Watching some of the pundits talking, and they brought up a good point. President Reagan lost the first debate in 1984 against Mondale only to go on to win the other and ultimately re-election. So not all hope is lost. But he needs to win the second one, badly.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The debate is just now over and I wanted to make a quick post about it.
1. Six. That's how many times Kerry mentioned his service in Vietnam. If you'll look a my post about the drinking game, someone who didn't have the man marbles to leave his real name or e-mail address predicted that Bush would mention 9/11 over and over. One time is all I counted. I didn't have a pop, but I had some juice. It was bad juice at that. I'm truly surprised that he didn't talk about it more.
2. I hate to admit it, but I think Kerry won. I'm also ashamed to admit it, but he almost had me suckered in. Bush did too many "Uh's" and made too many pauses while talking. Neither one made any major screw-ups or even had any lines that will live on over time. Bush just got frustrated too many times. But I can completely understand that. Only 90 seconds to try and combat all the lies Kerry told while talking just isn't enough. How the voters will read all this is something I just can't predict, but I hope they think Bush won. I'm listening to the pundits right now, and they're saying that Kerry was just as good as Bush. According to them, Kerry had to win hands down to help himself. I don't know, but I don't feel good about this. I think Kerry help himself.
3. Kerry kept trying to hammer home the lie that he's had only one position on Iraq. I wonder if the undecides will buy into that?
Over all, very boring. Just like I knew it would be. I shocked that Kerry was able to keep it together and keep his talking under the time limit.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The debate is just now over and I wanted to make a quick post about it.
1. Six. That's how many times Kerry mentioned his service in Vietnam. If you'll look a my post about the drinking game, someone who didn't have the man marbles to leave his real name or e-mail address predicted that Bush would mention 9/11 over and over. One time is all I counted. I didn't have a pop, but I had some juice. It was bad juice at that. I'm truly surprised that he didn't talk about it more.
2. I hate to admit it, but I think Kerry won. I'm also ashamed to admit it, but he almost had me suckered in. Bush did too many "Uh's" and made too many pauses while talking. Neither one made any major screw-ups or even had any lines that will live on over time. Bush just got frustrated too many times. But I can completely understand that. Only 90 seconds to try and combat all the lies Kerry told while talking just isn't enough. How the voters will read all this is something I just can't predict, but I hope they think Bush won. I'm listening to the pundits right now, and they're saying that Kerry was just as good as Bush. According to them, Kerry had to win hands down to help himself. I don't know, but I don't feel good about this. I think Kerry help himself.
3. Kerry kept trying to hammer home the lie that he's had only one position on Iraq. I wonder if the undecides will buy into that?
Over all, very boring. Just like I knew it would be. I shocked that Kerry was able to keep it together and keep his talking under the time limit.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, all the hype ends tonight. The first presidential debate is set to begin. I think I'm more nervous than Bush or Kerry. This is basically it. Whoever wins tonight will more than likely win the election. This debate will make up the minds of many of the undecideds. This is Bush debate to win. As long as he doesn't pull an Al Gore he should win.
If you drink you'll love this game, if you don't then just use pop. During the debate tonight, every time Kerry mentions that he fought in Vietnam you take a drink. You should have a good buzz going by 8:30, 9:00 for us pop drinkers.
The Kerry camp is now complaining about the timing lights that are to be used during the debate tonight, even though they agreed to them earlier. My guess, during the mock debate Kerry did he couldn't get his answers in under the time allowed. So now they're running scared.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, all the hype ends tonight. The first presidential debate is set to begin. I think I'm more nervous than Bush or Kerry. This is basically it. Whoever wins tonight will more than likely win the election. This debate will make up the minds of many of the undecideds. This is Bush debate to win. As long as he doesn't pull an Al Gore he should win.
If you drink you'll love this game, if you don't then just use pop. During the debate tonight, every time Kerry mentions that he fought in Vietnam you take a drink. You should have a good buzz going by 8:30, 9:00 for us pop drinkers.
The Kerry camp is now complaining about the timing lights that are to be used during the debate tonight, even though they agreed to them earlier. My guess, during the mock debate Kerry did he couldn't get his answers in under the time allowed. So now they're running scared.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Did anyone else catch the newest flip-flop from Candidate Waffles on GMA today? He stated to Diane Sawyer that knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't have went to war. Didn't he just say on August 9th. that knowing what he knows now that he still would have voted Yes to go to war? He really has earned the name Candidate Waffles.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Did anyone else catch the newest flip-flop from Candidate Waffles on GMA today? He stated to Diane Sawyer that knowing what he knows now, he wouldn't have went to war. Didn't he just say on August 9th. that knowing what he knows now that he still would have voted Yes to go to war? He really has earned the name Candidate Waffles.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You can tell when it's tornado weather
You've worn flip flops in the winter
A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel
That's me to a tee.
Credit: Drumwaster
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You Should Vote For Bush |
![]() (You May Want to Hide This From Your Left-y Blogger Friends) |
You Know You're From Oklahoma When... |
You say ya'll ... many times a day. Bedlam is a BIG deal. You can tell when it's tornado weather. When you drive through a neighborhood anyone out walking will smile and wave at you. You've worn flip flops in the winter You have stopped to let a family of deer cross the road. You thought the twister ride at Universal Studios wasn't windy enough. You know who your neighbors are, how many children they have, and when one of them gets married or graduates. There are at least 2 to 3 Sonics, McDonalds, and Little Ceasars in your town You've been off roading - many times You or someone you know was born, raised and still lives in the same town. You know that Miami, Oklahoma and Miami, Florida are pronounced two different ways. You plan events around football games. You are a Cowboy or Sooners fan. You learned how to do country and western dances at school. A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel. You can properly pronounce Eufaula, Gotebo, Okemah and Chickasha. You can remember the name of the last state legislator to introduce a bill involving castration, and he didn't mean farm animals. You know exactly what calf fries are, and eat them anyway. You think that people who complain about the wind in other states are sissies. It doesn't bother you to use an airport named for a man who died in an airplane crash. You have owned at least one belt buckle bigger than your fist. A bad traffic jam involves two cars staring each other down at a four-way stop, each determined to be the most polite and let the other go first. It doesn't seem odd to see the term "chicken fried chicken" on a menu. You save all your life for your dream vacation, and use it to go to the OU/Texas game. It doesn't seem peculiar if your sweetie says "I'm going in to town for something" even though you live in town. You don't turn on the news until 20 minutes past the hour, because that's the only thing you care about anyway. Your quarterback is hurt and it is the top story on the six o'clock news. You keep track of the grain and hog futures on the radio. You don't buy all your vegetables at the grocery store. You go to the State Fair for your only vacation. You get up at 5:30 A.M. and go to the coffee shop, where the waitress never asks what you would like. She already knows. You are on a first name basis with the county sheriff. You know what the "Sea of Red and White" is. You think that using the elevator involves a corn truck. You can drive 80 mph on a two-lane dirt road with one hand, but driving 45 mph on a four-lane expressway in a city scares you to death. You use manure on your grass instead of Weed and Feed. Your nearest neighbor is in the next zip code. You know the difference between fee corn and sweet corn... while it's still on the stalk. You wear cowboy boots to church. You know that everything goes better with Ranch. You learned how to shoot a gun before you learned how to multiply. "You wanna Coke?" "Yeah." "What kind?" "Dr. Pepper." You know what "Orange Power" and "Crimson & Cream" means. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Oklahoma. |
You can tell when it's tornado weather
You've worn flip flops in the winter
A tornado warning siren is your signal to go out in the yard and look for a funnel
That's me to a tee.
Credit: Drumwaster
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Troops terrified of a Kerry presidency. They say it would destroy moral. Go read what Lance Cpl. Lawrence Romack had to say about this.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Troops terrified of a Kerry presidency. They say it would destroy moral. Go read what Lance Cpl. Lawrence Romack had to say about this.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sure most of you have seen this either on the website or you've sent after the DVD. If you haven't, you need to watch this. I won't go into detail about what's on it. We all know the Iraq filp-flops of John Kerry. A couple of things I found interesting. When Bush made the decision to go into Iraq and Kerry supported it, he said that the U.S. has to take Saddam out; unilaterally if necessary. What a difference two years can make. And the one thing I learned that I didn't know before. We, the Right-Wing, didn't start the whole Kerry Flip-Flopper thing. It was Howard Dean. During the debates, Dean was the first to use the flip-flop charge. So the next time you hear Colmes or another Dem going on about how we've gotten people to believe the charge, remember that it was the darling of the Democratic party that started it.
Just like his puppetmaster, John Edwards doesn't care about people. He was supposed to give his first speech in South Carolina since winning the primary in Feb. And just like his puppetmaster he showed up two hours late. By the time he finally decided to show up half the audience had walked out.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sure most of you have seen this either on the website or you've sent after the DVD. If you haven't, you need to watch this. I won't go into detail about what's on it. We all know the Iraq filp-flops of John Kerry. A couple of things I found interesting. When Bush made the decision to go into Iraq and Kerry supported it, he said that the U.S. has to take Saddam out; unilaterally if necessary. What a difference two years can make. And the one thing I learned that I didn't know before. We, the Right-Wing, didn't start the whole Kerry Flip-Flopper thing. It was Howard Dean. During the debates, Dean was the first to use the flip-flop charge. So the next time you hear Colmes or another Dem going on about how we've gotten people to believe the charge, remember that it was the darling of the Democratic party that started it.
Just like his puppetmaster, John Edwards doesn't care about people. He was supposed to give his first speech in South Carolina since winning the primary in Feb. And just like his puppetmaster he showed up two hours late. By the time he finally decided to show up half the audience had walked out.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Read and get this story out and about. How does Kerry do it?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Read and get this story out and about. How does Kerry do it?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As promised, here's my picture that goes along with my Party post about Teresa Kerry. Seems kind of stupid posting it now, but there it is. Now just go back and read the story.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Any time Bush or Cheney even hint at the fact that a Kerry election would be an invite for terrorists to hit America again the Dems scream foul. Get a load of this. Official Smirnoff spokesman, Ted Kennedy, is going around saying that Bush has made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists. I wonder if Kerry will come out and scream foul over this?
The man widely considered the Worst President Ever, Jimmy Carter, has stated
He also added this little number
This from the man who thinks the outcome of the Venezuelan election was fair.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Any time Bush or Cheney even hint at the fact that a Kerry election would be an invite for terrorists to hit America again the Dems scream foul. Get a load of this. Official Smirnoff spokesman, Ted Kennedy, is going around saying that Bush has made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists. I wonder if Kerry will come out and scream foul over this?
The man widely considered the Worst President Ever, Jimmy Carter, has stated
"Voting arrangements in Florida do not meet 'basic international requirements' and could undermine the US election" |
"It is unconscionable to perpetuate fraudulent or biased electoral practices in any nation" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
John Kerry seems to think so. He only supported spending $60 Billion on our brave men and women instead of the full $87 Billion, that's why he voted no.
Would you just look at this. This poor terrorist was killed by paramilitarist in Pakistan. This poor guys only crime was participating in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. It's a shame. It's a shame it wasn't the U.S. military that blasted his ass to hell.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
John Kerry seems to think so. He only supported spending $60 Billion on our brave men and women instead of the full $87 Billion, that's why he voted no.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Is Teresa related to Teddy Kennedy? I have a picture for this, but Photobucket seems to be having hacker problems or something. I'll post it when I can.
Starting tomorrow, Bill O'Reilly will show his interview with President Bush. This is the second time W's been on his show. I wonder if Kerry will find the testicular fortitude to go on there even once? My guess, no.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Is Teresa related to Teddy Kennedy? I have a picture for this, but Photobucket seems to be having hacker problems or something. I'll post it when I can.
Starting tomorrow, Bill O'Reilly will show his interview with President Bush. This is the second time W's been on his show. I wonder if Kerry will find the testicular fortitude to go on there even once? My guess, no.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Head over to BFB and read Matt's post. Pretty interesting.
Some may have noticed a different look to the blog yesterday. I was messing around trying to get some code and had to save it like that, and I guess I forgot to put it back. I came here to look at something and about had a panic attack. It was green instead of light brown. But as you can see, it back to normal.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Head over to BFB and read Matt's post. Pretty interesting.
Some may have noticed a different look to the blog yesterday. I was messing around trying to get some code and had to save it like that, and I guess I forgot to put it back. I came here to look at something and about had a panic attack. It was green instead of light brown. But as you can see, it back to normal.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Walked into my local grocery store today, and I just happened to have my camera with me, and I noticed something was wrong. Every shelf in the store was empty. The bread, milk, eggs, cookies, cakes, meat, cheese, soup. Everything. I walked up to a checkout girl and asked her what's going on. She told me that someone had come in and got everything. As you can imagine, I was flabbergasted. I asked her who and she pointed the culprit out. It was none other than Michael Moore. The famous mockumentary propagandist was in my hometown. He had cart upon cart full of stuff. And since I just happened to have my camera with me, I took a quick photo. As I was walking out, I heard someone ask him why he was buying every out of the store. To which he replied, "It's lunch time".
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This post didn't take long to come up with, but here are four differences between W and Kerry.
-George Bush is strong and unwavering in his determination to do what's best for America
-John Kerry is weak-kneed, spineless and will sell this country out at the drop of a hat
-George Bush is personable and approachable, a fun guy
-John Kerry is aloof and has an unpleasant demeanor
-George Bush is a born leader
-John Kerry is a born follower, then when he sees his opportunity he'll step on anyone to get ahead
-George Bush knows America is right
-John Kerry thinks America is wrong
Simple, try to come up with your own and comment them.
The U.S. Army prepares for a President Kerry.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This post didn't take long to come up with, but here are four differences between W and Kerry.
-George Bush is strong and unwavering in his determination to do what's best for America
-John Kerry is weak-kneed, spineless and will sell this country out at the drop of a hat
-George Bush is personable and approachable, a fun guy
-John Kerry is aloof and has an unpleasant demeanor
-George Bush is a born leader
-John Kerry is a born follower, then when he sees his opportunity he'll step on anyone to get ahead
-George Bush knows America is right
-John Kerry thinks America is wrong
Simple, try to come up with your own and comment them.
The U.S. Army prepares for a President Kerry.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Filming has resumed on a "Gilligan's Island" reality show after the Gulf of Mexico island where it is being shot was evacuated for Hurricane Ivan last week.
The Atlanta-based cable network TBS said "The Real Gilligan's Island", based on the '60s comedy that starred Bob Denver, will premiere as scheduled on Nov. 30.
TBS spokeswoman Michelle Sisco said this week that no one was injured by the hurricane and that the cast and crew had been evacuated Sept. 16 as a precaution. The location of the reality show hasn't been revealed.
"The Real Gilligan's Island" will feature seven castaways: a real-life skipper, a first mate, a millionaire couple, a movie star, a professor and an innocent farm girl. The show will pit them against the elements to see if they can devise a way to get off the island.
I don't like reality shows, except a select few, but this sounds interesting. I wonder which C-list movie star they got to do this?
Credit: Yahoo! News
Pack up the signs and roll up the banners. The election is over with and we have a winner. MTV, yes that MTV, conducted a poll for their "non-partisan" Choose or Loose campaign and it found that young people prefer Sen. Kerry over President Bush 46%-40%. Sorry W, you had a good run. But when MTV says people prefer Kerry over you, it's over with.
Boy, you know it's bad when your own spinmister says something like that in your official "news"paper.
Credit: NY Slimes
The flip-flops just keep coming.
THEN - We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians. We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest.
NOW - It was wrong to go it alone. We were in no danger from Saddam. I can get the yellow nation of France to help.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Filming has resumed on a "Gilligan's Island" reality show after the Gulf of Mexico island where it is being shot was evacuated for Hurricane Ivan last week.
The Atlanta-based cable network TBS said "The Real Gilligan's Island", based on the '60s comedy that starred Bob Denver, will premiere as scheduled on Nov. 30.
TBS spokeswoman Michelle Sisco said this week that no one was injured by the hurricane and that the cast and crew had been evacuated Sept. 16 as a precaution. The location of the reality show hasn't been revealed.
"The Real Gilligan's Island" will feature seven castaways: a real-life skipper, a first mate, a millionaire couple, a movie star, a professor and an innocent farm girl. The show will pit them against the elements to see if they can devise a way to get off the island.
I don't like reality shows, except a select few, but this sounds interesting. I wonder which C-list movie star they got to do this?
Credit: Yahoo! News
Pack up the signs and roll up the banners. The election is over with and we have a winner. MTV, yes that MTV, conducted a poll for their "non-partisan" Choose or Loose campaign and it found that young people prefer Sen. Kerry over President Bush 46%-40%. Sorry W, you had a good run. But when MTV says people prefer Kerry over you, it's over with.
"Every American now knows that there's something really screwy about George Bush and the National Guard, and they know that John Kerry was not the war hero we thought he was"
Douglas Brinkley Official Kerry Biographer September 24, 2004 |
Credit: NY Slimes
The flip-flops just keep coming.
THEN - We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians. We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest.
NOW - It was wrong to go it alone. We were in no danger from Saddam. I can get the yellow nation of France to help.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yet another Right Minded Oklahoma blogger to enjoy. Passionate American. Have a look around Wild Bill, you may find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yet another Right Minded Oklahoma blogger to enjoy. Passionate American. Have a look around Wild Bill, you may find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's finally here. Everyone's favorite post. Random Thoughts. For those new readers who've never seen this, it's just a post where I post random nonsense about what ever happens to be on my mind. My last one was in July, been way too long. So, on with the show.
The staple of Random Thoughts. I still want a Hummer. Still not the wimpy H2 either. The 10MPG badass Hummer.
For some reason I've been getting into Elvis music. It's weird. I've never like Elvis. Then I heard that Paul Oakenfold remix of Rubberneckin', and I've been listen to his music. I'm even thinking about buying my first Elvis CD.
Stop, Look and Listen. That's my philosophy.
If you're thinking about getting a dog, don't get a white one. I have a white dog. I give him a bath on Monday, he looks like he's a homeless stray by Wednesday. Damn dirt.
It's dark and cool outside. We had a shower today, and it really looks like a Fall day out there.
Who else likes to go out on an early Winter morning and take a deep breath of ice cold air?
I still think Fox News should give Michelle Malkin her own show.
After 8 years, I still miss my dad.
I ordered my Bush/Cheney 2004 yard sign yesterday. Have you?
I'm not big on kids. I don't hate them, they're just not my cup of tea.
C-3P0 from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Sounds like John Kerry, don't it.
I have 8 U.S. flag stickers on my computer, a 3x5 on my wall and a little flag on my desk.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - October 22, 2004. Counting the days.
My minds spent. That's all for today, stay tuned some time before the election for part 9.
As well as any other Dem who thinks Carl Rove or the RNC would be behind the MemoGate documents. What's more plausible? That Republicans would do something that could possibly hurt Bush, or that Democrats would. Even someone with an I.Q. of 25 could figure this out.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, it's finally here. Everyone's favorite post. Random Thoughts. For those new readers who've never seen this, it's just a post where I post random nonsense about what ever happens to be on my mind. My last one was in July, been way too long. So, on with the show.
The staple of Random Thoughts. I still want a Hummer. Still not the wimpy H2 either. The 10MPG badass Hummer.
For some reason I've been getting into Elvis music. It's weird. I've never like Elvis. Then I heard that Paul Oakenfold remix of Rubberneckin', and I've been listen to his music. I'm even thinking about buying my first Elvis CD.
Stop, Look and Listen. That's my philosophy.
If you're thinking about getting a dog, don't get a white one. I have a white dog. I give him a bath on Monday, he looks like he's a homeless stray by Wednesday. Damn dirt.
It's dark and cool outside. We had a shower today, and it really looks like a Fall day out there.
Who else likes to go out on an early Winter morning and take a deep breath of ice cold air?
I still think Fox News should give Michelle Malkin her own show.
After 8 years, I still miss my dad.
I ordered my Bush/Cheney 2004 yard sign yesterday. Have you?
I'm not big on kids. I don't hate them, they're just not my cup of tea.
C-3P0 from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
"I really don't see how that's going to help. Surrender is a perfectly acceptable alternative in extreme circumstances" |
I have 8 U.S. flag stickers on my computer, a 3x5 on my wall and a little flag on my desk.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - October 22, 2004. Counting the days.
My minds spent. That's all for today, stay tuned some time before the election for part 9.
As well as any other Dem who thinks Carl Rove or the RNC would be behind the MemoGate documents. What's more plausible? That Republicans would do something that could possibly hurt Bush, or that Democrats would. Even someone with an I.Q. of 25 could figure this out.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's a new criticism of Bush going around that he's painting to rosy a picture of Iraq. That he won't talk about the "truth" or, in other words, all the bad things that are happening there. And we see Kerry jumping onto this bandwagon already. I repeat, you damn right. We hear about the bad side of Iraq all day, everyday from Big Media and the Dems. Talk of another Vietnam, quagmire, bad this, wrong that. President Bush is the lone voice of the positive things happening. I hope he continues to talk up all the good news coming from Iraq. If he doesn't, we'll never hear about it.
To bad it didn't happen next week during the debate. Then we wouldn't be forced to listen to his lies.
Peace, love and understanding, my ass.Remember Liberals protesting during Reagan's funeral? Now they're doing it at the funerals of War Heroes.
Rupert Murdock brings up a good point about MemoGate. Would Fox News have been Crucified had they done this? Duh.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's a new criticism of Bush going around that he's painting to rosy a picture of Iraq. That he won't talk about the "truth" or, in other words, all the bad things that are happening there. And we see Kerry jumping onto this bandwagon already. I repeat, you damn right. We hear about the bad side of Iraq all day, everyday from Big Media and the Dems. Talk of another Vietnam, quagmire, bad this, wrong that. President Bush is the lone voice of the positive things happening. I hope he continues to talk up all the good news coming from Iraq. If he doesn't, we'll never hear about it.
To bad it didn't happen next week during the debate. Then we wouldn't be forced to listen to his lies.
Peace, love and understanding, my ass.Remember Liberals protesting during Reagan's funeral? Now they're doing it at the funerals of War Heroes.
Rupert Murdock brings up a good point about MemoGate. Would Fox News have been Crucified had they done this? Duh.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this joke on a message board I visit. Apparently there's another version of out there with Bush and Cheney instead of Kerry/Edwards. But this one's funnier. Enjoy.
John Kerry meets with the Queen of England. He asks her, "Your Majesty,
do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can
give to
"Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround
with intelligent people." Kerry frowns.
"But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"
The Queen takes a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to
an intelligent riddle." The Queen pushes a button on her intercom.
send Tony Blair in here, would you?" Tony Blair walks into the room.
my Queen?" The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your
and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your
Who is it?"
Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answers, "That would be me."
"Yes! Very good," says the Queen.
Kerry goes back home to ask John Edwards, his vice presidential choice
same question. "John. Answer this for me.
Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and
not your sister. Who is it?"
"I'm not sure," says John Edwards. "Let me get back to you on that
Edwards goes to his advisors and asks every one, but none can give him
Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's
shoes in
the next stall.. Edwards shouts, "Colin! Can you answer this for me?
mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your
Who is it?"
Colin Powell yells back, "That's easy. It's me!" Edwards smiles, and
Then, Edwards goes back to speak with Kerry. "Say, I did some research
and I
have the answer to that riddle. It's Colin Powell."
Kerry gets up, stomps over to John Edwards, and angrily yells into his
face, "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!"
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this joke on a message board I visit. Apparently there's another version of out there with Bush and Cheney instead of Kerry/Edwards. But this one's funnier. Enjoy.
John Kerry meets with the Queen of England. He asks her, "Your Majesty,
do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can
give to
"Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround
with intelligent people." Kerry frowns.
"But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"
The Queen takes a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to
an intelligent riddle." The Queen pushes a button on her intercom.
send Tony Blair in here, would you?" Tony Blair walks into the room.
my Queen?" The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your
and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your
Who is it?"
Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answers, "That would be me."
"Yes! Very good," says the Queen.
Kerry goes back home to ask John Edwards, his vice presidential choice
same question. "John. Answer this for me.
Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and
not your sister. Who is it?"
"I'm not sure," says John Edwards. "Let me get back to you on that
Edwards goes to his advisors and asks every one, but none can give him
Finally, he ends up in the men's room and recognizes Colin Powell's
shoes in
the next stall.. Edwards shouts, "Colin! Can you answer this for me?
mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your
Who is it?"
Colin Powell yells back, "That's easy. It's me!" Edwards smiles, and
Then, Edwards goes back to speak with Kerry. "Say, I did some research
and I
have the answer to that riddle. It's Colin Powell."
Kerry gets up, stomps over to John Edwards, and angrily yells into his
face, "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!"
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In the two new campaign ads out by Bush and Kerry, the Bush ad goes after Kerry for following anyway the political winds blow and Kerry's ad calls this a "juvenile and tasteless attack ad". Only one problem. It's Kerry's ad that's tasteless. In Candidate Waffles' ad, the narrator says
But this is nothing new. John Kerry has been exploiting the deaths of people for his own gain for over 30 years. That's tasteless.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In the two new campaign ads out by Bush and Kerry, the Bush ad goes after Kerry for following anyway the political winds blow and Kerry's ad calls this a "juvenile and tasteless attack ad". Only one problem. It's Kerry's ad that's tasteless. In Candidate Waffles' ad, the narrator says
"One thousand U.S. casualties. Two Americans beheaded just this week. The Pentagon admits terrorists are pouring into Iraq" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Read this post from BFB.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Read this post from BFB.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And hello Fall. I love Fall. The temperatures start to drop, the sun starts setting a 7:00, the air starts smell better and it's almost time to put the lawn mower up. Woo Hoo.
Everyone's favorite post, Random Thoughts, will be making a comeback very soon. If not later today, then sometime this week. You'll just have to hold out a little longer, sorry.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Everyone's favorite post, Random Thoughts, will be making a comeback very soon. If not later today, then sometime this week. You'll just have to hold out a little longer, sorry.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Foster Barton, a soldier stationed in Iraq, was coming out of a Toby Keith concert when he was attacked by someone from behind. Six witnesses say that the coward come up behind Barton and punched him knocking him out, then began screaming profanities and making crude remarks about U.S. soldiers. A friend of the coward says that Barton attacked first, but police don't believe him because of the six other witnesses. They believe that Barton was attacked because he was wearing a shirt that supported Iraqi freedom.
Two things about this. Just another example of a anti-freedom Democrat showing his true colors. They rip up the Bush/Cheney signs of 3 year old girls and now they attack war heroes from behind. Really doesn't shock or surprise me at all. And two, this happened at a Toby Keith concert. You'd think Toby Keith's fans would be strongly pro-freedom, what with his songs The Angry Americanand American Soldier. Maybe this guy was supposed to be at a Dixie Chicks concert and became angry when he saw all the American flags and Bush/Cheney bumper stickers everywhere.
Credit: NBC
That's what Candidate Waffles and his wife said today at a rally in Jacksonville, Florida. This is what, the third or forth time Kerry's taken off the gloves and is ready to fight. Give me a break. He's trying hard to sound tough and strong, but he sounds like an idiot every time he says something like this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Foster Barton, a soldier stationed in Iraq, was coming out of a Toby Keith concert when he was attacked by someone from behind. Six witnesses say that the coward come up behind Barton and punched him knocking him out, then began screaming profanities and making crude remarks about U.S. soldiers. A friend of the coward says that Barton attacked first, but police don't believe him because of the six other witnesses. They believe that Barton was attacked because he was wearing a shirt that supported Iraqi freedom.
Two things about this. Just another example of a anti-freedom Democrat showing his true colors. They rip up the Bush/Cheney signs of 3 year old girls and now they attack war heroes from behind. Really doesn't shock or surprise me at all. And two, this happened at a Toby Keith concert. You'd think Toby Keith's fans would be strongly pro-freedom, what with his songs The Angry Americanand American Soldier. Maybe this guy was supposed to be at a Dixie Chicks concert and became angry when he saw all the American flags and Bush/Cheney bumper stickers everywhere.
Credit: NBC
"These guys, they've got me in a fighting mood."
John Kerry, Today |
"He rocked, didn't he. There's a time for everything and it was time for him to take off the gloves"
Teresa Kerry, Today |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Geeks all over the world are going into convulsions today. The Star Wars DVD has finally come. Having trouble deciding whether to buy it or not. Here's some help. The bonus disk has a sneak peek at Episode III coming out next year. That should help.
(Click To Buy)
Watch out, Kerry. Football Fans For Truth
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Geeks all over the world are going into convulsions today. The Star Wars DVD has finally come. Having trouble deciding whether to buy it or not. Here's some help. The bonus disk has a sneak peek at Episode III coming out next year. That should help.

Watch out, Kerry. Football Fans For Truth
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to apologize for this. It's late, I was rushing and I got tired of looking through pictures to try and find the right ones. The cuts are bad and the colors don't match. But I think it turned out somewhat okay. 5/10.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Recently, a judge in New Mexico refused to allow Ralph Nader's name on the ballot come November. She had to retract that ruling recently because it seems she's donated money to, guess who, John Kerry's campaign. I am so sick and tired of these judges passing rulings based upon their beliefs rather than the law.
I've added a new link to the Truth About Kerry section. John Kerry Sucks. He has what I think is the best link I've ever seen. He has a link to download a copy of The New Soldier, Kerry's book that he doesn't want people to read, for free. I'm not sure if it's just an ad that's not there all time or what, so here's the link just in case. It's a PDF.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Recently, a judge in New Mexico refused to allow Ralph Nader's name on the ballot come November. She had to retract that ruling recently because it seems she's donated money to, guess who, John Kerry's campaign. I am so sick and tired of these judges passing rulings based upon their beliefs rather than the law.
I've added a new link to the Truth About Kerry section. John Kerry Sucks. He has what I think is the best link I've ever seen. He has a link to download a copy of The New Soldier, Kerry's book that he doesn't want people to read, for free. I'm not sure if it's just an ad that's not there all time or what, so here's the link just in case. It's a PDF.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added some new links to the site. Head down to the Link & Things section. In case you're wanting some of those buttons of your own, I used this site to make them. Thanks, DeoDuce. The GWB and Kerry buttons don't go anywhere. I just wanted them. The Cherokee button takes you to the homepage of the Cherokee Nation. The Geek button takes you to Mecca for geeks, Star Wars. The Pro-Life button takes you to a pro-life site. The American button takes you to a great page that deals with our great country. And the profile button takes you to my Blogger profile where you'll everything you need to know about me. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added some new links to the site. Head down to the Link & Things section. In case you're wanting some of those buttons of your own, I used this site to make them. Thanks, DeoDuce. The GWB and Kerry buttons don't go anywhere. I just wanted them. The Cherokee button takes you to the homepage of the Cherokee Nation. The Geek button takes you to Mecca for geeks, Star Wars. The Pro-Life button takes you to a pro-life site. The American button takes you to a great page that deals with our great country. And the profile button takes you to my Blogger profile where you'll everything you need to know about me. Enjoy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I don't mean to keep harping on this, but this kind of goes back to my Teflon President post. For years now, W's opponents have been trying to take him down with this whole National Guard thing and it hasn't worked yet. They tried in when he ran for Gov. of Texas. He won. They tried it in 2000. He won. They're trying it again in 2004. Will he win again? Only time will tell, but if history is any indicator. When are they going to realize that it's not working? Bush hasn't based his entire life around his NG service, unlike Kerry has with his service in the Navy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I don't mean to keep harping on this, but this kind of goes back to my Teflon President post. For years now, W's opponents have been trying to take him down with this whole National Guard thing and it hasn't worked yet. They tried in when he ran for Gov. of Texas. He won. They tried it in 2000. He won. They're trying it again in 2004. Will he win again? Only time will tell, but if history is any indicator. When are they going to realize that it's not working? Bush hasn't based his entire life around his NG service, unlike Kerry has with his service in the Navy.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
At least according to John Kerry's sugar mamma I am. First she said that people who disagree with Kerry's health-care plan are idiots and now people who criticize her are scumbags. That's why her approval ratings are so low. They match her class.
Credit: NewsMax
Dan Rather was ambushed at a Texas airport and asked by a local Fox news reporter
to which Rather snapped back
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

Credit: NewsMax
Dan Rather was ambushed at a Texas airport and asked by a local Fox news reporter
"Do you feel like you've been duped?" |
"Do you feel like you were duped-working for Fox like you do?" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Louisiana voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment Saturday banning same-sex marriages and civil unions. But don't worry, the ACLU will go out and find the most Liberal judge they can find to overturn it. To hell with the will of the people. As you've read in my previous post about this, we have the same vote coming up here in November that looks to easily pass. Although, I have to say I don't agree with the ban on civil unions, only marriage.
Credit: My Way News
Candidate Waffles' whole argument and plan about Iraq was that he would get other nations to help out, including France and Germany. Well, half of his plan is already shot dead. The yellow nation of France has flat out said that even if Kerry wins they won't send troops to Iraq. Poor Kerry, with everything else falling down around him come this.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Louisiana voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment Saturday banning same-sex marriages and civil unions. But don't worry, the ACLU will go out and find the most Liberal judge they can find to overturn it. To hell with the will of the people. As you've read in my previous post about this, we have the same vote coming up here in November that looks to easily pass. Although, I have to say I don't agree with the ban on civil unions, only marriage.
Credit: My Way News
Candidate Waffles' whole argument and plan about Iraq was that he would get other nations to help out, including France and Germany. Well, half of his plan is already shot dead. The yellow nation of France has flat out said that even if Kerry wins they won't send troops to Iraq. Poor Kerry, with everything else falling down around him come this.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I love this story. Kerry and the Dems bitch and moan about the how the rich get around paying taxes, and here we see that Kerry and his sugar mamma are doing it. Priceless hypocrisy.
Credit: The Smart Cop via Drumwaster
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"After years of Democrats demanding that the wealthy pay their "fair share," billionaire couple John and Teresa Kerry last year paid only 12% in income taxes. Apparently, Kerry, who rakes in just over $158,000 a year as a U.S. Senator, and his Heinz-heiress wife don't consider themselves "rich."
Americans for Tax Reform reported recently that though the Kerrys earn more than enough to be in the highest tax bracket, they found loopholes and write-offs in order to significantly decrease their taxes. In fact, they lowered their total tax rate to a level below that of most middle class Americans" |
Credit: The Smart Cop via Drumwaster
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Has anyone else noticed that every charge and lie the Dems throw at Bush just can't seem to stick. He stole the 2000 election, he knew about 9/11, he concocted the war in Iraq for oil, he got preferential treatment to get into the National Guard and he didn't fulfill his duties. Everything they throw they have no proof of and there for it just slides right off. With everything that's been said and charged about Bush, he should be running 15-25 percentage points behind Kerry not 5-15 ahead. Their new charge is that Bush is going to try and stop blacks from voting. They've been trying this trick against Republicans for years.
From the point of view of a Democrat. I'm not a Dem, thank God, but I have the uncanny ability to be able to think like them. It's not that hard. Want to know what Dems think about this whole CBS debacle? "It's not how you get to the conclusion, only that you get there". It doesn't matter how CBS gets to the point of Bush shirking his duty in the ANG, only that they got there. That train of thought can be for anything they want to believe.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Has anyone else noticed that every charge and lie the Dems throw at Bush just can't seem to stick. He stole the 2000 election, he knew about 9/11, he concocted the war in Iraq for oil, he got preferential treatment to get into the National Guard and he didn't fulfill his duties. Everything they throw they have no proof of and there for it just slides right off. With everything that's been said and charged about Bush, he should be running 15-25 percentage points behind Kerry not 5-15 ahead. Their new charge is that Bush is going to try and stop blacks from voting. They've been trying this trick against Republicans for years.
From the point of view of a Democrat. I'm not a Dem, thank God, but I have the uncanny ability to be able to think like them. It's not that hard. Want to know what Dems think about this whole CBS debacle? "It's not how you get to the conclusion, only that you get there". It doesn't matter how CBS gets to the point of Bush shirking his duty in the ANG, only that they got there. That train of thought can be for anything they want to believe.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Updated with two movie recommendations.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Updated with two movie recommendations.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Third post about the three year old girl getting sign ripped up by a Kerry supporter. It seems this story has touched even W.
That's why Bush is the better man.
Credit: US via BFB
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Third post about the three year old girl getting sign ripped up by a Kerry supporter. It seems this story has touched even W.
"If the picture of little 3-year-old Sophia Parlock crying after some Kerry-Edwards supporters tore up her Bush-Cheney poster got to you, well, you weren't the only one. President Bush and even first pup Barney were dismayed too, we hear. It happened at a West Virginia rally last week for Democratic running mate Sen. John Edwards, to which Phil Parlock brought his daughter. After seeing the picture of the tearful Sophia on her dad's shoulders, aides said the president was sending her a little note Friday along with a signed campaign poster and an autographed photo of the prez and his dog. 'Dear Sophia,' Bush penned, 'Thank you for supporting my campaign. I understand someone tore up your sign. So I am sending you a new sign and a signed picture. Please give my best to your family. Sincerely, George W. Bush.' And on the picture, he inked: 'To Sophia, Best wishes from me and Barney.' Phil Parlock tells us it really wasn't necessary. 'He already said 'Thank you' when he hugged her' at a previous Bush rally they attended, he says. 'She bragged for days'." |
Credit: US via BFB
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I just realized, thanks to Don, that in the picture below; the guy on the left is the Kerry/Edwards supporter who ripped up the little girls sign. If you look, you can just make out the K in Kerry and the DS in Edwards. And the fact he has some of the sign in his hand. But it's the smirk on his face that pisses me off. That "Oh, poor baby" look. If I were that dad, I'd put the girl down then beat..his..ass. That son of a bitch would be going into the hospital.
Just got done talking about a piece of filth Kerry supporter above, and here's another one. He got drunk on a plane, began to argue politics with a Bush supporter. When he started to lose the argument, be became belligerent and violent. The pilot had to divert the plane and the man was arrested and is facing two years in a Canadian jail. John Kerry must be proud of his supporters.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I just realized, thanks to Don, that in the picture below; the guy on the left is the Kerry/Edwards supporter who ripped up the little girls sign. If you look, you can just make out the K in Kerry and the DS in Edwards. And the fact he has some of the sign in his hand. But it's the smirk on his face that pisses me off. That "Oh, poor baby" look. If I were that dad, I'd put the girl down then beat..his..ass. That son of a bitch would be going into the hospital.
Just got done talking about a piece of filth Kerry supporter above, and here's another one. He got drunk on a plane, began to argue politics with a Bush supporter. When he started to lose the argument, be became belligerent and violent. The pilot had to divert the plane and the man was arrested and is facing two years in a Canadian jail. John Kerry must be proud of his supporters.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's sad what Dems will do today, but not surprising.
Credit: Yahoo! News
I believe it's called Standard Form 180, Mr. Kerry.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

"Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va. Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards made a brief stop at the airport as he concluded his two-day bus tour to locations in West Virginia and Ohio." |
Credit: Yahoo! News
"I have released all my military records"
John Kerry September 15, 2004 |
"No he hasn't."
United State Navy September 16, 2004 |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
From the new MoveOn ad. This is what Dems think about our military. I think they got the U.S. military confused with the French army. They also have another new ad that shows an AK-47 and talks about how now that Bush has let the assault weapons ban expire, terrorists can go out and get the weapon and possibly kill hundreds of lives in a matter of seconds. Only one problem. The AK-47 has been outlawed in America since the 1930's. It takes quite a bit of effort to obtain one. Thorough background check and a written letter from your local head of law enforcement amongst other things.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Got a new blog for you all to enjoy. The Danz Family. A fellow Right Minded Oklahoman. Welcome to our blogosphere Don. Have a look around and you may find some thinks you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Got a new blog for you all to enjoy. The Danz Family. A fellow Right Minded Oklahoman. Welcome to our blogosphere Don. Have a look around and you may find some thinks you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
More good Bush bounce news. It seems that Bush is making New York a state up for grabs. Before the RNC in NYC, Kerry was ahead of Bush 53-35. Today, it's Kerry 47 Bush 41. Bush is within 7 percentage points of taking New York from Kerry. What is going on here? First California is within 10 percentage points and now NY is within 7. Both massively Democratic states, yet Bush is gaining. If Bush could take either one, Kerry wouldn't have a chance in hell of winning. I'm afraid we're going to see Kerry just explode during the debates coming up. Remember Gore's constant eye rolls and sighing? That cost him the election. I think Kerry's just going to lose it and start screaming. How great would that be. But, this is a double edge sword for me. Being the eternal pessimist, I expect the worst and hope for the best. I can't allow myself to begin to believe that Bush could win in Nov. If I do, I could be setting myself up for a huge depression like I did in '96 when Dole lost to Clinton. I still think that there's just enough pissed off Dems to carry Kerry to the White House, but I'm also beginning to think Bush could actually take it. I don't know.
Credit: via BFB
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
More good Bush bounce news. It seems that Bush is making New York a state up for grabs. Before the RNC in NYC, Kerry was ahead of Bush 53-35. Today, it's Kerry 47 Bush 41. Bush is within 7 percentage points of taking New York from Kerry. What is going on here? First California is within 10 percentage points and now NY is within 7. Both massively Democratic states, yet Bush is gaining. If Bush could take either one, Kerry wouldn't have a chance in hell of winning. I'm afraid we're going to see Kerry just explode during the debates coming up. Remember Gore's constant eye rolls and sighing? That cost him the election. I think Kerry's just going to lose it and start screaming. How great would that be. But, this is a double edge sword for me. Being the eternal pessimist, I expect the worst and hope for the best. I can't allow myself to begin to believe that Bush could win in Nov. If I do, I could be setting myself up for a huge depression like I did in '96 when Dole lost to Clinton. I still think that there's just enough pissed off Dems to carry Kerry to the White House, but I'm also beginning to think Bush could actually take it. I don't know.
Credit: via BFB
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sure many of us know who The Ramones are. They seem to dropping off like flies. First Joey Ramone died in 2001 of cancer, then Dee Dee Ramone died in 2002 of an O.D, and now Johnny Ramone died Wednesday of cancer. When you think about punk music like this, you don't usually think about Conservatives. But Joey and Johnny both were Republicans. Cool.
Credit: Yahoo! News

The Kerry camp has announced that they will donate blankets, bottled water and first aid kits to victims of Hurricane Ivan.
Photobucket seems to be having problems again. So you'll just have to wait to see the picture.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sure many of us know who The Ramones are. They seem to dropping off like flies. First Joey Ramone died in 2001 of cancer, then Dee Dee Ramone died in 2002 of an O.D, and now Johnny Ramone died Wednesday of cancer. When you think about punk music like this, you don't usually think about Conservatives. But Joey and Johnny both were Republicans. Cool.
Credit: Yahoo! News

The Kerry camp has announced that they will donate blankets, bottled water and first aid kits to victims of Hurricane Ivan.
Photobucket seems to be having problems again. So you'll just have to wait to see the picture.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I received a comment form someone who lead me to this article called Has the Lesser of Two Evils Become Too Evil?: Let the Exodus to the Constitution Party Begin!. It's three pages long and a pretty good read.
For starters, religion has no bearing on who I vote for. You can be Christian, Jewish, Catholic or Agnostic. I don't care. Who or what God you believe in doesn't bother me. And I don't like every thing Bush has done while in office, nor did I expect to. He has let spending get way out of hand. We're supposed to be the party of low taxes and smaller government. But only the smaller taxes thing has happened. Abortion. Abortion is the biggest subject that defines a Conservative. But would I not vote for a Republican just because he's pro-murder? Not necessarily. Rudolph Giuliani is a pro-"choice" Republican, but he's not a Conservative. If he ever runs, I'll vote for him. I don't base my vote on just one or two topics. We have to look at the whole range of issues. I admit it, I'm a partisan Republican. I couldn't vote for a Democrat. If that's lumped into "the lesser of two evils" then so be it. I've kind of rambled and went off here, but I think you can get the gist of my argument. I'm an Independent Republican. I don't agree with everything the Republican party does or says, but more comfortable with that party than I am with the Democrats and I don't think I would ever vote for a third party candidate. Unless he/she came out and said everything little thing that I believe in.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I received a comment form someone who lead me to this article called Has the Lesser of Two Evils Become Too Evil?: Let the Exodus to the Constitution Party Begin!. It's three pages long and a pretty good read.
For starters, religion has no bearing on who I vote for. You can be Christian, Jewish, Catholic or Agnostic. I don't care. Who or what God you believe in doesn't bother me. And I don't like every thing Bush has done while in office, nor did I expect to. He has let spending get way out of hand. We're supposed to be the party of low taxes and smaller government. But only the smaller taxes thing has happened. Abortion. Abortion is the biggest subject that defines a Conservative. But would I not vote for a Republican just because he's pro-murder? Not necessarily. Rudolph Giuliani is a pro-"choice" Republican, but he's not a Conservative. If he ever runs, I'll vote for him. I don't base my vote on just one or two topics. We have to look at the whole range of issues. I admit it, I'm a partisan Republican. I couldn't vote for a Democrat. If that's lumped into "the lesser of two evils" then so be it. I've kind of rambled and went off here, but I think you can get the gist of my argument. I'm an Independent Republican. I don't agree with everything the Republican party does or says, but more comfortable with that party than I am with the Democrats and I don't think I would ever vote for a third party candidate. Unless he/she came out and said everything little thing that I believe in.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer for the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
One year ago today I stated this blog. I wish you all could see what it looked like back then, but if you'll look at the Sep. 2003 archive the layout shows up just like this one. But it was pretty bad. It was red, white and blue and looked like crap. The colors didn't match right and layout was bad. But have a look through the Sep. 2003 archive yourselves and see just how this thing has changed over the year. Jake's probably the only one who remembers it because he's been with me almost since the very beginning. Then I've had the help of Jeff with a lot of the coding for my past two layouts and Matt with the "Artwork" to help top of the blog just the way I like it. I started with Jake being my only reader and it just ballooned from there. If you'll scroll down to the very bottom of the page, you'll see just how I feel. Thank you all.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can get my approval rating up to 40%.
We all have a friend in the path of Ivan. Jake is in the direct path of the hurricane. Stay safe man. Watch your ass.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
One year ago today I stated this blog. I wish you all could see what it looked like back then, but if you'll look at the Sep. 2003 archive the layout shows up just like this one. But it was pretty bad. It was red, white and blue and looked like crap. The colors didn't match right and layout was bad. But have a look through the Sep. 2003 archive yourselves and see just how this thing has changed over the year. Jake's probably the only one who remembers it because he's been with me almost since the very beginning. Then I've had the help of Jeff with a lot of the coding for my past two layouts and Matt with the "Artwork" to help top of the blog just the way I like it. I started with Jake being my only reader and it just ballooned from there. If you'll scroll down to the very bottom of the page, you'll see just how I feel. Thank you all.

We all have a friend in the path of Ivan. Jake is in the direct path of the hurricane. Stay safe man. Watch your ass.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Sign the petition for A.G. Ashcroft to begin an investigation into who leaked, *cough, cough*Kerry camp, the fake documents to CBS.
While I'm on the subject of MemoGate, why does no one in Big Media have the balls to even say they think the Kerry camp released these "documents"? I heard maybe two kind of, sort of insinuate it. But nobody will come right out and say it. I will. I believe the Kerry camp released these documents to CBS. I was just watching one of the guys from Power Line on Special Report and he's one of the couple that I've heard say it. It seems a couple of days before this came out, he found out that the Kerry camp was getting ready to start a new attack campaign operation that was to re-re-hash the Bush/AWOL charge. If it looks like a duck.
Credit: DeoDuce
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Sign the petition for A.G. Ashcroft to begin an investigation into who leaked, *cough, cough*Kerry camp, the fake documents to CBS.
While I'm on the subject of MemoGate, why does no one in Big Media have the balls to even say they think the Kerry camp released these "documents"? I heard maybe two kind of, sort of insinuate it. But nobody will come right out and say it. I will. I believe the Kerry camp released these documents to CBS. I was just watching one of the guys from Power Line on Special Report and he's one of the couple that I've heard say it. It seems a couple of days before this came out, he found out that the Kerry camp was getting ready to start a new attack campaign operation that was to re-re-hash the Bush/AWOL charge. If it looks like a duck.
Credit: DeoDuce
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
What's that number some may be asking. That's Candidate Waffles' approval rating. That's bad. That's lower than Herber Hoover and Michael Dukakis and tied with Martha Steward and Joseph McCarthy. Bush is running at around 48%. Thanks to Blogs For Bush and DeoDuce for the info.
Credit: Drudge
Claudia has a quick pick-me-up if you're feeling down. It's fun deleting John Kerry as many times as you want.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
What's that number some may be asking. That's Candidate Waffles' approval rating. That's bad. That's lower than Herber Hoover and Michael Dukakis and tied with Martha Steward and Joseph McCarthy. Bush is running at around 48%. Thanks to Blogs For Bush and DeoDuce for the info.
Credit: Drudge
Claudia has a quick pick-me-up if you're feeling down. It's fun deleting John Kerry as many times as you want.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I like to read the Opinion section of the local paper here. I like the letters to the editors that they have. Most are from wacko Left-wingers who blame conservatives for everything wrong in the world. However, every once and awhile they have a letter that stands out of the pack. Here's what one Right Minded Oklahoman has to say about the ACLU. Just a little background, we have a vote in the great state of Oklahoma coming up in Nov. to ban gay marriage. And guess who's trying to stop it.
Civil Terrorists. That's the best description of the ACLU I've ever heard.
I think Haloscan may be messed up or something. It's saying that I've only go one replay in some where I have 3 or 4. If some of you could just leave a comment to this. Doesn't matter what it is, I just want to see if the comment count reads it right.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I like to read the Opinion section of the local paper here. I like the letters to the editors that they have. Most are from wacko Left-wingers who blame conservatives for everything wrong in the world. However, every once and awhile they have a letter that stands out of the pack. Here's what one Right Minded Oklahoman has to say about the ACLU. Just a little background, we have a vote in the great state of Oklahoma coming up in Nov. to ban gay marriage. And guess who's trying to stop it.
"It looks like the American Civil Liberties Union is up to it again. This time it wants to find another ACLU judge who will agree with it and disallow the Oklahoma voters the right to vote on a possible amendment to the state constitution to ban gay marriage!
There were times when the ACLU actually was representing those in need of legal representation. But for the past few years, and most recently in Oklahoma, it has presented itself as 'civil terrorists', with the main objective to deprive Oklahoma and U.S. citizen from exercising their right to vote their conventions on Nov. 2. Seeing actions taken recently by the ACLU, its carefully planned lawsuits are actually making it a 'civil terrorist' which, over time, will have a more devastating effect on the United States than the organized international terrorist - al-Qaida. The citizens of Oklahoma should take notice of the actions by this group and go to the polls and vote their convictions" |
I think Haloscan may be messed up or something. It's saying that I've only go one replay in some where I have 3 or 4. If some of you could just leave a comment to this. Doesn't matter what it is, I just want to see if the comment count reads it right.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This could only happen in the capital of Looney Land. I was picked on at school for being fat, does that mean I should have gotten a scholarship if I had went to college?
This Memogate isn't the first time Rather has ignored facts when talking about a story. When "Bubba" was out talking about his book, CBS and Rather let Clinton get away with claiming that he had no knowledge of a Sudan offer for bin Laden, even though they were told a head of time that Clinton was on tape contradicting himself just two years earlier. I made this picture some time ago. I was bored, and it was for some other Rather story. Who knew it would very appropriate today.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

This could only happen in the capital of Looney Land. I was picked on at school for being fat, does that mean I should have gotten a scholarship if I had went to college?
This Memogate isn't the first time Rather has ignored facts when talking about a story. When "Bubba" was out talking about his book, CBS and Rather let Clinton get away with claiming that he had no knowledge of a Sudan offer for bin Laden, even though they were told a head of time that Clinton was on tape contradicting himself just two years earlier. I made this picture some time ago. I was bored, and it was for some other Rather story. Who knew it would very appropriate today.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The assault weapons ban is set to expire tonight at midnight and John Kerry is blaming Bush for this happening. My readers who've been with me long enough know that I'm not a fan of guns, but I don't see how this ban really makes a difference. It outlaws one type of firearm while keeping legal another that is 99% identical. I don't get it. But back to Kerry. How is Bush to blame for this? He doesn't make the law. He can't just say "I renew the ban" and it's renewed. Congress has to vote on it, and the president can't make them vote any way they don't want to. It's just a stupid argument by the Dems to blame Bush for something else they don't like. One last thing about this. The association of bin Laden and terrorist to the expiring of this ban. That somehow they're rooting for it to expire. What the hell is this? Do proponents of this ban think that if an AK-47 is outlawed, terrorists, or the common criminal for that matter, couldn't just get a 9mm or a .45 or a 12-gauge and do the exact same thing? Idiots.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The assault weapons ban is set to expire tonight at midnight and John Kerry is blaming Bush for this happening. My readers who've been with me long enough know that I'm not a fan of guns, but I don't see how this ban really makes a difference. It outlaws one type of firearm while keeping legal another that is 99% identical. I don't get it. But back to Kerry. How is Bush to blame for this? He doesn't make the law. He can't just say "I renew the ban" and it's renewed. Congress has to vote on it, and the president can't make them vote any way they don't want to. It's just a stupid argument by the Dems to blame Bush for something else they don't like. One last thing about this. The association of bin Laden and terrorist to the expiring of this ban. That somehow they're rooting for it to expire. What the hell is this? Do proponents of this ban think that if an AK-47 is outlawed, terrorists, or the common criminal for that matter, couldn't just get a 9mm or a .45 or a 12-gauge and do the exact same thing? Idiots.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have finally finished the book. This could be my last post about it, we'll just have to wait and see. But after reading it, I'm more afraid of the thought of Kerry getting into office than I have been about anyone else. In 1996 I was afraid for this country if Clinton was elected to a second term. He was and I was right. He made this country a laughing stock to the rest of the world. But I think Kerry would do more than that. He will sell this country out the first chance he gets. If Kerry's elected in November, I see perhaps 3-4 terrorist attacks before he finally does anything about it. John Kerry is all about power and himself. He cares for nothing else. John Kerry is number to John Kerry. God help this country should he ever step foot in the White House.
Bush has now the lead in the polls for just over a week. I think they will begin to even back out over the week. Hopefully Bush will still have the lead, but I'm not sure. With the Kerry camp releasing these fake documents to CBS, who knows what'll happen.
I have a new campaign sign for Bush/Cheney 2004.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have finally finished the book. This could be my last post about it, we'll just have to wait and see. But after reading it, I'm more afraid of the thought of Kerry getting into office than I have been about anyone else. In 1996 I was afraid for this country if Clinton was elected to a second term. He was and I was right. He made this country a laughing stock to the rest of the world. But I think Kerry would do more than that. He will sell this country out the first chance he gets. If Kerry's elected in November, I see perhaps 3-4 terrorist attacks before he finally does anything about it. John Kerry is all about power and himself. He cares for nothing else. John Kerry is number to John Kerry. God help this country should he ever step foot in the White House.
Bush has now the lead in the polls for just over a week. I think they will begin to even back out over the week. Hopefully Bush will still have the lead, but I'm not sure. With the Kerry camp releasing these fake documents to CBS, who knows what'll happen.
I have a new campaign sign for Bush/Cheney 2004.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, as you can see I don't need your votes anymore. Some things changed, and I went a head and started using a new banner. So just go a head and forget the previous post. I'm going to try and stick with this one. I really like it. It's basic and simple. Streamline if you will. I hope you all enjoy it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, as you can see I don't need your votes anymore. Some things changed, and I went a head and started using a new banner. So just go a head and forget the previous post. I'm going to try and stick with this one. I really like it. It's basic and simple. Streamline if you will. I hope you all enjoy it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Next time you go to the store or where ever and want to have some fun, take along some $2 bills. I used one a McDonalds yesterday and the look on the guys face was priceless. He sat there looking at with a look on his face that almost made me laugh.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Next time you go to the store or where ever and want to have some fun, take along some $2 bills. I used one a McDonalds yesterday and the look on the guys face was priceless. He sat there looking at with a look on his face that almost made me laugh.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been watching the cable news networks and as they've been talking about what people are calling "MemoGate", they've been using a term to describe bloggers. New Media. I like that. Just too bad they're not talking about me. They're talking about the big boys like Power Line and Blogs For Bush. But having a blog, we're all a part of this New Media. One day, we'll overtake Big Media.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been watching the cable news networks and as they've been talking about what people are calling "MemoGate", they've been using a term to describe bloggers. New Media. I like that. Just too bad they're not talking about me. They're talking about the big boys like Power Line and Blogs For Bush. But having a blog, we're all a part of this New Media. One day, we'll overtake Big Media.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Jane Fonda and John Kerry are traitors to this country. I'm not playing around with words here. I'm not talking about not liking them or what they did during the Vietnam war, I'm being serious. They both committed acts of treason and I'm wondering why they're not sitting in prison right now. First, Jane Fonda. We all know how she went to North Vietnam and posed for pictures with Viet Cong. Which is bad enough on it's own. But there are things I never new about. Here's some of the acts of treason she committed during the war:
Between July 8-22, 1972 Jane Fonda went to Hanoi. During her visit she made radio broadcasts to American and South Vietnamese encouraging mutiny and desertion telling them that the U.S. was responsible for war crimes.
She visited American POW's then reported in her broadcasts that they were being well cared for and that they, the POW's, wished to convey their sense of disgust of the war and their shame for what they have been asked to do.
The famous photo of Fonda sitting in a Vietnamese antiaircraft gun surrounded by North Vietnamese military.
This has to be the sickest think I've ever heard. As she was leaving Vietnam, she accepted a ring from the North Vietnamese made from the wreckage or down American aircraft. I wonder if she still wears it.
This piece of human filth should be rotting away in prison right now.
And now for the criminal John Kerry. We keep hearing from the Left that Bush is a criminal. That he started an illegal war. John Kerry is an honest to God criminal. There's hundreds of instances of crimes committed by John Kerry, but I'm only going to talk about one. This also goes under the heading of Treason. In 1970, John Kerry, who's call name in 'Nam was "Boston Strangler", sound real antiwar don't it, was released from Active Duty and transferred to the Naval Reserve (inactive). Being on Naval Reserve, Kerry would have carried a Naval Reserve ID card, he was still receiving Naval pay and he would have had continuing obligations to report to official Navy requests for training and to respond to any Navy inquiries advanced to him. Meaning that he was still in the Navy. He was still a Sailor. He wasn't official considered removed from the Navy until 1972 when he was placed on Standby Naval Reserve (inactive). Here's where the crimes of treason occurred. 1971, still a Sailor in the USN, John Kerry began his antiwar activities which included:
Meeting with the enemy in Paris which provided aid and support to the North Vietnamese Communists in the form of radio broadcasts aimed at encouraging U.S. soldiers to lay down their arms and desert the military.
His testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Calling for a complete U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and to abandon the government of South Vietnam. In other words, surrender on their terms then payment of damage reparations to the Communists.
Telling slanderous lies in public speeches in order to malign the purpose and morality of the U.S. service men fighting and dying in Vietnam.
All this activity during 1971 is illegal because, still being in the military, it is in direct violation of the obligations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which prohibited him from making adverse charges against the chain of command or statements against his country, especially in time of war.
John Kerry is a criminal and I'm just wondering why he's not in prison right now and why Big Media isn't picking this stuff up. It's a matter of public record. All along I've called Kerry a hero for what he did in 'Nam. Not any more. I still respect his service, but John Kerry is no hero. He's a coward and a traitor to the United States. If he wins in November, this country is fucked.
Credit: Unfit For Command
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Jane Fonda and John Kerry are traitors to this country. I'm not playing around with words here. I'm not talking about not liking them or what they did during the Vietnam war, I'm being serious. They both committed acts of treason and I'm wondering why they're not sitting in prison right now. First, Jane Fonda. We all know how she went to North Vietnam and posed for pictures with Viet Cong. Which is bad enough on it's own. But there are things I never new about. Here's some of the acts of treason she committed during the war:
Between July 8-22, 1972 Jane Fonda went to Hanoi. During her visit she made radio broadcasts to American and South Vietnamese encouraging mutiny and desertion telling them that the U.S. was responsible for war crimes.
She visited American POW's then reported in her broadcasts that they were being well cared for and that they, the POW's, wished to convey their sense of disgust of the war and their shame for what they have been asked to do.
The famous photo of Fonda sitting in a Vietnamese antiaircraft gun surrounded by North Vietnamese military.
This has to be the sickest think I've ever heard. As she was leaving Vietnam, she accepted a ring from the North Vietnamese made from the wreckage or down American aircraft. I wonder if she still wears it.
This piece of human filth should be rotting away in prison right now.
And now for the criminal John Kerry. We keep hearing from the Left that Bush is a criminal. That he started an illegal war. John Kerry is an honest to God criminal. There's hundreds of instances of crimes committed by John Kerry, but I'm only going to talk about one. This also goes under the heading of Treason. In 1970, John Kerry, who's call name in 'Nam was "Boston Strangler", sound real antiwar don't it, was released from Active Duty and transferred to the Naval Reserve (inactive). Being on Naval Reserve, Kerry would have carried a Naval Reserve ID card, he was still receiving Naval pay and he would have had continuing obligations to report to official Navy requests for training and to respond to any Navy inquiries advanced to him. Meaning that he was still in the Navy. He was still a Sailor. He wasn't official considered removed from the Navy until 1972 when he was placed on Standby Naval Reserve (inactive). Here's where the crimes of treason occurred. 1971, still a Sailor in the USN, John Kerry began his antiwar activities which included:
Meeting with the enemy in Paris which provided aid and support to the North Vietnamese Communists in the form of radio broadcasts aimed at encouraging U.S. soldiers to lay down their arms and desert the military.
His testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Calling for a complete U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam and to abandon the government of South Vietnam. In other words, surrender on their terms then payment of damage reparations to the Communists.
Telling slanderous lies in public speeches in order to malign the purpose and morality of the U.S. service men fighting and dying in Vietnam.
All this activity during 1971 is illegal because, still being in the military, it is in direct violation of the obligations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which prohibited him from making adverse charges against the chain of command or statements against his country, especially in time of war.
John Kerry is a criminal and I'm just wondering why he's not in prison right now and why Big Media isn't picking this stuff up. It's a matter of public record. All along I've called Kerry a hero for what he did in 'Nam. Not any more. I still respect his service, but John Kerry is no hero. He's a coward and a traitor to the United States. If he wins in November, this country is fucked.
Credit: Unfit For Command
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This is the latest I've ever done a post. First things first. You may have noticed the 9/11 post missing. That post was only for that day. Out of respect I won't leave it up. Anyway, back to what this post is about. I'm sitting here at, almost 1:30 in the morning, working on some new banners for the site. I'm a person that's hard to please. I like the banner I have now, but I'm bored with it. I can't choose which one to use, that's where you all come in.
Banner 1
Banner 2
I want you all to pick it for me. If I get more than 3 votes, first I'll go into shock because for some reason no one participates in anything I do that requires a comment, then I'll use the one that gets the most votes.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This is the latest I've ever done a post. First things first. You may have noticed the 9/11 post missing. That post was only for that day. Out of respect I won't leave it up. Anyway, back to what this post is about. I'm sitting here at, almost 1:30 in the morning, working on some new banners for the site. I'm a person that's hard to please. I like the banner I have now, but I'm bored with it. I can't choose which one to use, that's where you all come in.
Banner 1
Banner 2
I want you all to pick it for me. If I get more than 3 votes, first I'll go into shock because for some reason no one participates in anything I do that requires a comment, then I'll use the one that gets the most votes.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I wanted to get this posted before midnight because I only want one post posted for the 11th out of respect. And it looks like I just made it. Head over to Blogs For Bush to read the guestbloggers remeberances of 9/11. Mine's the first one up, which it pretty cool.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I wanted to get this posted before midnight because I only want one post posted for the 11th out of respect. And it looks like I just made it. Head over to Blogs For Bush to read the guestbloggers remeberances of 9/11. Mine's the first one up, which it pretty cool.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog to the roll. Kay's Corner On The Net. It's my only non-political blog, but she is a Conservative so that makes her okay in my book. Welcome to our little blogosphere, Kay. Look around and you may find some other blogs you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog to the roll. Kay's Corner On The Net. It's my only non-political blog, but she is a Conservative so that makes her okay in my book. Welcome to our little blogosphere, Kay. Look around and you may find some other blogs you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Fahrenhype 9/11. Check it out.
Tuesday the 14th at 10 EST, you can figure out your own time, AMC will be showing a documentary called Rated R: Republicans In Hollywood. Thought you all might like to check that out.
Boy, 2004 really is the year of the political documentary. We had Moore's lie-filled mocumentary, the former POW's documentary Stolen Honor, the Fahrenhype 9/11 above and now this one.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Fahrenhype 9/11. Check it out.
Tuesday the 14th at 10 EST, you can figure out your own time, AMC will be showing a documentary called Rated R: Republicans In Hollywood. Thought you all might like to check that out.
Boy, 2004 really is the year of the political documentary. We had Moore's lie-filled mocumentary, the former POW's documentary Stolen Honor, the Fahrenhype 9/11 above and now this one.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Michael Moore likes to think his hatefest F911 is pro-American. Well, the terrorists in Iran don't seen to share that sentiment. Starting Monday, just two days after the third day of remembrance of 9/11, Iran will start showing Moore's mockumentary. If F911 is so pro-American, why is the anti-American government of Iran allowing it to be shown? I wonder if Moore will attend the Iranian premiere?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Michael Moore likes to think his hatefest F911 is pro-American. Well, the terrorists in Iran don't seen to share that sentiment. Starting Monday, just two days after the third day of remembrance of 9/11, Iran will start showing Moore's mockumentary. If F911 is so pro-American, why is the anti-American government of Iran allowing it to be shown? I wonder if Moore will attend the Iranian premiere?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
V.P. Dick Cheney is trying to explain his comments he made on Tuesday about being hit again if America elects Kerry/Edwards. Why? He was right. If John Kerry becomes the leader of this country, terrorist all over the world will see that we have a spineless jellyfish as commander in chief and will begin attacking us again. It's just that simple. He should have stuck to his message. Don't start pulling some "John Kerrys" on us. And Check out the Reuters photo Yahoo! used of Cheney. I love how they go out of their way to find stuff like this.
Credit: Yahoo! News
This is why CBS is nothing more than a joke network anymore.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
V.P. Dick Cheney is trying to explain his comments he made on Tuesday about being hit again if America elects Kerry/Edwards. Why? He was right. If John Kerry becomes the leader of this country, terrorist all over the world will see that we have a spineless jellyfish as commander in chief and will begin attacking us again. It's just that simple. He should have stuck to his message. Don't start pulling some "John Kerrys" on us. And Check out the Reuters photo Yahoo! used of Cheney. I love how they go out of their way to find stuff like this.
Credit: Yahoo! News
This is why CBS is nothing more than a joke network anymore.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As we all know, Bush has been getting bounces in every poll out there. Some of the best news comes from the "swing states" polls. I think one of the biggest surprises is New Jersey. Before the RNC, Kerry was running 20 points ahead of Bush in NJ. Bush is now within 3 points of taking the lead. That's a huge jump for Bush in a state he didn't have a chance of winning before. In PA, Bush is up by one point over Kerry. Another state that Kerry looked to have locked up. And unless I'm reading the polls wrong, in California Kerry's running at 52% and Bush is at 42%. 42% in California. That's amazing. Kerry should be running at least 20-30% ahead of Bush. I thing the Bush campaign should start putting more money and time into California. This is the first time that a Republican has even a small chance of taking California in a presidential election since Reagan. If Kerry were to loose Cali, he'd no chance in hell of winning. Far off dream, but I say go for it. With all these good numbers for Bush, the Kerry camp's resorted to re-re-hashing old AWOL charges and claiming the GOP are questioning their patriotism by questioning their record. I wouldn't be surprised to see John Kerry, before long, just attack one of his handler on live t.v. with all the stress and anger he must be feeling.
Matt over at Blogs For Bush is taking submissions for his tribute to 9/11 coming up Saturday. Go here and give your thoughts on that day and how it's affected and changed you. You have to be signed up at Blogs For Bush to submit, but you can still read them even if your not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As we all know, Bush has been getting bounces in every poll out there. Some of the best news comes from the "swing states" polls. I think one of the biggest surprises is New Jersey. Before the RNC, Kerry was running 20 points ahead of Bush in NJ. Bush is now within 3 points of taking the lead. That's a huge jump for Bush in a state he didn't have a chance of winning before. In PA, Bush is up by one point over Kerry. Another state that Kerry looked to have locked up. And unless I'm reading the polls wrong, in California Kerry's running at 52% and Bush is at 42%. 42% in California. That's amazing. Kerry should be running at least 20-30% ahead of Bush. I thing the Bush campaign should start putting more money and time into California. This is the first time that a Republican has even a small chance of taking California in a presidential election since Reagan. If Kerry were to loose Cali, he'd no chance in hell of winning. Far off dream, but I say go for it. With all these good numbers for Bush, the Kerry camp's resorted to re-re-hashing old AWOL charges and claiming the GOP are questioning their patriotism by questioning their record. I wouldn't be surprised to see John Kerry, before long, just attack one of his handler on live t.v. with all the stress and anger he must be feeling.
Matt over at Blogs For Bush is taking submissions for his tribute to 9/11 coming up Saturday. Go here and give your thoughts on that day and how it's affected and changed you. You have to be signed up at Blogs For Bush to submit, but you can still read them even if your not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link in the Truth About Kerry section for everyone to visit. Stolen Honor. It's that group of former POW's that, for lack of a better word, hate John Kerry for what he did after he returned home from Vietnam. They made a documentary that you can order from the site for $15, but it goes up to $20 after the 17th.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new link in the Truth About Kerry section for everyone to visit. Stolen Honor. It's that group of former POW's that, for lack of a better word, hate John Kerry for what he did after he returned home from Vietnam. They made a documentary that you can order from the site for $15, but it goes up to $20 after the 17th.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here we go. A third round of "Bush went AWOL" charges. I find it funny how the very same people who were condemning people for questioning Kerry's service are all to happy to jump on the AWOL bandwagon. I think it's fair game. Question both on their services. There does seem to be some things that need to answered by both parties. But don't be a damn hypocrite screaming that questioning Kerry's service is somehow questioning his patriotism while at the same time you're questioning Bush's service. Or vise-versa.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here we go. A third round of "Bush went AWOL" charges. I find it funny how the very same people who were condemning people for questioning Kerry's service are all to happy to jump on the AWOL bandwagon. I think it's fair game. Question both on their services. There does seem to be some things that need to answered by both parties. But don't be a damn hypocrite screaming that questioning Kerry's service is somehow questioning his patriotism while at the same time you're questioning Bush's service. Or vise-versa.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Of The Mighty U.S.A.
Everywhere I Run Around, They Get Out Of My Way
Cause I'm American Made, American Born
From My Hands My Flag Will Not Be Torn... Away
Ted Nugent - Rawdogs And Warhogs
Candidate Waffles has really earned that name. He's now on his FORTH position on the War On Terror. Here's a breakdown:
1st Position - He supported going into Iraq giving Bush authority to do so
2nd Position - During the primaries he was against the war
3rd Position - After the primaries he was again for the war saying he would have went in even knowing what we now know
4th Position - Now he's against it saying it's the wrong war at the wrong time taking the Howard Dean. position
Make up your mind, damn. Four. That's got to be a new world record.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag Of The Mighty U.S.A.
Everywhere I Run Around, They Get Out Of My Way
Cause I'm American Made, American Born
From My Hands My Flag Will Not Be Torn... Away
Ted Nugent - Rawdogs And Warhogs
Candidate Waffles has really earned that name. He's now on his FORTH position on the War On Terror. Here's a breakdown:
1st Position - He supported going into Iraq giving Bush authority to do so
2nd Position - During the primaries he was against the war
3rd Position - After the primaries he was again for the war saying he would have went in even knowing what we now know
4th Position - Now he's against it saying it's the wrong war at the wrong time taking the Howard Dean. position
Make up your mind, damn. Four. That's got to be a new world record.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here we see John Kerry on the road giving a speech to his supporters.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Updated with an endorsment.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Updated with an endorsment.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
1,003 men and women have now given their lives in the pursuit of freedom for Iraq. Each one of these brave soldiers died with honor and courage and I salute each and every one of them.
Get ready for the Left to latch on to this and try pimp them out for political gains.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
1,003 men and women have now given their lives in the pursuit of freedom for Iraq. Each one of these brave soldiers died with honor and courage and I salute each and every one of them.
Get ready for the Left to latch on to this and try pimp them out for political gains.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.

Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's an ACLU ad running on tv that talks about the evil Patriot Act. I don't know if you've seen it or not. Their site doesn't have a link to it. In it, they say that because of the Patriot Act the government can come into your home anytime they want to without your permission. Uh, hello, they could do that before. All they need is a warrant from a judge, just like before the Patriot Act was signed. There's something else that I found funny. In the ad they say "this isn't a Right-Wing, Left-Wing issue. That it isn't a Republican or Democrat issue". An ad from the ACLU during an election year. That's not partisan at all, is it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's an ACLU ad running on tv that talks about the evil Patriot Act. I don't know if you've seen it or not. Their site doesn't have a link to it. In it, they say that because of the Patriot Act the government can come into your home anytime they want to without your permission. Uh, hello, they could do that before. All they need is a warrant from a judge, just like before the Patriot Act was signed. There's something else that I found funny. In the ad they say "this isn't a Right-Wing, Left-Wing issue. That it isn't a Republican or Democrat issue". An ad from the ACLU during an election year. That's not partisan at all, is it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

What's wrong with this picture? Could it be the fact that John Kerry co-sponsored a bill that would ban the very gun he accepted as a gift over the weekend? I think so. It gets better. After he accepted the gun, he told the audience
Is that a thinly veiled threat towards the President of the United States? Smooth move, Waffles.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

"I thank you for the gift, but I can't take it to the debate with me" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Paul Begala has been hired to help out on the Kerry campaign. Here's where the conflict of interest could lie. Begala is staying on at CNN. Is this right? If Sean Hannity were to join the Bush campaign and stay on at Fox News, don't you think the left would be screaming foul?
Credit: Blogs For Bush
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Paul Begala has been hired to help out on the Kerry campaign. Here's where the conflict of interest could lie. Begala is staying on at CNN. Is this right? If Sean Hannity were to join the Bush campaign and stay on at Fox News, don't you think the left would be screaming foul?
Credit: Blogs For Bush
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now before anyone gets any funny ideas, I'm not wishing or hoping for anything. I'm just passing this story along. It seems that the hospital Clinton's in for bypass surgery has the highest death rate for the operation in New York State, according to the state's Health Department. While the death rate is quite low, fewer than 4 percent of all bypass operations, it's still nearly double the average for hospitals in the state that perform bypasses. You know, I think I'd demand another hospital. Where's' the Secrete Service? Isn't their job to protect the president's life?
Credit: NY Times
We all know the media loves to portray Republicans as heartless monsters bent of destroying the world, but I think they may be wrong on the heartless aspect. With "Bubba" in the hospital, what do you think is the Democrats biggest concern? Whether he'll make through the surgery or not? No. It's the fact that he might not be able to campaign for Kerry. It seems that Dems are upset that this pesky bypass surgery could sideline their biggest Weapon Of Mass Fundraising until after the election. It's good to see Dems have their priorities straight.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now before anyone gets any funny ideas, I'm not wishing or hoping for anything. I'm just passing this story along. It seems that the hospital Clinton's in for bypass surgery has the highest death rate for the operation in New York State, according to the state's Health Department. While the death rate is quite low, fewer than 4 percent of all bypass operations, it's still nearly double the average for hospitals in the state that perform bypasses. You know, I think I'd demand another hospital. Where's' the Secrete Service? Isn't their job to protect the president's life?
Credit: NY Times
We all know the media loves to portray Republicans as heartless monsters bent of destroying the world, but I think they may be wrong on the heartless aspect. With "Bubba" in the hospital, what do you think is the Democrats biggest concern? Whether he'll make through the surgery or not? No. It's the fact that he might not be able to campaign for Kerry. It seems that Dems are upset that this pesky bypass surgery could sideline their biggest Weapon Of Mass Fundraising until after the election. It's good to see Dems have their priorities straight.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here we see Sen. Kerry rolling out his new campaign slogan after President Bush has taken double digit lead in the polls. This strategy hasn't worked yet, but this new direct approach might.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Updated with a Passion Of The Christ review.
Updated with a Passion Of The Christ review.
That the whole time John Kerry's bitching and moaning about how Bush and Cheney are attacking his military service, even though they're not, he and his lap dog Edwards are doing the same to them.
He will not. Who's he think he's talking to, one of his butlers? Arrogant and stuck up is what "I will not" reminds me of. And we all know his attacks on Bush's National Guard service. John Kerry is unfit for command. He's a Jimmy Carter, Jr. waiting to happen.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That the whole time John Kerry's bitching and moaning about how Bush and Cheney are attacking his military service, even though they're not, he and his lap dog Edwards are doing the same to them.
"I will not have my commitment to defending this country questioned by those who refused to serve when they had a chance and I will not have it questioned by those who misled this nation into war in Iraq" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know Big Media is biased against Bush, but to totally make up a story is amazing. Recently, the AP made up a story that after Bush said that Clinton is in our thoughts and prayers the "crowd of thousands" booed and Bush didn't try to stop them. Only problem is the AP didn't count on the people who were actually there getting mad at the lie. They've since retraced the story.
The Liberal media will say anything to perpetuate the "heartless Conservative" myth. We applauded John Kerry twice at the RNC and we applauded Clinton. That's what makes us the better party. And you know Candidate Waffles foaming at the mouth hoping to use this story to slam Bush and Republicans. Too bad, Waffles.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know Big Media is biased against Bush, but to totally make up a story is amazing. Recently, the AP made up a story that after Bush said that Clinton is in our thoughts and prayers the "crowd of thousands" booed and Bush didn't try to stop them. Only problem is the AP didn't count on the people who were actually there getting mad at the lie. They've since retraced the story.
"This is a correction to an incorrect story posted by AP on Friday stating the crowd booed the President when he sent his good wishes. The crowd, in fact, did NOT boo. The crowd reacted with applause and with some 'ooohs,' apparently surprised by the news that Clinton was ill" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here's an update to my post this morning. Some new number for Bush.
Bush -vs- Kerry - 49%, 45%
Job Approval - 54%
Better Leader - Bush 49%, Kerry - 38%
National Defense - Bush 52%, Kerry - 42%
Better Manage Economy - Bush 49%, Kerry - 45%
Bush Handling Iraq - Good 46%, Poor 41%
Bush Handling Of The Economy - Good 43%, Poor 39%
Electoral College - Bush 213, Kerry 207 With 118 Up For Grabs
Most stayed the same, but a few have changed. The Enonomy numbers are what really surprise me. I guess people liked what W had to say lastnight. Rassmussen is one of the more reputable pollers, so people can't say that they lean to the Right or Left. Can Bush hold onto these numbers? I hope so. The thought of aPresident Kerry scares the hell out of me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Here's an update to my post this morning. Some new number for Bush.
Bush -vs- Kerry - 49%, 45%
Job Approval - 54%
Better Leader - Bush 49%, Kerry - 38%
National Defense - Bush 52%, Kerry - 42%
Better Manage Economy - Bush 49%, Kerry - 45%
Bush Handling Iraq - Good 46%, Poor 41%
Bush Handling Of The Economy - Good 43%, Poor 39%
Electoral College - Bush 213, Kerry 207 With 118 Up For Grabs
Most stayed the same, but a few have changed. The Enonomy numbers are what really surprise me. I guess people liked what W had to say lastnight. Rassmussen is one of the more reputable pollers, so people can't say that they lean to the Right or Left. Can Bush hold onto these numbers? I hope so. The thought of a
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Bill Clinton was admitted to a hospital in NY complaining about chest pains. The doctors found a blockage in his heart and he's now in surgery to clear the blockage. As much as I don't like the man, I hope he pulls through this okay.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Bill Clinton was admitted to a hospital in NY complaining about chest pains. The doctors found a blockage in his heart and he's now in surgery to clear the blockage. As much as I don't like the man, I hope he pulls through this okay.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, it looks like Bush got a two point bounce out of his convention. That's what I figured he'd get. A one to two point bounce. On Aug. 31, Bush was polling at 47%. As of yesterday, he was at 49% with a 54% job approval rating. Bush is ahead of Kerry in who's a better leader 49-38, trust on national defense 48-45 and trust to manage the economy as well 46-45. Which is a surprise.
Credit: Rassmussen
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, it looks like Bush got a two point bounce out of his convention. That's what I figured he'd get. A one to two point bounce. On Aug. 31, Bush was polling at 47%. As of yesterday, he was at 49% with a 54% job approval rating. Bush is ahead of Kerry in who's a better leader 49-38, trust on national defense 48-45 and trust to manage the economy as well 46-45. Which is a surprise.
Credit: Rassmussen
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Uh, Mr. Kerry, didn't you seek a year long deferment to France before sighing up for the Navy after it was refused? And I looked all over and I may have this wrong, correct me if I am, but what's this two tour of duty stuff? Didn't a typical tour of duty in Vietnam last twelve months? Kerry was only there four. How is that two tours? One last thing on this. How the hell is Cheney's lack of service relevant? If military service for the V.P. is so important, then why did Kerry pick Edwards?
Credit: Yahoo! News
John Edwards said something to the effect of "To know who John Kerry is, you only have to talk to the men who served with him". Well, here's an excerpt from my current favorite book.
With all his bitching and moaning to people under him, never to his superiors like Kerry wants us to believe, his "Band Of Brothers" couldn't wait to get rid of him. Very telling.
More bad news for Candidate Waffles. The Navy is launching an official investigation into the awarding of his medal.
You know, I bet Bush and the GOP is behind this. I just wonder when Kerry's going to say it.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"John Kerry hit back at Dick Cheney on Thursday by raising the Republican's failure to serve in the Vietnam War and asking voters to weigh his two tours of duty against the vice president's five deferments." |
Credit: Yahoo! News
John Edwards said something to the effect of "To know who John Kerry is, you only have to talk to the men who served with him". Well, here's an excerpt from my current favorite book.
"When John Kerry got his third Purple Heart, we told him to leave. We knew how the system worked and we didn't want him in CosDiv11. Kerry didn't decide to manipulate the system to go home after four months; we asked to go home"
Thomas W. Wright, USN (Retired) Swift Boat Commander |
More bad news for Candidate Waffles. The Navy is launching an official investigation into the awarding of his medal.
it's the responsibility of all personnel to correct errors in official records" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was listening to some of the pundits and reporters talking after Bush's speech, and I heard something rather interesting. One said that usually the candidate who's making the outrageous claims, questioning my patriotism, questioning my fitness for the presidency, is usually the candidate who is having trouble. I heard them all talking about how none of them can remember an opponent holding a rally/press conference right after the other's convention. Another sign that Kerry's camp feels it's in trouble. Could we be seeing the begining of the end for Kerry's campaign. I won't say yes or no, only I hope so.
Can you guess what my favorite line in Bush's speech was? Here's a hint. Look at the new header. When he said
I kid you not, a chill ran up my spine. I said he would have to bring out the big guns tonight, and he did just that. Although, I do wish he had talked about the economy more. It's not perfect, but it's getting better. He should have driven that home better. But that's what a speech should be. All in all, I'd give the convention a 9/10. Masterpiece. I think Kerry may have a real struggle on his hands.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was listening to some of the pundits and reporters talking after Bush's speech, and I heard something rather interesting. One said that usually the candidate who's making the outrageous claims, questioning my patriotism, questioning my fitness for the presidency, is usually the candidate who is having trouble. I heard them all talking about how none of them can remember an opponent holding a rally/press conference right after the other's convention. Another sign that Kerry's camp feels it's in trouble. Could we be seeing the begining of the end for Kerry's campaign. I won't say yes or no, only I hope so.
Can you guess what my favorite line in Bush's speech was? Here's a hint. Look at the new header. When he said
"My fellow Americans, for as long as our country stands, people will look to the resurrection of New York City and they will say: Here buildings fell, and here a nation rose." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Great speech, but he may have made a fatal error. While he was talking about returning salutes and listening to stories about people lost on 9/11, he began to well up with tears. Completely understandable, but it could backfire on him like it did for Ed Muskie. The comedians and Dems will latch onto it and completely ignore why he was welling up. This could go one of two ways for him. Stop his campaign dead in it's tracks or make him seem more human, endearing him to the American people and send him right to the White House. You all know where I want it to go, but I can't say where I think it'll go.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Great speech, but he may have made a fatal error. While he was talking about returning salutes and listening to stories about people lost on 9/11, he began to well up with tears. Completely understandable, but it could backfire on him like it did for Ed Muskie. The comedians and Dems will latch onto it and completely ignore why he was welling up. This could go one of two ways for him. Stop his campaign dead in it's tracks or make him seem more human, endearing him to the American people and send him right to the White House. You all know where I want it to go, but I can't say where I think it'll go.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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