Once again, it's leap day. I've never understood what leap year's all about. I think it has something to do with farmers or something. I don't know. But anyway, enjoy your extra day.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide has fled for his life. The now former president of Haiti has left power and is on his way to South Africa to live in exile. Supreme Court Justice Boniface Alexandre is now in charge until a new president can be elected. Aristide has been under mounting pressure from world leaders to leave power, and I guess he finally decided to do so. In my opinion, it's because of one thing. President Bush said that it would be best for Aristide to leave and Aristide didn't want he same thing that happened to Saddam to happen to him. It's that simple.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I created a new blog. Nothing special, just some things about me and my favorite movies, tv shows, books and other stuff. When I have it up and running I'll add the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I created a new blog. Nothing special, just some things about me and my favorite movies, tv shows, books and other stuff. When I have it up and running I'll add the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And I have the proof. The NY Senator said that America would be safer if W followed the path of previous administrations on terrorism policies. Which, she insisted, "had foiled attacks on U.S. targets during the 1990s". And that's the proof of her stupidity. I guess she's just never heard of the bombing of the WTC in '93, the bombing of the U.S. Embassies is Kenya & Tanzania, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC in '95 and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. Those sound like terror attacks, and all under her hubby "Bubba". Again, she's just a stupid woman. And this is the person some want in the White House? I pitty this country if she ever steps foot in their again.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And I have the proof. The NY Senator said that America would be safer if W followed the path of previous administrations on terrorism policies. Which, she insisted, "had foiled attacks on U.S. targets during the 1990s". And that's the proof of her stupidity. I guess she's just never heard of the bombing of the WTC in '93, the bombing of the U.S. Embassies is Kenya & Tanzania, the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC in '95 and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000. Those sound like terror attacks, and all under her hubby "Bubba". Again, she's just a stupid woman. And this is the person some want in the White House? I pitty this country if she ever steps foot in their again.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That' right, it's time for another product endorsement. I'm such a shill for the man. Any way, today I have two DVD's to endorse. If you love great classic rock, you'll love these.
Led Zeppelin
This is their recent 2-disk release of concerts they gave over their 10 year recording career. It has 4 awesome concerts, Royal Alber Hall - 1970, MSG - 1972, Earls Court - 1975 and Knebworth - 1979. There' also a butt load of promos and performances that were televised over the years. But their concert at Knebworth is the stand out performance here. Their sound is tight and they're meshing like a band should. If you've ever seen "The Song Remains The Same" you would have heard what Page sounds like when he's stoned out of his gourd. At Knebworth, he sounds like he's cleaned himself up. He and the band are at their peak. It's also their last appearance in England before John Bonham died. Great 2-disk set. Go out and get it.
Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon
This DVD is the making of the greatest album in music history. This will tell you everything you've ever wanted to know about DSoTM. What the cover of the album means, where the songs came from. It also has footage of the band in the studio making the album, some footage of the members playing their parts live during the interviews, some demos, Allan Parsons mixing the album. Everything. Get this DVD.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That' right, it's time for another product endorsement. I'm such a shill for the man. Any way, today I have two DVD's to endorse. If you love great classic rock, you'll love these.
Led Zeppelin
This is their recent 2-disk release of concerts they gave over their 10 year recording career. It has 4 awesome concerts, Royal Alber Hall - 1970, MSG - 1972, Earls Court - 1975 and Knebworth - 1979. There' also a butt load of promos and performances that were televised over the years. But their concert at Knebworth is the stand out performance here. Their sound is tight and they're meshing like a band should. If you've ever seen "The Song Remains The Same" you would have heard what Page sounds like when he's stoned out of his gourd. At Knebworth, he sounds like he's cleaned himself up. He and the band are at their peak. It's also their last appearance in England before John Bonham died. Great 2-disk set. Go out and get it.
Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon
This DVD is the making of the greatest album in music history. This will tell you everything you've ever wanted to know about DSoTM. What the cover of the album means, where the songs came from. It also has footage of the band in the studio making the album, some footage of the members playing their parts live during the interviews, some demos, Allan Parsons mixing the album. Everything. Get this DVD.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find something new. I've submitted this site to the Ring Of Conservative Sites. I'm not a member yet, I'm on the waiting list with almost 300 other people. They already have over 400 members signed on. You all should really think about getting on this list if you haven't already signed up. That's a lot of potential readers.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find something new. I've submitted this site to the Ring Of Conservative Sites. I'm not a member yet, I'm on the waiting list with almost 300 other people. They already have over 400 members signed on. You all should really think about getting on this list if you haven't already signed up. That's a lot of potential readers.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This appeared in today's Tulsa World. A local left-wing newspaper. The article it goes with talks about how teens are seeking ways to confront and eliminate racism. In a perfect world, you know. But look at the cartoon. What is it trying to tell you? What I get out of it is that only white people are racist. The white guy has an angry look on his face, one fist is clenched and he's pointing at the black woman's butt. That tells me that's he's supposed to be making some kind of racist remark about the stereotype of black women having big butts. Why is it when we talk about racism in this country, it's always the white man who's racist? What, blacks, Latinos, Indians and Asians can't be racist? This just pisses me off every time I see or hear something like this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

This appeared in today's Tulsa World. A local left-wing newspaper. The article it goes with talks about how teens are seeking ways to confront and eliminate racism. In a perfect world, you know. But look at the cartoon. What is it trying to tell you? What I get out of it is that only white people are racist. The white guy has an angry look on his face, one fist is clenched and he's pointing at the black woman's butt. That tells me that's he's supposed to be making some kind of racist remark about the stereotype of black women having big butts. Why is it when we talk about racism in this country, it's always the white man who's racist? What, blacks, Latinos, Indians and Asians can't be racist? This just pisses me off every time I see or hear something like this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I had to "steal" this post from Claudia. I don't think I've read many things more true than this.
What makes a hero
Benedict Arnold was a war hero, wounded in battle -- before he turned against his country. Hitler was likewise a decorated and wounded veteran of the First World War. Being a war hero is not a lifetime "get out of jail free" card, exempting you from responsibility for what you do thereafter.
-Thomas Sowell
That says it perfectly. Great find.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I had to "steal" this post from Claudia. I don't think I've read many things more true than this.
What makes a hero
Benedict Arnold was a war hero, wounded in battle -- before he turned against his country. Hitler was likewise a decorated and wounded veteran of the First World War. Being a war hero is not a lifetime "get out of jail free" card, exempting you from responsibility for what you do thereafter.
-Thomas Sowell
That says it perfectly. Great find.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Martha Stewart has won a huge victory in court today. The judge threw out the securities fraud charge against her. The charge accused Stewart of deceiving investors in her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, by lying about her sale of ImClone Systems stock. If convicted of the charge, Martha could have gotten ten years in prison. But she's not out of hot water yet. The remaining four charges carry a max of five years.
I think this is just one big witch hunt. With all the real crime going on, this is what the Government's throwing our money at. Martha's just the scapegoat. The Government just want's to prove their tough on corperate criminals, so they go after the biggest name they can find. Martha Stewart.
Credit to AP News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Martha Stewart has won a huge victory in court today. The judge threw out the securities fraud charge against her. The charge accused Stewart of deceiving investors in her company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, by lying about her sale of ImClone Systems stock. If convicted of the charge, Martha could have gotten ten years in prison. But she's not out of hot water yet. The remaining four charges carry a max of five years.
I think this is just one big witch hunt. With all the real crime going on, this is what the Government's throwing our money at. Martha's just the scapegoat. The Government just want's to prove their tough on corperate criminals, so they go after the biggest name they can find. Martha Stewart.
Credit to AP News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The The Angry American Atheist that we all know and love has decided to pick himself up and return to blogging. He's still wrong on everything, but it's good to have him back.
First a warning. I don't think anyone here will agree with this post. In fact, I think most may hate it.
I'm not a firm supporter of censorship, but I do think some things do need to be censored. If it causes harm to the public in general for instance. I'm not talking about points of view. I think everyone has a right to state their point of view. As much as I hate Michael Moore and Martin Sheen, I don't think they should be censored. Damn, that was harder to type than I thought. What I'm talking about is entertainment. Music, movies, TV and the like. Someone like Eminem should be censored. His "music" causes harm to the public, more so to kids. When they get berated with lyrics that talk about killing cops, murdering his wife and chopping her up, you can't tell they don't get desensitized to it. And that can be harmful. All this is brought on by Clear Channel dropping The Howard Stern Show from their airwaves. I totally agree with it. In fact, they should have done it years ago. The stuff he talks about on his show doesn't belong on radio. This may seem a little fascist, and it very well may be but that's how I feel. Now, do I believe that this should be the law of the land? No. My views don't constitute law, just as no one else does. The general law is to let the public decide what's appropriate and inappropriate. I think that's the best way, but it's not the perfect way. Whether it's by letting the public decide or the Government, some people are going to be forced to live in an uncomfortable environment. So what do we do? I don't know. If I were smarter, this would be a better post. As it stands right now, it's so full of holes you could probably find a mouse running through and eating it. But I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Some people don't want this stuff permeating the airwaves, and they shouldn't be forced to "deal with it". I understand the first amendment, freedom of speech and all but freedom of speech doesn't mean we can say what ever we want when we want. There are limits to free speech.
Okay, my quick take on the situation over in Haiti. I think Bush needs to intervene. We've already sent something like 50 Marines over there to protect the American Embassy, but that's not doing enough. We need to go over there and clean up Clinton's mistake. W said that we would help democracy where ever it was needed. Don't let the Loony Left think they're right and only help oil producing countries. We helped in Afghanistan, Iraq and Liberia. Now we need to help Haiti. It's the right thing to do. "The measure of a great leader is his willingness to do what's right, even if it costs him everything". Churchill said that. I can't remember the actual words, but that's the quote.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The The Angry American Atheist that we all know and love has decided to pick himself up and return to blogging. He's still wrong on everything, but it's good to have him back.
First a warning. I don't think anyone here will agree with this post. In fact, I think most may hate it.
I'm not a firm supporter of censorship, but I do think some things do need to be censored. If it causes harm to the public in general for instance. I'm not talking about points of view. I think everyone has a right to state their point of view. As much as I hate Michael Moore and Martin Sheen, I don't think they should be censored. Damn, that was harder to type than I thought. What I'm talking about is entertainment. Music, movies, TV and the like. Someone like Eminem should be censored. His "music" causes harm to the public, more so to kids. When they get berated with lyrics that talk about killing cops, murdering his wife and chopping her up, you can't tell they don't get desensitized to it. And that can be harmful. All this is brought on by Clear Channel dropping The Howard Stern Show from their airwaves. I totally agree with it. In fact, they should have done it years ago. The stuff he talks about on his show doesn't belong on radio. This may seem a little fascist, and it very well may be but that's how I feel. Now, do I believe that this should be the law of the land? No. My views don't constitute law, just as no one else does. The general law is to let the public decide what's appropriate and inappropriate. I think that's the best way, but it's not the perfect way. Whether it's by letting the public decide or the Government, some people are going to be forced to live in an uncomfortable environment. So what do we do? I don't know. If I were smarter, this would be a better post. As it stands right now, it's so full of holes you could probably find a mouse running through and eating it. But I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Some people don't want this stuff permeating the airwaves, and they shouldn't be forced to "deal with it". I understand the first amendment, freedom of speech and all but freedom of speech doesn't mean we can say what ever we want when we want. There are limits to free speech.
Okay, my quick take on the situation over in Haiti. I think Bush needs to intervene. We've already sent something like 50 Marines over there to protect the American Embassy, but that's not doing enough. We need to go over there and clean up Clinton's mistake. W said that we would help democracy where ever it was needed. Don't let the Loony Left think they're right and only help oil producing countries. We helped in Afghanistan, Iraq and Liberia. Now we need to help Haiti. It's the right thing to do. "The measure of a great leader is his willingness to do what's right, even if it costs him everything". Churchill said that. I can't remember the actual words, but that's the quote.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, the last one didn't as many replies as I was hoping for but it got enough for me to do another one. Here it is:
What's Your Favorite Pie?
A. Apple
B. Cherry
C. Pumpkin
D. Peach
E. Lemon
F. Chocolate
G. Other (Please Specify)
Again, like last time, just post your response in the comments.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, the last one didn't as many replies as I was hoping for but it got enough for me to do another one. Here it is:
What's Your Favorite Pie?
A. Apple
B. Cherry
C. Pumpkin
D. Peach
E. Lemon
F. Chocolate
G. Other (Please Specify)
Again, like last time, just post your response in the comments.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Rosie O'Donnell is set to marry her girlfriend in the capital of Loony Land, San Francisco. I don't know if she already has, or is planning to. Let me know."I think the actions of the president are, in my opinion, the most vile and hateful words ever spoken by a sitting president. I am stunned, and I'm horrified," Rosie said on GMA this morning. I'd sure like to know what was so hateful about what Bush said. Did he use the words "homo" or "fag" and I missed it? "I find this proposed amendment very, very, very, very shocking. And immoral. And, you know, if civil disobedience is the way to go about change, then I think a lot of people will be going to San Francisco. And I hope they put more people on the steps to marry as many people as show up. And I hope everyone shows up". Hell, it's San Francisco, the law means nothing there. All this is, is an attempt by a former star to try and get her name back in the spotlight. I guess she thinks that if a "celeb" does it then the majority of Americans who oppose gay marriage will change their minds.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Rosie O'Donnell is set to marry her girlfriend in the capital of Loony Land, San Francisco. I don't know if she already has, or is planning to. Let me know."I think the actions of the president are, in my opinion, the most vile and hateful words ever spoken by a sitting president. I am stunned, and I'm horrified," Rosie said on GMA this morning. I'd sure like to know what was so hateful about what Bush said. Did he use the words "homo" or "fag" and I missed it? "I find this proposed amendment very, very, very, very shocking. And immoral. And, you know, if civil disobedience is the way to go about change, then I think a lot of people will be going to San Francisco. And I hope they put more people on the steps to marry as many people as show up. And I hope everyone shows up". Hell, it's San Francisco, the law means nothing there. All this is, is an attempt by a former star to try and get her name back in the spotlight. I guess she thinks that if a "celeb" does it then the majority of Americans who oppose gay marriage will change their minds.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's the end of February. March is upon us, which means Spring's almost here. I hate Spring. Between the months of March and September, we have storms. If you live, or have lived, in middle America or the south then you know what I'm talking about. Living here in Oklahoma, I live smack dab in the middle of what's known as "tornado ally". Oklahoma has the second highest number of tornadoes a year, second only to Texas. And Spring is the breading ground for tornadoes. These things scare the living hell out of me. What makes it worse is that I live in a mobile home with no cellar, and we've all seen what these things do to mobile homes. During the Spring and Summer seasons I'm in a funk. That's why I love late Fall and Winter. So if my posts start to drop off in their amount and frequency it's because I'm just not in the mood to post. So far I've been lucky and have never been through one yet, but my time's coming.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's the end of February. March is upon us, which means Spring's almost here. I hate Spring. Between the months of March and September, we have storms. If you live, or have lived, in middle America or the south then you know what I'm talking about. Living here in Oklahoma, I live smack dab in the middle of what's known as "tornado ally". Oklahoma has the second highest number of tornadoes a year, second only to Texas. And Spring is the breading ground for tornadoes. These things scare the living hell out of me. What makes it worse is that I live in a mobile home with no cellar, and we've all seen what these things do to mobile homes. During the Spring and Summer seasons I'm in a funk. That's why I love late Fall and Winter. So if my posts start to drop off in their amount and frequency it's because I'm just not in the mood to post. So far I've been lucky and have never been through one yet, but my time's coming.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Could Bush lose in November? Yes, absolutely he could. But not because of the economy. Despite what the Lefties want us to believe, the economy is getting better. Not because of anything Bush has done wrong in the War On Terror. Despite what the Lefties want us to believe, the War On Terror is working. Maybe working a little too good. We've all seen the "experts" on the talkshows talking about how Bush's downfall this Nov could be the fact that Americans feel safe. If you look at the polls, we've put the War On Terror(Homland Security) as the number two or three most important thing this election year. Bush has done such a good job on this subject, we've lulled ourselves into a false since of security. Under Clinton, we had four or five major terrorist attacks on America, Americans or American interests. Under Bush, we've had one. We're starting to believe that it won't, or just plain can't, happen again. And I think we're going to be in for a terrible surprise one day. Remember waking up on the Sep. day and turning on the news? Remember seeing that plane hitting the tower? Remember that feeling? Well, the next time this happens, and I'm afraid it will, it's going to be many times worse. Homeland Security should still be foremost on our minds. The economy is just money, terrorism affects something far more important than money. The point of this post is that we need to wake up. We are safer today than we were in 2000, but we're not safe.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Could Bush lose in November? Yes, absolutely he could. But not because of the economy. Despite what the Lefties want us to believe, the economy is getting better. Not because of anything Bush has done wrong in the War On Terror. Despite what the Lefties want us to believe, the War On Terror is working. Maybe working a little too good. We've all seen the "experts" on the talkshows talking about how Bush's downfall this Nov could be the fact that Americans feel safe. If you look at the polls, we've put the War On Terror(Homland Security) as the number two or three most important thing this election year. Bush has done such a good job on this subject, we've lulled ourselves into a false since of security. Under Clinton, we had four or five major terrorist attacks on America, Americans or American interests. Under Bush, we've had one. We're starting to believe that it won't, or just plain can't, happen again. And I think we're going to be in for a terrible surprise one day. Remember waking up on the Sep. day and turning on the news? Remember seeing that plane hitting the tower? Remember that feeling? Well, the next time this happens, and I'm afraid it will, it's going to be many times worse. Homeland Security should still be foremost on our minds. The economy is just money, terrorism affects something far more important than money. The point of this post is that we need to wake up. We are safer today than we were in 2000, but we're not safe.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If Bush just isn't your cup of tea, then Nader's the man for you. Vote Bush, but Nader would okay too.
Credit to Arty.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

If Bush just isn't your cup of tea, then Nader's the man for you. Vote Bush, but Nader would okay too.
Credit to Arty.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a mousetrail. Kind of childish, yeah, but what's life without a little fun. So enjoy it. And don't ask me why the words are broke up like they are. I don't know. That's just the way they are I guess.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? Well, scroll down and you'll see it. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a mousetrail. Kind of childish, yeah, but what's life without a little fun. So enjoy it. And don't ask me why the words are broke up like they are. I don't know. That's just the way they are I guess.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? Well, scroll down and you'll see it. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
But not black. According to Mrs. Kerry, because she grew up in Africa she's African American. But, if you'll notice, there's a difference in her African American and the other African-American. The hyphen's missing in her meaning. That's right, Mrs. Kerry says that African-American belongs to blacks, but insists that it's proper to call herself African American as long as no hyphen is used or intended. "My roots are African," she told a reporter in 1995. "The birds I remember, the fruits I ate, the trees I climbed, they're African." This is the best thing I've ever heard. Even though she grew up amidst segregated privilege in colonial Mozambique, and that she's African American, she really hasn't helped "her people". Beside giving money to the Save The Children Fund, she really hasn't donated much of her vast fortune to Mozambique. She has nearly a quarter of Mozambique's annual Gross Domestic Product and she can't donate to her "homeland". Damn. I wonder if people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will eventually jump on this? If Bush were to say he were Mexican American because he was raised in Texas, people would shit their pants calling him a racist. But I doubt anyone even mentions this in the next 9 months.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
But not black. According to Mrs. Kerry, because she grew up in Africa she's African American. But, if you'll notice, there's a difference in her African American and the other African-American. The hyphen's missing in her meaning. That's right, Mrs. Kerry says that African-American belongs to blacks, but insists that it's proper to call herself African American as long as no hyphen is used or intended. "My roots are African," she told a reporter in 1995. "The birds I remember, the fruits I ate, the trees I climbed, they're African." This is the best thing I've ever heard. Even though she grew up amidst segregated privilege in colonial Mozambique, and that she's African American, she really hasn't helped "her people". Beside giving money to the Save The Children Fund, she really hasn't donated much of her vast fortune to Mozambique. She has nearly a quarter of Mozambique's annual Gross Domestic Product and she can't donate to her "homeland". Damn. I wonder if people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will eventually jump on this? If Bush were to say he were Mexican American because he was raised in Texas, people would shit their pants calling him a racist. But I doubt anyone even mentions this in the next 9 months.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was just watching Crossfire and Congressman J.D. Hayworth was one of the guests. As I watching and listening to the Congressman, I got to thinking. He should run for president in '08. He's an intelligent man, well spoken and seems to have a grasp of the issues. 80% of being president is communication, and Hayworth can do that. If you happen to agree with me, you should write Mr. Hayworth and let him know that he should run sometime in the future.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was just watching Crossfire and Congressman J.D. Hayworth was one of the guests. As I watching and listening to the Congressman, I got to thinking. He should run for president in '08. He's an intelligent man, well spoken and seems to have a grasp of the issues. 80% of being president is communication, and Hayworth can do that. If you happen to agree with me, you should write Mr. Hayworth and let him know that he should run sometime in the future.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Finally, two of the detainees at Gitmo have been charged with war crimes and will stand trial before a U.S. military tribunals. Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi and Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman al Bahlul, try saying that one time fast, were both body guards of asshole number one Usama bin Laden. Besides being human shields for the bastard, al Qosi was a paymaster for Al Qaeda and al Bahlul was a propagandist for bin Laden. Al Qosi is charged with setting up a business that would funnel money into Al Qaeda thus giving them means to continue their terrorist attacks. The indictment for al Bahlul says that bin Laden ordered him to make a video tape glorifying the attack on the USS Cole. The intend of the video was to "inspire Al Qaeda members and others to continue violent attacks against property and nationals, both military and civilian, of the United States," the indictment said. Al Bahlul was also ordered to set up a satellite connection in order for bin Laden to watch the event of Sept. 11 unfold. But he was unable to do so. Poor bin Laden. He didn't get to watch is master plan unfold live. Like the title says, death penalties all around. These two scum fucks should receive the worst possible punishment the American people can think of. My vote, red hot metal bars shoved up their asses.
W has called for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Saying that we must defend "the most fundamental institution of civilization." Along with the amendment banning homosexual marriage, he also said that states should be allowed to make laws that recognize other types of relationships. A.K.A. civil unions. I'm behind this 100%. "Unless action is taken, we can expect more arbitrary court decisions, more litigation, more defiance of the law by local officials - all of which adds to uncertainty," Bush said. We can't have these extreme left-wing state courts makeing laws. That's not their job. I know a lot of people, Republicans included, don't support an amendment to the constitution but right now that seems like the only way to stop these rogue courts.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Finally, two of the detainees at Gitmo have been charged with war crimes and will stand trial before a U.S. military tribunals. Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al Qosi and Ali Hamza Ahmed Sulayman al Bahlul, try saying that one time fast, were both body guards of asshole number one Usama bin Laden. Besides being human shields for the bastard, al Qosi was a paymaster for Al Qaeda and al Bahlul was a propagandist for bin Laden. Al Qosi is charged with setting up a business that would funnel money into Al Qaeda thus giving them means to continue their terrorist attacks. The indictment for al Bahlul says that bin Laden ordered him to make a video tape glorifying the attack on the USS Cole. The intend of the video was to "inspire Al Qaeda members and others to continue violent attacks against property and nationals, both military and civilian, of the United States," the indictment said. Al Bahlul was also ordered to set up a satellite connection in order for bin Laden to watch the event of Sept. 11 unfold. But he was unable to do so. Poor bin Laden. He didn't get to watch is master plan unfold live. Like the title says, death penalties all around. These two scum fucks should receive the worst possible punishment the American people can think of. My vote, red hot metal bars shoved up their asses.
W has called for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Saying that we must defend "the most fundamental institution of civilization." Along with the amendment banning homosexual marriage, he also said that states should be allowed to make laws that recognize other types of relationships. A.K.A. civil unions. I'm behind this 100%. "Unless action is taken, we can expect more arbitrary court decisions, more litigation, more defiance of the law by local officials - all of which adds to uncertainty," Bush said. We can't have these extreme left-wing state courts makeing laws. That's not their job. I know a lot of people, Republicans included, don't support an amendment to the constitution but right now that seems like the only way to stop these rogue courts.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Late 2004 or early 2005. That's when the U.N. says Iraq will be ready for elections. Remember when the U.S. said elections should be held later rather than earlier? That Iraq wouldn't be ready for elections when they wanted them? People flipped over that. But the U.N. says the same thing and they're okay with it. What the hell.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Late 2004 or early 2005. That's when the U.N. says Iraq will be ready for elections. Remember when the U.S. said elections should be held later rather than earlier? That Iraq wouldn't be ready for elections when they wanted them? People flipped over that. But the U.N. says the same thing and they're okay with it. What the hell.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The WOOOOOOOO part is for you Ric Flair fans out their, you know what I'm talking about. So, now's the time for my favorite posts. The random thoughts. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a post I do when there's nothing that I really want to post on so I just talk about stupid, and not so stupid, stuff. Let's get this convoy on the road shall we?
Is Michelle Malkin not one of the most beautiful women on the planet? Gorgeous and a Republican, it's what's know as the "total package"
I love the blues. God defined the word "perfect" when he created the blues
I said it once, and I'll say it again. Is blogging not the most asinine thing? Then why can't I stop?
I'm thinking about setting up one of those Amazon.com pay things on my site so people can send me money to buy a 65 Mustang. What do you think?
I bought a new hard drive last month that came with $30 a mail in rebate. It still hasn't come in yet, it better get here and fast
Did you all know I use to be a Democrat? It's true. Then "Bubba" was re-elected in '96 and I felt cheated. That was the turning point in my political life
My favorite wood is Mahogany. I love a good rich dark piece of Mahogany. Bookcase, headboard, fireplace, anything
Just one word. Damn
I want an Alienware computer. Maybe I'll use some of the money from my Amazon.com thing to buy one
Dr. Phil is an idiot
Has anyone been to the Smithsonian Museum? I would love to go there sometime
Next year, if you add up the numbers in the year I was born, 1979, it'll add up to my age, 26. Cool, huh? No, I didn't think so
Peace Frogs are cool. Yes, cool
I had a low C high D average in English class. That's bad
Does anyone else think that live performances from bands are better than studio tracks?
Re-carve Mt. Rushmore.
For the White man, Washington - Lincoln - Reagan - W
For us Indians, Sitting Bull - Crazy Horse - Geronimo - Sequoia
Well, that's all for now. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The WOOOOOOOO part is for you Ric Flair fans out their, you know what I'm talking about. So, now's the time for my favorite posts. The random thoughts. For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a post I do when there's nothing that I really want to post on so I just talk about stupid, and not so stupid, stuff. Let's get this convoy on the road shall we?

Is Michelle Malkin not one of the most beautiful women on the planet? Gorgeous and a Republican, it's what's know as the "total package"
I love the blues. God defined the word "perfect" when he created the blues
I said it once, and I'll say it again. Is blogging not the most asinine thing? Then why can't I stop?
I'm thinking about setting up one of those Amazon.com pay things on my site so people can send me money to buy a 65 Mustang. What do you think?
I bought a new hard drive last month that came with $30 a mail in rebate. It still hasn't come in yet, it better get here and fast
Did you all know I use to be a Democrat? It's true. Then "Bubba" was re-elected in '96 and I felt cheated. That was the turning point in my political life
My favorite wood is Mahogany. I love a good rich dark piece of Mahogany. Bookcase, headboard, fireplace, anything

Just one word. Damn
I want an Alienware computer. Maybe I'll use some of the money from my Amazon.com thing to buy one
Dr. Phil is an idiot
Has anyone been to the Smithsonian Museum? I would love to go there sometime
Next year, if you add up the numbers in the year I was born, 1979, it'll add up to my age, 26. Cool, huh? No, I didn't think so
Peace Frogs are cool. Yes, cool
I had a low C high D average in English class. That's bad
Does anyone else think that live performances from bands are better than studio tracks?
Re-carve Mt. Rushmore.
For the White man, Washington - Lincoln - Reagan - W
For us Indians, Sitting Bull - Crazy Horse - Geronimo - Sequoia
Well, that's all for now. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following is an email that one of the webmasters over at Moore Watch recieved.
My name and who I am is irrelevant.
If you do not close down the moorewatch site and you continue to bad mouth michael moore I will penetrate your flesh with a blunt object and play with your blood.
You have 10 days to comply.
Damn, I thought the Left-wingers were suppost to be peace loving, non-violent people. What this moron, I guess, didn't realize is that his email could be tracked. If you go to Moore Watch, you can get his address so you can write back and tell him what a dumbass he is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following is an email that one of the webmasters over at Moore Watch recieved.
My name and who I am is irrelevant.
If you do not close down the moorewatch site and you continue to bad mouth michael moore I will penetrate your flesh with a blunt object and play with your blood.
You have 10 days to comply.
Damn, I thought the Left-wingers were suppost to be peace loving, non-violent people. What this moron, I guess, didn't realize is that his email could be tracked. If you go to Moore Watch, you can get his address so you can write back and tell him what a dumbass he is.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you have a sitemeter or hit tracer or something that lets you track where your traffic's coming from, I was wondering, where do most of your hits come from? Almost 50% of my hits are coming from the East Coast. And a lot are coming from .edu sites. A few are coming from Europe and Austrialia.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you have a sitemeter or hit tracer or something that lets you track where your traffic's coming from, I was wondering, where do most of your hits come from? Almost 50% of my hits are coming from the East Coast. And a lot are coming from .edu sites. A few are coming from Europe and Austrialia.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's time again for the Word Of The Day. I'm just trying to educate y'all.
Disabuse - transative verb - circa 1611 - To free from a falsehood or misconception
I must disabuse you of your thoughts that John Kerry would make a good president.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's time again for the Word Of The Day. I'm just trying to educate y'all.
Disabuse - transative verb - circa 1611 - To free from a falsehood or misconception
I must disabuse you of your thoughts that John Kerry would make a good president.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ralph Nader's presidential run brought to you by the VRWC. Yes, we were able to convince him to run. I can't tell how we did it, but let's just say it involved a needle and a new drug we're working on. I knew about this Friday, but because of the stunt I pulled Tuesday telling you we were in talks I couldn't tell you before hand. But I have to give you my honest opinion. I don't think this helps Bush in anyway. The Dems have become a one track party. Get Bush out at all costs. That's their only goal. So I don't think Nader will get that many votes, but we should see the DNC flipping out for a few months. So that should make for a few good laughs.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ralph Nader's presidential run brought to you by the VRWC. Yes, we were able to convince him to run. I can't tell how we did it, but let's just say it involved a needle and a new drug we're working on. I knew about this Friday, but because of the stunt I pulled Tuesday telling you we were in talks I couldn't tell you before hand. But I have to give you my honest opinion. I don't think this helps Bush in anyway. The Dems have become a one track party. Get Bush out at all costs. That's their only goal. So I don't think Nader will get that many votes, but we should see the DNC flipping out for a few months. So that should make for a few good laughs.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found this site that describes the history of the GOP and I though I would share some of it with you.
The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge.
So, what do we learn from this part? Before the Republican Party was founded, there were two main parties. Democrats and Whigs. After the GOP was founded, most Whigs joined up. So that tells us that the Democratic Party was the party of pro-slavery, not the Republican Party. If the Whigs joined the GOP, then the Whigs must have been anti-slavery.
The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.
Now you can make the argument of Jefferson being pro-slavery. You can do it if you want, but he also was instrumental in establishing the freedoms we now have.
In 1856, the Republicans became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." Even though they were considered a "third party" because the Democrats and Whigs represented the two-party system at the time, Fremont received 33% of the vote. Four years later, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the White House.
33% right out of the gate. Kind of reminds me of what's happening today with Nader. The Green Party is considered a "third party" and they have every right to become a player in presidential elections. Just don't tell the DNC that. Abe Lincoln was our first Republican president. He was one of the key supporters of abolishing slavery.
The Republicans of the day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery, the Fourteenth, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws, and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans.
Outlaw slavery, equal protection under the law and voting rights for blacks. Boy, if you listen to the world today the Republican Party is the party that's trying to hold the black man down. Proof has nothing to do with history evidently.
In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to favor women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917.
Wow, Republicans were also instrumental in women's rights. Plus the very first woman elected to Congress was a Republican. Kind of dampens the image the Democrats portray us as being, doesn't it.
Abolishing slavery. Free speech. Women's suffrage. In today's stereotypes, none of these sounds like a typical Republican issue, yet they are stances the Republican Party, in opposition to the Democratic Party, adopted early on.
It seems the Democratic Party was lead kicking and screaming into the 20th century, not the GOP.
The GOP, Grand Old Party. Now you know our history, your history. Go out and spread the word. Let the world know you're proud to be Republican. The party of anti-slavery and pro women's rights.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found this site that describes the history of the GOP and I though I would share some of it with you.
The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge.
So, what do we learn from this part? Before the Republican Party was founded, there were two main parties. Democrats and Whigs. After the GOP was founded, most Whigs joined up. So that tells us that the Democratic Party was the party of pro-slavery, not the Republican Party. If the Whigs joined the GOP, then the Whigs must have been anti-slavery.
The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.
Now you can make the argument of Jefferson being pro-slavery. You can do it if you want, but he also was instrumental in establishing the freedoms we now have.
In 1856, the Republicans became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." Even though they were considered a "third party" because the Democrats and Whigs represented the two-party system at the time, Fremont received 33% of the vote. Four years later, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the White House.
33% right out of the gate. Kind of reminds me of what's happening today with Nader. The Green Party is considered a "third party" and they have every right to become a player in presidential elections. Just don't tell the DNC that. Abe Lincoln was our first Republican president. He was one of the key supporters of abolishing slavery.
The Republicans of the day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery, the Fourteenth, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws, and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans.
Outlaw slavery, equal protection under the law and voting rights for blacks. Boy, if you listen to the world today the Republican Party is the party that's trying to hold the black man down. Proof has nothing to do with history evidently.
In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to favor women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917.
Wow, Republicans were also instrumental in women's rights. Plus the very first woman elected to Congress was a Republican. Kind of dampens the image the Democrats portray us as being, doesn't it.
Abolishing slavery. Free speech. Women's suffrage. In today's stereotypes, none of these sounds like a typical Republican issue, yet they are stances the Republican Party, in opposition to the Democratic Party, adopted early on.
It seems the Democratic Party was lead kicking and screaming into the 20th century, not the GOP.
The GOP, Grand Old Party. Now you know our history, your history. Go out and spread the word. Let the world know you're proud to be Republican. The party of anti-slavery and pro women's rights.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to a recent Fox News poll, Democrats ranked education as the third most important issue this election year. Behind the war on terror and the economy. Now, when did money become more important than the education of our kids? What happened to "money's not the most important thing"? Wouldn't a reasonable person put education as the number one,or number two at the very least, priority? Well, I think I just answered myself with that question. We're not dealing with reasonable people, their Democrats. Dems would hypocrisize, is that even a word, themselves for benefit. They say what the polls say, and when the poll change they change with them.
War On Terror (Homeland Security)
Health Care
That's my priorities. Now, I know we need jobs but how do we get those jobs if education is so low on the map?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to a recent Fox News poll, Democrats ranked education as the third most important issue this election year. Behind the war on terror and the economy. Now, when did money become more important than the education of our kids? What happened to "money's not the most important thing"? Wouldn't a reasonable person put education as the number one,or number two at the very least, priority? Well, I think I just answered myself with that question. We're not dealing with reasonable people, their Democrats. Dems would hypocrisize, is that even a word, themselves for benefit. They say what the polls say, and when the poll change they change with them.
War On Terror (Homeland Security)
Health Care
That's my priorities. Now, I know we need jobs but how do we get those jobs if education is so low on the map?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Newsmax has an interesting article up that talks about John Kerry denying that he ever accused U.S. soldiers of committing war crimes in Vietnam. It's a good read. I would write out a whole post talking about it, but it's lunch time and I have to get my grub on.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Newsmax has an interesting article up that talks about John Kerry denying that he ever accused U.S. soldiers of committing war crimes in Vietnam. It's a good read. I would write out a whole post talking about it, but it's lunch time and I have to get my grub on.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was channel surfing yesterday and I happened on a few of these shows geared toward kids. Stuff like MTV, Nickelodeon and the like. And I started thinking to myself, "God, I'm glad I'm not a kid growing up now.". It's not any one thing that I can put my finger on, it's just a little bit of everything. I'm not too far off from the target audience of these shows, except Nicelodeon, but it's like a completely different world. Music, fashion, language. And I realized something, I'm and adult now. I'm 25 years old. I'm grown up. Most of this stuff is supposed to appeal to me, but I can't stand it. I've always been old school. The old stereotype of getting older and not understanding "the kids of today", I found out, is true. But I've never followed the trends of my generation. I don't understand the fasication with groups like Outkast, Jason Mraz, Avril Lavigne, Clay Aiken and such. It's wailing, screeching crap. One other quick argument about music today. I was looking through Yahoo shopping music to find some of the names above and under the Rock section they had listed:
Janet Jackson
Melissa Etheridge
Kylie Minogue
Norah Jones
Britney Spears
Remember when rock and roll was Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, The Who and the like. I know, before my time, but like I said. I'm old school. What the hell happened?
Anyway, back to topic. When I was in 5th grade, I remember getting excited when I could see the outline of a bra through a girls shirt. Today, hell, that's nothing. We have 5th graders today who are wearing these low rider jeans, or what ever their called, with the straps of their tongs handing out. What the hell happened? This country's moved on in the wrong direction. I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm just getting older.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was channel surfing yesterday and I happened on a few of these shows geared toward kids. Stuff like MTV, Nickelodeon and the like. And I started thinking to myself, "God, I'm glad I'm not a kid growing up now.". It's not any one thing that I can put my finger on, it's just a little bit of everything. I'm not too far off from the target audience of these shows, except Nicelodeon, but it's like a completely different world. Music, fashion, language. And I realized something, I'm and adult now. I'm 25 years old. I'm grown up. Most of this stuff is supposed to appeal to me, but I can't stand it. I've always been old school. The old stereotype of getting older and not understanding "the kids of today", I found out, is true. But I've never followed the trends of my generation. I don't understand the fasication with groups like Outkast, Jason Mraz, Avril Lavigne, Clay Aiken and such. It's wailing, screeching crap. One other quick argument about music today. I was looking through Yahoo shopping music to find some of the names above and under the Rock section they had listed:
Janet Jackson
Melissa Etheridge
Kylie Minogue
Norah Jones
Britney Spears
Remember when rock and roll was Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Blue Oyster Cult, The Who and the like. I know, before my time, but like I said. I'm old school. What the hell happened?
Anyway, back to topic. When I was in 5th grade, I remember getting excited when I could see the outline of a bra through a girls shirt. Today, hell, that's nothing. We have 5th graders today who are wearing these low rider jeans, or what ever their called, with the straps of their tongs handing out. What the hell happened? This country's moved on in the wrong direction. I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm just getting older.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have never seen the Dems as scared as they are right now. They are terrified that tree huger Ralph Nader will throw his hat into the race this year. We all know that Nader was one of the causes of Gore losing in 2000, and they don't want it happening again. The DNC has operatives following Nader begging and pleading him not to run. Nader has every right to run. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in 2000 Nader almost got the 10 or 15% of the vote that the Green Party needed to be eligible for government matched funds. Who knows, maybe this year he'll get it and then the Green Party will be a viable party in national elections. Not that that would be a good thing. That's all we need is another extreme left-wing group. So run, Ralph, run. Don't let people sway you in the direction they want you to go. Follow your heart and do what you want.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have never seen the Dems as scared as they are right now. They are terrified that tree huger Ralph Nader will throw his hat into the race this year. We all know that Nader was one of the causes of Gore losing in 2000, and they don't want it happening again. The DNC has operatives following Nader begging and pleading him not to run. Nader has every right to run. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in 2000 Nader almost got the 10 or 15% of the vote that the Green Party needed to be eligible for government matched funds. Who knows, maybe this year he'll get it and then the Green Party will be a viable party in national elections. Not that that would be a good thing. That's all we need is another extreme left-wing group. So run, Ralph, run. Don't let people sway you in the direction they want you to go. Follow your heart and do what you want.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Drumwaster for this test. Are you a Yankee or Dixie? This test will help tell. I like this one. By the way, I got a 62% Dixie rating. Southern to the bone, baby.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Drumwaster for this test. Are you a Yankee or Dixie? This test will help tell. I like this one. By the way, I got a 62% Dixie rating. Southern to the bone, baby.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was looking around the Howie D. forum and someone had this picture in their signature. I had to post it here. This is one of the funniest things I've seen. It seems that a lot of Wieniacs despise Kerry as much as we do.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

I was looking around the Howie D. forum and someone had this picture in their signature. I had to post it here. This is one of the funniest things I've seen. It seems that a lot of Wieniacs despise Kerry as much as we do.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm in the belly of the beast, kind of. I've started an account over at Howie D.'s forums. These people are still whining about Howie's being a loser. Their blaming everyone but Dean and the black cat of politics, Al Gore.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm in the belly of the beast, kind of. I've started an account over at Howie D.'s forums. These people are still whining about Howie's being a loser. Their blaming everyone but Dean and the black cat of politics, Al Gore.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Broke another promise
And I broke another heart
But I ain't too young to realize
That I ain't too old to try
Try to get back to the start
And it's another red light nightmare
Another red light street
And I ain't too old to hurry
Cause I ain't too old to die
But I sure am hard to beat
On this day in 1980 the greatest voice in rock and roll passed away after a night of heavy drinking. Ronald "Bon" Belford Scott was the voice and resident hellraiser of AC/DC. If you've been paying attention to my posts then you know that I'm a huge AC/DC fan. They had just released Highway To Hell and were poised to explode like nothing this country had ever seen when Bon passed away. People still consider Bon a huge influence in them becoming musicians. There will never be another voice like his. Ride On you bonny Scotsman, Ride On.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Broke another promise
And I broke another heart
But I ain't too young to realize
That I ain't too old to try
Try to get back to the start
And it's another red light nightmare
Another red light street
And I ain't too old to hurry
Cause I ain't too old to die
But I sure am hard to beat
On this day in 1980 the greatest voice in rock and roll passed away after a night of heavy drinking. Ronald "Bon" Belford Scott was the voice and resident hellraiser of AC/DC. If you've been paying attention to my posts then you know that I'm a huge AC/DC fan. They had just released Highway To Hell and were poised to explode like nothing this country had ever seen when Bon passed away. People still consider Bon a huge influence in them becoming musicians. There will never be another voice like his. Ride On you bonny Scotsman, Ride On.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you all know, I'm all about the education of the masses. Well, maybe you didn't know that, but you do now. So I want to start something new. Everyday, or so, I'm going to post a word of the day and it's definition. Maybe we'll all learn something, who knows.
Today's word of the day is:
Exsanguinating - Noun - circa 1909 - The action or process of draining or losing blood
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you all know, I'm all about the education of the masses. Well, maybe you didn't know that, but you do now. So I want to start something new. Everyday, or so, I'm going to post a word of the day and it's definition. Maybe we'll all learn something, who knows.
Today's word of the day is:
Exsanguinating - Noun - circa 1909 - The action or process of draining or losing blood
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have a new link for you to explore and enjoy. A guy named Donald J. Hagen e-mailed my the link to his site. Political Test
It's a satirical political beliefs assessment test. It's pretty funny. It's not a question/answer type of quiz. It's asks questions and give different answers for them to determine whether you're a Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian or Communist. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's a humor site. Here's an example of some of the questions:
Robin Hood's practice of stealing from the rich to give to the poor was...
LIBERAL: a brave, generous and heroic deed.
LIBERTARIAN: a foolish, misguided attempt at social engineering.
COMMUNIST: an inspiration to us all.
I commute to work...
CONSERVATIVE: alone in my enormous monster 4x4 pickup truck that measures its gas consumption in barrels per mile.
LIBERAL: in a very, very, very tiny electric car that would probably lose if it ever crashed into anything larger than a small sized dog.
LIBERTARIAN: on my own two feet.
COMMUNIST: using transit for the masses.
It's a long test, so be prepared to read. And here's something, I may be a closet Libertarian. There's quite a few Libertarian answers that I agree with. Not all of them, I don't think even the majority, but a few.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have a new link for you to explore and enjoy. A guy named Donald J. Hagen e-mailed my the link to his site. Political Test
It's a satirical political beliefs assessment test. It's pretty funny. It's not a question/answer type of quiz. It's asks questions and give different answers for them to determine whether you're a Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian or Communist. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's a humor site. Here's an example of some of the questions:
Robin Hood's practice of stealing from the rich to give to the poor was...
LIBERAL: a brave, generous and heroic deed.
LIBERTARIAN: a foolish, misguided attempt at social engineering.
COMMUNIST: an inspiration to us all.
I commute to work...
CONSERVATIVE: alone in my enormous monster 4x4 pickup truck that measures its gas consumption in barrels per mile.
LIBERAL: in a very, very, very tiny electric car that would probably lose if it ever crashed into anything larger than a small sized dog.
LIBERTARIAN: on my own two feet.
COMMUNIST: using transit for the masses.
It's a long test, so be prepared to read. And here's something, I may be a closet Libertarian. There's quite a few Libertarian answers that I agree with. Not all of them, I don't think even the majority, but a few.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Before I forget all together, you may have noticed that the link to Howie D.'s blog is gone. His campaign's deader than Jimmy Hoffa so it's no longer needed here. So long Howard Dean.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Before I forget all together, you may have noticed that the link to Howie D.'s blog is gone. His campaign's deader than Jimmy Hoffa so it's no longer needed here. So long Howard Dean.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I want to try something new here. This poll is a tester. If it does good and I get a decent number of replies I'll do a different poll periodically. They could deal with events happening in the world or it could deal with your favorite color. Just what ever jumps into my mind. Anyway, today's tester poll is this:
What are your feelings on homosexual marriage and/or civil unions for homosexuals?
1. I support homosexual marriage
2. I support civil unions for homosexuals
3. I support neither marriage nor civil unions for homosexuals
Just post your vote in the comments. And there will be no name calling, judgments made, fights or anything else of that nature with votes or replies to votes or you will be banned from commenting on this blog again. Just trying to cover my ass here people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I want to try something new here. This poll is a tester. If it does good and I get a decent number of replies I'll do a different poll periodically. They could deal with events happening in the world or it could deal with your favorite color. Just what ever jumps into my mind. Anyway, today's tester poll is this:
What are your feelings on homosexual marriage and/or civil unions for homosexuals?
1. I support homosexual marriage
2. I support civil unions for homosexuals
3. I support neither marriage nor civil unions for homosexuals
Just post your vote in the comments. And there will be no name calling, judgments made, fights or anything else of that nature with votes or replies to votes or you will be banned from commenting on this blog again. Just trying to cover my ass here people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That's right. It may not be new news by now, but it's news. Howard Dean has dropped out of the race. NaNa, NaNaNaNa, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye. Sing along. This was a truly spectacular thing. Just a few months ago, Howie D was the number one man in the Democratic Party. He labeled himself as anti-establishment and an outsider, though it wasn't true. He gave the Democratic Party the anger, which some mislabled as passion, that it needed. We can't deny what he's done. With this anger, John Kerry is now ahead of Bush in the polls. Some say his voting record will be the downfall of Kerry. I don't believe that. The Dems are so full of anger that they don't care. They just want Bush out of office and they don't care who does it. But back to Dean. He then went out and got the support of the establishment he said he was against, and I think that was his downfall. He showed himself as the hypocrite that he is. He gave us the "Yeaaaaaa" hear round the world and we got to see the unstable man Dean really is. This irrational, hate filled, ideologue. So now we're down to two men, John "Frankenstein" Kerry and John "The South Is My Backyard" Edwards. I don't consider Sharpton and Kucinich as candidates. They're the fat lady in this sideshow of a race. Kind of entertaining, but not too interesting. With Edward's strong showing in Wisconsin lastnight, he has shown himself a worth running mate for Kerry. But he has stated that he will not accept a VP slot with Kerry. Let's see if he keeps his word. On the subject of keeping your word, and back to Dean as well. Remember a few months back when Dean said that if he doesn't get the nomination that he would start a boycott. I wonder if he'll keep his word?
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That's right. It may not be new news by now, but it's news. Howard Dean has dropped out of the race. NaNa, NaNaNaNa, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye. Sing along. This was a truly spectacular thing. Just a few months ago, Howie D was the number one man in the Democratic Party. He labeled himself as anti-establishment and an outsider, though it wasn't true. He gave the Democratic Party the anger, which some mislabled as passion, that it needed. We can't deny what he's done. With this anger, John Kerry is now ahead of Bush in the polls. Some say his voting record will be the downfall of Kerry. I don't believe that. The Dems are so full of anger that they don't care. They just want Bush out of office and they don't care who does it. But back to Dean. He then went out and got the support of the establishment he said he was against, and I think that was his downfall. He showed himself as the hypocrite that he is. He gave us the "Yeaaaaaa" hear round the world and we got to see the unstable man Dean really is. This irrational, hate filled, ideologue. So now we're down to two men, John "Frankenstein" Kerry and John "The South Is My Backyard" Edwards. I don't consider Sharpton and Kucinich as candidates. They're the fat lady in this sideshow of a race. Kind of entertaining, but not too interesting. With Edward's strong showing in Wisconsin lastnight, he has shown himself a worth running mate for Kerry. But he has stated that he will not accept a VP slot with Kerry. Let's see if he keeps his word. On the subject of keeping your word, and back to Dean as well. Remember a few months back when Dean said that if he doesn't get the nomination that he would start a boycott. I wonder if he'll keep his word?
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I could be kicked out of the club and forced to move to France for telling you all this, but the rumors of Ralph Nader possibly running are true. The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy have been in private meetings with Nader for the last month. We are trying everything we can to get him to run. Mind control, hypnosis and even threats of bodily harm if he doesn't. We need Nader to run, we need him to take the extreme looney votes away from Kerry. I'll keep you abreast of developments are they happen.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I could be kicked out of the club and forced to move to France for telling you all this, but the rumors of Ralph Nader possibly running are true. The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy have been in private meetings with Nader for the last month. We are trying everything we can to get him to run. Mind control, hypnosis and even threats of bodily harm if he doesn't. We need Nader to run, we need him to take the extreme looney votes away from Kerry. I'll keep you abreast of developments are they happen.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I am throwing 100% of my support behind Arsenal. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Arsenal is the number one ranked team in the English Premier League. They're on their way to winning the FA Cup for the third year in a row for a total of 10 championship wins. I never could understand the world's fascination with football/soccer until I watched my first English game and I was hooked. Now all I have to do is find out when the championship match is to be played and I'm all set.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

I am throwing 100% of my support behind Arsenal. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Arsenal is the number one ranked team in the English Premier League. They're on their way to winning the FA Cup for the third year in a row for a total of 10 championship wins. I never could understand the world's fascination with football/soccer until I watched my first English game and I was hooked. Now all I have to do is find out when the championship match is to be played and I'm all set.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well all know the story by now. Mayor Gavin Newsom of SF has sanctioned 87 illegal gay marriages. Am I the only one who thinks Mayor Newsom should be thrown out of office? Hasn't he heard about Prop 22? You know prop 22, that's the proposition that was passed by a huge majority of California voters that says only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Mayor Newsom is breaking the law, plain and simple. Remember Judge Roy Moore in Alabama. He put up a monument to the 10 Commandments in the courthouse. People went ballistic over this. Why, because he was breaking the law. Where's the outcry for Newsom to obey the law? What he's doing is trying to make law, and the mayor doesn't get to do that. Just like the courts don't make the law, but don't tell that the 9th circuit court of appeals in SF. He should be arrested and thrown from his seat.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well all know the story by now. Mayor Gavin Newsom of SF has sanctioned 87 illegal gay marriages. Am I the only one who thinks Mayor Newsom should be thrown out of office? Hasn't he heard about Prop 22? You know prop 22, that's the proposition that was passed by a huge majority of California voters that says only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Mayor Newsom is breaking the law, plain and simple. Remember Judge Roy Moore in Alabama. He put up a monument to the 10 Commandments in the courthouse. People went ballistic over this. Why, because he was breaking the law. Where's the outcry for Newsom to obey the law? What he's doing is trying to make law, and the mayor doesn't get to do that. Just like the courts don't make the law, but don't tell that the 9th circuit court of appeals in SF. He should be arrested and thrown from his seat.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a site meter to my blog. I was checking the stats just now and it says that I've had a reader from Baghdad or Moscow visit twice in the last two days. If so, let me know who you are. I never thought I would have someone in another country reading this blog.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've added a site meter to my blog. I was checking the stats just now and it says that I've had a reader from Baghdad or Moscow visit twice in the last two days. If so, let me know who you are. I never thought I would have someone in another country reading this blog.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
First, let me say that it wasn't easy going through all these anti-freedom websites to get a picture to post.
We all remember that during the war, and even still today after, we could turn on the news and see people all over the world with signs that read, "No Blood For Oil". People thought that we were going to war in Iraq so we could steal their oil. Well, here's some proof to the contrary. In the past three weeks, the price of gas has went up 3.61 cents a gallon. That's up 17 cents a gallon since late December, which raises the average price to $1.69 a gallon for regular. Now, if were stealing the oil from Iraq wouldn't that mean we would be getting our oil dead cheap? So in turn, wouldn't cheap oil mean cheap gas? But, as you can see, the prices are still going up. Here in Oklahoma the price is around $1.45 a gallon. So what's the deal? Are all the "No Blood For Oil" people wrong? Could we have went into Iraq to free the Iraqi people and not for all the oil we want?
And here's a little something else. A website called United States of Earth has an article up about the oil bribes Saddam made to counties thoughout the world. Some of nations mentioned are India, Bulgaria, Russia and everybody's favorite, France. There's another story out, but I can't find it right now, that talks about evidence found in Iraq that shows Saddam made bribes to Germany, Russia, China and France with oil. No big surprise there though. If someone could find that story, let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

First, let me say that it wasn't easy going through all these anti-freedom websites to get a picture to post.
We all remember that during the war, and even still today after, we could turn on the news and see people all over the world with signs that read, "No Blood For Oil". People thought that we were going to war in Iraq so we could steal their oil. Well, here's some proof to the contrary. In the past three weeks, the price of gas has went up 3.61 cents a gallon. That's up 17 cents a gallon since late December, which raises the average price to $1.69 a gallon for regular. Now, if were stealing the oil from Iraq wouldn't that mean we would be getting our oil dead cheap? So in turn, wouldn't cheap oil mean cheap gas? But, as you can see, the prices are still going up. Here in Oklahoma the price is around $1.45 a gallon. So what's the deal? Are all the "No Blood For Oil" people wrong? Could we have went into Iraq to free the Iraqi people and not for all the oil we want?
And here's a little something else. A website called United States of Earth has an article up about the oil bribes Saddam made to counties thoughout the world. Some of nations mentioned are India, Bulgaria, Russia and everybody's favorite, France. There's another story out, but I can't find it right now, that talks about evidence found in Iraq that shows Saddam made bribes to Germany, Russia, China and France with oil. No big surprise there though. If someone could find that story, let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
John Kerry has categorically denied the rumors of an affair with 27 year old Alex Poller. You all should know the story by now. Kerry cheated on his wife with Ms. Poller and asked her to leave the country. She's now in Africa with her fiance. For Kerry's sake, he better hope it's not true. He's already gone on record saying it's not true. Remember the trouble "Bubba" got into for lying about an affair. But I have a feeling that somehow it'll come around to it being the RNC who started the rumor as part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. I stand before you and say that's bumpkiss. It never occurred to us to start that rumor.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

John Kerry has categorically denied the rumors of an affair with 27 year old Alex Poller. You all should know the story by now. Kerry cheated on his wife with Ms. Poller and asked her to leave the country. She's now in Africa with her fiance. For Kerry's sake, he better hope it's not true. He's already gone on record saying it's not true. Remember the trouble "Bubba" got into for lying about an affair. But I have a feeling that somehow it'll come around to it being the RNC who started the rumor as part of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. I stand before you and say that's bumpkiss. It never occurred to us to start that rumor.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Let's examine John Kerry's three purple hearts he was awarded during his tour in Vietnam. First a word. I'm not diminishing his bravery in the slightest. Just going over to Nam took more guts than I have. He is a hero, and he's braver than I could ever be. It takes a real man, or woman, to lay your life on the line for another.
Purple Heart number one was awarded on Dec. 2, 1968. Kerry, during his first intense combat action, was slightly wounded on his arm.
Purple Heart number two was awarded on Feb. 20, 1969. Kerry earned this purple heart after sustaining a minor shrapnel wound in his left thigh.
Purple Heart number three was awarded on Mar. 13, 1969. A mine detonated near the boat Kerry was in. Kerry sustained a slight wound to his right arm. And you know how many days of service Kerry missed because of these three wounds? Two, and both of those were from the mine explosion.
After his third Purple Heart, Kerry requested to be sent back home because under Navy law a soldier who is wounded three times is allowed to return the United States. He didn't have to. He could have stayed and finished his tour of duty, but he decide to turn his back on his "band of brothers" and go home. And the rest is history.
Again, I'm not diminishing what Kerry did in Nam, only that we shouldn't think that he received his purple hearts because of some life threating wounds.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Let's examine John Kerry's three purple hearts he was awarded during his tour in Vietnam. First a word. I'm not diminishing his bravery in the slightest. Just going over to Nam took more guts than I have. He is a hero, and he's braver than I could ever be. It takes a real man, or woman, to lay your life on the line for another.
Purple Heart number one was awarded on Dec. 2, 1968. Kerry, during his first intense combat action, was slightly wounded on his arm.
Purple Heart number two was awarded on Feb. 20, 1969. Kerry earned this purple heart after sustaining a minor shrapnel wound in his left thigh.
Purple Heart number three was awarded on Mar. 13, 1969. A mine detonated near the boat Kerry was in. Kerry sustained a slight wound to his right arm. And you know how many days of service Kerry missed because of these three wounds? Two, and both of those were from the mine explosion.
After his third Purple Heart, Kerry requested to be sent back home because under Navy law a soldier who is wounded three times is allowed to return the United States. He didn't have to. He could have stayed and finished his tour of duty, but he decide to turn his back on his "band of brothers" and go home. And the rest is history.
Again, I'm not diminishing what Kerry did in Nam, only that we shouldn't think that he received his purple hearts because of some life threating wounds.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Ted for this. Here's something I didn't know. According to Vets Against Kerry, John Kerry didn't finish his tour of duty in Vietnam. After recieveing the Silver Star, Kerry used an obscure Navy regulation to leave Vietnam and his crew before completing his tour of duty. Does that sound like a hero to you? All veterans are heroes, but turning your back on your "band of brothers" and running before your tour of duty is up is sorry. Why hasn't Terry McAuliffe and Michael Moore jumped on this bit of info yet? I hope the GOP slams Kerry with this during the election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Ted for this. Here's something I didn't know. According to Vets Against Kerry, John Kerry didn't finish his tour of duty in Vietnam. After recieveing the Silver Star, Kerry used an obscure Navy regulation to leave Vietnam and his crew before completing his tour of duty. Does that sound like a hero to you? All veterans are heroes, but turning your back on your "band of brothers" and running before your tour of duty is up is sorry. Why hasn't Terry McAuliffe and Michael Moore jumped on this bit of info yet? I hope the GOP slams Kerry with this during the election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just six words. I want to see this movie. I'm not a religious man, but this movie is something I have to see. I saw the trailer way back when it had just come out and was amazed by it then. I want to see it almost enough to plop down $13 at the theater. Almost, but I think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD. That way I can watch it as many times as I want. But I have a feeling this is going to be, if not the biggest, then one of the biggest movies of the year. I think it will be the biggest foreign film of all time though. I hope this blows Titanic out of the water, no pun intended.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Just six words. I want to see this movie. I'm not a religious man, but this movie is something I have to see. I saw the trailer way back when it had just come out and was amazed by it then. I want to see it almost enough to plop down $13 at the theater. Almost, but I think I'll wait for it to come out on DVD. That way I can watch it as many times as I want. But I have a feeling this is going to be, if not the biggest, then one of the biggest movies of the year. I think it will be the biggest foreign film of all time though. I hope this blows Titanic out of the water, no pun intended.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, the Daytona 500 is being raced this weekend. I caught a piece of Fox News this morning and the reporter was talking to the sponsor of the Interstate Battery car. The number 18 car will have an ad for "The Passion Of The Christ" on the hood. She asked him if he worried about anyone being offended by it. He gave a great answer. "The chances of doing something that 100% of the people will agree with are slim to nil.". Now, I'm offended by beer ads everywhere I look, but does anyone care? No. Should they? No. Because I'm not everyone. People have condemned this movie without even seeing it. Wait 'till you see it, then judge it.
We have become a country that's too sensitive to everything. Like what Brian's post deals with. People removing words from books so people won't be offended. Now I can understand it to a limit. If you don't want your kids seeing, reading or hearing things you think their too young for. But for the most part it's got to stop. Textbooks can't say "Founding Fathers" anymore because it may offend women. We're made to fell guilty if we say "black" instead of "African-American" or "midget" instead of "Little Person" or "man/woman" instead of "Person". You know who's to blame for the majority of this don't you? That's right, the west/east coast Liberal who thinks the entire world should follow what they think and do. They are so out of touch with reality it's scary. We all need to take a chill pill and calm down. You're not a racist, insensitive or ignorant because you don't use weenie PC terms.
And one last thing. You all knew I couldn't spell worth crap. Why didn't anyone tell me that Blogger had a spellchecker build in? I'm highly offended by this lack of action. Like the majority of people today, I pass the blame on to you all. It's not my fault I was too dumb not to see it there.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, the Daytona 500 is being raced this weekend. I caught a piece of Fox News this morning and the reporter was talking to the sponsor of the Interstate Battery car. The number 18 car will have an ad for "The Passion Of The Christ" on the hood. She asked him if he worried about anyone being offended by it. He gave a great answer. "The chances of doing something that 100% of the people will agree with are slim to nil.". Now, I'm offended by beer ads everywhere I look, but does anyone care? No. Should they? No. Because I'm not everyone. People have condemned this movie without even seeing it. Wait 'till you see it, then judge it.
We have become a country that's too sensitive to everything. Like what Brian's post deals with. People removing words from books so people won't be offended. Now I can understand it to a limit. If you don't want your kids seeing, reading or hearing things you think their too young for. But for the most part it's got to stop. Textbooks can't say "Founding Fathers" anymore because it may offend women. We're made to fell guilty if we say "black" instead of "African-American" or "midget" instead of "Little Person" or "man/woman" instead of "Person". You know who's to blame for the majority of this don't you? That's right, the west/east coast Liberal who thinks the entire world should follow what they think and do. They are so out of touch with reality it's scary. We all need to take a chill pill and calm down. You're not a racist, insensitive or ignorant because you don't use weenie PC terms.
And one last thing. You all knew I couldn't spell worth crap. Why didn't anyone tell me that Blogger had a spellchecker build in? I'm highly offended by this lack of action. Like the majority of people today, I pass the blame on to you all. It's not my fault I was too dumb not to see it there.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to make a correction. It has been brought to my attention that the photo showing John Kerry and "Hanoi Jane" Fonda was a photoshop fake. I humbly apologize for posting it. I thought it looked kind of clear for a 30 year old clipping, but I just ignored it. It's 100% my fault. I am sorry. Let me shift myself in my seat, pull my hat down and ready myself. 3...2...1...Let the flaming begin.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to make a correction. It has been brought to my attention that the photo showing John Kerry and "Hanoi Jane" Fonda was a photoshop fake. I humbly apologize for posting it. I thought it looked kind of clear for a 30 year old clipping, but I just ignored it. It's 100% my fault. I am sorry. Let me shift myself in my seat, pull my hat down and ready myself. 3...2...1...Let the flaming begin.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to The Drudge Report, John Kerry has had an affair with another woman. The story is still developing, but according to Drudge Kerry asked the woman to leave the country. Don't start to get all giddy or anything. This won't stop Kerry. Think of "Bubba" and Jennifer Flowers. That didn't stop him. But it looks like John Kerry has modeled himself after John Kennedy in more ways than we thought.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to The Drudge Report, John Kerry has had an affair with another woman. The story is still developing, but according to Drudge Kerry asked the woman to leave the country. Don't start to get all giddy or anything. This won't stop Kerry. Think of "Bubba" and Jennifer Flowers. That didn't stop him. But it looks like John Kerry has modeled himself after John Kennedy in more ways than we thought.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know that John Kerry has no real core values. He's flip-flopped on almost every issue known to man. In this post, I will attemp to list all of those flips and flops that I can.
1. In Oct. 2002, Sen. John Kerry voted for the Iraq War resolution. Not too long after his vote, he decided to change his mind. Then he votes no to send more money to the troops in Iraq for basic gear that they need to survive. "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror, and therefore any advance in Iraq is an advance forward in that...". John Kerry in December of 2003, two months ago.
2. John Kerry says he want to rid Washington of special interest groups. Yet, he's accepted more special interest money than any one in the in Senate over the past 15 years.
3. Kerry once said that the wounds of the Vietnam War should not be opened by politicians trying to take office. Yet, he mentions the war every chance he gets. "I am saddened by the fact that Vietnam has yet again been inserted into the campaign, and that it has been inserted in what I feel to be the worst possible way... What saddens me most is that Democrats, above all those who shared the agonies of that generation, should now be re-fighting the many conflicts of Vietnam in order to win the current political conflict of a presidential primary". Kerry in 1992.
4. Kerry voted for the Patriot Act, but now he's strongly against it.
5. Kerry voted for the No Child Left Behind education bill, but now he's against that as well.
6. Kerry claims he supports our American troops, yet after the Vietnam War, under his leadership, the VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against The War) members mocked the uniform of United States soldiers by wearing tattered fatigues marked with pro-Communist graffiti. That's a slap right across the face.
7. In 1998, John Kerry stated that he was against the death penalty for terrorists. But now he's for it, saying that "the law of the land must be upheld".
8. John Kerry did once support gay marriage, but now he says he opposes it.
What do these 8 flip-flops show us? That John Kerry is for something when it's popular and against it when it's not. He believes in nothing except what helps him get ahead.
It's time for Celebrity Mole, so I have to go. I love this show.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know that John Kerry has no real core values. He's flip-flopped on almost every issue known to man. In this post, I will attemp to list all of those flips and flops that I can.
1. In Oct. 2002, Sen. John Kerry voted for the Iraq War resolution. Not too long after his vote, he decided to change his mind. Then he votes no to send more money to the troops in Iraq for basic gear that they need to survive. "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror, and therefore any advance in Iraq is an advance forward in that...". John Kerry in December of 2003, two months ago.
2. John Kerry says he want to rid Washington of special interest groups. Yet, he's accepted more special interest money than any one in the in Senate over the past 15 years.
3. Kerry once said that the wounds of the Vietnam War should not be opened by politicians trying to take office. Yet, he mentions the war every chance he gets. "I am saddened by the fact that Vietnam has yet again been inserted into the campaign, and that it has been inserted in what I feel to be the worst possible way... What saddens me most is that Democrats, above all those who shared the agonies of that generation, should now be re-fighting the many conflicts of Vietnam in order to win the current political conflict of a presidential primary". Kerry in 1992.
4. Kerry voted for the Patriot Act, but now he's strongly against it.
5. Kerry voted for the No Child Left Behind education bill, but now he's against that as well.
6. Kerry claims he supports our American troops, yet after the Vietnam War, under his leadership, the VVAW (Vietnam Veterans Against The War) members mocked the uniform of United States soldiers by wearing tattered fatigues marked with pro-Communist graffiti. That's a slap right across the face.
7. In 1998, John Kerry stated that he was against the death penalty for terrorists. But now he's for it, saying that "the law of the land must be upheld".
8. John Kerry did once support gay marriage, but now he says he opposes it.
What do these 8 flip-flops show us? That John Kerry is for something when it's popular and against it when it's not. He believes in nothing except what helps him get ahead.
It's time for Celebrity Mole, so I have to go. I love this show.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Claudia over at Freedom Of Thought has a great post up about a Vietnam P.O.W and his views on the REAL John Kerry. Go read the post.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Claudia over at Freedom Of Thought has a great post up about a Vietnam P.O.W and his views on the REAL John Kerry. Go read the post.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Like the song by The Guess Who says, I Got, Got, Got No Time. I don't have much time so this will quick and to the point. Wes Clark is dropping out. He never really went anywhere in this race. I wonder what Michael Moore's going to do now. Also, there goes Hillary's surefire route back to the White House. I guess she's just going to have to start kissing John Kerry's ass and hope he falls for it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Like the song by The Guess Who says, I Got, Got, Got No Time. I don't have much time so this will quick and to the point. Wes Clark is dropping out. He never really went anywhere in this race. I wonder what Michael Moore's going to do now. Also, there goes Hillary's surefire route back to the White House. I guess she's just going to have to start kissing John Kerry's ass and hope he falls for it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
An important note from your friendly neighborhood geek. Go and update your Windows. There's a new hole that's been found in Windows, and it's suppost to be one of the worst ones yet. If you're running XP, 2000, NT or Windows Server 2003 update, update, update. I'm not sure about 95, 98 or Me, but if you're running one of these check it out anyway.
Goodbye, cruel world,
I'm leaving you today.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
Goodbye all you people,
There's nothing you can say,
To make me change my mind.
Credit: Pink Floyd
If you've been to Jake's blog recently, you will see he is no longer blogging. Hopfully he won't stop coming here and replying though.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
An important note from your friendly neighborhood geek. Go and update your Windows. There's a new hole that's been found in Windows, and it's suppost to be one of the worst ones yet. If you're running XP, 2000, NT or Windows Server 2003 update, update, update. I'm not sure about 95, 98 or Me, but if you're running one of these check it out anyway.
I'm leaving you today.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.
Goodbye all you people,
There's nothing you can say,
To make me change my mind.
Credit: Pink Floyd
If you've been to Jake's blog recently, you will see he is no longer blogging. Hopfully he won't stop coming here and replying though.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to the Washington Post John Kerry has raised more money from paid lobbyists than any other senator over the past 15 years. In fact, right now he's number one in the Senate for taking special interest money. Out of 100 people, he's taken more than anyone else. As of Jan. 31, 2004 he had raised $225,000. Twice that of any other Dem running. Kerry said he would "happily release any lobbyist meeting I've ever had," but has yet to do it. What's Kerry trying to hide? He's a hypocrite. His message is to rid Washington of special interest groups while going around the country on the dime of those same special interest groups. I was watching Crossfire today and his campaign manager, or someone in the Kerry camp, was on there. When asked about this, he tried his hardest to deflect the question by bringing up Bush some more. And of course that wimp Tucker Carlson let him get away with it. Carlson ain't a Republican, he's a wuss. If it had been Sean Hannity asking the question he wouldn't have stopped until he got an answer.
One last thing, while I'm sort of on the subject of Fox News. How come John Kerry refuses to do the O'Reilly Factor. Or, for that matter, Howard Dean and Wes Clark. Why are they so scared to have to answer anything but softball questions? When Bush was running it 2000, he went on the O'Reilly Factor and Al Gore didn't. And look who won that race, (nods head up and down as if saying "yeah, see"). It could be the best thing Kerry ever did going on Bill's show.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
According to the Washington Post John Kerry has raised more money from paid lobbyists than any other senator over the past 15 years. In fact, right now he's number one in the Senate for taking special interest money. Out of 100 people, he's taken more than anyone else. As of Jan. 31, 2004 he had raised $225,000. Twice that of any other Dem running. Kerry said he would "happily release any lobbyist meeting I've ever had," but has yet to do it. What's Kerry trying to hide? He's a hypocrite. His message is to rid Washington of special interest groups while going around the country on the dime of those same special interest groups. I was watching Crossfire today and his campaign manager, or someone in the Kerry camp, was on there. When asked about this, he tried his hardest to deflect the question by bringing up Bush some more. And of course that wimp Tucker Carlson let him get away with it. Carlson ain't a Republican, he's a wuss. If it had been Sean Hannity asking the question he wouldn't have stopped until he got an answer.
One last thing, while I'm sort of on the subject of Fox News. How come John Kerry refuses to do the O'Reilly Factor. Or, for that matter, Howard Dean and Wes Clark. Why are they so scared to have to answer anything but softball questions? When Bush was running it 2000, he went on the O'Reilly Factor and Al Gore didn't. And look who won that race, (nods head up and down as if saying "yeah, see"). It could be the best thing Kerry ever did going on Bill's show.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link to the site, and probably the most important link. Mothers Against Drunk Driving. I know I'm not a mother, well, at least not a mommy type of mother, but it's still a good organization. I grew up with an alcoholic parent, so I have a real distain for alcohol. Plus, Indians and alcohol don't mix at all. I've seen what it can do, and it's not pretty. So if you know anyone who has a problem with alcohol, go there and get some info on how you can help them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link to the site, and probably the most important link. Mothers Against Drunk Driving. I know I'm not a mother, well, at least not a mommy type of mother, but it's still a good organization. I grew up with an alcoholic parent, so I have a real distain for alcohol. Plus, Indians and alcohol don't mix at all. I've seen what it can do, and it's not pretty. So if you know anyone who has a problem with alcohol, go there and get some info on how you can help them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sort of in a rush, so the following will just be some quick takes on thigs happening.
Did anyone miss 3 time loser Al Gore's mad rant yesterday? What the hell was he thinking? He saw it didn't work for Dean the first time. So why did he think it would work a second go round? He's obveously been reading Ron Suskind's book, but he hasn't been listening to what he has to say. Gore ranted about "Bush planning to go to war back in Feb. or March". Didn't O'Neil refute that in an interview? Thank God this man didn't win in 2000. If he can't control his emotions under stress, what the hell would he have done after 9/11?
John "Frankenstein" Kerry, the man who said that a man running for the office of the president shouldn't be bringing up the Vietnam War just to get elected has been bringing up a lot recently. From Kerry's own mouth, "It is a sad day when the president of the United States is willing to sully another man's reputation and challenge his patriotism merely to get elected". Questioning Bush's honorable discharge. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to serve your time to get an honorable discharge? I mean, if you go AWOL you don't get an honorable discharge. Do you? Also, don't you just love that picture? "Frankenstein" with "Hanoi Jane", the woman the soldiers from the Vietnam era hate with a passion. Post this picture on every blog and everyone e-mail it to to Kerry. I guess stupid celebs are eternal. From "Hanoi Jane" all the way to "Baghdad" Penn. One last thing about Kerry. Does anyone else think that the comments he made to the Senate in 1972 could come back to hurt him with veterns? You know, the stuff he made up about them raping, killing, burning villages and stuff like that. Lies like that could cost him. If there's any spelling mistakes, you know what I ment so don't worry about them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sort of in a rush, so the following will just be some quick takes on thigs happening.
Did anyone miss 3 time loser Al Gore's mad rant yesterday? What the hell was he thinking? He saw it didn't work for Dean the first time. So why did he think it would work a second go round? He's obveously been reading Ron Suskind's book, but he hasn't been listening to what he has to say. Gore ranted about "Bush planning to go to war back in Feb. or March". Didn't O'Neil refute that in an interview? Thank God this man didn't win in 2000. If he can't control his emotions under stress, what the hell would he have done after 9/11?

John "Frankenstein" Kerry, the man who said that a man running for the office of the president shouldn't be bringing up the Vietnam War just to get elected has been bringing up a lot recently. From Kerry's own mouth, "It is a sad day when the president of the United States is willing to sully another man's reputation and challenge his patriotism merely to get elected". Questioning Bush's honorable discharge. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to serve your time to get an honorable discharge? I mean, if you go AWOL you don't get an honorable discharge. Do you? Also, don't you just love that picture? "Frankenstein" with "Hanoi Jane", the woman the soldiers from the Vietnam era hate with a passion. Post this picture on every blog and everyone e-mail it to to Kerry. I guess stupid celebs are eternal. From "Hanoi Jane" all the way to "Baghdad" Penn. One last thing about Kerry. Does anyone else think that the comments he made to the Senate in 1972 could come back to hurt him with veterns? You know, the stuff he made up about them raping, killing, burning villages and stuff like that. Lies like that could cost him. If there's any spelling mistakes, you know what I ment so don't worry about them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In an interview on CNN's Larry King Live, Howie D told Bob Woodward that Gore's endorsment started the decline in his campaign. That it worried the other candidates and the Democrtic establishment so much that the attacks reached an all time high. Paul Begala, former Clinton aide, told the New York Times, "I suppose people are going to be running away from Al Gore the way the devil runs away from holy water". By my count, this makes Gore a three time loser now. Word of warning to any Democrat running for office in the future. If Al Gore comes out and endorses you, just drop out and give up.
Newsmax has an article up which talks about John Kerry and his ties to Enron. The former chairman, Ken Lay, sat on the board of Teresa's Heinz Center Foundation. He reportedly was a Heinz Center trustee for more than a decade, resigning just last year. Some may be saying, "This is his wife, not Kerry himself. Your reaching Chris". No more than Democrats like to reach for a Bush/Enron link. Go read the piece for the full story.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In an interview on CNN's Larry King Live, Howie D told Bob Woodward that Gore's endorsment started the decline in his campaign. That it worried the other candidates and the Democrtic establishment so much that the attacks reached an all time high. Paul Begala, former Clinton aide, told the New York Times, "I suppose people are going to be running away from Al Gore the way the devil runs away from holy water". By my count, this makes Gore a three time loser now. Word of warning to any Democrat running for office in the future. If Al Gore comes out and endorses you, just drop out and give up.
Newsmax has an article up which talks about John Kerry and his ties to Enron. The former chairman, Ken Lay, sat on the board of Teresa's Heinz Center Foundation. He reportedly was a Heinz Center trustee for more than a decade, resigning just last year. Some may be saying, "This is his wife, not Kerry himself. Your reaching Chris". No more than Democrats like to reach for a Bush/Enron link. Go read the piece for the full story.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's review time. Tonight I'm going to be reviewing a movie and iTunes. First, the movie. Last night I watched a movie called "Vampire Effect". This was an awesome movie. It's from Hong Kong, so it dubbed over in English but it's dubbed really well. I wish we could make movies like this here in America. This was "Blade" meets "The Matrix". There's a scene in which the two lead female stars first meet and get into a wicked fight. Wicked, I know but it's the only word I can come up with to descibe it. If you have digital cable or satellite and get Stars Action channel, watch for this. The final fight scene is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Those asian directors really know how to make a movie. Also, Jackie Chan has a cameo in it. So you know he has a great fight scene.
iTunes sucks. I won a free download from that Pepsi/Apple thing their doing. So I go there and have to download a 20MB file on my 56K modem just to get it. When I download the song, it's in a format called M4P. And you can't play it with Windows Media Player, you can only play through iTunes. I don't think you can even put it on an MP3 player, except guess which one. That's right, the overpriced iPod. Great song too, The Who's Squeez Box live. But you can burn it to a CD and rip it from there, I think. But that's a big hassle for just one song. Another downside to iTunes. Well, all these legal download sites actually. No rare or unreleased songs. If it's not on a CD you can buy in stores, you won't get it there. I like to hear the suff I can't find in stores. Alternate versions of songs and rare, unreleased songs. Like this one version of The Guess Who's No Time I have. It's an extended version. Damn RIAA anyway.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's review time. Tonight I'm going to be reviewing a movie and iTunes. First, the movie. Last night I watched a movie called "Vampire Effect". This was an awesome movie. It's from Hong Kong, so it dubbed over in English but it's dubbed really well. I wish we could make movies like this here in America. This was "Blade" meets "The Matrix". There's a scene in which the two lead female stars first meet and get into a wicked fight. Wicked, I know but it's the only word I can come up with to descibe it. If you have digital cable or satellite and get Stars Action channel, watch for this. The final fight scene is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Those asian directors really know how to make a movie. Also, Jackie Chan has a cameo in it. So you know he has a great fight scene.
iTunes sucks. I won a free download from that Pepsi/Apple thing their doing. So I go there and have to download a 20MB file on my 56K modem just to get it. When I download the song, it's in a format called M4P. And you can't play it with Windows Media Player, you can only play through iTunes. I don't think you can even put it on an MP3 player, except guess which one. That's right, the overpriced iPod. Great song too, The Who's Squeez Box live. But you can burn it to a CD and rip it from there, I think. But that's a big hassle for just one song. Another downside to iTunes. Well, all these legal download sites actually. No rare or unreleased songs. If it's not on a CD you can buy in stores, you won't get it there. I like to hear the suff I can't find in stores. Alternate versions of songs and rare, unreleased songs. Like this one version of The Guess Who's No Time I have. It's an extended version. Damn RIAA anyway.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I found a site that I thought you all would get a hoot out of. Evil Republican Times. It's meant to be a joke, but some of their "headlines" made me laugh. Not because their funny, but rather because it's just more immature Liberal shots a Bush and other Conservatives.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I found a site that I thought you all would get a hoot out of. Evil Republican Times. It's meant to be a joke, but some of their "headlines" made me laugh. Not because their funny, but rather because it's just more immature Liberal shots a Bush and other Conservatives.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now that Howie D's campaign has gone the way of Davy Jones, I wonder what Al Gore is planning on doing? Gore has become the black cat of politics. Everything he touches becomes jinxed. If you think about it, when Gore endorsed Dean is when Dean's campaign went downhill. I also wonder if John Kerry will execept his support when Howie D sinks after Wisconsin? If Kerry's even half as smart as he tries to be, he'll tell Gore to shove off.
Going back to Ted's blog. He as a great post up, from the National Review, about the world's favorite punching bag, the French. Go read it. Short, but to the basic fact filled point.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now that Howie D's campaign has gone the way of Davy Jones, I wonder what Al Gore is planning on doing? Gore has become the black cat of politics. Everything he touches becomes jinxed. If you think about it, when Gore endorsed Dean is when Dean's campaign went downhill. I also wonder if John Kerry will execept his support when Howie D sinks after Wisconsin? If Kerry's even half as smart as he tries to be, he'll tell Gore to shove off.
Going back to Ted's blog. He as a great post up, from the National Review, about the world's favorite punching bag, the French. Go read it. Short, but to the basic fact filled point.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ted has a great post on the subject of Bush going AWOL and what real military commanders are like.
On the same subject, Newsmax has an article up that talks about the Brig. General who first launched the charge back in 2000 and his now recant of the charge.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ted has a great post on the subject of Bush going AWOL and what real military commanders are like.
On the same subject, Newsmax has an article up that talks about the Brig. General who first launched the charge back in 2000 and his now recant of the charge.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
President Bush has named 7 people that will form the independent commission to investigation pre-war intelligence regarding the Iraq war. The two people that will head this commission are former Democratic Sen. Charles S. Robb and retired judge Laurence Silberman, a Republican. Other names on the commission are Sen. John McCain, Republican from AZ, Lloyd Cutler, former White House counsel to Presidents Carter and Clinton; former federal judge Patricia M. Wald; Yale University president Richard C. Levin, and Admiral William O. Studeman, former deputy director of the CIA. But of course Democrats are sitting pretty with this. They don't think Bush should be allowed to solely appoint the members of the commission. As if everyone of them are under his power and will do anything he says. As far as I can tell, there are at least two Democrats on the list. Maybe more, I don't know the political leanings of everyone there. And John McCain isn't someone who just lays down and does what he's told. He's not Janet Reno. President Bush has given them a deadline of May 2005 to release their findings. But of course the Democrats what it done before the election because they think they'll have somthing to use against Bush. Bush isn't Clinton. He doesn't cover things up and then lie under oath. But like I've said before, I don't care if Saddam had WMD's at that time or not. He needed to be taken out anyway. Plus, you know, he did have them. Check Syria, Iran, Pakistan. Hell, even Saudia Arabia if you want to find them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
President Bush has named 7 people that will form the independent commission to investigation pre-war intelligence regarding the Iraq war. The two people that will head this commission are former Democratic Sen. Charles S. Robb and retired judge Laurence Silberman, a Republican. Other names on the commission are Sen. John McCain, Republican from AZ, Lloyd Cutler, former White House counsel to Presidents Carter and Clinton; former federal judge Patricia M. Wald; Yale University president Richard C. Levin, and Admiral William O. Studeman, former deputy director of the CIA. But of course Democrats are sitting pretty with this. They don't think Bush should be allowed to solely appoint the members of the commission. As if everyone of them are under his power and will do anything he says. As far as I can tell, there are at least two Democrats on the list. Maybe more, I don't know the political leanings of everyone there. And John McCain isn't someone who just lays down and does what he's told. He's not Janet Reno. President Bush has given them a deadline of May 2005 to release their findings. But of course the Democrats what it done before the election because they think they'll have somthing to use against Bush. Bush isn't Clinton. He doesn't cover things up and then lie under oath. But like I've said before, I don't care if Saddam had WMD's at that time or not. He needed to be taken out anyway. Plus, you know, he did have them. Check Syria, Iran, Pakistan. Hell, even Saudia Arabia if you want to find them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The body of 11 year old missing Florida girl Carlie Brucia was found this morning. Police have yet to release details, but a law enforcement source close to the investigation said she was found between 12:45 a.m. and 1 a.m. Friday outside a church a few miles from the car wash where she was taken. That slimy piece of shit Joseph P. Smith has offically been charged with the murder of the girl. A source says that police found her body after negotiations with Smith. So that means he told them where to find her. I told you this would happen. After he got a deal worked out, he told them where he left her. But he'll get what he deserves in prison. Even child killers are dispised in prision. He'll be some big man's bitch, if he doesn't get killed himself first.
Today is the birthday of the greastest resident of the 20th century. Ronald Wilson Reagan is 93 years old today. President Reagan, as we all know, has been living with the disease Alzheimer's for something like 10 years now. Which goes to show just how strong the man is. 10 years. That's a long time. Happy Birthday Mr. President.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The body of 11 year old missing Florida girl Carlie Brucia was found this morning. Police have yet to release details, but a law enforcement source close to the investigation said she was found between 12:45 a.m. and 1 a.m. Friday outside a church a few miles from the car wash where she was taken. That slimy piece of shit Joseph P. Smith has offically been charged with the murder of the girl. A source says that police found her body after negotiations with Smith. So that means he told them where to find her. I told you this would happen. After he got a deal worked out, he told them where he left her. But he'll get what he deserves in prison. Even child killers are dispised in prision. He'll be some big man's bitch, if he doesn't get killed himself first.

Today is the birthday of the greastest resident of the 20th century. Ronald Wilson Reagan is 93 years old today. President Reagan, as we all know, has been living with the disease Alzheimer's for something like 10 years now. Which goes to show just how strong the man is. 10 years. That's a long time. Happy Birthday Mr. President.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Credit to Claudia over at Freedom Of Thought for this. This just gives all of us Southerns a bad name. Damn hillbillies perpetuating the stereotype.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Credit to Claudia over at Freedom Of Thought for this. This just gives all of us Southerns a bad name. Damn hillbillies perpetuating the stereotype.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Time to endorse another product from a soulless multinational corporation. This time it's Voodoo Rain drink. This is some good stuff. It's another SOBE type of stuff with the herbal junk the hippies like. But ignore that. The Purple Haze is awesome. Go out and buy some of this stuff, because if your going to sell your soul to some commercialized company, you might as well get some cool stuff out of it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Time to endorse another product from a soulless multinational corporation. This time it's Voodoo Rain drink. This is some good stuff. It's another SOBE type of stuff with the herbal junk the hippies like. But ignore that. The Purple Haze is awesome. Go out and buy some of this stuff, because if your going to sell your soul to some commercialized company, you might as well get some cool stuff out of it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Dishwaster had already beat me to the post about the 7 year old Pennsylvania girl, but I didn't know it at the time. And he's alread beat me to the post on this one. Well, blogging's man's game. You either wake up with the chickens and post, or you miss out.
Howie D, for former darling of the Democratic establishment, has stated that he may just drop out if he doesn't win the Wisconsin primary. "Dead man running, dead man running". Just another rat out of the race. But here's something I'm wondering. A little ways back, Howie D said that if he doesn't get the nomination that he would boycott the election. I wonder if he'll stick to his word? Here's a hint, don't bet on it. But look for his brainwashed zombie Deaniacs to raise a fuss. Clark is out of it, Dean is out of it and Sharpton and Kucinich were never in it. That leaves Kerry and Edwards. Your nomination and possible running mate. Unless Hillary decides to worm her way in.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Dishwaster had already beat me to the post about the 7 year old Pennsylvania girl, but I didn't know it at the time. And he's alread beat me to the post on this one. Well, blogging's man's game. You either wake up with the chickens and post, or you miss out.
Howie D, for former darling of the Democratic establishment, has stated that he may just drop out if he doesn't win the Wisconsin primary. "Dead man running, dead man running". Just another rat out of the race. But here's something I'm wondering. A little ways back, Howie D said that if he doesn't get the nomination that he would boycott the election. I wonder if he'll stick to his word? Here's a hint, don't bet on it. But look for his brainwashed zombie Deaniacs to raise a fuss. Clark is out of it, Dean is out of it and Sharpton and Kucinich were never in it. That leaves Kerry and Edwards. Your nomination and possible running mate. Unless Hillary decides to worm her way in.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Get a load of this story. A little 7 year old Pennsylvania girl, Brandy McKenith, was suspended from second grade for swearing. In school she used the word "hell". But not like "hell no" or "the hell you say". No, when one of her friends said "I swear to God", Brandy said, "You shouldn't say that. You'll go to hell". Again, What The Hell. How is this swearing? The principal of the school has refused comment. Witold Walczak, legal director of the Greater Pittsburgh chapter of the ACLU, has come to the McKenith families defense. Walczak said, "The school's policy says 'no profanity' and that's not further defined. How should this little girl know that 'hell' is not allowed?" Lord knows I despise the ACLU, but this one of the very few good things their doing.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Get a load of this story. A little 7 year old Pennsylvania girl, Brandy McKenith, was suspended from second grade for swearing. In school she used the word "hell". But not like "hell no" or "the hell you say". No, when one of her friends said "I swear to God", Brandy said, "You shouldn't say that. You'll go to hell". Again, What The Hell. How is this swearing? The principal of the school has refused comment. Witold Walczak, legal director of the Greater Pittsburgh chapter of the ACLU, has come to the McKenith families defense. Walczak said, "The school's policy says 'no profanity' and that's not further defined. How should this little girl know that 'hell' is not allowed?" Lord knows I despise the ACLU, but this one of the very few good things their doing.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Florida athorities have a suspect, Joseph P. Smith, in custody for the kidnapping of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia. But Carlie is still missing. You know what's going to happen. This slimy piece of shit and his slimy lawers are going to make a plea bargin. If he gets a lighter sentence, he'll tell them where she is. That's our "justice" system at work. Protect the criminals, damn the victims. My thoughts, beat...his...ass...down 'till he tells.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Florida athorities have a suspect, Joseph P. Smith, in custody for the kidnapping of 11-year-old Carlie Brucia. But Carlie is still missing. You know what's going to happen. This slimy piece of shit and his slimy lawers are going to make a plea bargin. If he gets a lighter sentence, he'll tell them where she is. That's our "justice" system at work. Protect the criminals, damn the victims. My thoughts, beat...his...ass...down 'till he tells.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There are reports that Hillary Clinton has privately thrown her support behind John Kerry. She indicated at a Washinton dinner party that Kerry was clearly the best choice of the Democrats' field. You know you're in trouble when the very people that got you in the race to begin with are now abandoning ship like rats. Could we be seeing the first steps in Hillary's master plan for a shot at the White House? It's all part of the Vast Clinton Conspiracy. If Kerry wins in November, Clinton goes into obscurity until really 2012. Because she couldn't win in 2008 going up against a President Kerry. She could survive four years, but not eight. If she becomes VP, she stays in the news for at least another four years. She's dumb, but she's not stupid.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, go to BlogsforBush and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There are reports that Hillary Clinton has privately thrown her support behind John Kerry. She indicated at a Washinton dinner party that Kerry was clearly the best choice of the Democrats' field. You know you're in trouble when the very people that got you in the race to begin with are now abandoning ship like rats. Could we be seeing the first steps in Hillary's master plan for a shot at the White House? It's all part of the Vast Clinton Conspiracy. If Kerry wins in November, Clinton goes into obscurity until really 2012. Because she couldn't win in 2008 going up against a President Kerry. She could survive four years, but not eight. If she becomes VP, she stays in the news for at least another four years. She's dumb, but she's not stupid.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, go to BlogsforBush and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right? By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a link to Franken, I mean John Kerry's blog. He's now the front runner, so I had to add it. And since Howie D is floating belly up, I had to move his down a few pegs. It's truly amazing when you think about it. A year ago, Howard Dean was this phenomenon. He could do no wrong. The Democratic party was backing him 100% because they loved his anger, which they mislabled as passion. But now, just like Joe Lieberman, they've turned their backs to him and hitched a ride on the Kerry bandwagon. When you finish behind Lieberman in a primary, like Dean did last night here in Ok, you know you've fallen from grace. But I suppose it's for the best for Dean. Now he won't have to face the firing squad when Bush decides to fight back. John Kerry going around talking about how the RNC is attacking him, because it's what they do, while all the time he's attacking Bush. Duh Kerry, it's politics. You attack, they attack. That's how the game's played. But sooner or later Kerry will have to answer for his not supporting the troops when they needed it the most. Voting yes for the war but no for the funding for the troops. That money would have got them more ammo and better protection, among other things. And John Kerry said no to it. He sent them to war, but decided that they didn't' need the appropriate protection. But, as much as I hate John Kerry, I'm going to have to get use to him being called President. Because, as I've stated before, I don't' think Bush will win in November. There's just too many angry Democrats that still think the 2000 election was stolen from them. If you listen to some of them, the number one thing they want is for someone to get Bush out of office. Not a better economy, better health care or anything else. The just want Bush out. But I want to put this out now. I know were still over half a year away, but whoever wins lets try to stay civil. There will be enough people on both sides gloating and moaning. We're better than that. At least I hope we are.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a link to Franken, I mean John Kerry's blog. He's now the front runner, so I had to add it. And since Howie D is floating belly up, I had to move his down a few pegs. It's truly amazing when you think about it. A year ago, Howard Dean was this phenomenon. He could do no wrong. The Democratic party was backing him 100% because they loved his anger, which they mislabled as passion. But now, just like Joe Lieberman, they've turned their backs to him and hitched a ride on the Kerry bandwagon. When you finish behind Lieberman in a primary, like Dean did last night here in Ok, you know you've fallen from grace. But I suppose it's for the best for Dean. Now he won't have to face the firing squad when Bush decides to fight back. John Kerry going around talking about how the RNC is attacking him, because it's what they do, while all the time he's attacking Bush. Duh Kerry, it's politics. You attack, they attack. That's how the game's played. But sooner or later Kerry will have to answer for his not supporting the troops when they needed it the most. Voting yes for the war but no for the funding for the troops. That money would have got them more ammo and better protection, among other things. And John Kerry said no to it. He sent them to war, but decided that they didn't' need the appropriate protection. But, as much as I hate John Kerry, I'm going to have to get use to him being called President. Because, as I've stated before, I don't' think Bush will win in November. There's just too many angry Democrats that still think the 2000 election was stolen from them. If you listen to some of them, the number one thing they want is for someone to get Bush out of office. Not a better economy, better health care or anything else. The just want Bush out. But I want to put this out now. I know were still over half a year away, but whoever wins lets try to stay civil. There will be enough people on both sides gloating and moaning. We're better than that. At least I hope we are.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's 8:51 PM CDT, and as of right now John Kerry has won Mo, Del, ND and AZ while John Edwards has won SC. My great state of Oklahoma is still up in the air, but John Edwards has a small lead over Wes Clark. This is do or die time for the General. If he can't win Oklahoma, he really hasn't a chance of becoming the candidate in November. This is the only state he even has a chance of winning. Howard Dean just gave up for this round of elections. Focusing only on the Feb. 17 Wisconsin primary just isn't going to do it. I think Howard Dean may just be a fish dead in the water. The other big news is that Joe Lieberman has finally dropped out. He really didn't have a chance to begin with, but when Gore and the rest of the Democratic party turned their backs to him that really signed his death warrent. I think Sharpton and Kucinich need to take some notes. These two guys aren't Seabiscuit. Their not the underdogs that are going to come up from behind and win it all. I am going to make a prediction right here and now. Come November, it's going to be Kerry-vs-Bush. They keep showing poll after poll that say Kerry is ahead of Bush. Well, duh. Kerry has been in the news more what with the elections going on. Kerry has been attacking Bush, but Bush has yet to go on the defensive yet. We still have 9 months to go. Nobody should be getting their panties in a bunch just yet.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's 8:51 PM CDT, and as of right now John Kerry has won Mo, Del, ND and AZ while John Edwards has won SC. My great state of Oklahoma is still up in the air, but John Edwards has a small lead over Wes Clark. This is do or die time for the General. If he can't win Oklahoma, he really hasn't a chance of becoming the candidate in November. This is the only state he even has a chance of winning. Howard Dean just gave up for this round of elections. Focusing only on the Feb. 17 Wisconsin primary just isn't going to do it. I think Howard Dean may just be a fish dead in the water. The other big news is that Joe Lieberman has finally dropped out. He really didn't have a chance to begin with, but when Gore and the rest of the Democratic party turned their backs to him that really signed his death warrent. I think Sharpton and Kucinich need to take some notes. These two guys aren't Seabiscuit. Their not the underdogs that are going to come up from behind and win it all. I am going to make a prediction right here and now. Come November, it's going to be Kerry-vs-Bush. They keep showing poll after poll that say Kerry is ahead of Bush. Well, duh. Kerry has been in the news more what with the elections going on. Kerry has been attacking Bush, but Bush has yet to go on the defensive yet. We still have 9 months to go. Nobody should be getting their panties in a bunch just yet.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this on Stark Truth and I had to steal it and post it here.
A young teenage girl was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and her father was a rather staunch Republican.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to programs like welfare.
He stopped her and asked her how she was doing in school. She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA, but it was really tough. She had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party and often went sleepless because of all the studying. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of all her studying.
He then asked how her friend Mary, who was attending the same college, was doing. She replied that she was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, was very popular on campus, and was at parties all the time. She often wouldn't show up for classes because she was hung over.
He then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and ask why she couldn't take 1.0 off her 4.0 and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a 3.0 GPA.
The daughter fired back and said, "That wouldn't be fair; I worked Really hard for mine and my friend has done nothing."
The father smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party".
I love that. That sums it up perfectly.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this on Stark Truth and I had to steal it and post it here.
A young teenage girl was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and her father was a rather staunch Republican.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to programs like welfare.
He stopped her and asked her how she was doing in school. She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA, but it was really tough. She had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party and often went sleepless because of all the studying. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of all her studying.
He then asked how her friend Mary, who was attending the same college, was doing. She replied that she was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, was very popular on campus, and was at parties all the time. She often wouldn't show up for classes because she was hung over.
He then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and ask why she couldn't take 1.0 off her 4.0 and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a 3.0 GPA.
The daughter fired back and said, "That wouldn't be fair; I worked Really hard for mine and my friend has done nothing."
The father smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party".
I love that. That sums it up perfectly.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
7 states had primaries or caucases today. GW got my vote. I mean, it wasn't too hard to choose who I would vote for. GW or Bill Wyatt. Why is this man even running? He knows he's not going to get the nod. Why waste the money? If your state had one and you didn't go and vote, shame on you.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

7 states had primaries or caucases today. GW got my vote. I mean, it wasn't too hard to choose who I would vote for. GW or Bill Wyatt. Why is this man even running? He knows he's not going to get the nod. Why waste the money? If your state had one and you didn't go and vote, shame on you.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Watching H&C last night and they had a segment talking about a rap video that was made by one of these Islamic fundamentalist groups. Boy, what a $30 budget will buy these days. Rap is bad enough, but rapping is Arabic was down right funny. Apparently the Jiggy Jihadist "star" of the video was "singing" the praises of a Jihad against the Western world while wearing a ski mask to hide is identity. I don't blame him. If I were in this thing, I'd want my ID protected too. But, just like any other rap video. Some guy screeching while waving a gun. If someone could find this, please let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Watching H&C last night and they had a segment talking about a rap video that was made by one of these Islamic fundamentalist groups. Boy, what a $30 budget will buy these days. Rap is bad enough, but rapping is Arabic was down right funny. Apparently the Jiggy Jihadist "star" of the video was "singing" the praises of a Jihad against the Western world while wearing a ski mask to hide is identity. I don't blame him. If I were in this thing, I'd want my ID protected too. But, just like any other rap video. Some guy screeching while waving a gun. If someone could find this, please let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Tomorrow is Super Tuesday. 7 states are having either a primary or a caucus. Oklahoma being one of them. I've got my voting hat ready. Has a bald eagle in front of an American flag. I'm going to slap that puppy on and cast my vote for GW. The media keeps saying that GW is running unopposed for the Republican nomination. That's not true. A man by the name of Bill Wyatt from Los Angeles is running against him. But something tells me that Bill isn't going to get the nod. As it stands right now, Wes Clark is in the lead in here in the Sooner state. Which really doesn't surprise me seeing as how Arkansas is right next door. This could be his only win so he better savor it.
Speaking of Super, the Super Bowl. Or more specifically, the half time show. I didn't watch it, but it's been all over the news today. Justin Timberlake ripping Janet Jackson's outfit to show her breast. This was so stupid. Timberlake said it was an acciden. But then why is Jackson wearing that metal thing over her nipple? Was it planned out? Can you say Duh?
I hate moronic things like this being done just for ratings. You know, who cares if little kids were watching. Who care if it offends people. CBS and MTV don't care. Just further evidence of the downward spiral this country's going in. It's one thing to do it on cable, I don't care. You have to pay to see it. But when it's done on network tv for millions to see, that's a different story. CBS and MTV should be fined the maximum penalty by the FCC. If you want to see a closeup of it go to drudgereport.com. He as a very closeup of it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Tomorrow is Super Tuesday. 7 states are having either a primary or a caucus. Oklahoma being one of them. I've got my voting hat ready. Has a bald eagle in front of an American flag. I'm going to slap that puppy on and cast my vote for GW. The media keeps saying that GW is running unopposed for the Republican nomination. That's not true. A man by the name of Bill Wyatt from Los Angeles is running against him. But something tells me that Bill isn't going to get the nod. As it stands right now, Wes Clark is in the lead in here in the Sooner state. Which really doesn't surprise me seeing as how Arkansas is right next door. This could be his only win so he better savor it.

Speaking of Super, the Super Bowl. Or more specifically, the half time show. I didn't watch it, but it's been all over the news today. Justin Timberlake ripping Janet Jackson's outfit to show her breast. This was so stupid. Timberlake said it was an acciden. But then why is Jackson wearing that metal thing over her nipple? Was it planned out? Can you say Duh?
I hate moronic things like this being done just for ratings. You know, who cares if little kids were watching. Who care if it offends people. CBS and MTV don't care. Just further evidence of the downward spiral this country's going in. It's one thing to do it on cable, I don't care. You have to pay to see it. But when it's done on network tv for millions to see, that's a different story. CBS and MTV should be fined the maximum penalty by the FCC. If you want to see a closeup of it go to drudgereport.com. He as a very closeup of it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, something's changed. I've added a huge header graphic. I got a link to a free image hosting site that says it has a 2,500MB, 70,000 hits per month bandwidth. I'm going to try it out and see. If it's true, then damn, that's a great deal. By the way, what do you think of the banner. I don't have a professional editor like Photoshop, but I think it's good for a $20 program.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, something's changed. I've added a huge header graphic. I got a link to a free image hosting site that says it has a 2,500MB, 70,000 hits per month bandwidth. I'm going to try it out and see. If it's true, then damn, that's a great deal. By the way, what do you think of the banner. I don't have a professional editor like Photoshop, but I think it's good for a $20 program.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I want to thank both Jeff Stark and Joefish. Jeff for offering to host the Blogs for Bush banner and Joefish for hosting it for me. I don't talk the kids language of today, but mad respect to both of you. I hope mad respects the right phrase.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I want to thank both Jeff Stark and Joefish. Jeff for offering to host the Blogs for Bush banner and Joefish for hosting it for me. I don't talk the kids language of today, but mad respect to both of you. I hope mad respects the right phrase.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

For the brave men and women who lost their lives doing something most of us can only dream of.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's that time again. The Super Bowl is to be played today between the Patriots and Panthers. A game I don't give flip all for. Yes ladies, I'm that rarity. A young, single male that hates football. I hate most sports in general. I like baseball though. I can't sit through an entire game, but I like it. My question is, why do they have to ruin those funny ads with a football game? I want to see the American Chopper ads, but I'm not going to sit through the game to see them. Maybe I hate football because it's become a wuss game. Think about it. Look at the game in the 60's and 70's. Mean, tough and it had attitude. Today it's all about the endorsments and payoffs. How many millions can I get from this? Give me the days when the clothesline was legal. Hell, even when you could celebrate in the endzone by spiking the ball.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's that time again. The Super Bowl is to be played today between the Patriots and Panthers. A game I don't give flip all for. Yes ladies, I'm that rarity. A young, single male that hates football. I hate most sports in general. I like baseball though. I can't sit through an entire game, but I like it. My question is, why do they have to ruin those funny ads with a football game? I want to see the American Chopper ads, but I'm not going to sit through the game to see them. Maybe I hate football because it's become a wuss game. Think about it. Look at the game in the 60's and 70's. Mean, tough and it had attitude. Today it's all about the endorsments and payoffs. How many millions can I get from this? Give me the days when the clothesline was legal. Hell, even when you could celebrate in the endzone by spiking the ball.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Drumwaster for this.

Earth. You're a typical case of 'the more, the
better'. Collecting is your strong point, but
listening too. You will not easily show
emotions, but will try to help, as long as you
get something back for it in the future, but
either it be friendship or a gift, that doesn't
matter to you.
What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Thanks to Drumwaster for this.

Earth. You're a typical case of 'the more, the
better'. Collecting is your strong point, but
listening too. You will not easily show
emotions, but will try to help, as long as you
get something back for it in the future, but
either it be friendship or a gift, that doesn't
matter to you.
What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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