I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."So why the hell should we forgo our beliefs just to please anyone? Any Congressman who goes weak kneed and follows the crowd because they're scared of how it will look to opposed a "Latina with a compelling life story" should pack their shit up and leave office because I don't want them there. So far only one Congressman, and I can't remember what state he's from or his name, has had the balls to stand up and state that he will not support her. I applaud this man. I only wish I could remember his name. I'm getting sick and tired of this fucking bullshit racist game that keeps getting played. We didn't support Obama because he's black, the tea parties were Klan rallies and now if Republican Congressmen don't bow down and support Sonia Sotomayor's nomination it could be seen as racist. Never mind that Democrats opposed Clarence Thomas, Alberto Gonzalez & Miguel Estrada. Bill O'Reilly said, on his show on Wednesday, that "perception outweighs truth" or something like that. And sadly it's true. The popular perception of the Republican party has been that it's a rich White man's party that doesn't support minorities. And we're just sitting back letting that falsehood persist. So we're to be good little Republicans and fall in line because we want minorities to vote for us. This is why the GOP are in such trouble. Not because the party's moved too far to the right. Because it's full of pseudo-Liberal pussies who refuse to take a stand for what they believe in and have completely abandoned their Conservative values of small government and low taxes for bailouts, HUGE government and a debt we're never going to be able to pay off. And I include George W. Bush in that. And we're going to continue to fall until we wipe that god damned yellow streak off our backs and get back to our principals. I am a Conservative. And I am extremely proud of that. But I am a Republican in name only, because like many others I've moved more Libertarian. The party didn't abandon people like Colin Powell and Arlen Spector. It abandoned people like me. People who believe that the Constitution is more than an antiquated piece of paper. That it actually means something. People who believe that government should not, and can't, stick it's fat nose into private companies and take them over. People who believe that we're not entailed to everything. I've seen where our government is taking this country and it pisses me off. This is not the country that was found over 200 years ago. This is a sad, bastardized version that is rotting from the inside out. And I, for one, am feed up with it and I hope that everyone of these cowards who refuse stand up to King Obama and his cronies lose their job in 2010, or whenever they're up for reelection. Because they don't represent me.
would Republicans dare vote against the first Hispanic..
And you know the economy is going to bounce backNot with your policies it's not.
and we want to get out of the business of helping auto companies as quickly as we can. I have got more enough to do without that. In the same way that I want to get out of the business of helping banksThen why don't you? You say you don't want to run banks or auto industries yet you continue to take more and more control. Maybe President Obama needs to go back to college and take Capitalism 101. See, under capitalism we succeed or fail based on our ability to do the job that we're doing. If we make good, smart decisions we succeed and prosper and if we make bad, dumb decisions we fail. And if we fail, we pull up our bootstraps and try again hopefully learning from our mistakes. What we don't do is run to the federal government asking for a hand out and letting them take control of said company. That is Socialism.
Obama defended his decision, saying publication of the photographs "would not add any additional benefit to our understanding of what was carried out in the past by a small number of individuals."And he's right. Honestly, I'm surprised he changed his mind being that he's so beholden to these groups who want them released. But this will be a test to see what kind of backbone he really has. Will he give in to these groups and change his mind, again? Who knows.
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