Sunday, November 27, 2005
Boy, this says a lot about Hollywood and how they fell about America. Could these be thinly veiled hopes?


Christopher Lee said...

Read the story. Post-apocalyptic America.

Christopher Lee said...

I can beat that. It's about 35 degrees with a strong north wind here in the Great State of Oklahoma. Nice and cold.

Christopher Lee said...

Why isn't Drudge trustable? He takes stories others have written and links to them. How does he put a Conservative spin to that?

Anonymous said...

The fact that he tries to make everything out to be an attack on someone? Or hypes up things which are irrelevant?

I don't 'spose it occured to you that any American-made series set in a post-apocalypse will by definition be set in America? It's the only way they can get people to relate to the characters.

And I should also point out that nowhere in there does it mention Muslims. In fact, I'm willing to bet that they're all bad spin-offs of the book of revelations.