I wanted to thank those Men and Women who have laid down their lives so that I may live the life that I do. I hope everyone has a great, and safe, Memorial Day.

Just had me some grilled hot dogs and I realized something. I love meat. I mean, think about it. How good is a hamburger? Hot dogs? Sausage? Pork chops? Chicken? Ribs? Steak? Very, that's how good. Those of you who are vegetarians/vegans, I just don't understand you. Dead animals are tasty. And when they're grilled just right...
A day early because of Memorial Day.
We may be total opposites politically, but he makes some fantastic music. I love songs that you don't need to think about. You just put it on, turn up the volume and have fun. This is one of those songs. I think. There's a Tom Belton remix of this song, that I think is better than the original, but YouTube doesn't have it :(
Runaway by Jamiroquai
We may be total opposites politically, but he makes some fantastic music. I love songs that you don't need to think about. You just put it on, turn up the volume and have fun. This is one of those songs. I think. There's a Tom Belton remix of this song, that I think is better than the original, but YouTube doesn't have it :(
Runaway by Jamiroquai
If you're someone, or you know someone, who's returned home from combat and is having a tough time, you need to check out this site to get the information on getting the right kind of help.
Dual-posted with Hooah Wife
Dual-posted with Hooah Wife
This Weeks Post Was Suggested And Written By Beth

Capt. Kyle Comfort
27 years old from Jacksonville, Alabama
Fire Support Officer Company D, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
May 8, 2010

Kyle Comfort had just recently been promoted to Captain and been assigned to a Ranger Regiment in the Army. His accomplishments as a Soldier, in such a short time, were a testament to the fact that he was an excellent Soldier. Unfortunately, in this war, it doesn’t make a lot of difference how good you are at your job. The difference seems to be left to chance. Where you are sitting in your vehicle or which vehicle you are sitting in when you hit an IED or where you are standing on your FOB when the mortars come in. All chance and circumstance.
It has to be that way. The enemy that is fighting us now could never win a legitimate war with our Soldiers. So they fight as insurgents and use tactics that they know make our Soldiers vulnerable.
That is how they got CAPT Kyle Comfort. With an IED just a month into his tour of duty in Afghanistan. If they had fought him face-to-face, they never would have gotten him.
You Can Read The Rest Here
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

27 years old from Jacksonville, Alabama
Fire Support Officer Company D, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment
May 8, 2010
Kyle Comfort had just recently been promoted to Captain and been assigned to a Ranger Regiment in the Army. His accomplishments as a Soldier, in such a short time, were a testament to the fact that he was an excellent Soldier. Unfortunately, in this war, it doesn’t make a lot of difference how good you are at your job. The difference seems to be left to chance. Where you are sitting in your vehicle or which vehicle you are sitting in when you hit an IED or where you are standing on your FOB when the mortars come in. All chance and circumstance.
It has to be that way. The enemy that is fighting us now could never win a legitimate war with our Soldiers. So they fight as insurgents and use tactics that they know make our Soldiers vulnerable.
That is how they got CAPT Kyle Comfort. With an IED just a month into his tour of duty in Afghanistan. If they had fought him face-to-face, they never would have gotten him.
You Can Read The Rest Here
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Once again, state government has to step up when the federal government sits with it's thumb up it's ass. Anyone see a pattern here? "Blue" states and districts get more of the failed stimulus money and "Red" states such as Arizona and Louisiana get attacked and shafted. Just an observation.
I don't want Republicans to win in November or 2012. I want Conservatives to win. So is there no true Conservative out there who will bring this country back to where it's supposed to be? The last one we had was Reagan, and he left office 20 years ago. The two Republicans that have followed him portrayed themselves as Conservatives, but they weren't. And every jackass Republican that's ran for office since has tried to make himself out to be the second coming of the Gipper but they were just more big spending, power hungry politicians. I didn't vote in the last election, and unless someone is willing to stand up and tell us the cold truth that this country will fail unless we make some hard, unpopular changes I won't be voting in the next one either.
Eric Clapton does a good cover, but it's not better than Don Williams's. This is the only one YouTube had and it includes another song called "Till The Rivers All Run Dry" which I've never heard so I can't comment on.
Tulsa Time & Till The Rivers All Run Dry by Don Williams
Tulsa Time & Till The Rivers All Run Dry by Don Williams
So a federal agency is refusing to enforce federal law?
The law, which criminalizes being in the state illegally and requires authorities to check suspects for immigration statusI don't know if that's FNC's words or Mortons, but the Arizona law doesn't make it a crime to be in the state illegally. Federal law makes it a crime. The Arizona law just enforces it. If the federal government refuses to do it's job then the states have to step up and do it.
When is the White House going to come out and denounce what's happened to Bank of America's deputy general counsel Greg Baer and his neighbor Nina Easton? For that fact, when will the media even cover this? I don't think they will because it involves Obama's puppetmaster SEIU and those evil, evil banks.
19 years old from Perry, Iowa
1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force
May 7, 2010
Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Davis of Perry, Iowa, was a 2009 Perry High School graduate. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in March 2009. Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, from Camp Lejeune, N.C., he deployed to Afghanistan in March 2010 and was promoted to Lance Cpl. on May 1, 2010. He was killed in action on May 7, 2010 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. His awards include the National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and Afghanistan Campaign Medal. Also killed alongside L/Cpl. Davis were Cpl. Kurt S. Shea, 21, of Frederick, Maryland and Lance Cpl. Christopher Rangel, 22, of San Antonio, Texas.
All Information Was Found On And Copied From Here and Here
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
If you're one of the few people who've never experienced the greatest album ever recorded, here's your chance. Normally I only post one song for MCM but this week I'm doing the entire Dark Side Of The Moon album. I cannot describe just how amazing this album is. So, lay back, turn down the lights and let the music take you where it may.
1. Speak To Me/Breath
2. On The Run
3. Time/Breath (Reprise)
4. The Great Gig In The Sky
5. Money
6. Us And Them
7. Any Colour You Like
8. Brain Damage
9. Eclipse
1. Speak To Me/Breath
2. On The Run
3. Time/Breath (Reprise)
4. The Great Gig In The Sky
5. Money
6. Us And Them
7. Any Colour You Like
8. Brain Damage
9. Eclipse
The time? 5 am. The place? My home. Me, I'm sound asleep all nice and comfy. A little warm but not too bad. I hear something in the distance. It's the telephone. It doesn't really wake me but it does arouse me somewhat. A minute or two later I hear another noise. Some sort of beeping. It's my answering machine. I wake up and look at the clock. 4:37. "Who in the world is leaving a message at 5 am?" I ask myself. I get up and press play. "This is a weather alert. A Severe Thunderstorm Warning has been issued for your area". Crap. I turn on the tv and change the channel from FNC to my local news. Storms are starting to push through Tulsa. A few miles from me, but they're moving so fast that the National Weather Service decided to issue a warning for my area. The weatherman says that the storms will be in my area at 5:08 am. "The NWS is concerned that some areas could receive winds up to 90mph. Crap. I open my door and see a few flashes of lighting in the distance. Then the winds start to pick up. At 5:08, on the nose, a huge gust of wind hits. It lasts less than 30 seconds and is gone. Power flashes off and on for the next couple of minutes. Off and on. Off and on. The storms blows through and all that happens to me is my trash cans get pushed around a bit. But other areas aren't so lucky. South Tulsa seems to get the worst of it. Strong straight lines winds tear through and rip roofs off homes, blow car ports around and up root entire trees. It looks like a tornado had ripped through. Nobody is injured but there is quite a bit of damage.
Sgt. Kristopher J. Battles, the combat artist with the National Museum of the Marine Corps, stands in front of his paintings, May 5, 2010, at the John F. Kennedy School of Government for Harvard University. Battles showed several paintings, sketches and portraits for residents and tourists to see the artwork of a combat artist, in Cambridge, Mass., to help tell the Marine Corps story during Marine Week.
Photo Courtesy United States Marine Corps.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.

It seem the Obama administration has yet another "crisis" that's too good to let go to waste.
But administration officials repeatedly emphasized the effort would rely on "bully pulpit" pressure and not any new federal mandates to push the changes.Really. Read a little further down.
If voluntary efforts fail to limit marketing of less healthy products to young viewers, the task force suggests the FCC should consider new rules on commercials in children's programming.Do what we "suggest", or we'll have to force you. It's none of the government's damn business how people raise their kids. And you know something. I'll take health advice from the president when he stops smoking.
In Case You Missed It,
Now, you read a title like this one and you automatically get a mental picture of what this song sounds like. But, trust me, you're wrong. It's almost a soft Metal song, but it's not. It's an amazing piece of work. And Halford has, hands down, the best voice in music. Don't even try to argue it.
Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you
Beyond The Realms Of Death (Live 1978)
Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you
Beyond The Realms Of Death (Live 1978)
There's a show on Food Network called "The Best Thing I Ever Ate". I like to watch it sometimes and I got this idea while mowing on Tuesday. What's the best thing you've ever ate? Me, I don't go out because it's too expensive, and I don't like people, so I cook everything. I'm not the best cook, but if it comes from a box I can tear it up. The best thing I've ever ate is a chicken fettuccine I make. Awesome flavor. I make a big pot of it and, if I'd let myself, I'd eat it all in one sitting it's so good. The secrete is a tablespoon of butter and some parmesan cheese cooked in with the sauce. Makes it really creamy and bursting with flavor.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918 (amended by act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Sergeant Keith Dewayne Andrews, United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action during the ground assault of Operation DESERT STORM. Sergeant Andrews showed extraordinary courage once he observed that air support had by-passed two Iraqi machine gun positions, leaving a Humvee with five soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division pinned down by enemy cross fire. Sergeant Andrews negotiated a minefield while fighting his way to the top of the enemy bunker, destroying it with a fragmentation hand grenade. Being out of ammo, Sergeant Andrews resourcefully obtained the enemy machine gun using it to fight his way up the second Iraqi fighting position. Over all, Sergeant Andrews single-handedly killed some twenty-five enemy combatants to secure two enemy bunkers. This allowed for the quick evacuation of the five wounded soldiers thus saving their lives. These brave and selfless actions of Sergeant Andrews bring great credit to himself, his unit and the United States Army.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
They let her go home today. She's doing much better. She's feeling much better. She's looking much better. She still has some fluid on her lungs so she's on medication and O2. She's on the oxygen 24 hours and she has a 50ft tube she has to carry around with her that she hates. She also has the portable tank that she needs when she goes out that she absolutely hates.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a total momma's boy, so this week has been hell for me. And I'm not a religious person but I did pray a couple of times for her to get through it. She's better, I'm better. She needs to go back for an x-ray in a month to check and make sure her lungs are clear. Again, everyone who wished her well and kept her in your prayers thank you. It meant the world to me. Now maybe things can get back to normal around here. Obama is a Socialist. That felt good :p
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a total momma's boy, so this week has been hell for me. And I'm not a religious person but I did pray a couple of times for her to get through it. She's better, I'm better. She needs to go back for an x-ray in a month to check and make sure her lungs are clear. Again, everyone who wished her well and kept her in your prayers thank you. It meant the world to me. Now maybe things can get back to normal around here. Obama is a Socialist. That felt good :p
There's a reason this week's Music Czar Monday is a day late. It was a year ago today that I lost my best friend. In that post I talked about two songs that helped me and they have since come to have an important meaning.
Where My Heart Will Take Me by Russell Watson
Wish You Were Here (Live) by Pink Floyd
Where My Heart Will Take Me by Russell Watson
Wish You Were Here (Live) by Pink Floyd
I can't believe I'm actually hearing people play word games with what happened in Time Square. "It's not 'terrorism' as defined by Websters or the U.S. code". What? If someone puts a bomb in a car and parks that car in an area where people could be killed, it's terrorism. I don't care if it's a radical Muslim who's doing it because he hates the U.S. and our policies or your neighbor John Smith because he thought it would be funny. Is this really where we are? They jump on the "dangerous" and "racist" bandwagon when it comes to Tea Party protesters, but just can't quite use the dirty "T" word when talking about a car bomb left in NYC. I can't help but wonder if it would be terrorism if it had be left outside a Black or Hispanic organization?
I talked to my mom again this morning and she's doing much better. She's getting her appetite back and is finally eating again. Even if it is hospital food that she absolutely hates. They moved her to another room yesterday because she's doing better. She needs less O2 than she did so they lowered the level she's receiving. She's gotten stronger. She seems to think she may get to go home tomorrow, Monday, but I don't think it'll be that early. Although I do think it will be sometime this week.
I want to thank those of you who have wished her well and kept her in your prayers. It really means a lot to me.
I want to thank those of you who have wished her well and kept her in your prayers. It really means a lot to me.
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