Thursday, January 12, 2006

More On Pelosi

Boy howdy, Nancy Pelosi sure knows how to stick her foot in her mouth.
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James ClyburnShe announces the formation of the "Clean House Team" to clean up the Republican corruption in Washington, but forgets to mention that the man she has heading this task force up, James Clyburn Democrat from South Dakota, is himself not too clean. It seems in 1997 Rep. Clyburn took a trip to the Northern Mariana Islands. A trip payed for, in part, by none other than Jack Abramoff. Of course Rep. Clyburn had no knowledge of the payment. Yeah, right. Corruption, corruption everywhere, and not a drop on the Left. It would seem.

Filed under Daft Liberals


Anonymous said...

Another perceived contradiction in your philosophy of politics.

You say that all politicians are corrupt and you only want the "best ones" - the ones who can hide it - and then you act angry when "leftist" politicians act like they aren't corrupt, which is exactly what you've asked them not to.

This does not concern you?

Anonymous said...

Sorry - ambiguous sentence, I'll clarify:

"...and then you act angry when "leftist" politicians act like they aren't corrupt, which is exactly how you've asked them to act."