America's pitchman, Billy Mays, was found dead in his Tampa, Florida home today at the age of 50. What is going on here? First Ed McMahon then Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson and now Billy Mays.
One of the coolest videos I've ever seen. Plus the song is awesome.
Say what you will about Jackson and his screwed up life, there is no denying that in the 80's he recorded some of the greatest songs of all time. Here's something odd. Before it was announced that he had died I was going today to pick up Thriller 25. Something tells me that I won't be able to find a copy now. May he find the peace in death that he couldn't in life.
Something a little different this week. Instead of profiling a service member, Wednesday Hero will be profiling a movie. Band Of Brothers. But it's just as much a profile of the men it was about as it is the movie itself. Band Of Brothers was a miniseries tha aired on HBO in 2001. It follows Maj. Richard Winters, Cpt. Lewis Nixon and the men of the 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, aka E-Company or Easy Company on their march to Germany. From their training to their battles at Normandy and Bastogne, their liberation of the Kaufering IV concentration camp to their taking of Hitler's Eagle Nest. A great cast and great writing make this one of the best war movies ever made. But it is graphic in visuals and language. And parts of it may be hard to watch, but it is worth it.
What the men of E-Company did will never be forgotten. They are the heroes that helped the cause of freedom.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
I know that in today's world it's blasphemy to not go green. It's as close to a crime as you can get without it actually being a crime. Now, what do I mean by it's a lie? Am I saying just throw your garbage out the window while driving down the highway? Am I saying dump your used motor oil down the storm drain? Am I saying toss your old computer parts and batteries in the trash when they stop working? No. When I say "Green Is A Lie" I mean that, while we may have the best intentions for the planet at heart when we do the things we're told is good for the environment, we're still polluting. Let's break down a few examples.
Wind. How can you get more environmentally friendly than harnessing the power of wind. You build the windmill, the wind that blows naturally makes it spin, which creates power that is harnessed for your use. Where can the bad possibly be? Well, first you have make the windmill. I'm not an expert on any of these sources of energy, but I'm guessing they're made in a factory of some sorts. A factory that, I'm guessing, puts massive amounts of pollutants into the air. Then we have the shipping of the parts of the windmills to where ever they're to be erected. How many trucks does that take? Never seen one on the move so I don't know. Then we have the maintenance of the windmills. Again, not an expert but they need to be lubricated. Probably with some sort of petroleum based grease.
Solar Panels
The power of the Sun. Perhaps the most abundant energy source we have. Put these on your roof and collect the power of a star. Where can the bad possibly be? As with the windmills, you have the construction of the panels, probably in a factory somewhere and you then have the shipping. Not sure about the maintenance of solar panels. Maybe a good washing every so often, I don't know. But with solar panels we have a chemical called Polysilicon. I don't actually know anything about it. I did a few searches, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I was using the wrong keywords. Can it be harmful? It may be perfectly safe, I'm not sure. But there's the other things to consider.
Hybrid/Electric Cars
Little or no gasoline. Now, that is actually a good thing. On many levels. You save the environment, you save money not having to fill up every few days and your don't support terrorist nations. I'm all for those. Where can the bad possibly be? Just like windmills and solar panels, you have the building and shipping of the parts and the finished products. And those cars still use batteries. Those batteries still use chemicals like lead-acid, NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion amongst others. Some, if not all, have to be mined. No mining operation is perfect. There's going to be some polluting. From what I understand, they are working on better batteries, if they don't already have them, but not all green cars have them yet. In the case of hybrids, there's still gasoline being sued. Then you have to charge the car. Where do you think that electricity comes from to charge your car? Most likely from a plant that's polluting.
The granddaddy of all that is green. You take something that, if tossed into a landfill, is harmful to the environment and someone else makes it into something else. That can of pop your drinking could have some of the aluminum from a can you had last year. Where can the bad possibly be? When they recycle items, how do they do it? Again, not an expert, and I've never seen it being done, but I'm guessing they use some sort of massive machine(s). Machines that might use oil or something and needs maintenance. More of that grease. If not oil, then electricity that, like for charging your electric cars, comes from a power plant.
Now, again, I am not an expert. I could be wrong on some of this stuff or I could be wrong on most of it. And if I am, let me know. But I'm not wrong on all of it. These technologies aren't perfect. Everything we're told to do to help the environment, everything that gives us that sense of pride and accomplishment that we're changing the world, actually hurts it in someway somewhere. And I'm not saying don't do some of these things. Because in the long run they are better. Recycle, yes. I've started recycling old batteries and oil from my mower. Don't have a recycling center here so things like paper and plastic I'm not able to. Buy a hybrid. If for nothing else than to save money on gas. $3/gallon is insane. Get off oil. We need to get off oil. Too much power to nations that do bad things. But, at the same time, don't get lolled into the hype and think that by doing these things your "carbon footprint" will be 0.
Wind. How can you get more environmentally friendly than harnessing the power of wind. You build the windmill, the wind that blows naturally makes it spin, which creates power that is harnessed for your use. Where can the bad possibly be? Well, first you have make the windmill. I'm not an expert on any of these sources of energy, but I'm guessing they're made in a factory of some sorts. A factory that, I'm guessing, puts massive amounts of pollutants into the air. Then we have the shipping of the parts of the windmills to where ever they're to be erected. How many trucks does that take? Never seen one on the move so I don't know. Then we have the maintenance of the windmills. Again, not an expert but they need to be lubricated. Probably with some sort of petroleum based grease.
Solar Panels
The power of the Sun. Perhaps the most abundant energy source we have. Put these on your roof and collect the power of a star. Where can the bad possibly be? As with the windmills, you have the construction of the panels, probably in a factory somewhere and you then have the shipping. Not sure about the maintenance of solar panels. Maybe a good washing every so often, I don't know. But with solar panels we have a chemical called Polysilicon. I don't actually know anything about it. I did a few searches, but couldn't find anything. Maybe I was using the wrong keywords. Can it be harmful? It may be perfectly safe, I'm not sure. But there's the other things to consider.
Hybrid/Electric Cars
Little or no gasoline. Now, that is actually a good thing. On many levels. You save the environment, you save money not having to fill up every few days and your don't support terrorist nations. I'm all for those. Where can the bad possibly be? Just like windmills and solar panels, you have the building and shipping of the parts and the finished products. And those cars still use batteries. Those batteries still use chemicals like lead-acid, NiCd, NiMH, Li-ion amongst others. Some, if not all, have to be mined. No mining operation is perfect. There's going to be some polluting. From what I understand, they are working on better batteries, if they don't already have them, but not all green cars have them yet. In the case of hybrids, there's still gasoline being sued. Then you have to charge the car. Where do you think that electricity comes from to charge your car? Most likely from a plant that's polluting.
The granddaddy of all that is green. You take something that, if tossed into a landfill, is harmful to the environment and someone else makes it into something else. That can of pop your drinking could have some of the aluminum from a can you had last year. Where can the bad possibly be? When they recycle items, how do they do it? Again, not an expert, and I've never seen it being done, but I'm guessing they use some sort of massive machine(s). Machines that might use oil or something and needs maintenance. More of that grease. If not oil, then electricity that, like for charging your electric cars, comes from a power plant.
Now, again, I am not an expert. I could be wrong on some of this stuff or I could be wrong on most of it. And if I am, let me know. But I'm not wrong on all of it. These technologies aren't perfect. Everything we're told to do to help the environment, everything that gives us that sense of pride and accomplishment that we're changing the world, actually hurts it in someway somewhere. And I'm not saying don't do some of these things. Because in the long run they are better. Recycle, yes. I've started recycling old batteries and oil from my mower. Don't have a recycling center here so things like paper and plastic I'm not able to. Buy a hybrid. If for nothing else than to save money on gas. $3/gallon is insane. Get off oil. We need to get off oil. Too much power to nations that do bad things. But, at the same time, don't get lolled into the hype and think that by doing these things your "carbon footprint" will be 0.
In this country, some of our presidents have Naval destroyers named after them. It's to commemorate their leadership and honor what they stood for. For example, here we have the USS Ronald Reagan. Gliding through the water, ready to protect us. Don't mess with her or her crew. And here we have the USS George H.W. Bush. Impressive looking. I bet she packs a punch. And here we have the concept design of the future USS Barack Obama. Just look at those lines. And it's loaded with the latest in weaponry. A fitting ship for our president.
America Is Dying,
George W. Bush,
23 years old from Conway, Arkansas
D Company, 2nd Battalion, 58th Infantry
June 1, 2009
"My brother taught me valuable lessons and made me the man I am today," said Pfc. Triston Long, brother of Pvt. William Long. "My commander said, 'Make your brother one of us.' I will miss my brother with all that I am, and I serve in honor of him."
Pvt. William Long had just completed basic training and was set to ship out on June 8 to his first duty station in Korea when he and Private Second Class Quinton Ezeagwula were shot outside a Little Rock, Arkansas Army-Navy Recruiting Center by Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhammad. They were in Little Rock to speak to with potential recruits about their experiences.
Pvt. Long's father, Daris Long, a former Marine, wrote a letter to give to him when he shipped out for South Korea. In that letter he wrote, "Your day only ends when you’ve done your duty. You and your brother … are both heroes for having the moral courage to stand up when your country needs you most. You are in my hopes and my thoughts and my prayers. You are my son, you are my hero. I love you. Semper fidelis."
Along with his father and brother, Pvt. William Long is survived by his mother, Janet, who had served in the Navy herself.
All Information Was Found On And Copied From RedState, Sipsey Street Irregulars & Army Times with help from Kathi
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
America Is Dying,
Big Media,
In Case You Missed It,
The Twitterverse has been all over the Iranian election. Hell, they even forced CNN to step up their coverage of what's happening over there. We shouldn't have to make the media do it's job.
Andrew Breitbart has a great piece in the Washington Times about that nutjob James von Brunn and how some in the media are trying to link him to the Republican party.
"If You Want A Symbolic Gesture, Don't Burn The Flag, Wash It"
Norman Thomas
Norman Thomas
Right-Wing & Right Minded Writer
Oklahoma (RWRM) -- All hail the birth of the National Barack Corporation. The Obama administration has made a bid for NBC News and it was accepted by General Electric, the parent company of NBC, CEO, Jeffery Immelt, for an undisclosed sum of political kickbacks and favors.
"I have a tingling sensation up my leg," said host of MSNBC's "Harball" Chris Matthews. "What a great day for the country, for me, and for media in general."
When asked for his response, host of MSNBC's "Countdown", Keith Olbermann, said "Suck on that, O'Reilly. I'm now GOD."
NBC News had already been softer on the Obama administration than any other news outlet in the country, but with this deal the White House will now have it's own official media outlet. "I don't want to control the media," said President Obama. "It's only temporary."
Right-Wing & Right Minded Writer
Oklahoma (RWRM) -- All hail the birth of the National Barack Corporation. The Obama administration has made a bid for NBC News and it was accepted by General Electric, the parent company of NBC, CEO, Jeffery Immelt, for an undisclosed sum of political kickbacks and favors.
"I have a tingling sensation up my leg," said host of MSNBC's "Harball" Chris Matthews. "What a great day for the country, for me, and for media in general."
When asked for his response, host of MSNBC's "Countdown", Keith Olbermann, said "Suck on that, O'Reilly. I'm now GOD."
NBC News had already been softer on the Obama administration than any other news outlet in the country, but with this deal the White House will now have it's own official media outlet. "I don't want to control the media," said President Obama. "It's only temporary."
As long as her last name is Palin.
This is why, as a Conservative, I can no longer watch talk shows or stand up comics or anything like that any more. Making jokes is one thing, but over the past 10 or so years it's reached a new low. And when it comes to Sarah Palin, and her family, it's reached levels I never thought it would. I'm surprised one of these celebutards/comedians hasn't come out and just wished someone to kill her. I wonder what the shit storm would be if Rush Limbaugh had done the same joke about Malia Obama? Letterman needs to just fade away. He's a has been that hasn't been funny for a very long time.
This is why, as a Conservative, I can no longer watch talk shows or stand up comics or anything like that any more. Making jokes is one thing, but over the past 10 or so years it's reached a new low. And when it comes to Sarah Palin, and her family, it's reached levels I never thought it would. I'm surprised one of these celebutards/comedians hasn't come out and just wished someone to kill her. I wonder what the shit storm would be if Rush Limbaugh had done the same joke about Malia Obama? Letterman needs to just fade away. He's a has been that hasn't been funny for a very long time.
America Is Dying,
In Case You Missed It,
28 years old from Hood River, Oregon
August 2, 2006
"Marc was amazing. He was my best friend, my love," his widow, Maya, said.
Petty Officer Marc A. Lee joined the Navy in 2001 and became an AO after completing Naval Air Technical Training. Later that year he attempted to complete the grueling BUD/S program but caught pneumonia and had to drop out. He tried again in 2004 and completed the course.
On August 2, 2006, Marc A. Lee became the first SEAL to be killed in combat in Iraq when he was fatally wounded in a firefight in Ramadi, Iraq. The following is from the award citation:
"During the operation, one element member was wounded by enemy fire. The element completed the casualty evacuation, regrouped and returned onto the battlefield to continue the fight. Petty Officer Lee and his SEAL element maneuvered to assault an unidentified enemy position. He, his teammates, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Abrams tanks engaged enemy positions with suppressive fire from an adjacent building to the north.
"To protect the lives of his teammates, he fearlessly exposed himself to direct enemy fire by engaging the enemy with his machine gun and was mortally wounded in the engagement. His brave actions in the line of fire saved the lives of many of his teammates"
"It was so like Marc to give up his life to save his friends," his mother, Debbie Lee, told the Hood River News. "I am so proud of him. He is my hero."
Petty Officer Lee was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star with combat "V" for his actions in Iraq during his team’s combat tour and the Purple Heart medal.
All Information Was Found On And Copied From
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Just like President Obama, this frog can change it's color to suit it's needs.
But from what I have heard, the frog at Kumar’s place changes colour so frequently it is a bit unusual.And like Obama, it's worshiped as a God.
June 6, 1944
It had been put off a day due to weather. Conditions over the past few days made it impossible for an invasion. The low hanging clouds would prevent aircraft from finding their targets and wind and high seas wouldn't allow watercraft to land on the beach safely. So the plan was scratched and it seemed that the invasion would have to be called off for at least a month. But the weather cleared the following day and Operation Overlord/Neptune was a go. Because of the bad weather that had been going on, some German troops had stood down, senior officers were away for the weekend and many commanders left to take part in war games thinking no invasion could take place. Then around 12 midnight on June 6, 1944 American, British and Canadian airborne troops began an airborne assault landing behind enemy lines to provide support for the coming infantry and armored divisions. At 6:30am the assault began on a 50 mile stretch of Normandy, France. American troops took Omaha and Utah beaches, British troops took Sword and Gold beaches and Canadian troops took Juno beach. In all, an estimated 10,000 U.S., UK and Canadian troops were either killed, wounded, captured or went missing and the march towards Germany was underway.
Today marks the 65th anniversary of invasion of Normandy. Or D-Day. Today is the day when we honor those brave men who, even though the odds were against them, stood their ground fought with courage and honor.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
"The goal of this charity fundraiser is to send the largest ever shipment of care packages to our brave men and women of the armed forces serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay."
"The goal of this charity fundraiser is to send the largest ever shipment of care packages to our brave men and women of the armed forces serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay."
In Case You Missed It,
Middle East,
War On Terror
26 years old from Brooklyn, New York
1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division
November 30, 2004
"He wanted to fight for his country," said his heartbroken younger sister, Lilliana Calderone. "He always wanted to be there."
Pablo Calderon joined the Army in 1997, right out of High School. "He went straight to the army from high school," said his sister. "He wanted to improve himself. He was proud. He loved his country."
Sgt. Calderon was killed when an IED was detonated near his vehicle in Fallujah, Iraq. Also killed in the attack was Sgt. Jose Guereca of Missouri City, Texas.
All Information Was Found On And Copied From &
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived
This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
So, if FNC and Bill O'Reilly have a role to play in the death of Dr. Tiller then doesn't MSNBC and Olbermann have a role to play in the shooting of two soldiers in Arkansas, leading to one of them dying, because of his anti-war rants? Or what about John Murtha and his convicting the Marines or John Kerry saying our servicemen were terrorizing Iraqi women and children. Keith Olbermann is the lowest piece of slime on the face of the planet.
Holy crap, you have to see this. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. It will change your life forever.
Under the plan, the government would own 60% of the new GM, but Mr. Obama said auto executives "will call the shots and make the decisions about turning this company around." He said the government would refrain from playing a management role in all but the most critical areas1. "Our goal is to help GM get back on its feet...and get out quickly2," he said.1) No, don't elaborate on that or anything. Critical areas could mean anything, and sadly, everything.
2) Is anyone dumb enough to actually believe that?

America Is Dying,
In Case You Missed It,
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