Believe it or not, I would like our troops to begin a pullout from Iraq sometime in the next 4-5 months. I've stated before that the United States military can't continue to hold the hands of the Iraqi military. They need to start standing on their own feet. But I seem to have made that statement on my old blog on Modblog, and MB isn't loading right now. It may have went out of service, I don't know. While they're doing some operations on their own, our troops seem to still have to lend a helping hand. I've also stated, on many occasions, that pulling out too soon would result in a mass slaughter, ala Vietnam. And that American troops were in Europe for ten years after Germany surrendered. So, I'm conflicted on this. I want out troops to start coming home, but in doing so it may lead to events that are too horrible to even consider. But don't take my word for it, Ayman al-Zawahiri is the one I'm getting my information from. So, on one hand I want our troops to start coming home and on the other I realize what may happen in doing so. It may come down to giving the Iraqi military an ultimatum. Get your act together before the end of the year, or face the consequences. I guess I've become impatient.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iraq Pullout, Germany, Vietnam, al-Zawahiri, Slaughter
First it was Richard Belzer and Bill Maher now it's actor Jake Gyllenhaal's turn to offend the troops. Gyllenhall, star of Brokeback Mountain, said the following about veterans of the Gulf War.
Filed under Military
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Gulf War, Hollywood, Jake Gyllenhaal
The US soldiers were sent to the desert for 122 days and they sat in the same tent and did nothing, except a little too much masturbating.Huh, I bet I could find a few soldiers who would disagree. Namely the 148 soldiers that were killed in action. What, did they die from carpal tunnel or something? What a fucking dickwad. No pun intended.
Filed under Military
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Gulf War, Hollywood, Jake Gyllenhaal
As I was reading this I just kept getting more and more pissed off.
You're America? No, you're not.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Criminals, Protest
There's an awful lot of rhetoric, and you wonder what's true. You wonder if the immigration Gestapo are coming to get you.Gestapo?
The National Immigration Law Center called on organizations nationwide to sign a petition urging ICE to assure the public it won't make any immigration arrests during the protests(on Monday)Total fucking retards. The gall of these morons to "demand" that law enforcement don't do their job. Poor illegals. How dare these evil, racist people make them so afraid? All they're doing it breaking the law. There's nothing wrong with that.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Criminals, Protest
I've talked about my disgust with the way our culture is so obsessed with celebrities. Below are some perfect examples of that.
USA Today
The situation in Darfur has been going on for years. And while some people have addressed it, it's not until George Clooney starts talking about his trip to the Sudan that people really start to pay attention. That makes me sick. People have been pleading for help for years yet it takes a celebrity to get the media to sit up and pay attention? That's sad.
Filed under Big Media
Technorati Tags: Darfur, Sudan, George Clooney, Celebrity, Genocide, Big Media
USA Today
The situation in Darfur has been going on for years. And while some people have addressed it, it's not until George Clooney starts talking about his trip to the Sudan that people really start to pay attention. That makes me sick. People have been pleading for help for years yet it takes a celebrity to get the media to sit up and pay attention? That's sad.
Filed under Big Media
Technorati Tags: Darfur, Sudan, George Clooney, Celebrity, Genocide, Big Media
I have another blog for you all to enjoy. Modern Day Code Talker. Another Conservative leaning Indian from the Ute tribe. Head over and check his site out.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Filed under Miscellaneous
So, they're planning another pro criminal rally. I wonder how many illegal immigrants will be in attendance? Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about the government sending federal immigration agents to some of these rallies and arresting a few illegals. Here's an even crazier idea. How about making local law enforcement do their jobs and arrest some as well. No, that could never work. Actually enforcing the laws? That's stupid.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Law Enforcement, Boycott, Rally, U.S-Mexico Border
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Law Enforcement, Boycott, Rally, U.S-Mexico Border
This is bullshit.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrant, Star Spangled Banner
Some Internet bloggers and others are infuriated by the thought of "The Star-Spangled Banner" sung in a language other than English.I don't care about it being sung in another language, what pisses me off is them changing the lyrics. They claim illegal immigrants want to become Americans, yet they continue prove that claim as a lie with actions like this.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrant, Star Spangled Banner
Is Hillary trying to pander to the Right? I thought the morons on the Left hated Fox News. So why is she at an FNC party? This won't go over too well with her Bush Bashing friends.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Hillary Clinton, Fox News, Party
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Hillary Clinton, Fox News, Party
This Was Brought To My Attention By Reader John K.
I thought there was torture going on at Gitmo. I mean, if you listen to the America Haters around the world prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are being beaten, starved and anything else you can think of. Could they be wrong? No, couldn't be.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Guantanamo Bay, Torture
I thought there was torture going on at Gitmo. I mean, if you listen to the America Haters around the world prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are being beaten, starved and anything else you can think of. Could they be wrong? No, couldn't be.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Guantanamo Bay, Torture
Woo-Hoo. I won the lottery. Again. $4. Yes. I'm renting a movie tonight.
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Technorati Tags: Oklahoma, Lottery
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Oklahoma, Lottery
Head over to OpinionNation Times and read this about the EU's findings of no human rights violations by the CIA. I hate the Bush Hating Left in this country. Whiny ass pansies.
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Filed under Bush Haters
Technorati Tags: European Union, George W. Bush, CIA, Secret Prisions
Filed under War On Terror
Filed under Bush Haters
Technorati Tags: European Union, George W. Bush, CIA, Secret Prisions
United States Army
37 years old from Tampa, Florida
2nd Squadron, 3rd Armor Cavalry Regiment
May 27, 2003
Michael B. Quinn grew up on a ranch and helped raise sheep in high school.
He was killed May 27, 2003 when Iraqis opened fire at a checkpoint in Fallujah.
“He would put his heart and soul into whatever he was doing,” said his mother, Sally Quinn Taylor. “He’s going to be sorely missed by his wife, son and mother.”
Quinn leaves behind a wife, Melissa Palmer Quinn, and a son, Tim.
These brave men and women have given their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
If you have a loved who has served or is currently serving in the armed forces, and would like for me to profile them as a Wednesday Hero, I would be proud to. Just email me with some info and a photo.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
Filed under Wednesday Heroes
Technorati Tags: United States Military, Heroes, Armed Forces, Army, Iraq
At least it's a step. Now, if only he'd tell the tree hugging hippies to go fuck themselves, drill ANWAR and the Gulf and build some refineries, that would help even more. Not a permanent solution but it may be just enough time to get this country switched over to a stable alternative fuel source. Look a Brazil and their success with ethanol. They're no longer dependent on foreign oil. Imagine telling the Middle East where to stick it. I was watching "The O'Reilly Factor" and Bill had a guy on that said that the United States could become less dependent on oil in as little a five years. I love my gas guzzlers. I love the sound a car makes when you start the engine. And I hate those shitty little electric cars that look like toys, but the thought of $4/gallon scare the piss out of me. Maybe they could make a CD with the sound of a Hemi to help some of us adapt.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: George Bush, Oil, Gas, ANWAR, Brazil, Ethanol, Electric Cars
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: George Bush, Oil, Gas, ANWAR, Brazil, Ethanol, Electric Cars
Well, not yet. But I only do one post on Wednesday and I wanted to already have this up just in case it happens. But this should drive Bush Haters crazy. A man from Fox News. Imagine what the people at CNN and MSNBC must be thinking. Oh to be a fly on the wall.
Filed under Politics
Technorati Tags: Fox News, Tony Snow, White House, George Bush
Filed under Politics
Technorati Tags: Fox News, Tony Snow, White House, George Bush
Hillary Clinton makes John Kerry look almost sane. She's playing politics with the border issue. But, then again, so are all politicians. So don't be too surprised. Poll numbers say Americans want a border fence, so Hilldebeest is for it. First she said
However, I'm with her on the fence. Not for the same vote happy reason, but the idea is great. We Need A Fence.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Hillary Clinton, US Border, Mexico Border, Illegal Immigration, Border Fence
I am adamantly against illegal immigrantsThen she goes a votes against a bill that would have expanded illegal immigration detention centers and funded the hiring of new border patrol agents and said that the current plan in the House would "criminalize even Jesus himself". And now she's for a fence that would keep Jesus himself out of the country. Read the title again.
However, I'm with her on the fence. Not for the same vote happy reason, but the idea is great. We Need A Fence.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Hillary Clinton, US Border, Mexico Border, Illegal Immigration, Border Fence
First we targeted Iraq. Then we set our sights on Iran. Now, Cuba is in our cross hairs. At least according to Hugo Chavez. This man is off his damn rocker. What the hell do we want with Cuba? What, do we want our 1950's Chevy Bel Air's back? I wonder if Chvez has ever thought about seeing a psychiatrist? Talk about paranoid.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Venezuela, Chevrolet, Iraq, Iran
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Hugo Chavez, Cuba, Venezuela, Chevrolet, Iraq, Iran
This Was Brought To My Attention By Reader John K
This Greg Mitchell is a total dick. In the article he talks about how the media has to put a stop to America's growing support for an attack on Iran if they continue on their nuclear path. He goes so far as to call Iran a "semi-crisis". A madman with a nuclear weapon, who would be more than willing to use it, is a "semi-crisis"? Like I said. Dick.
In case you haven't noticed, I've recently been getting a little more strong in the language I use on this blog. I'm sick and tired of pussy footing around trying not to offend people with strong language. Well, fuck that. From now on I'm going to take a cue from Ted Nugent. If it's on my mind, I'm saying it. And if you don't like it, who cares.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Filed under War On Terror
Filed under Big Media
Technorati Tags: Iran, Big Media, Main Stream Media, Nuclear Weapons, France, Iraq
This Greg Mitchell is a total dick. In the article he talks about how the media has to put a stop to America's growing support for an attack on Iran if they continue on their nuclear path. He goes so far as to call Iran a "semi-crisis". A madman with a nuclear weapon, who would be more than willing to use it, is a "semi-crisis"? Like I said. Dick.
Thankfully, there are signs that the press may be ready to douse a few flames. Recent media accounts have often cast a skeptical eye on the trumped-up Iran threatSo this yellow-spined(SP?) coward wants us to pull a France and just sit back and wait? Please, someone, bitch-slap this asshole.
In case you haven't noticed, I've recently been getting a little more strong in the language I use on this blog. I'm sick and tired of pussy footing around trying not to offend people with strong language. Well, fuck that. From now on I'm going to take a cue from Ted Nugent. If it's on my mind, I'm saying it. And if you don't like it, who cares.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Filed under War On Terror
Filed under Big Media
Technorati Tags: Iran, Big Media, Main Stream Media, Nuclear Weapons, France, Iraq
These are some pictures of a storm that passed through my little piece of Oklahoma. They were taken at around 1:30 PM and I haven't enhanced them any. Luckily we only got some rain but as I type this there's a new round coming through with a chance of tornadoes. Batten down the hatches. Click them for full size images.

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Technorati Tags: Oklahoma, Storms, Tornado
Technorati Tags: Oklahoma, Storms, Tornado
Read On
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Germany, Adolf Hitler, Jew, Genocide, Anti-Semitic, Israel, W.W.II
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Germany, Adolf Hitler, Jew, Genocide, Anti-Semitic, Israel, W.W.II
Want to help school kids in Afghanistan? Check out Hooah Wife to find out how.
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Technorati Tags: Afghanistan, School Supplies, War On Terror, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Soldier
Filed under Military
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Afghanistan, School Supplies, War On Terror, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Soldier
Staring: Bruce Willis, Micky Rourke, Jessica Alba, Michael Madson
Rated R (Violence, Nudity, Language)
I finally sat down and watched this. If you like the way Pulp Fiction was layed out, multiple stories interlaced in a random fashion, then you'll most likely like Sin City. If not, then you may want to skip this. It started off boring and slow with the first part of Bruce Willis' and Nick Stahl's story. I was about to turn if off then decided I should give it a shot. I'm glad I did. Once it got past Willis/Stahl PT.1 it really got good. Micky Rourke was freakin' amazing. When he grabs that hatchet and goes after the cops, damn. And watch for the hooker Miho(Devon Aoki). That is a mean little bitch. Most will like the black and white with a few splashes of color thrown in. With the exception of them doing the eyes in color, which looked pretty cool, I didn't really like it. A lot of the blood was done in red, mainly splashes and sprays, but most of it, puddles and gushing from Benicio Del Toro's head, was neon white which didn't really work for me. While women will like this movie, it's for the men. Explosions, blood, violence, hot women who're either topless or barely wearing anything at all, it's a guy movie. And I hear they're making a sequel. Overall, I'd give it a 5.9. Only because of that Willis/Stahl PT.1 part. Michael Madson just over did it.
Filed under Movie/CD Reviews
Technorati Tags: Sin City, Bruce Willis, Movie, Review, Pulp Fiction
Rated R (Violence, Nudity, Language)
Filed under Movie/CD Reviews
Technorati Tags: Sin City, Bruce Willis, Movie, Review, Pulp Fiction
There's been a lot of talk over the past year or two about how the Iraqi military and police force just isn't coming along fast enough. It's going too slow for some. And somehow these people find a way to blame Bush or Rumsfeld for this. As if he's they're the ones over there training them. Come on. If you truly want to be honest with yourself you have to place the blame where it actually lies. If you feel the Iraqi military and police force aren't coming along as fast as you would have hoped then the blame lies with the U.S. miltary. They're the ones over there. They're the ones training them. If you don't like what's happening then it's the military's fault. But you'll never see anyone blame the military. Why? It's something this country is lacking. Intellectual honesty. I wish more people would take a cue from Joel Stein. He's the L.A. Times reporter who said you can't support the troops if you don't support their mission. And he's right. That's like saying "Well, I support the police. I love the police. I just don't like when they arrest people". Or "I love firefighters, I just hate it when they put fires out". If you truly support the troops you have to support their mission and what they're doing.
Filed under Military
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iraq, War On Terror, Miltary, Army, Armed Forces, Joel Stein, Rolling Stone Magazine, Police, Firefighter
Filed under Military
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iraq, War On Terror, Miltary, Army, Armed Forces, Joel Stein, Rolling Stone Magazine, Police, Firefighter
I commend Prince Harry.
Filed under Military
Technorati Tags: Prince Harry, England, Military, Iraq, Afghanistan
Filed under Military
Technorati Tags: Prince Harry, England, Military, Iraq, Afghanistan
I'm looking to buy a new pair of headphones for my MP3 player when I mow the lawn. With the ones I have now I can't hear the music over the mower. I was looking at these. If you have a pair, or know of a good pair, $30 or less, that'll cancel out some of the outside sound, please let me know.
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Filed under Miscellaneous
Every time I watch a show talking about Whites and Indians I get more and more pissed at white people. Everywhere they/we went they/we brought death, destruction, famine and disease. They/we forced their/our religion, morals and values on other cultures. Indians on this land, India, Asia, South America as well as others. Watching a show on History Channel today called 10 Days That Shook The World. It was talking about the massacre at Fort Mystic, which was essentially the catalyst for the war between Whites and Indians that lasted over 400 years. It's become known as The Pequot War that almost wiped the entire tribe off the face of the planet. In 1637, in the Pequot village near the Mystic River, in what is now Connecticut, hundreds of men, women and children, young and old, were slaughtered and burned alive by Puritan settlers. Those that were able to make it out were met by Mohegans who sided with the settlers and were then killed. Watching something like that, as and Indian, it's hard to put the knowledge that it happened over 400 years ago aside. When you hear about the brutality in which they were killed. Then you compare this act to others such as Wounded Knee and it makes you want to just scream.
Some may be wondering why the they/we stuff. I'm only half Indian. But believe me, if I had the chance to be full blood I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Indian, Native Indian, Native American, History Channel, White Man, Pequot Tribe, Massacre, Connecticut, Wounded Knee, Mystic River
Some may be wondering why the they/we stuff. I'm only half Indian. But believe me, if I had the chance to be full blood I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Indian, Native Indian, Native American, History Channel, White Man, Pequot Tribe, Massacre, Connecticut, Wounded Knee, Mystic River
Would this be part of the culture of corruption Democrats keep talking about?
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Technorati Tags: Culture Of Corruption, Liberals, Democrats, Alan Mollohan
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Culture Of Corruption, Liberals, Democrats, Alan Mollohan
"You can lead a Liberal to the truth, but you can't make him see it."
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Technorati Tags: Liberals, Truth, Quote
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Liberals, Truth, Quote
As I was looking for pictures for my header a few days ago I ran across this picture on some "art" website.
This isn't art. This is a disgrace. That's a painting of Geronimo, a great Indian leader, and Osama bin Laden. Seeing that pisses me off. It's like putting Adolf Hitler next to Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Technorati Tags: Geronimo, Indian, bin Laden, Apache, Hitler, Marting Luther King, Art, Disgrace
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Geronimo, Indian, bin Laden, Apache, Hitler, Marting Luther King, Art, Disgrace
Say what you will about the Left, you have to admit they're master manipulators. They've somehow gotten people around the world to believe the "open minded" lie and that they're more tolerant than us racist Right-wingers. But every once and a while they're true colors shine through. What with them calling black Republicans oreos and Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima and House Slave. Now comes this. This is some of the sickest stuff I've ever read. Warning: Contains Extreme Language.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Michelle Malkin, Racist, Hate Speech
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Michelle Malkin, Racist, Hate Speech
The Useless Nations has elected Iran to a vice-char position on their Disarmament Commission. I honestly don't know what to say. First Cuba on the Human Rights Commission now this. Dear God.
Filed under Useless Nations
Technorati Tags: United Nations, Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Cuba, Human Rights
Filed under Useless Nations
Technorati Tags: United Nations, Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Cuba, Human Rights
Bill Clinton approved a plan to give Iran blueprints for a nuclear bomb. This story broke six days ago and I haven't heard or seen one single piece on it until today. Gee, I wonder why that is? The article explains that Bubba approved a plan to give Iran a flawed design for a nuke to "delay their weapons program". But his brilliant plan backfired. Duh. Instead this plan seems to have helped the terrorist nation. Once again, Bill Clinton screws America over. Dumbass.
Others blogging about this story.
It's A Matter Of Opinion
Seaspook's Rants
OpinionNation Times
Master Of None

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War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Bill Clinton, Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Idiot, New York Times
Others blogging about this story.
It's A Matter Of Opinion
Seaspook's Rants
OpinionNation Times
Master Of None
Filed under
War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Bill Clinton, Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Idiot, New York Times
This was sent to me by Sgt. William Epler, who some of you may remember. Everyone needs to head over to Fight Media Bias. There you can have a "dog tag" send to a soldier in Iraq to let them know you still support them and their mission, despite media lies. Head over to find out more.
Filed under Big Media
Filed under Military
Technorati Tags: Iraq, War On Terror, Armed Forces, Military, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Media Bias
Filed under Big Media
Filed under Military
Technorati Tags: Iraq, War On Terror, Armed Forces, Military, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Media Bias
In the post below I said that the arrests of the seven executives and hundreds of illegals was in Albany, NY. I was mistaken. They were all over the country. Penn. North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Indiana, Arizona, Virginia and Mass. It even said where the arrests were in the MSNBC article I linked to but somehow I missed it. Oh well, FNC's better anyway.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Law Enforcment
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Law Enforcment
Hundreds of illegal aliens and seven executives from a German based company called IFCO Systems were arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) in Albany, NY. Finally. Something is being done. Now if only more would do their jobs like these fine law enforcment agents.
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Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, German, Law Enforcment, New York
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, German, Law Enforcment, New York
This Week's Wednesday Hero Was Brought To My Attention By Reader Seaspook
Information Systems Technician 1st Class Lamarr Hawkins is a hero not for what he's done on the battlefield, but rather for what he's done back in the States. Lamarr Hawkins had recently build a home that he was planning on renting out as in investment. But rather than do that, Mr. Hawkins donated the home to a family who had lost everything last year in Hurricane Katrina. Bernice Stepter and her daughter Dianne, who's deaf and blind, was taken in by Hawkins mother after the hurricane. When Lararr Hawkins heard about what happened to the family he game them the home that he had built.
These brave men and women do more than just risk their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
If you have a loved who has served or is currently serving in the armed forces, and would like for me to profile them as a Wednesday Hero, I would be proud to. Just email me with some info and a photo.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
Filed under Wednesday Heroes
Technorati Tags: Hero, Heroes, Navy, United States Military, Armed Forces, Hurricane Katrina, Donate
Information Systems Technician 1st Class Lamarr Hawkins is a hero not for what he's done on the battlefield, but rather for what he's done back in the States. Lamarr Hawkins had recently build a home that he was planning on renting out as in investment. But rather than do that, Mr. Hawkins donated the home to a family who had lost everything last year in Hurricane Katrina. Bernice Stepter and her daughter Dianne, who's deaf and blind, was taken in by Hawkins mother after the hurricane. When Lararr Hawkins heard about what happened to the family he game them the home that he had built.
"It was the right thing to do. If I wanted to be of some help, this is what I could do."
These brave men and women do more than just risk their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
If you have a loved who has served or is currently serving in the armed forces, and would like for me to profile them as a Wednesday Hero, I would be proud to. Just email me with some info and a photo.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
Filed under Wednesday Heroes
Technorati Tags: Hero, Heroes, Navy, United States Military, Armed Forces, Hurricane Katrina, Donate
Recently I did a post Intolerant Bigots. And in the comments our good friend Za asked said
Now, like the title says, this is a worst case scenario. Could this happen. You better believe it. Will it happen? Hope to God it won't. So, if the law isn't enough of a reason to stop illegal immigration, maybe this could be. But, for some, I doubt it.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border, Mexico, Illegal Immigration, Disease, Avian Flu, Tuberculosis
You've yet to posit a single reason why illegal immigrants are bad for the US - but they're evil and illegal, and should be thrown back into the pithole they came from.To which I replied
You want a reason. Here's a good one. Disease. People come across the border with no medical inspection and we have no idea what they may have. Someone could cross the border with smallpox and we'd never know it. But I'm guessing that's no good enough a reason for you so dismiss it.Which of course he did. Now, I was using smallpox as an example, but I guess he didn't get that. Anyway, here's a story that could maybe one day be just exactly what I was talking about. This woman in Los Angeles was hospitalized with bubonic plague. Officials think she may have gotten the disease from fleas in her home. But, now try to keep up with me, what if someone comes into this country illegally. Mexican, Russian, Chinese, Irish, I don't care. They would come into this country, no background check, no medical examination what so ever. They're sick. Could be anything. "Super AIDS", tuberculosis or even Avian Flu, just for examples. They're too scared to go to the hospital, which would be free because emergency rooms can't turn anyone away and the American tax payer ends up footing the bill, because they may get deported. They go on, getting sicker and sicker, infecting more and more people until it's a full blown epidemic.
Now, like the title says, this is a worst case scenario. Could this happen. You better believe it. Will it happen? Hope to God it won't. So, if the law isn't enough of a reason to stop illegal immigration, maybe this could be. But, for some, I doubt it.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border, Mexico, Illegal Immigration, Disease, Avian Flu, Tuberculosis
I know most people in this country don't watch real Football, but if you're a fan then you have to be amazed at where the U.S. team is ranked. Number 5 in the world. Soccer isn't even our game and yet we're ranked better than England, Mexico, Spain and Italy, among others, where the game is almost a religion. I've only just started watching the game in the last three years so I still don't too much about it, but I'm surprised that the US is number 5 in the world. Just too bad they won't win the World Cup.
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Technorati Tags: FIFA, Football, Soccer, U.S. Men's Team
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: FIFA, Football, Soccer, U.S. Men's Team
It seems President Roosevelt was against political correctness even in 1907. It's not African American. It's American. It's not Native American, it's American. It's not Mexican American, it's American.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Teddy Roosevelt, Immigration, Assimilation
Surprisingly, there are people in this world who actually believe Iran is seeking nuclear power for peaceful purposes.
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Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, P-2 Centrifuge, Nuclear Enrichment
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Well, according to this NY Times article(you need to register to read but it's free) that may not be so true.
This story stems from this post on Opinionnation Times. In it Anthony says
Then on Thursday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Tehran was "presently conducting research" on the P-2 centrifuge, boasting that it would quadruple Iran's enrichment powers. The centrifuges are tall, thin machines that spin very fast to enrich, or concentrate, uranium's rare component, uranium 235, which can fuel nuclear reactors or atom bombs.Then we have this CNN article from 2004 which gives a better explanation of what a P-2 centrifuge is for and that even then Iran was in the process of building one even though they said they wern't.
A P-2 centrifuge can produce much more uranium appropriate for production of nuclear weapons than a P-1, which the nation confirms it has.Iran has said that they had P-1 which are used for making nuclear energy for power, so why would they need a more sophisticated P-2 if they didn't want weapons?
This story stems from this post on Opinionnation Times. In it Anthony says
If this statement from Iran’s radical president holds any truth whatsoever, it means that Iran is expediting its quest to acquire nuclear weapons. If this action and the many others taken by Iran have yet to convince you of their intentions, then I implore you to take a step back for a minute. Dislodge yourself from the anti-Bush disease that has gripped you so tightly, and think of the consequences.Exactly. Think of the consequences of a nuclear Iran.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, P-2 Centrifuge, Nuclear Enrichment
If you're interested in helping Russian orphans find a home head over to Hooah Wife and find out how you can help.
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Technorati Tags: Russia, Orphans, Adoption
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Russia, Orphans, Adoption
Is the entertainment industry full of intolerant bigots? Well, that what I'm here to find out.
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Now, some may be saying "Injun Chris", your racists, "how can the entertainment industry be bigoted? They love the black man and are run by Jews." Well, hold your water and I'll tell you. Firstly, I never said anything about race. Secondly, let's take a look at the words intolerant and bigot. From Merriam-Webster
Now, as a Republican you've no doubt noticed that television shows, movies and music are constantly attacking you for one reason and one reason only. You're Right-Wing. They absolutely hate you with a passion because you vote Republican. I've been compared to Hitler in movies and I've been called a lower life form in television. Intolerant. They, entertainment industry, have their pre-conceived notions of what the right-wing is you can not get them to see the truth. Bigot.
People on the Left either don't see it or are enjoying it too much to care, but if even half the stuff that is said about Conservatives in these formats were said about Blacks or women or anyone else people would be losing their minds demanding apologies and people be fired. Can you imagine if a television show said that Blacks were lower life forms? The wrath of Jackson and Sharpton would be swift. Why don't we do more to try and put and end to this? I really don't know. I guess it's because we've become so use to it we've become complacent. Every time I watch a movie or television show I actually sit and wait for the attack(s) to come.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Hollywood, Intolerant, Bigot, Republican, Movies, Television
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Now, some may be saying "Injun Chris", your racists, "how can the entertainment industry be bigoted? They love the black man and are run by Jews." Well, hold your water and I'll tell you. Firstly, I never said anything about race. Secondly, let's take a look at the words intolerant and bigot. From Merriam-Webster
1: unable or unwilling to endure
2: (A) unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters
(B) unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights
a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
Now, as a Republican you've no doubt noticed that television shows, movies and music are constantly attacking you for one reason and one reason only. You're Right-Wing. They absolutely hate you with a passion because you vote Republican. I've been compared to Hitler in movies and I've been called a lower life form in television. Intolerant. They, entertainment industry, have their pre-conceived notions of what the right-wing is you can not get them to see the truth. Bigot.
People on the Left either don't see it or are enjoying it too much to care, but if even half the stuff that is said about Conservatives in these formats were said about Blacks or women or anyone else people would be losing their minds demanding apologies and people be fired. Can you imagine if a television show said that Blacks were lower life forms? The wrath of Jackson and Sharpton would be swift. Why don't we do more to try and put and end to this? I really don't know. I guess it's because we've become so use to it we've become complacent. Every time I watch a movie or television show I actually sit and wait for the attack(s) to come.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Hollywood, Intolerant, Bigot, Republican, Movies, Television
I just wanted to share something with you all.
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Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: America, Humanitarian Aid, Help, Ungrateful
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In my post Si, Usted Es los Criminales, readers loboinok and Za are have a discussion about illegals. I wanted to share what lobo said in his last comment.
As for giving them a "hand up".Couldn't have put it better myself.
No! We are tired of giving the whole frick'in world a hand up. We prop up their economies with hundreds of billions of dollars. We send men and women to fight and die for their countries and freedoms and security. We give billions in aid and tons in humanitarian aid to help after natural disasters, wars, droughts, plagues and disease outbreaks.
We give and give and give, and in return, recieve criticism, belittlement and mealy-mouthed slander. Cries that we don't give enough, we don't care enough, we don't respond quickly enough.
We are tired of extending the hand of friendship, only to have it slapped away and be attacked and criticized.
We aren't perfect, nor are many of our foreign policies, but if there is another country out there that believes it can do better... they can put their money and troops where their mouth is.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: America, Humanitarian Aid, Help, Ungrateful
It's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine,
Since, I don't know when,
I'm stuck in Folsom Prison,
And time keeps draggin' on,
But that train keeps a-rollin',
On down to San Antone.
When I was just a baby,
My Mama told me, "Son,
Always be a good boy,
Don't ever play with guns,"
But I shot a man in Reno,
Just to watch him die,
When I hear that whistle blowin',
I hang my head and cry.
I bet there's rich folks eatin',
In a fancy dining car,
They're probably drinkin' coffee,
And smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin',
I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a-movin',
And that's what tortures me.
Well, if they freed me from this prison,
If that railroad train was mine,
I bet I'd move out over a little,
Farther down the line,
Far from Folsom Prison,
That's where I want to stay,
And I'd let that lonesome whistle,
Blow my Blues away.
Filed under Music
Technorati Tags: Johnny Cash, Folsom Prision Blues, Lyrics
A teacher in Tennessee was recently forced from his job. Why? Because he dared to commit the ultimate sin of posting a picture of Mohammed on his blog. People like Ward Churchill are allowed to keep their jobs but this guy is losing his. I wonder if it had been a picture of Jesus dressed as a pimp would he still be under the employment of Belmont University. Political Correctness rears it's ugly head once more.
Credit: The Daily Spork
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Tennessee, Professor, Ward Churchill, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Hypocrisy, Political Correctness
Credit: The Daily Spork
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Tennessee, Professor, Ward Churchill, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Hypocrisy, Political Correctness
This is cruel and unusual punishment. You know, I would have thought that taking someone off the street, giving them a warm place to sleep, free food and a shower would be a good thing. Silly me.
Okay, I can't even begin to describe my reaction to reading this. Stammering is the best I can do.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Homeless, San Francisco, California, Court, Liberals, Insanity
Okay, I can't even begin to describe my reaction to reading this. Stammering is the best I can do.
"Because there is substantial and undisputed evidence that the number of homeless persons in Los Angeles far exceeds the number of available shelter beds at all times ... Los Angeles has encroached upon the Appellants' Eighth Amendment protections by criminalizing the unavoidable act of sitting, lying, or sleeping at night while being involuntarily homeless," she(Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw) wrote.So they're involuntarily homeless? Has nothing to do with being lazy? Love that Liberal mind. This is a perfect example of the Left all over the world are so out of touch with reality. God forbid they should put the wild turkey down and try to do something.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Homeless, San Francisco, California, Court, Liberals, Insanity
Oh, he's just talking. Hitler did a lot of "just talking" at first. We sat back and let Hitler "just talk" for a few years and look what happened. We're doing the same thing with Iran. When is the world going to get off it's collective ass and actually do something? After Iran builds a working nuclear weapon? After Israel is lit up like a Christmas tree? Or Menorah as the case may be. If the Useless Nations think sanctions and "harsh wording" is going a damn bit of good they need to remove the blinders from their eyes. Please, please, please. I beg you President Bush, order a Marine sharpshooter over to Iran to blow this guys brains out the back of his head. "Oh, you can't do that. He's a democratically elected leader." So was Hitler.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: War On Terror, Iran, United Nations, Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: War On Terror, Iran, United Nations, Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble - Taxman.mp3
What better song than this one, what with tax day coming up. For those of you not from this country, April 15 is the day when Uncle Sam comes and screws us out of our money. They do it all year long, but on this day we really pay.
This will be the last Free Song Friday for a while. I'm becoming paranoid about this. It is illegal after all. I may do one once a month but no longer every week.
Filed under Music
What better song than this one, what with tax day coming up. For those of you not from this country, April 15 is the day when Uncle Sam comes and screws us out of our money. They do it all year long, but on this day we really pay.
This will be the last Free Song Friday for a while. I'm becoming paranoid about this. It is illegal after all. I may do one once a month but no longer every week.
Filed under Music
About damn time. Federal law enforcement won't do anything, so it's left to local. They're finally enforcing the law. Something they swore to do when the become police officers. The article talks about a group of men who were arrested for criminal trespassing. Police suspected they were illegals and called federal immigration agents.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
When they arrived, seven of the men had made bail and Mr. Jimeniz, who was not able to pay his bail, was taken by the immigration agents to a federal detention wing of the Pike County Jail in Hawley, Pa., where he has remained since, fighting deportation.Boo-freakin'-hoo. I feel a little bit bad, but not that much. Mr. Jimeniz should have thought about all that before breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Everything that happens is nobody's fault but his own. I'm tired of trying to be made to feel guilty about this. It's not my fault this guy screwed his family over. If he is here illegally, send him back. And before anyone whines about that "compassionate Conservative" crap, that's not me. That's Bush's word.
"He has no criminal record," said Vanessa Merton, director of the Immigration Justice Clinic of the Pace University Law School, which represents Mr. Jimeniz. "He is a roofer. He is supporting five children."
Filed under US/Mexico Border
I Hate Spring. It's supposed to be in the 90's tomorrow and I have to go and finish my mom's flower bed. I'm not looking forward to that. I finally had to break down and admit the yard needed mowing. That's one thing I can truly live without. We have a service here in town that will do everything; mow, trim, edge, cut your hedge, prune trees all for $25. I'm thinking about just doing that. I won't, but I'm thinking about it. I just bought myself the coolest thing. It's an electric cordless trimmer. A 12 volt dynamo. You charge the battery and go. No cords, no gas, oil, spark plug or pull starting. Now if only the Neuton would come down in price I'd get one.
I recently saw a video on AFV where a guy put a piece of wood in the ground, tied a string to it and tied the other string to his mower. He started it and the mower was pulled in a circle by the string cutting the lawn. Ingenious. If only I had a self-propelled mower...
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Lawn, Yard Work, Mowing, Spring
I recently saw a video on AFV where a guy put a piece of wood in the ground, tied a string to it and tied the other string to his mower. He started it and the mower was pulled in a circle by the string cutting the lawn. Ingenious. If only I had a self-propelled mower...
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Lawn, Yard Work, Mowing, Spring
I'm such a whore
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How do you eat fruit cups that have either cherries or grapes in them? Do you just take a spoonful of fruit and eat it or, are you like me, and eat the pineapple and peaches and leave the cherries and grapes for last?
Am I the only one who hates it when there's a "special" co-host on Live With Regis And Kelly? I mean, when I watch I want to see Regis and Kelly, not Regis and Joy or Mark and Kelly.
Is anyone else already going through Star Wars withdraw?
Didn't you like the scene where the T-Rex pulled the man from the outhouse and ate him?
I had a dream last night.
I'm going to give myself one more year of blogging. Then, at the end of that year, if I haven't broken through, I'm going to give myself some more time.
That new Berries Cream Dr. Pepper is good.
I like The Monkees. Last Train To Clarksville and Stepping Stone are good songs and don't let anyone tell you any different.
I shold do spel chek more ofton.
I hate dial-up.
Will you follow the white rabbit?
Here's a strange fact. Bird poop makes grass grow 10x faster. Excellent fertilizer.

I found this picture at No lie. I wasn't even looking for the site, just a picture of a tree. Trippy. Click it for a 1024x768 wallpaper.
"Does this dress make my butt look big?" "No, the fat makes your ass look big, the dress just accentuates it."
Why do race car drivers make left turns? Why not right turn?
Here's a picture of Me with no clothes on. Do you dare look?
Am I the only one who hates it when there's a "special" co-host on Live With Regis And Kelly? I mean, when I watch I want to see Regis and Kelly, not Regis and Joy or Mark and Kelly.
Is anyone else already going through Star Wars withdraw?
Didn't you like the scene where the T-Rex pulled the man from the outhouse and ate him?
I had a dream last night.
I'm going to give myself one more year of blogging. Then, at the end of that year, if I haven't broken through, I'm going to give myself some more time.
That new Berries Cream Dr. Pepper is good.
I like The Monkees. Last Train To Clarksville and Stepping Stone are good songs and don't let anyone tell you any different.
I shold do spel chek more ofton.
I hate dial-up.
Will you follow the white rabbit?
Here's a strange fact. Bird poop makes grass grow 10x faster. Excellent fertilizer.
I found this picture at No lie. I wasn't even looking for the site, just a picture of a tree. Trippy. Click it for a 1024x768 wallpaper.
"Does this dress make my butt look big?" "No, the fat makes your ass look big, the dress just accentuates it."
Why do race car drivers make left turns? Why not right turn?
Here's a picture of Me with no clothes on. Do you dare look?
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Random Thoughts, Dr. Pepper, Hummer
This Was Brought To My Attention By Reader Jake Wilhite
First I brought you Cache Fixer now I bring you Firefox Preloader. If you use Firefox then you know that the load time is LONG. You click the icon on your desktop and 15 seconds later it finally opens, depending on how many extension you have. Well, Firefox Preloader will cut that time way down. Just like with IE, Firefox will now load as soon as you click it. This is nice. It's not an extension, it's a program that sits on your desktop. It stores Firefox in your computers memory rather than having to go out and look for it. There's two files on the site, the .exe and setup files. You don't need the setup files. After you install it make sure you chose to have it startup with your OS because it has to actually be running to work. It's just easier than having to open it then open FF. 800KB, go download it.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Firefox Brower, Firefox Extension, Sorceforge
First I brought you Cache Fixer now I bring you Firefox Preloader. If you use Firefox then you know that the load time is LONG. You click the icon on your desktop and 15 seconds later it finally opens, depending on how many extension you have. Well, Firefox Preloader will cut that time way down. Just like with IE, Firefox will now load as soon as you click it. This is nice. It's not an extension, it's a program that sits on your desktop. It stores Firefox in your computers memory rather than having to go out and look for it. There's two files on the site, the .exe and setup files. You don't need the setup files. After you install it make sure you chose to have it startup with your OS because it has to actually be running to work. It's just easier than having to open it then open FF. 800KB, go download it.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Firefox Brower, Firefox Extension, Sorceforge
United States Marine Corps
37 years old from New York City, New York
Marine Aerial Transport Refueler Squadron 352
January 9, 2002
Sgt. Germosen was killed when his refuling plane crashed in Pakistan. He is survived by a wife and daugther.
That's all the bio I could find.
These brave men and women have given their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
If you have a loved who has served or is currently serving in the armed forces, and would like for me to profile them as a Wednesday Hero, I would be proud to. Just email me with some info and a photo.
We Have Every Right To Dream Heroic Dreams.
Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look
Filed under Wednesday Heroes
Technorati Tags: Marine Corps, Hero, Soldiers
Head over to and have a look. No, it's not an Arabic site. He lives in California, but his site has been hijacked by Muslim extremists who've totally screwed it up.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Terrorists, Muslim
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Terrorists, Muslim
There's a story going around the net about how Robin Williams has layed out a plan for America. Too bad it's fake, it's actually a pretty good plan.
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Technorati Tags: Immigration, Fake, Robin Williams
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"I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan."
1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave.We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "
1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave.We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.
6) The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?
"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Immigration, Fake, Robin Williams
Recently I called for the death of Zacarias Moussaoui. I need to pull and John Kerry on that. Don't kill him. No, I'm not going wussy Liberal on you. Just hear me out. This piece of shit wants to die so he can become a martyr to these heartless monsters. Don't give him that satisfaction Give him life so that he can live the next 30 or so years getting ass raped by some of the biggest fuckers on the planet. That's payback enough for some, but for a Muslim it's pure torture. From the Quran.
Maybe he'd kill himself. Don't give him his 72 virgins, give him 72 rectal stitches.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Moussaoui, Death Penalty
When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shakes.
Kill the one who is doing it and also kill the one that it is being done to.
Maybe he'd kill himself. Don't give him his 72 virgins, give him 72 rectal stitches.
Filed under War On Terror
Technorati Tags: Moussaoui, Death Penalty
Just like Chirac Frenched out and back away from job reform in France, I'm afraid our leaders will puss out and grant amnisty to illegal immigrants already in this country when the come back into session. Not only that, but I'm afraid they'll also totally ignore the problem of the border. I wish I could say "stupid Democrats" but I can't because my fellow Republicans are for this as well. And Bush is leading this whole thing. What has happened to America?
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border, Illegal Immigrants
Technorati Tags: Border, Illegal Immigrants
It was bound to happen, and now it has.
This is only the first of what may be many more to come as this debate really heats up.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigants, Violence, Protests
Dozens of people pressing for rights for illegal immigrants gathered for a peaceful demonstration on Monday just minutes after a counter-protestor was bloodied by a teenager who hid his face with a bandanna.Low and behold, DeoDuce and myself called it. And read what this Rev. Viginia Maria Rincon had to say. Real Christian of her. Only problem is that the victim, Robert Gorman, wasn't doing what she accused him of.
This is only the first of what may be many more to come as this debate really heats up.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Illegal Immigants, Violence, Protests
Watching some of the news and I've been seeing some of the illegal protesters chanting slogans like "We are not criminals" and "Equal rights for everyone". That just pisses me off.
1) Yes, you are criminals. That's why you're called "illegals". You broke the law. Law+Break=Criminal.
2) Equal rights? What kind of waterbrain crap is that? What "rights" are being taken away? Your right to live here illegally? Your right to give this country the bird because you don't want to follow the laws?
From a Fox News article.
"This country was built by immigrants, Pittsburgh in particular," said Yinka Aganga Williams, 54, who came from Nigeria six years ago. "This is supposed to be a land of freedom, that's why they came."
I think Navy veteran Jerry Owens says it best. "What Americans are saying is 'Yes, come here. But come here legally.'
I have yet to understand why that's racist.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border, Illegals, Mexican Protests
1) Yes, you are criminals. That's why you're called "illegals". You broke the law. Law+Break=Criminal.
2) Equal rights? What kind of waterbrain crap is that? What "rights" are being taken away? Your right to live here illegally? Your right to give this country the bird because you don't want to follow the laws?
From a Fox News article.
"This country was built by immigrants, Pittsburgh in particular," said Yinka Aganga Williams, 54, who came from Nigeria six years ago. "This is supposed to be a land of freedom, that's why they came."
I think Navy veteran Jerry Owens says it best. "What Americans are saying is 'Yes, come here. But come here legally.'
I have yet to understand why that's racist.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border, Illegals, Mexican Protests
Throughout the 2004 election actor Ben Affleck let it be known he was a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal, but he did it with some class. Unlike his fellow retards in Hollywood he actually remained respectful and didn't make too much of an ass of himself. Well, that's changed. And of course he did so on Bill Maher's toilet paper show Real Time. Remember Richard Belzer calling American troops idiots? Liberals, if you want your ego stroked head over to that set and you'll be wrapped in ignorant hatred guised as love and admiration.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: Hollywood, Moron, Idiot
Technorati Tags: Hollywood, Moron, Idiot
For once, the Saudis get it right. They're planning on building a security fence along it's 560 mile border with Iraq. I'll say it again, We Need A Fence.
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border Security, Saudi Arabia, Border Fence
Filed under US/Mexico Border
Technorati Tags: Border Security, Saudi Arabia, Border Fence
Did anyone else watch this on The National Geographic Channel? I found it rather interesting. If you missed it you should watch it Thursday when they air it again. You've probably seen it being talked about on the news but you only got a small sample. I don't follow the Christian belief but I was intrigued. Basically what the Gospel Of Judas, the actual document that was found, said was that Judas wasn't the evil betrayer he's been made out to be. That Christ himself told Judas that he was to arrange his death and that by doing so he, Judas, would be privy to things no one else would would be in Heaven. That he would see things that even no Angel had ever seen. Another thing I found rather interesting is that the Gospel also said that the God Christians worship isn't the supreme God. The God that created the Earth isn't worth being worshiped. That no one is worthy of even speaking his name. Like I said, you should check this out.
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Christ, Judas, Gospel
Filed under Miscellaneous
Technorati Tags: Christ, Judas, Gospel
I've seen some reports from Big Media about these stories, mainly from FNC, but for some reason they're not being covered nearly enough. I wonder why? Could it be because BM wants people to believe the economy is still in the tank? *DING DING DING DING DING* We have a correct answer. They sure don't want to over cover the fact that the economy is doing better than it has since Clinton's recession. Don't want too much good news to surround Bush. Can't have that.
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Filed under GOP
Technorati Tags: Economy, Bush, GOP, Big Media
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Filed under GOP
Technorati Tags: Economy, Bush, GOP, Big Media
Just when you didn't think California could get anymore screwed up, comes this. I said it before, and I'll say it again, Liberals are the dumbest people on the planet.
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: homosexual, gay, school, california, idiots
Filed under Daft Liberals
Technorati Tags: homosexual, gay, school, california, idiots
Retired Naval Chief, Seaspook, has a great post up about how the Left have long exploited blacks in this country and how black leaders are finally opening their eyes to that fact. Head over and read his post.
Filed under Politics
Technorati Tags: black conservatives
Filed under Politics
Technorati Tags: black conservatives
Once again, never mind this. I'm just testing a new FireFox extension.
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Reader John K brought this to my attention.
Shut Gitmo down now. This is nothing more than an American ran torture chamber. Oh, wait, I was reading it wrong. These two boys are praising it. Sorry, I almost bought into the propaganda there for a second. Silly me. But I do wonder why 12 and 13 year old boys were brought there. They could have kept them in Afghanistan rather than take them to Cuba, but that's them and not me. But this seems to go against what Bush haters say about Gitmo. If you listen to them it's a place full of horror. Wait, I know. They treated these two boys just fine so they could go back out and say how good it was. That's it. Tricky American military.
Technorati Tags: Guantanamo Bay
Filed under War On Terror
Shut Gitmo down now. This is nothing more than an American ran torture chamber. Oh, wait, I was reading it wrong. These two boys are praising it. Sorry, I almost bought into the propaganda there for a second. Silly me. But I do wonder why 12 and 13 year old boys were brought there. They could have kept them in Afghanistan rather than take them to Cuba, but that's them and not me. But this seems to go against what Bush haters say about Gitmo. If you listen to them it's a place full of horror. Wait, I know. They treated these two boys just fine so they could go back out and say how good it was. That's it. Tricky American military.
Technorati Tags: Guantanamo Bay
Filed under War On Terror
Did Bush order the NSA to tap my phone call to Uncle Steve about Grandma Anne's birthday? The Bush haters would like to think this article is the proverbial "smoking gun", but it's not. Now, should this really be the beginnings of proof that the NSA is purposefully tapping phone calls of random American citizens who are in no way connected to terrorists then I will pull a 180 and call for the end of this program. But until that proof is given, I think I'll continue to support it.
Credit: Hooah Wife
Technorati Tags: NSA Wiretap
Filed under Politics
Filed under War On Terror
Credit: Hooah Wife
Technorati Tags: NSA Wiretap
Filed under Politics
Filed under War On Terror
Just testing something
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Filed under Miscellaneous
My mom's planting a flower bed and she asked me for some help. Now you all have to understand that I have a brown thumb so I'm hoping someone can help. She has mulch, top soil and a weed suppressor. She wants to know how to layer them right. Does she lay the weed suppressor down then put the top soil and mulch combined on top of it or would it be top soil, weed suppressor then mulch.
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Adolf Hitler. All of these quotes were made before the outbreak of W.W.II.
Talk never hurt anyone.