Well, seeing as how I'm the lone Indian voice around here I guess I should give my two cents worth on this whole NCAA/Indian mascots thing. I agree with the NCAA. Get rid of them. It's not so much the names, while I don't like team names like Cleveland Indians or Atlanta Braves, except one and I'll get to that later, it's more the images they use. White people dressed as Indian Chiefs hooping and hollering around doing fake dances on a basketball court or football field. That pisses me off. Those dances weren't just dances done to celebrate, they were also part of their prayer rituals.

Do you see a difference? Because I don't.
Now, the one team that pisses me off more than anything. The Washington Redskins. Redskin is a racist word. What would happen if someone were to come along and start up a team called the Colorado Niggers or Portland Gooks? Would those names be played off like they were nothing? Hell no. There would be massive protests and outrage. As rightly there should be. But somehow Redskin is an okay word.
According to Dictionary.com
offensive terms for Native Americans
And it's my fellow Conservatives who are in support of this garbage. That's what really hurts. Being compared to Nazis is bad, but painting your face up in faux warpaint, doing a tomahawk chop while chanting is perfectly fine. Listening to talkradio this morining, Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham, and both used this argument to justify the mascots. "Well, there have been some tribes that come out in support of the use of 'Native American' mascots". So because a few have come out in support makes it okay? I bet I could find a few people in support of a white man coming out in black face chucking a spear going "Ooba-Gooba". That don't make it right. This isn't political correctness, this is common sense.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
What line?
Remember the Native American HS that changed its mascot to the "Fighting Whities". I wasn't insulted by that, I thought it was hilarious. Never understood how or why people decided to use these names as mascots for sports teams, but I would definitely change the "Redskins" name. Maybe they could change Washingtons mascot to the "Career Politicians". At half-time the mascot could go up into the stands, take people's money. Then the team could just sit there and argue on and on without accomplishing anything.
That's funny right there.
I don't want to say you're losing it, but...
No, the line is still there. Isee it as I type this.
You'll find more support to take them down amongst the Democrats than the Republicans Chris - you should know that by now.
no the dems dont care either unless they can find a way to exploit it for their own gain.
You say that as if it's not the norm for any political party. The Republicans exploit people (*cough*religious right*hack*) as much as the Democrats, so please don't insult my intelligence.
dont worry there is no intelligence to insult
Not in you. Idiot.
I'm the one doing a double degree - you're the one who's too pansy to even put a name to your crap.
i wouldnt want you emailing me you swine. people like you have harassed me in the past which is why i no longer use a name or email. and i am sure your arts and crafts degree will take you places.
besides i dont care how smart you think you are, there is a world of difference between knowledge and wisdom.
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