Huh, this war Bush started for Iraqi oil doesn't seem to be working out, what with almost $3 to almost $4 for a gallon of gas. When are we going to tell the tree hugging butt monkeys to take a flying leap and finally drill ANWR? It's not the perfect solution, it's not going to be the thing to end high oil prices forever, but it will help until we can find something permanent.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Whiny American. You live in an artificially cheapened oil environment. Outside the US it's considerably more expensive.
Drilling in ANWR won't do jack. The problem doesn't lie in getting it out of the ground - it lies in the refinement plants, which you'd know if you'd actually looked into it. Everyone's been lazy and not bothered to upgrade their refinement facilities, and surprise, surprise, demand rose sharply and suddenly they can't produce enough.
The other fact that you forgot to include in your post is that your Haliburton loving butt-monkey President has given all US-companies (specifically Haliburton and all Daddy's old favourites) the contracts for drilling in Iraq, which is considerably more oil-rich than ANWR.
Everyone's been lazy and not bothered to upgrade their refinement facilities, and surprise, surprise, demand rose sharply and suddenly they can't produce enough. I suppose the leftist enviromental groups and lobbies have nothing to do with that fact, huh? (*rolls eyes*)
Too bad our War's have not been for oil; I'am about ready to start some killing to get some lower than 3.00 a gallon. If they really had been for oil; Iam sure it would not be so darn high right now.
If we had put more emphasis on Detroit to reduce production of gas-guzzling vehicles or increase renewable energy sources (such as ethanol), we would not be complaining as much! And why are we giving over 13 billion in tax breaks for oil, gas and coal industries - those who are making record profits as we speak? Greedy oil industry - period! And Bush supports it because it's his industry - where his family made their millions.
Regarding ANWR - instead of cutting America's oil dependence, boosting production of renewable energy, we are opening up our coastlines and wildlands to destructive oil and gas activities. So, here we go, our tax dollars at work - to evade environmental and consumer protections, and in the process continue America's downward spiral of increasing oil dependence and rising prices.
So Chris, as a Native American Indian - I guess you don't mind Bush opening up Native American lands for mining and drilling? And for Bush to prevent the nation's hallmark environmental law, the Environmental Protection Act, from applying to Native American lands? What are your thoughts on that?
renewable energy sources (such as ethanol), Thats a crock of crap! Ethanol take twice the amount of energy to produce it as it generates!! It takes oil to refine it as well!
instead of cutting America's oil dependence, boosting production of renewable energy All for that idea of reducing foreign dependance but boosting of renewable energy?? WTF. What is renewable? Trees? The Sierra club wont go for that one!! So what is possibly renewable that can run our current economy the way it is with oil? NOTHING!!! Renewables cannot even come close to providing the energy needs of the USA.
the Environmental Protection Act, from applying to Native American lands? I got news for you bub; it's not Bush..its the Indians that have made that provision and its in the treaties. They don't (and rightly so) want the Government telling them what they can and cannot do with what little land was actually given to them.
Yet another surge on pollution - the Bush administration's new six-based Corporate Average Fuel Economy ("CAFE") standards weaken the nation’s most successful oil-savings law. Instead of making meaningful improvements in the fuel economy of America’s pickup trucks, SUVs, and other light trucks, Bush's proposal creates new loopholes that will weaken CAFE standards. At current rates, the proposal will save less than six days worth oil. Wow, what a big improvement man! (not!) Most likely instead, this will result in us paying more at the gas pump and deepening the country’s oil dependence!
This new proposal apparently "abandons the concept of a fleet wide fuel economy standard and create a new size-based system that encourages automakers to build larger vehicles in order to qualify for weaker fuel economy standards, resulting in lower fleet wide fuel economy. In addition, it fails to set fuel economy standards for vehicles between 8500 to 10,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) - like the Hummer H2, Ford Excursion, and some models of the Chevy Suburban - which are currently exempt from CAFE standards."
Why can't we just work towards making our cars and trucks go farther on a gallon of gas? That kind of research and support is where the money needs to be spent! We have the technology to make all vehicles average 40 miles per gallon in about 10 years. That in itself would reduce dependency on oil more than drilling the entire ANWR could ever provide us!
Not quite John, actually it was just that the oil corporations didn't find it "cost effective". *rolls eyes* That's capitalism for you.
Oh, and GRR:
Why can't we just work towards making our cars and trucks go farther on a gallon of gas?
They did. In Western Australia they were developing a car with unprecedented fuel efficiency... they got bought out by an oil company because it would decrease their profits.
There was also a car that could burn water without electrolysis that I heard about a few years back... patents got bought by oil companies because they couldn't have a car that runs for free.
:) Again - gotta love capitalism. It's just a nice and beneficial system.
Yep! Gotta love Za's Socialism/Marxism..its a nice beneficial system..for dead people.
Please John - tell us all what Marxism says about how society should be run.
I'd love to hear you make a fool of yourself... again.
It's not what it says; it is what it does. You know that.
No, I don't. It's never been employed. The Reds kicked them out in Russia. Red-White civil war, remember?
Ever since then, everyone's modelled "communism" on the Red's methodology, not Marx's.
Marx's model is impossible to implement due to the depravity of mankind.
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