SSgt. Salvatore Guinta
I wanted to introduce someone to you. His name is Sal Giunta. He is a Staff Sgt. in the United States Army. He is currently stationed in Vicenza, Italy, but on October 25, 2007 he was in the Korengal Valley area of Afghanistan with the 173rd Airborne Brigade.
In late 2007 SSgt. Giunta risked his life when he charged a group of Taliban fighters who were trying make off with a wounded comrade of his. He, and his fellow soldiers from B Company, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, were on their way back from a major operation when they are ambushed. Sgt. Josh Brennan was walking point that day and was hit eight times. While the soldiers were trying to stay alive in the attack, SSgt. Giunta saw two Taliban fighters trying to make off with the wounded Sgt. Josh Brennan. SSgt. Giunta, who had been hit himself but was saved by his armor chest plate, left the safety of cover to help. He started running toward his friend and emptied his magazine. The Taliban fighters dropped Sgt. Brennan and ran. SSgt. Giunta dragged Sgt. Brennan back to safety, but sadly it was too late. Sgt. Brennan didn't survive the attack.

Sgt. Josh Brennan
Said Giunta, "I did what I did because that’s what I was trained to do. I didn’t run through fire to save a buddy – I ran through fire to see what was going on with him and maybe we could hide behind the same rock and shoot together. I didn’t run through fire to do anything heroic or brave. I did what I believe anyone would have done. The medal should go the guy on the right of me and the guy on the left of me. We were all in the fight."
What makes this story even more incredible is that SSgt. Sal Giunta has been considered for the Medal Of Honor, making him, should he receive it, the first living recipient since the Vietnam War.
Hi greeat reading your post
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