play is free that is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ladies and Gentlemen. The following bout has a 45 minute time limit and is for the undisputed World Hypocrisy Championship of the world. In this corner, wearing the blue and yellow camo, standing 7'8", weighing in at 268 pounds, hailing from Boston, Mass, John "Candidate Waffles" Kerry.
And his opponent. Wearing the blue with black trim, standing 6'3, weighing in at 230 pounds, hailing from Seneca, South Carolina, John "Baby Face" Edwards.
Oh, ladies and gentlemen, this has been a very brutal fight. There's teeth and blood everywhere. Wait a minute, something's happening. It looks like the two rivals are hugging in the middle of the right. It seems "Baby Face" is raising the hand of "Waffles". Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like these two once bitter rivals have joined together to form a tag team. Wait, "Waffles" and "Baby Face" are taking the mic.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. The newly formed team of Kerry and Edwards who are now calling themselves "New America". Me personally, I like America just the way it is.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ladies and Gentlemen. The following bout has a 45 minute time limit and is for the undisputed World Hypocrisy Championship of the world. In this corner, wearing the blue and yellow camo, standing 7'8", weighing in at 268 pounds, hailing from Boston, Mass, John "Candidate Waffles" Kerry.
"In the Senate four years, and that is the full extent of public life, no international experience, no military experience. You can imagine what the advertising is going to be next year. When I came back from Vietnam in 1969 I don't know if John Edwards was out of diapers then. Well, I'm sure he was out of diapers" |
"I think the American people want an experienced hand at the helm of state, this is not the time for on-the-job training in the White House on national security issues" |
"Edwards says heÂ’s the only one who can win states in the South. He can't win his own state" |
"Below is John Edwards MAJOR economic address, where he promises to reward work and to create opportunity. There's one thing missing from this speech: TRADE. Apparently, cracking down on unfair trade practices and promoting fair and balanced trade was not a priority to John Edwards just eight months ago. Mr. Johnny Come Lately on Trade" |
"If his intent is to remove special interests from Washington, why has he, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, taken more than $11 million from lawyers and law firms?" |
And his opponent. Wearing the blue with black trim, standing 6'3, weighing in at 230 pounds, hailing from Seneca, South Carolina, John "Baby Face" Edwards.
"Do you believe that change is more likely to be brought about by someone who has spent 20 years in Washington or by someone who is more of an outsider to this process?" |
"In order to beat Bush, we need a nominee who can win Southern states, not another New Englander or Washington insider who loses every Southern state" |
"I myself have been against NAFTA because of the damage it's doing to our economy, against the other trade agreements that I don't believe incorporate fair trade elements that need to be there. That's the difference between Senator Kerry and myself. And I think these differences will become clearer and clearer as the race focuses on the two of us" |
"If we want real change in America, real change in Washington, itÂ’s my belief that it takes somebody that's not a Washington insider to do that" |
"In 1969, I was sitting around a kitchen table with my parents trying to figure out how we would pay for college like so many Iowans do every single day. And that is a difference between me and Senator Kerry" |
Oh, ladies and gentlemen, this has been a very brutal fight. There's teeth and blood everywhere. Wait a minute, something's happening. It looks like the two rivals are hugging in the middle of the right. It seems "Baby Face" is raising the hand of "Waffles". Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like these two once bitter rivals have joined together to form a tag team. Wait, "Waffles" and "Baby Face" are taking the mic.
"Bush Is Evil" |
There you have it ladies and gentlemen. The newly formed team of Kerry and Edwards who are now calling themselves "New America". Me personally, I like America just the way it is.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Here's a question. How do you think it'll be before Candidate Waffles and "Baby Face" Edwards begin pimping these kids to the American public?
I thought I would give my feelings on Sen. John Edwards. I want to dislike the man. I really do, but I can't. As much as I hate to admit it, he is charming. I think Kerry made the right choice. The only things I can dislike Edwards on is that he's a Democrat and a lawyer. Now granted, contrary to what Dems are saying, good looks, charm and a southern accent won't win this election for Kerry/Edwards but it won't hurt them either. The Right's argument is that Edwards is too green to be that close to becoming president. The Left's argument is that come Nov., Edwards will have been a Senator the same amount of time Bush was Gov. of Texas. Both are right, but, not surprisingly, I have to side with the Right on this one. Being Gov. of the second biggest state in the union comes with a lot more experience with big issues than being the Sen. of South Carolina.
Remember the broo-ha-ha when a Boston Globe reporter Bush to name 5 leaders of third-world countries, and he couldn't do it? Well, it seem that Edwards isn't too much for name either. Last year, the Washington Monthly reported that one of Edwards advance man suggested they ought to go to the reception for Leah Rabin. Edwards asked who that she was. He was told that she was the widow of the late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. He then asked who he was. My question is when will Big Media pick up on this story? My answer is never. Kerry has too a chance to beat Bush, Big Media doesn't want to do anything to spoil that.
Credit: NewsMax
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

I thought I would give my feelings on Sen. John Edwards. I want to dislike the man. I really do, but I can't. As much as I hate to admit it, he is charming. I think Kerry made the right choice. The only things I can dislike Edwards on is that he's a Democrat and a lawyer. Now granted, contrary to what Dems are saying, good looks, charm and a southern accent won't win this election for Kerry/Edwards but it won't hurt them either. The Right's argument is that Edwards is too green to be that close to becoming president. The Left's argument is that come Nov., Edwards will have been a Senator the same amount of time Bush was Gov. of Texas. Both are right, but, not surprisingly, I have to side with the Right on this one. Being Gov. of the second biggest state in the union comes with a lot more experience with big issues than being the Sen. of South Carolina.
Remember the broo-ha-ha when a Boston Globe reporter Bush to name 5 leaders of third-world countries, and he couldn't do it? Well, it seem that Edwards isn't too much for name either. Last year, the Washington Monthly reported that one of Edwards advance man suggested they ought to go to the reception for Leah Rabin. Edwards asked who that she was. He was told that she was the widow of the late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. He then asked who he was. My question is when will Big Media pick up on this story? My answer is never. Kerry has too a chance to beat Bush, Big Media doesn't want to do anything to spoil that.
Credit: NewsMax
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate waffles has dropped "Baby Face" Edwards for Al "The Insane Nut" Gore as his running mate.
Wait, this just in. Kerry has dropped Gore for Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Wait. I've just received word that Kerry has dropped Clinton and has once again asked Edwards to be his running mate. Talk about a busy news day. Stay tuned for further flip-flops.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate waffles has dropped "Baby Face" Edwards for Al "The Insane Nut" Gore as his running mate.
Wait, this just in. Kerry has dropped Gore for Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Wait. I've just received word that Kerry has dropped Clinton and has once again asked Edwards to be his running mate. Talk about a busy news day. Stay tuned for further flip-flops.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday W,
Happy Birthday To You.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday W,
Happy Birthday To You.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Candidate waffles has finally named John Edwards as his running mate. I really don't have anything negative to say about Edwards yet, as I don't know much about him. But I'm sure that'll change in the next month or two. But I can tell you all this. If this country elects the two Johns, that's where this country will be. In the john. Hey, that could be their campaign slogan. Put The Country In The John With The Johns. And the title has nothing to do with johns. That was unintentional.
Did anyone know about this.
I didn't know he was a deserter. If this is true, then this Islamic Response Movement should just keep him. Harsh? Maybe, but he's turned his back on his country.
Credit: The Guardian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Did anyone know about this.
"Kidnapped US marine Wassef Ali Hassoun has been taken to "a place of safety" after he pledged not to return to the US military, his captors told al-Jazeera television in a statement yesterday" |
Credit: The Guardian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Michael Moore recently said in Time magazine,
But don't look for the man to actually do it. He can't afford to go broke. What with is limousine riding, jet flying, Upper West Side living, private school going kids lifestyle. If he was to actually offer the money, then Richard Bushnell would be a rich man. Check out Bowling For Truth. He's already got up quite a few facts about Lienheit 9/11.
Side Note. Blogger's been having some server problems. Has anyone else been having problems with either posting to Blogger or viewing Blogger blogs?
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Michael Moore recently said in Time magazine,
"There is not a single factual error in the movie. I'm thinking of offering a $10,000 reward for anyone that can find a single fact that's wrong." |
Side Note. Blogger's been having some server problems. Has anyone else been having problems with either posting to Blogger or viewing Blogger blogs?
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
First, I hope everyone had a great 4th. And for all you America hating Lefties, I'm sure it was a nightmare. Anyway, here's a question for you. One of the biggest things I hear about Kerry is that he's more qualified to handle the War On Terror because he saw action in Vietnam. That since Bush didn't, he doesn't have the qualification. Here's my question. Does the same apply to "Bubba"? He was never even in the military. Was he qualified order troops into Somalia or the bombing of Afghanistan? The Left seem to think so, but don't seem to think Bush should have sent troops to Evanston or Iraq. Does anyone else smell the Hypocrisy and Double Standard in the room?

The cornerstone for the new Freedom Tower was layed yesterday. One question. Why are they going to cover this thing up? You'd think they'd want it to be seen by everyone who passes the building.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
First, I hope everyone had a great 4th. And for all you America hating Lefties, I'm sure it was a nightmare. Anyway, here's a question for you. One of the biggest things I hear about Kerry is that he's more qualified to handle the War On Terror because he saw action in Vietnam. That since Bush didn't, he doesn't have the qualification. Here's my question. Does the same apply to "Bubba"? He was never even in the military. Was he qualified order troops into Somalia or the bombing of Afghanistan? The Left seem to think so, but don't seem to think Bush should have sent troops to Evanston or Iraq. Does anyone else smell the Hypocrisy and Double Standard in the room?

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Wow, 228 years old and still looking good. She doesn't show her age at all, does she? Why, I remember when she was 212 like it was only yesterday. Anyway, what ever you do today, have fun and stay safe. I think I'll close this post with the lyrics to my favorite song about my favorite country. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

"If tomorrow all the things were gone I’d worked for all my life,
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife. I’d thank my lucky stars to be living here today, ‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can’t take that away. And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A. From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA, Well, there’s pride in every American heart, and it’s time to stand and say: I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. ‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the U.S.A." |
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, a Hezbollah leader, says:
Li Peng, Chairman of National People's Congress, says:
One last thing. I know I misspelled Hezbollah in the picture. I looked all over for how to spell it and everything I tried came back with positive hits.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

"Praise Allah for Michael Moore. He sees the world the way we do. Mr. Moore shows who the real enemy is. Not us peace loving, non-murdering Muslims. But rather the ugly, jingoistic hate mongers, the Americans. I urge every terro... I mean ever minute man to go see this fabulous piece of work." |
Li Peng, Chairman of National People's Congress, says:
"We've known all along how evil America was. Michael Moore now shows the rest of the world with his brilliant film, Fahrenheit 911. Not since the film How To Suppress Freedom In One Easy Step has a movie moved me so. Fahrenheit 911 will now be required viewing material for every school child in China." |
One last thing. I know I misspelled Hezbollah in the picture. I looked all over for how to spell it and everything I tried came back with positive hits.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I love Moorewatch. One of the best sites on the net, but I really love reading their hate mail. Some of the stuff from the peace loving, golden hearted left is pretty creative. So I thought I would share some of my favorite Moorewatch hate mail with you. I hope Lee and JimK won't mind. These are just parts of the letter, I'm not going to post the entire thing. Enjoy.
How dare those fascist pigs bust them for smoking pot.
This is from someone in England, I'm guessing.
The CIA recruited Muslims to fly the planes into the WTC. Wow. This one guy has made me change my mind about America.
Wow, that 8th grade education at work right there.
And finally, my favorite letter from a Lefty who thinks everybody is equal and preaches no war and free love.
Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya. O Lord, Kumbaya. Yeah, the Left is the party of understanding and love. I'm not sure how many of my readers where alive when Kennedy was murdered, but did any Right-Winger say "I hope Kennedy suffered when he got half of his head blown off...he deserved it"? That's the difference between the Left and Right. We have more respect for people than to say something like that. That's what the Left has become over the years. A party of hate and intolerance.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I love Moorewatch. One of the best sites on the net, but I really love reading their hate mail. Some of the stuff from the peace loving, golden hearted left is pretty creative. So I thought I would share some of my favorite Moorewatch hate mail with you. I hope Lee and JimK won't mind. These are just parts of the letter, I'm not going to post the entire thing. Enjoy.
"Im moving to Canada and getting out of this power hungry country. An example of stupid laws is, when I was 18 I went to poleman (I donÂ’t know if thatÂ’s spelled Wright) Washington to my friends dorm room. If you walk outside into the neighborhood there are hundreds of teens running around drunk, searching for the next party. Meanwhile cops are just standing around. So here me and my friends are sitting in the dormroom smoking some pot because we hate being drunk, being perfectly quiet. Well we get a knock at the door to find 6 cops. In the end I had 100 hours of community service. It was insane. These cops had nothing better to do but bully us. We werenÂ’t the out of control drunks running around, we were just sitting peacefully in our room watching TV. This is an example of a fucked up government!!!!!" |
This is from someone in England, I'm guessing.
"Fuck you little prick. IÂ’m assuming youÂ’re a brainwashed, midget, ugly little fear-laden wimp, like all the other pussy-ass right-wingers I know." |
And finally, my favorite letter from a Lefty who thinks everybody is equal and preaches no war and free love.
"And by
the way, I hope Regan suffered.....he deserved it. Wishing you a swift execution" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I just don't know what to think about this. Members, it doesn't say who, but we all know it's the Dems, of the House what the U.N. brought to America to oversee the elections this Nov. They're still harping on the 2000 election where Al "Insane Freak" Gore lost to W. Four years and they still can't get over it. *shakes head in sadness*
said on anonymous Dem. This is pathetic, Democrats don't seem to think people are smart enough to be able to vote for themselves. Apparently, we need a babysitter.
Credit: Yahoo! News via Brian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I just don't know what to think about this. Members, it doesn't say who, but we all know it's the Dems, of the House what the U.N. brought to America to oversee the elections this Nov. They're still harping on the 2000 election where Al "Insane Freak" Gore lost to W. Four years and they still can't get over it. *shakes head in sadness*
"As lawmakers, we must assure the people of America that our nation will not experience the nightmare of the 2000 presidential election" |
Credit: Yahoo! News via Brian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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