What's the Left's rally call against this war? "Bush lied about WMD's". Well, maybe that's not true after all. Have a look at this picture.

-500 tons of yellow cake uranium that was found at Saddam's nuclear weapons facility.
-1.8 tons of partially enriched uranium found at the same place. That's the stuff you need to make nukes.
-Hidden centrifuge parts and blueprints.
-Two dozen artillery shells loaded with Sarin and mustard gas.
2. Watch out, it's Newmax and FNC so it's automatically a lie.
Thanks John.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
They buried them all, okay. Keep on dreaming.
-500 tons of yellow cake uranium that was found at Saddam's nuclear weapons facility.---- Shhhhhh...Don't tell Joe Wilson (Val plaime's husband)..he says they don't have any. Nor the UN weapons inspectors and Scott(child molester)Ritter.
They buried them all, okay. Keep on dreaming At least you are willing now to accept that Iraq HAD them. Thats start of the march to truth for you.
That is amazing. I wonder why other media centers will not report on these finds?
But they won’t be hiding Osama Bin-laden there, since Bin-Laden wanted to fight for the Saudi’s against Sadaam in the 90’s. I don’t think Sadaam and Bin-Laden were “pals”.
Yellowcake isn't used in bombs. It's not high enough quality. It's used in nuclear REACTORS.
Fighter jets aren't WMDs, sorry.
"Partially enriched uranium"? Please - explain how that works. Either it is, or it isn't.
Wow, centrifuges. You know that's what's used to separate blood cells from blood plasma?
And those artilery shells were found in the middle of the desert remarkably unexploded AFTER BEING FIRED IN THE IRAN-IRAQ WAR.
I really am sick of this bollocks.
Za Said: I really am sick of this bollocks Obviously you are not or you would leave and stop harassing us with your idiotic comments.
No, if I wasn't sick of it I wouldn't try to dissuade you of your idiotic opinions.
Not much of a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. I have had my take on things since before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye.
Call it humanitarian aid to the helplessly inept.
I invite ALL to my round table discussion, where we discuss things openly and honestly. Those who's hearts are full of fear best stay away.
A Calling to be 'WARRIORS'
I AM, who I AM
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown
p.s. Just because you don't believe the TRUTH doesn't stop it from being.
What a load of Pish, WMD my erse! You Rockets are completely of yer heids! A cock & bull war by Bush & his boy friend Tony Bliar, what a gullable nation you Septic Tanks are! Alba gu brath! Scotland for ever!Clan Mac Coinnich of that ilk.
WMD's..... my arse.... Iraq need another 2 decades to get there on that pace....and who is crazy enough to bury in sand and let go to waste, a mig-25, that plane is a russian equivalent to the US Sr71 Blackbird, rather a step better than that.. It must have been destroyed during the war...
It was not WMD's which got you there, it was the trillion dollar Oil industry in Iraq... on the expense of thousands of youg soldiers of the US armed forces, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi soldiers and innocent civilians.... what a shame for humanity..
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