Once again, Ron Paul shows himself to be the dumbass we all know him to be. His isolationist views weren't the right ones in the 30's and 40's and they're not the right ones now. Were Ron Paul president during Hitler's reign, there wouldn't be a Jew, Gypsy or homosexual left in Europe.
Heh. nice post.
Once again, Ron Paul shows himself to be the dumbass we all know him to be. His isolationist views weren't the right ones in the 30's and 40's and they're not the right ones now. Were Ron Paul president during Hitler's reign, there wouldn't be a Jew, Gypsy or homosexual left in Europe.
Really? If Ron Paul were president during Hitler's reign there wouldn't be any Jew, Gypsy or homosexual left in Europe? Your conclusions are based on his strict interpretation of the constitution and on a war and a time that doesn’t even resemble the here and now. Iraq and Hitler’s Germany can’t square with the other, yet it is a telling time for American foreign policy and its shift toward empire.
Read your constitution. Listen to constitutional scholars and they might surprise you when they agree that Ron Paul is the only candidate that;
1. Has any steel in his spine.
2. Recognizes the constitution for what it is and for what the founding fathers intended it to be.
3. Has a better grip on the world and how US foreign policy is edging The United States of America toward a reckoning with the blowback from these policies.
I'll defend your right to speak your mind, but when your mind follows like a sheep into the ignorance laden path of destruction for you and your children and, by proxy, me and mine I will utilize my liberty to fight back.
Read the constitution without prejudice...please.
Too bad O'Reilly completely OWNED Ron Paul on the Factor a few nights ago. Made Paul look like a real wuss. That and the whole 9-11 is our fault, and on O'Reilly Paul said "Iran is behaving rationally." Uhhhh...right. The straight jacket image is looking more and more accurate and less and less like a joke. *snicker*
I think O'Reilly's exact words were that Paul was living in "outer space" or "fantasy land"... something like that. Sounds right to me!
Yeah, I missed that interview. I didn't even know about it until I saw the letters on last nights episode. I didn't know he though Iraq was acting rationally. I wonder if that means he hates Jews as well?
Should be Iran not Iraq.
Love the photo of Paul!... I posted about him as well.. and at least we were blessed with only a few comments from *questionables*. Some of his followers have been flooding other blogs and posting some pretty far out comments.
Very scary, because if he is able to galvanize enough people.. he won't win the vote... but they could take the vote away from the legit nom, effectively handing over the presidency to the Dems.
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