Went to Wal-Mart with my mom. She was looking at birthday cards for her boss. She had to look at every card and say, "it's not what I'm looking." "Well, what are you looking for?" "I don't know."
10 minutes, at least. As Charlie Brown would say, AAARRRRGG!!!
If You Can't Do Something Smart, Do Something Right
This Nation Will Remain The Land Of The Free Only So Long As It Is The Home Of The Brave Elmer Davis
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
Of The United States of America, And To The Republic, For Which It Stands;
One Nation Under God,
Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
We Have Assumed Control
Wednesday Hero
Wednesday Hero was started in 2005 to honor the Men and Women of the United States Military. To let people know who was fighting, and dying, for them.
Life Lesson #32 - Never take a man shopping. They'll only complain about shopping.
Damn right.
Sounds like somebody had a bad day.
My rule? Always shop alone!
Went to Wal-Mart with my mom. She was looking at birthday cards for her boss. She had to look at every card and say, "it's not what I'm looking."
"Well, what are you looking for?"
"I don't know."
10 minutes, at least. As Charlie Brown would say, AAARRRRGG!!!
Working in a retail store all day...shopping is the last thing I want to do after work.
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