I would like for everyone to save a copy of one of this images so that when election time rolls around later in the year you can use it for your profile pic on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or whatever. This NOvember tell Congress No More.
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Tell Congress no more ... what?
No more overspending, no more of the same old "Republicans are to blame" "Democrats are to blame", no more pet projects tacked on to military spending bills then trying to blame the other party when they won't support said because of the pork, no more people like Charlie Rangel, no more ramming through 2,000 pages bills when they have no idea what's even in them. No more of the tired BS games that they've been playing for so many years.
So how exactly does that translate into a vote this November? In the end you have to vote "yes" for somebody. Who deserves a yes vote?
You know what I want? I want someone who won't lie to us. I want someone who won't waste our money on their pet projects. I want someone who isn't corrupt.
I want that too. So who are you going to vote for this November?
I honestly don't know. We've only just had the primaries and I haven't had a chance to look at the candidates yet.
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