--Author Unknown
They say that age is all in your mind. The trick is keeping it from creeping down into your body.
--Author Unknown
Happy Birthday to me. Damn, 26 years old. Almost 30. I'm feel so sad. It's true, when you're a kid you can't image ever being 30 and here I am. Well, not quite yet. So for my birthday I thought I would reverse the roles. I thought I would give you all a present. Here are a song that sums up the day.
A song by the bluesmaster, Buddy Guy. It's called Done Got Old.WMA. Great traditional sound with Guy sounding very sad and mournful on his guitar with no backup. If you know anything about Buddy Guy, then this song will come as somewhat of a shock. This is the man that once jumped off stage, broke his ankle and continued on with the show with no medical help and now he's singing a depressing song about getting old. Shocked me anyway.
I was going to give you all a real treat and make my first audioblog, but the Wal-Mart didn't have a computer mic so that will have to wait.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Oh come on man..Now your actually getting to the age where you can make love to a woman for more than 3 minutes before being finished. Things are looking up! :)
Dude, I'm still waiting for that first time. Holding off 'till marriage.
That is admirable of you. Somewhere out there in this big old world; there is a young lady who is waiting for you as well.
Tramodol is a website for pills...do not fall for it. I did.
SEE! I always knew you loved me, Jake.
Here is an excerpt of an interesting story, Jake.
WASHINGTON — The percentage of Americans with bulging waistlines is growing in just about every state, with residents of Alabama joining the obesity ranks the fastest. Only Oregon failed to fatten, according to a report released Tuesday. It explains alot..does it not?
Happy Birthday!
Jake - Save some cake? Yeah right. You can have the piece that fell on the floor. And only your third bowl? Wuss.
Oh come on man..Now your actually getting to the age where you can make love to a woman for more than 3 minutes before being finished. Things are looking up! :)
Please - no more indirect life stories.
Anywho, happy belated birthday Chris. Sorry I missed this post yesterday, I got distracted.
Yeah! Happy B-day. But, I must say, 26 was one of the best years of my life! I'm envious of you!
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