89 years old from Tulsa, Oklahoma
May 28, 1922 - October 3, 2011

When Dick Biedermann asked the organizing committee of the Oklahoma Honor Flights how much more was needed to be raised he was told $10,000. His response was "Piece of cake. I can raise that". And in only four weeks he did just that. In fact, he raised $16,000 and in doing so was able to help send 105 of his fellow WWII veterans to D.C. to see the national WWII Memorial back in February of this year. He was scheduled to go with them but he had taken a fall the week before and was unable to go. But this was nothing new for the retired Naval Lieutenant. He was always helping others. The Ronald McDonald House, the United Way, the Tulsa Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association and so on. He saw it as his mission.
Sadly, Richard (Dick) Biedermann passed away on October 3 after a long battle with heart disease. He was buried on October 6 with full military honors by the VFW and Patriot Guard Riders.
You can read more about Dick Biedermann here and view his obituary here.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
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