HELP A HOMELESS KILLER Adopt A Jihadi. You too can help a terrorist bomber find a home for just a few lives a day. Won't you please help these poor people?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
i still see the line, seriously what is with the line?
are you talking about through the word terrorist? if so, it's meant to be there. if not then take a screenshot and sent it to me because that's the only line i see.
no, the line runs through the right side of your posts. It is going through the "h" on "Chris" in your username here in the comments section and runs down the length of your page.
According to the head lawyers who were involved in the "trials" at Guantanamo, the people there would barely qualify as threats at all. The only reason they're made out to be so scary is so that the government doesn't look pathetic - and the trials are rigged so that way the people there will come off as "guilty" despite the actual facts.
I'll just quote a bit from an article on it: "I consider the insistence on pressing ahead with cases that would be marginal even if properly prepared to be a severe threat to the reputation of the military justice system and even a fraud on the American people," Maj Preston wrote.
"Surely they don't expect that this fairly half-arsed effort is all that we have been able to put together after all this time."
Za? What would you expect a jihadi's lawyer to say about it? Sure..My client is as innocent as a mosque mouse. He never would hurt a flea. He supports is grandma and his poor widowed momma and drives a hugo to friday prayers. Once again your bizarre and irrational views are clouding your judgement about reality. If you can't get help at Two Rivers; please get help somewhere.
so i am the only one that sees the line? damn i must be slowly descending into wait i am not a liberal so i am okay, i'll check my settings.
John, you've obviously not looked into it at all. They're not the Jihadi's lawyers - they're state-funded military lawyers. These people don't get paid by anyone except the government.
Za; Look into each individual lawyer who has VOLUNTEERED to represent these men and you will see a pattern of opposition to each and every issue the government that pays them has with that same government. That is why I call them "Jihadi" lawyers. They always rush to defend the Islamist's to each and every situation. It shows their agenda in this world to me. It is not a conspiracy because conspiracies are kept quiet. There is nothing quite about the agenda of these people nor the clients.
If You Can't Do Something Smart, Do Something Right
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look President Ronald Reagan
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag
Of The United States of America, And To The Republic, For Which It Stands;
One Nation Under God,
Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
We Have Assumed Control
Wednesday Hero
Wednesday Hero was started in 2005 to honor the Men and Women of the United States Military. To let people know who was fighting, and dying, for them.
i still see the line, seriously what is with the line?
are you talking about through the word terrorist? if so, it's meant to be there. if not then take a screenshot and sent it to me because that's the only line i see.
no, the line runs through the right side of your posts. It is going through the "h" on "Chris" in your username here in the comments section and runs down the length of your page.
Okay, I think I know what you're talking about. What resolution do you have your screen set to? 1024 x 768 is what this site is best set up for.
Anywho, back to the post.
According to the head lawyers who were involved in the "trials" at Guantanamo, the people there would barely qualify as threats at all. The only reason they're made out to be so scary is so that the government doesn't look pathetic - and the trials are rigged so that way the people there will come off as "guilty" despite the actual facts.
I'll just quote a bit from an article on it:
"I consider the insistence on pressing ahead with cases that would be marginal even if properly prepared to be a severe threat to the reputation of the military justice system and even a fraud on the American people," Maj Preston wrote.
"Surely they don't expect that this fairly half-arsed effort is all that we have been able to put together after all this time."
Za? What would you expect a jihadi's lawyer to say about it?
Sure..My client is as innocent as a mosque mouse. He never would hurt a flea. He supports is grandma and his poor widowed momma and drives a hugo to friday prayers.
Once again your bizarre and irrational views are clouding your judgement about reality. If you can't get help at Two Rivers; please get help somewhere.
so i am the only one that sees the line? damn i must be slowly descending into wait i am not a liberal so i am okay, i'll check my settings.
Okay, I don't see the line. What line.
John, you've obviously not looked into it at all. They're not the Jihadi's lawyers - they're state-funded military lawyers. These people don't get paid by anyone except the government.
You see conspiracies in every corner... sheesh.
Za; Look into each individual lawyer who has VOLUNTEERED to represent these men and you will see a pattern of opposition to each and every issue the government that pays them has with that same government. That is why I call them "Jihadi" lawyers. They always rush to defend the Islamist's to each and every situation. It shows their agenda in this world to me. It is not a conspiracy because conspiracies are kept quiet. There is nothing quite about the agenda of these people nor the clients.
And if you look into this one, you'll see that they weren't volunteers. Military lawyers don't volunteer. They're assigned.
As I said - conspiracy in every corner.
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