Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama vs. His Brain

Teleprompter Of The United StatesPresident Puppet went on Jay Leno last night to have his ass kissed and try to get his poll numbers up. While there he tried his hand at a joke that didn't go over so well. He compared a recent bowling score to the "Special Olympics, or something." I guess this is what happens when he doesn't have his trusty teleprompter by his side.

Now, I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories but the where the MSM rips apart Bush/Republicans and is protecting Obama seems to be a pretty solid one. Can you imagine had Ann Coulter did this joke? The fires of Hell would have erupted from your television screens and newspapers with pundits screaming for her head with Olbermann leading the charge. But will we hear him tonight? I'm guessing not. I mean, it's kind of hard to talk when your head is shoved up Pres. Puppets ass. And speaking of the MSM protecting him, has anyone seen the video of his St. Paddy's day teleprompter screw up? No, no one has. But you know damn well had it been Bush there would be 100 different remixes on YouTube already.


BetteJo said...

"I mean, it's kind of hard to talk when your head is shoved up Pres. Puppets ass."

I really DID laugh out loud!

Christopher Lee said...

You gotta be careful when brown nosing. It can all go horribly wrong.