The Marines have been in Berkeley for a little more than a year, having moved from Alameda in December of 2006. For about the past four months, Code Pink has been protesting in front of the station.
"I believe in the Code Pink cause. The Marines don't belong here, they shouldn't have come here, and they should leave," said Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates after votes were cast
Berkeley, Calif. tells Marines "Fuck Off".
Rudy Giuliani has dropped out of the race.
And unless Mike Huckabee can pull off a miracle on Tuesday he'll be gone as well and I won't be voting in this election.
And to kill two birds with one stone, I want to remind everyone to check out the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. There are a lot of blogs signed up for your reading enjoyment.

And unless Mike Huckabee can pull off a miracle on Tuesday he'll be gone as well and I won't be voting in this election.
And to kill two birds with one stone, I want to remind everyone to check out the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. There are a lot of blogs signed up for your reading enjoyment.

27 years old from Hancock, New York
3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne)
January 19, 2008

Staff Sgt. Justin R. Whiting, a Special Forces medical sergeant sustained fatal wounds when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive devise 16 kilometers south of Mosul, Iraq.
He is survived by his mother, Estelline, of Colorado Springs, Colo., father, Randall, of Hancock, N.Y., sister, Amanda, of DuPont, Wash., and brother Nathan of Dover, Tenn.
For more information on SSgt. Justin Whiting, you can download this PDF file.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
If you've been looking for a free hosting site, you should check out Ripway. I use them for the Wednesday Hero posts and other things. Free memberships get 30MB storage and 150MB daily downloads. I guess that's like your daily bandwidth. Not sure. But if you're looking to host small videos, music, a favicon or any type of file it's a pretty good one.
If you've been blogging for a few years, like myself, then your Archive of posts on your site is more than likely long. I found this site that tells you how to put your Archives into a drop down menu. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see what it looks like. And it only works with Blogger. Now, I'm looking for a way to expand long posts. I use to have one a couple of years ago but can't find that code any more.
A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been turned down from a government agency's annual awards because the subject matter could offend Muslims.This isn't Muslim's doing. This is a bunch of whiny, ass Liberals with no backbones. Can you image if people were to ban everything that could be offensive to someone? "Yes Virgina, There Is A Santa Claus". "Are You There God? It's Me, Margret". Grand Theft Auto. Grey's Anatomy. Celine Dion? All politicians? Huh. Maybe there is something to be said for banning offensive material after all.
The digital book, re-telling the classic fairy tale, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".
We're in trouble. It's all going down hill. It's all Bush' fault.
Here's something you won't hear on the 6 o'clock news with Katie Couric or Brian Williams. The economy was actually making strides and was on the rebound. Then, about a year and a half ago Democrats took control of Congress. Then, for some reason, it all started to go to Hell.
Here's something you won't hear on the 6 o'clock news with Katie Couric or Brian Williams. The economy was actually making strides and was on the rebound. Then, about a year and a half ago Democrats took control of Congress. Then, for some reason, it all started to go to Hell.

Airmen from the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron at an air base in Southwest Asia prepare a C-17 Globemaster III for an airdrop mission Jan. 14 to deliver humanitarian supplies to coalition forces in Afghanistan
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

BBBBBBad, BBBBBBad, BBBBBBad, Bad To The Bone. How does George Thurogood do that?
I hate mornings
Why does my dog like to eat stuff off the floor? He finds a piece of lint and you'd think he'd found a steak
Kiss my grits
Have you ever laughed so much that you couldn't phyically laugh any more?
Hollywood. Stop remaking Japanese horror movies. They're not as good
If Avril Lavigne is punk, then I'm a 6' 8" black man
It's not real BBQ unless you come away messy
I am so sick of fake Myspace profiles
What Does Revolution Mean?
Is it really charity if your forced to do it?
Doctors. If you're a guy, and have long hair, cut it. I don't trust a male doctor with long hair
One reason I like Soccer better than Football. It doesn't take 4 freakin' hours to play a game. The whistle blows and 90 minutes, plus a 20 minute half time break, and it's over. None of this go 1 yard, stop, go another yard, stop crap
How did 13 become known as a "bakers dozen"?
Please stop sending me videos on the web. I'm on dial-up. I can't watch streaming videos from YouTube
If you have a stuffed up nose, and something scares you why does your nose all of a sudden become clear?
I'm the man on the outside looking in
Shipping & Handling is where QVC bites you in the ass
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stars?
Open your heart, I'm coming home
Is it Lasagne or Lasagna? Because I've seen it spelled both ways
Men. If you're over 30, take the earing out. It looks dumb
Here's something I can't figure out. You put clothes in the dryer, you put a dryer sheet in with them. You take the clothes out and the dryer sheet's gone. How does that happen?
Why do we still need the penny? The price of everything should end in a 0 or 5, after taxes. No more counting out those damn little things
Why is it always the Vulcan's who are immune to everything? Is their physiology really that different from ours?
The official trailer. Sends chills up my spine every time I see it. All it is is the Enterprise under construction, but it's still awesome. When Nimoy comes one a says "Space, the final frontier" and the USS Enterprise comes into view on the saucer section and the music hits, *shivers*. This shows the Enterprise in a scale that's never been seen before. Massive. We've seen the actors walking on the outside of it in various episodes and movies but it's never looked this good. Except maybe the NX-01.
Mr. Streisand played Ronald Reagan and now his son may be playing President Bush in an upcoming Oliver Stone movie. And I'm sure it'll be a fair and accurate portrayal.

Check out the new favicon. It took a while to make, but I think it's worth it. I love it. Animated favicons don't work with all browers, but it works fine in Firefox 2.0+
An update to my post about former editor of Zgoda, Alexander Sdvizhkov, on trial for reprinting the Danish Muhammad cartoon. He's been sentenced to three years in prison.
If you'll check out the comments, you'll see a link to a site called Muslims Against Sharia. Go there and check out the post. They have a whole list of people who are being persecuted.
If you'll check out the comments, you'll see a link to a site called Muslims Against Sharia. Go there and check out the post. They have a whole list of people who are being persecuted.
Is it any wonder MSNBC is dead last in the ratings? Hell, I have more journalistic integrity than they do. When I think of MSNBC, the words "Mickey Mouse" come to mind.

AOL has the first image of the Enterprise under construction up on their Moviefone site. Be sure to check out the larger image. I'm getting more and more excited about this movie.
Everyone needs to watch tonight's episode of The O'Reilly Factor. Bill's going to be doing a segment on the NY Times. Apparently, this Sunday, they're going to be running with a story that claims vets returning from Afghanistan and Iraq are committing murder in record numbers. It seems this may a flat out lie. It'll probably be his top story of the night. Make sure to watch it.
It seems that the NY Times wrote this piece last Sunday, not this coming Sunday. My fault. BLACKFIVE has a post up about it that he did on Monday.
It seems that the NY Times wrote this piece last Sunday, not this coming Sunday. My fault. BLACKFIVE has a post up about it that he did on Monday.

28 years old from Wolf Creek, Montana
3rd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force
July 29, 2006

Marine Cpl. Phillip E. Baucus was the nephew of Montana Senator Max Baucus. He joined the corps in 2002 and was sent to Iraq in March of 2006.
Cpl. Baucus was killed alongside fellow Marines Sgt. Christian Williams, 27 yrs old from Winter Haven, Fla., Lance Cpl. Anthony E. Butterfield, 19 yrs old from Clovis, Calif. and LCPL Jason Hanson from Forks, Washington during combat operations in Al Anbar province.
"Phillip was an incredible person, a dedicated Marine, a loving son and husband, and a proud Montanan and American," Sen. Baucus said. "He heroically served the country he loved and he gave it his all."
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Aleksandr Sdvizhkov, former deputy editor of the now closed independent weekly Zgoda, a newspaper in Belarus, is on trial. He's charged with incitement to religious hatred because in 2006 he dared to publish the Danish cartoon of Muhammed. If convicted, he's facing 3-10 years.
Credit: The Jawa Report
Credit: The Jawa Report
Bad puns aside, in an effort to make it even harder to fight the war on terror al-Qaeda has been busy in Briton recruiting Whites to fund, plan and carry out attacks in the U.K. While they may be cowardly, heartless killers, they're not stupid. A White man is less likely to be looked at suspiciously. But don't look at this be surprised. Remember, these are people who use children to carry out bomb attacks.
Credit: John K
Credit: John K
About a month or so ago Blogger introduced a new system for leaving comments. You had to be registered with something to do it. I turned it off and now anyone should be able to leave a comment. You know, I've been wonder why I haven't had that many lately.
I was messing around with my code last night and I messed something up because none of my older posts could be viewed. You'd click on on archived page and the title of the post and the comments would show up but not the post itself. So, until I can figure out what in the world I did I'm going to be using my old Wolf code. If someone is good with HTML and would be willing to help, please, let me know.
I have no idea what's going on. I thought I'd fixed it. I got a new copy of the code and used it with no changes made and the problem was still there. This is something new because just a couple of days ago I was able to see my older posts and now... I could still use some help. If anyone would be willing to take a look at the code and see if there's something there that could be causing this.
Yea. I got it fixed.
I have no idea what's going on. I thought I'd fixed it. I got a new copy of the code and used it with no changes made and the problem was still there. This is something new because just a couple of days ago I was able to see my older posts and now... I could still use some help. If anyone would be willing to take a look at the code and see if there's something there that could be causing this.
Yea. I got it fixed.
Hilldebeast and Obama are enthralled in a race war. Idiots the both of them. I like how Obama tries to portray himself as being above attacks.
"I'm not going to spend all my time running down the other candidates, which seems to be what Senator Clinton has been obsessed with for the last month," Obama said.Sure, he's above all that. Except when it comes to President Bush and V.P. Cheney. Hypocrite. Let them keep fighting. The black candidate uses his race and the white candidate attacks it. Beautiful.
Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan
You stupid Americans. You can't be trusted to control your own thermostats.
Ronald Reagan
You stupid Americans. You can't be trusted to control your own thermostats.
“You realize there are times — very rarely, once every few years — when you would be subject to a rotating outage and everything would crash including your computer and traffic lights, and you don’t want to do that,” said Arthur H. Rosenfeld, a member of the energy commission.No. I don't. But I also don't want you to take it upon yourself to make that decision for me. Here's something I like in the story.
Mr. Somsel, in an interview Thursday, said he had done further research and was concerned that the radio signal — or the Internet instructions that would be sent, in an emergency, from utilities' central control stations to the broadcasters sending the FM signal — could be hacked into.Yeah. And as we've seen in the past, crackers, not hackers, aren't very good at breaking into things that are "encrypted and encoded". Also, what this NY Times piece doesn't say is that there are no provisions for those who are elderly or in poor health who may need it to be warmer or cooler in their home.
That is not possible, said Nicole Tam, a spokeswoman for P.G.& E. who works with the pilot program in Stockton. Radio pages "are encrypted and encoded," Ms. Tam said.
Is anyone else with a Gmail account having problems getting it to load? I'm getting kind of tired of getting the page that says it's taking longer than expected.
Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means
While Reagan believed that a strong military would be an invaluable ally in confronting the Soviet Union, towards the end of the Cold War he also came to realize that the U.S. and Russia must have a dialog if hostilities were to end. This lead to four summits to be held in Switzerland, Iceland, Russia and the U.S. From these summits between Reagan and Gorbachev came an end to the Cold War.
Now, for the past few years the sentiment of many Republicans has been "Iran can't be talked to. Why bother. We need a plan of attack". And I've been one of those voices, and still am. I do believe that trying to talk with Iran would most likely be futile. Radical Muslims aren't the same as Communists. These people punish women for being raped and believe it's their duty to God to kill anyone who disagrees with them. And the Mullahs aren't Mikhail Gorbachev. To not have a plan would be irresponsible. But we do need to at least try to talk.
Why the shift? Mike Huckabee. I like Mike. He's my candidate, but his quote from the recent GOP debate, The next thing you will see is the gates of Hell, had me thinking. Do we really want a three front war in the Middle East? We're having enough trouble with the two front war we're engaged in now.
So, again, What Would Reagan Do? Would he rely solely on military action or would he at least attempt an open dialog with Iran?
While Reagan believed that a strong military would be an invaluable ally in confronting the Soviet Union, towards the end of the Cold War he also came to realize that the U.S. and Russia must have a dialog if hostilities were to end. This lead to four summits to be held in Switzerland, Iceland, Russia and the U.S. From these summits between Reagan and Gorbachev came an end to the Cold War.
Now, for the past few years the sentiment of many Republicans has been "Iran can't be talked to. Why bother. We need a plan of attack". And I've been one of those voices, and still am. I do believe that trying to talk with Iran would most likely be futile. Radical Muslims aren't the same as Communists. These people punish women for being raped and believe it's their duty to God to kill anyone who disagrees with them. And the Mullahs aren't Mikhail Gorbachev. To not have a plan would be irresponsible. But we do need to at least try to talk.
Why the shift? Mike Huckabee. I like Mike. He's my candidate, but his quote from the recent GOP debate, The next thing you will see is the gates of Hell, had me thinking. Do we really want a three front war in the Middle East? We're having enough trouble with the two front war we're engaged in now.
So, again, What Would Reagan Do? Would he rely solely on military action or would he at least attempt an open dialog with Iran?
I'm not going to talk about the entire GOP debate, because I didn't watch it, but I did catch some of the tail end of and, once again, Ron Paul has shown just why he's earned the nickname "Summer's Eve".
And finally, we have a major news outlet looking into Summer's Eve's racism.
Let’s put it in perspective. We have five small speedboats attacking the U.S. Navy with a Destroyer? They could take care of those speedboats in about five seconds. And here we’re ready to start World War III over this?I just have one thing to say to Summer's Eve. U.S.S. Cole. And we're already in WWII, you dumbass.
And finally, we have a major news outlet looking into Summer's Eve's racism.
Middle East,
United States Military,
War On Terror
Based on the viral email of the same name, it's a video version of Nine Phrases Women Use. Not only is it funny, but it's a must see for every guy.
Mexican Military Fighting At Border?
Father May Have Killed Daughters Because One Was Dating A Non-Muslim
Supreme Court To Hear Voter I.D. Card Case
The U.S. Border Patrol confirmed 29 recorded incursions into the U.S. by Mexican military or other government agents in the last 12 months, according to a report made public Wednesday by a watchdog group.
Father May Have Killed Daughters Because One Was Dating A Non-Muslim
A man on the run from police since his teenage daughters were found shot to death in a taxicab on New Year's Day had threatened to hurt one of the girls for dating a non-Muslim boy, according to police documents.
Supreme Court To Hear Voter I.D. Card Case
The opponents, mainly Democrats, view voter ID a modern-day poll tax that disproportionately affect poor, minority and elderly voters - who tend to back Democrats.Really? Homeless people are your big argument? You know, I'm poor and a minority. Maybe I should be against this plan. It discriminates against me.
Homeless people wanting to vote might face the most difficulty under the law. While the state will provide a voter ID card free of charge to the poor, applicants still must have a birth certificate or other documentation to get the ID card.

51 years old from Carlstadt, New Jersey
3rd Battalion, 112th Field Artillery
June 04, 2004

When Frank T. Carvill told his sister he had been called up to go to Iraq, she was stunned. "Gee, Frank, are you going to be part of the AARP battalion?" she teased.
Carvill joined the Guard in the 80's out of a sense of patriotism. He was a devoted big brother to Peggy Liguori, who still remembers how as kids, he took her to see “Blue Hawaii” and “Born Free” at the movies. He was the longtime pal to Rick Rancitelli who admired Carvill’s “million-dollar vocabulary” and his writing and public speaking skills. In 1993. Sgt. Carvill was working in the WTC as a paralegal when it was attacked. He helped a co-worker down 54 floors to safety. In 2001, he was still working at the WTC. He had just left the North Tower moments before the first plane hit.
Sgt. Carvill was killed when his convoy was attacked outside of Baghdad.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.
I was getting real excited when I first began to read this.
Mike Huckabee wants to amend the Constitution to prevent children born in the U.S. to illegal aliens from automatically becoming American citizens, according to his top immigration surrogate — a radical step no other major presidential candidate has embraced.I'm totally on board for that, but then the second page kind of deflated me.
Mr. Huckabee has defended his policies on illegal aliens while he was Arkansas governor. He pressed for illegal aliens to gain college tuition benefits, complained about federal immigration raids in his state and declined to have state police enforce immigration laws, although the state legislature gave him the authority to do so.I was hoping it wasn't a ploy to gain support, but I forgot, for a few seconds, that this is politics and EVERYTHING is done for the simple reason of gaining support. Hillary tearing up, Edwards calling Hillary out on the tearing up even though he's probably balled his eyes out many a time while in court and Obama channeling Martin Luther King, Jr. All contrived.
I've made it no secrete whom I support in this presidential election. Rudy Giuliani and Mike Huckabee. But in doing so, as a Conservative, I have to walk a line because I don't agree with everyone of their views. And the ones I don't agree with are some pretty big ones. Giuliani is, I think, the toughest when it comes to fighting terrorism but he's pro-abortion and I'm on board with Huckabee wanting to do away with the IRS and implementing a fair tax but he wants to close Gitmo. Giuliani supports amnesty for illegals and Huckabee doesn't seem to agree with "you're either with us or your with the terrorists". I can hear some now. "Go with Thompson, he's the 'real Conservative'". But his campaign's dead and he's boring. Plus, he's running for VP. I once stated
That's why I plan to write Giuliani's name in if he's not on the ballot. His views and my views on the subject(terrorism) are damn close. There's no one else out there right now that I would vote for.But, while I still support Giuliani, I'm moving more towards Huckabee as my guy. That's why this blog endorses a Huckabee/Guiliani ticket. I don't agree with either of them 100%, but combined I think they would be good for the country.
If you follow politics, and the news, you've no doubt heard the Obama/Kennedy comparisons. He, like Kennedy, is young, energetic and idealistic. People are excited by his desire for change, what ever that means. In other words, like Kennedy, Obama is all style and no substance. And he may very well win in November. I feel sorry for this country if he does. When people wake up one day and find that Mr. Obama is not only the second coming of JFK, but Jimmy Carter as well.
I need to thank WBH member Kathi for telling me about this site. Shelfari is on online bookcase. You sign up, add all the books you have and your friends can view your virtual bookcase. Head over, sign up and add me as your friend.
Obama and Huckabee win Iowa, which means... absolutely nothing. Remember, George H. Bush won Iowa in '80, Bob Dole and Dick Gephardt won in '88 and Tom Harkin won in 1992 and non of them got the nomination that year. I think the media over hypes and builds this caucus up to be much bigger than it actually is. Gee, imagine that. Just let them run, let us vote and don't try to tell us that one or two states are going to determine who gets the nomination.
2008 has finally arrived and we are only a few months away from the big day. People all over have been waiting for this day. I've added an official countdown to the sidebar, if you like to check it out. I can't wait. It is going to be HUGE.
A 12-year-old Connecticut boy may be the new Florida state record holder for catching the heaviest bull shark.Story
Aidan Murray Medley had a spent a half day at sea Tuesday when he reeled in the 551lb bull shark just north of the Palm Beach Inlet.
The seventh-grader was in Palm Beach County on vacation with his family. They plan to submit his catch for a new state record.
Florida wildlife officials say the current record set in 1981 was a 517lb catch at Panama City Beach.
In other news, Rosie O'Donnell, who has been vacationing in Florida, has gone missing. Police have no clues as of yet.

From Sparta, Georgia

Sgt. Eric Crayton, the first sergeant for the Extension Detachment, Company C, Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, serving Christmas dinner to Soldiers at the Pegasus Dining Facility at Camp Liberty, Iraq.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your blog, you can go here.
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