Friday, August 19, 2005
I've been having some problems with my computer for the last couple of days and I think I may be my hard drive going out. Maybe someone here could help me out. The computer will randomly freeze for a few seconds then start right back up then freeze again and on and on. Some of files names have turned blue.
My CD-ROM will freeze up and not work at all which will, for some reason, results in my browser not opening. IE or Firefox. So if I stop posting all of a sudden it's because something has went down and I don't know when, or if, I'll be able to fix it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing


Anonymous said...

You got a virus and or worm in your system. When hard drives go bad they just go bad. No boot up or nothing. Could be you have a spyware problem also or a crawler.

Christopher Lee said...

I've ran anti-virus, Norton, twice and it said I had the Trojan.ByteVerify virus. It deleted it but it's still having the trouble. I ran SpyBot and had no spyware. I'll try the Ad-Aware and AVG and see if either of those help. I'm damn close to just taking a hammer to this damn machine and forgetting the whole thing.

SSG_E said...

might have to do a system restore. or you may have to disable it and run the anti virus again b/c the virus could be hiding in the system restore files

Christopher Lee said...

Okay Jake, I ran AVG and it found nothing. Then I ran Ad-Aware and it found


Is that the actual blaster worm or is the update I downloaded from Microsoft? Because it's been there for awhile and I'v never had trouble before.