I'm thinking about buying a new cell phone. Right now I have the old Nokia 5125 and I'm looking at the 2600. Nice color screen, wallaper, screensavers and polymorphic ringtones. Stepping into the 21 century now. If someone has this model, or one similar, could you contact me? I have a few basic questions.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In an update to my post Steal This Election, it seems 249 more illegal votes have been found for Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire (D). Throughout the entire election process, we had Dems on every show screaming how the Republicans were going to steal elections and so on. Yet, when 986 illegal votes for a Democratic candidate have been found in an election in which she only won by 129, silence. Gee, I wonder why Big Media isn't reporting this?
Credit: John K
Well, despite what every Bush hater the world over said, the free Iraqi election did take place. We heard for months that it couldn't, that it was too early, that they weren't ready. Well, I guess they showed them. Anyway, we have a winner from yesterdays election. The Iraqi people. Congratulations.
That's what the new mayor of Baghdad had to say about President Bush. In fact, Mayor Ali Fadel wants to have a statue build in honor of Bush. You know, I don't know about this. Remember the statues of Saddam? Not a very good idea, if you ask me.
I can't find a link to this story, so I'm going off memory. I heard it on the radio just a little while ago. It seem that during the election in Iraq a baby was born. The parents named him/her, I don't know which, the Iraqi word for Election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In an update to my post Steal This Election, it seems 249 more illegal votes have been found for Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire (D). Throughout the entire election process, we had Dems on every show screaming how the Republicans were going to steal elections and so on. Yet, when 986 illegal votes for a Democratic candidate have been found in an election in which she only won by 129, silence. Gee, I wonder why Big Media isn't reporting this?
Credit: John K
Well, despite what every Bush hater the world over said, the free Iraqi election did take place. We heard for months that it couldn't, that it was too early, that they weren't ready. Well, I guess they showed them. Anyway, we have a winner from yesterdays election. The Iraqi people. Congratulations.
That's what the new mayor of Baghdad had to say about President Bush. In fact, Mayor Ali Fadel wants to have a statue build in honor of Bush. You know, I don't know about this. Remember the statues of Saddam? Not a very good idea, if you ask me.
I can't find a link to this story, so I'm going off memory. I heard it on the radio just a little while ago. It seem that during the election in Iraq a baby was born. The parents named him/her, I don't know which, the Iraqi word for Election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to apologize. In my post yesterday about the election in Iraq, I wrote, talking about freedom in the Middle East,
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to apologize. In my post yesterday about the election in Iraq, I wrote, talking about freedom in the Middle East,
It may start in Iraq, but something tells me it won't end thereAs well as other stuff that talked about Iraq being the first country in that area to be heading towards freedom. I totally forgot about Afghanistan. They had a free election there, and I forgot it. I'm sorry about that.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by reader John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
HUMAN EVENTS has learned that a billboard blitz "thanking" Hollywood for the reelection of President Bush will be unveiled early next week.
The advertisements feature the faces of liberal Hollywood icons Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Affleck, Martin Sheen, Chevy Chase, Barbara Streisand, and Sean Penn, and offer thanks to Hollywood their help getting President Bush reelected.
Two versions of the billboard were created, both "thanking" Hollywood -- the first for " 4 more years " and the second for " W. Still President. "
Billboard creator Citizens United, a group that advocates a return to traditional American values, has purchased the use of three billboards near the Kodak Theatre (home of the Academy Awards) for the month of February, which includes Oscar Night, Sunday, February 27.
I wonder if we'll get a glimpse of them during the Oscars? My guess, no. If they're anywhere where they can be seen by cameras, the people in charge of the show will make absolutely sure not to show them.
A young teenage girl was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat but her father was a rather staunch Republican.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to taxes and welfare programs. He stopped her and asked her how she was doing in school.
She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA but it was really tough. She had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying.
He asked, "How is your friend Mary." She replied that Mary was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, but was very popular on campus, went to all the parties all the time. Why she often didn't show up for classes because she was hung over.
Dad then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and ask why she couldn't take 1.0 off her 4.0 and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a 3.0 GPA.
The daughter angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair, I worked really hard for mine and Mary has done nothing".
The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party".
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by reader John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
HUMAN EVENTS has learned that a billboard blitz "thanking" Hollywood for the reelection of President Bush will be unveiled early next week.
The advertisements feature the faces of liberal Hollywood icons Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Affleck, Martin Sheen, Chevy Chase, Barbara Streisand, and Sean Penn, and offer thanks to Hollywood their help getting President Bush reelected.
Two versions of the billboard were created, both "thanking" Hollywood -- the first for " 4 more years " and the second for " W. Still President. "
Billboard creator Citizens United, a group that advocates a return to traditional American values, has purchased the use of three billboards near the Kodak Theatre (home of the Academy Awards) for the month of February, which includes Oscar Night, Sunday, February 27.
I wonder if we'll get a glimpse of them during the Oscars? My guess, no. If they're anywhere where they can be seen by cameras, the people in charge of the show will make absolutely sure not to show them.
A young teenage girl was about to finish her first year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat but her father was a rather staunch Republican.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to taxes and welfare programs. He stopped her and asked her how she was doing in school.
She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA but it was really tough. She had to study all the time, never had time to go out and party. She didn't have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying.
He asked, "How is your friend Mary." She replied that Mary was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never studied, but was very popular on campus, went to all the parties all the time. Why she often didn't show up for classes because she was hung over.
Dad then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and ask why she couldn't take 1.0 off her 4.0 and give it to her friend who only had a 2.0. That way they would both have a 3.0 GPA.
The daughter angrily fired back, "That wouldn't be fair, I worked really hard for mine and Mary has done nothing".
The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party".
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Remember this day boys and girls. The first free election to be held in Iraq in 50 years takes place. While you may not have agreed with us going into Iraq, in the long run it was the best decision. Yes, it will take years for Iraq to become a true democracy, if it ever will, but by doing this we may have set the ground rules for the death of the "let sleeping dogs lie" way of thinking we've had for far too many years. We've seen where that line of thinking can lead us. Maybe now a future president of the U.S. or P.M. of England or Canada will have the courage to stand up and do what's right rather than bury their heads in the sand and hope the bad men will go away like they've done too many times before. This truly is a glorious day. We're seeing something very special being born before our own eyes. One day, years from now, you may be able to tell your children or grandchildren that you were witness to a major shift in the world. It may not seem like it now, but it really is. The fall of the Third Reich, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of freedom in the Middle East. It may start in Iraq, but something tells me it won't end there. I think I'll close this post with the three most important words in the English language. Let Freedom Ring.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Remember this day boys and girls. The first free election to be held in Iraq in 50 years takes place. While you may not have agreed with us going into Iraq, in the long run it was the best decision. Yes, it will take years for Iraq to become a true democracy, if it ever will, but by doing this we may have set the ground rules for the death of the "let sleeping dogs lie" way of thinking we've had for far too many years. We've seen where that line of thinking can lead us. Maybe now a future president of the U.S. or P.M. of England or Canada will have the courage to stand up and do what's right rather than bury their heads in the sand and hope the bad men will go away like they've done too many times before. This truly is a glorious day. We're seeing something very special being born before our own eyes. One day, years from now, you may be able to tell your children or grandchildren that you were witness to a major shift in the world. It may not seem like it now, but it really is. The fall of the Third Reich, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of freedom in the Middle East. It may start in Iraq, but something tells me it won't end there. I think I'll close this post with the three most important words in the English language. Let Freedom Ring.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found something you all may like. Celestia. It's a "real-time 3D space simulation which lets you travel through our solar system and to over 100,000 stars in our neighborhood." It's pretty nifty. It's a program you download and can view just about every known thing in the universe. It's hard to explain without you actually seeing it. You just open it, type what you want to look at. Planet, star, moons, asteroids and the like and it'll go right to it. Then you can actually sync the orbit of what ever you're looking at in real time. Meaning you can go to Earth and actually watch it rotate as Earth is really rotating. You can click to get more info about what you're looking at. It's something you really have to see it enjoy. But warning to 56K'ers, it's an 11MB download. Go check it out.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found something you all may like. Celestia. It's a "real-time 3D space simulation which lets you travel through our solar system and to over 100,000 stars in our neighborhood." It's pretty nifty. It's a program you download and can view just about every known thing in the universe. It's hard to explain without you actually seeing it. You just open it, type what you want to look at. Planet, star, moons, asteroids and the like and it'll go right to it. Then you can actually sync the orbit of what ever you're looking at in real time. Meaning you can go to Earth and actually watch it rotate as Earth is really rotating. You can click to get more info about what you're looking at. It's something you really have to see it enjoy. But warning to 56K'ers, it's an 11MB download. Go check it out.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Our friend DeoDuce may get to vote in the upcoming Iraqi election. Being that her father was born in Iraq, she may just be eligible.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Our friend DeoDuce may get to vote in the upcoming Iraqi election. Being that her father was born in Iraq, she may just be eligible.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
With the historic Iraq election coming up this weekend, it seems that some people, Teddy Kennedy, need a reminder of some things. So I decided to help them with this post. It's real simple. One picture will be of something during Saddam's rule and the other will be of something after Saddam's rule. So easy that even Jim Beam, I mean Ted Kennedy can understand.
During Saddam
The chemical attack on the Kurds
Very graphic I know, but I need to make a point
After Saddam
A U.S. Soldier handing out toys to Iraqi children. Some who may have never had toys before.
During Saddam
Of course It's a Photoshop job, but that's how it was. Vote for Saddam, or die.
After Saddam
This is only a sample of the ballot for the Jan. 30 election. It's one page out of 11 that I found.
Is Iraq perfect now that Saddam is out of power? Far from it, but if you can honestly sit there and tell the world that we never should have went in there and removed a man that caused an Iraqi holocaust over that past 24 years or so, then there is something wrong with you. One last thing, head over to DeoDuce's site. She has a great post up about the coming election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
With the historic Iraq election coming up this weekend, it seems that some people, Teddy Kennedy, need a reminder of some things. So I decided to help them with this post. It's real simple. One picture will be of something during Saddam's rule and the other will be of something after Saddam's rule. So easy that even Jim Beam, I mean Ted Kennedy can understand.
The chemical attack on the Kurds
Very graphic I know, but I need to make a point
A U.S. Soldier handing out toys to Iraqi children. Some who may have never had toys before.
Of course It's a Photoshop job, but that's how it was. Vote for Saddam, or die.
This is only a sample of the ballot for the Jan. 30 election. It's one page out of 11 that I found.
Is Iraq perfect now that Saddam is out of power? Far from it, but if you can honestly sit there and tell the world that we never should have went in there and removed a man that caused an Iraqi holocaust over that past 24 years or so, then there is something wrong with you. One last thing, head over to DeoDuce's site. She has a great post up about the coming election.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I still have some GMail invites incase anyone wants one. Just email me and let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I still have some GMail invites incase anyone wants one. Just email me and let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've gotten a few emails asking me to get rid of the music. While I can't, or wont', do that, because The Avengers is a great show, I'll make a compromise. It's still there, but you have to click on it to listen.
In case you don't know yet, I've added a new section. Favorite Sites. Just a few sites I really like. You all need to check Operation Iraqi Children. It's an organization started by actor Gary Sinise to help get school supplies to the Iraqi children. Go have a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've gotten a few emails asking me to get rid of the music. While I can't, or wont', do that, because The Avengers is a great show, I'll make a compromise. It's still there, but you have to click on it to listen.
In case you don't know yet, I've added a new section. Favorite Sites. Just a few sites I really like. You all need to check Operation Iraqi Children. It's an organization started by actor Gary Sinise to help get school supplies to the Iraqi children. Go have a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Head over to Greta's and read the post. Make sure you click the pic.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Head over to Greta's and read the post. Make sure you click the pic.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been having some problems with my modem. So if I don't post for a few days, it's because the damn thing finally went out and not because I've given up the blog.
Just when you think you've heard it all, comes this. They'll criticize anything Bush or Cheney does. You know, when it's cold I'd wear the same thing.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been having some problems with my modem. So if I don't post for a few days, it's because the damn thing finally went out and not because I've given up the blog.
Just when you think you've heard it all, comes this. They'll criticize anything Bush or Cheney does. You know, when it's cold I'd wear the same thing.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Heute Wir Erinnern Auschwitz
January 27, 1945
I know the title's not 100% correct, but I think I got close enough.
The following is an actual news report of the liberation of Auschwitz.
I know this is the wrong time to get political, but I have to. It is beyond me how anyone can compare President Bush, and the Republican party in general, to Hitler and the Nazi party. It makes me physically sick when I see this shit.
11 Million Jews, Non-Jew Poles, Blacks, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, Handicapped and Homosexuals murdered by the orders of one man. 11,000,000. Imagine just how many that is. Want to see something really disturbing? Click here and here. That's sick. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being called a Nazi or a Facist by people who claim to be open minded. I'm nothing like Hitler. I'm nothing like a Nazi. Bush is nothing like Hitler nor a Nazi. I'm sorry to go off like this, I know this isn't the right place for it, but I had to get that off my chest. Even in jest, it pisses me off. That man was an honest to God monster, and I don't like being compared to him in the least bit.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
January 27, 1945
I know the title's not 100% correct, but I think I got close enough.
The following is an actual news report of the liberation of Auschwitz.
"The Red Army has liberated the Nazis' biggest concentration camp at
Auschwitz in south-western Poland. According to reports, hundreds of thousands of Polish people, as well as Jews from a number of other European countries, have been held prisoner there in appalling conditions and many have been killed in the gas chambers. Few details have emerged of the capture of Auschwitz, which has gained a reputation as the most notorious of the Nazi death camps. Some reports say the German guards were given orders several days ago to destroy the crematoria and gas chambers. Tens of thousands of prisoners - those who were able to walk - have been moved out of the prison and forced to march to other camps in Germany. Details of what went on at the camp have been released previously by the Polish Government in exile in London and from prisoners who have escaped. In July 1944 details were revealed of more than 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were sent to Poland many of whom ended up in Auschwitz. They were loaded onto trains and taken to the camp where many were put to death in the gas chambers. Before they went they were told they were being exchanged in Poland for prisoners of war and made to write cheerful letters to relatives at home telling them what was happening. According to the Polish Ministry of Information, the gas chambers are capable of killing 6,000 people a day. Another report from Poland told of mass arrests in the village of Garbatka near Radom in the early hours of one morning in August 1942. Workmen were accused of plotting to blow up a local factory. Twenty were executed on the spot, the rest were sent to Auschwitz. Since its establishment in 1940, only a handful of prisoners have escaped to tell of the full horror of the camp. In October last year, a group of Polish prisoners mounted an attack on their German guards. The Germans reportedly machine-gunned the barracks killing 200 Polish prisoners. The Poles succeeded in killing six of their executioners. When the Red Army arrived at the camp they found only a few thousand prisoners remaining. They had been too sick to leave. The capture of Auschwitz comes as the Red Army has made important advances on three fronts: in East Prussia to the north, in western Poland as well as Silesia in eastern Germany. Fighting is continuing around the historic Polish western city of Poznan. The Polish capital, Warsaw, was liberated a week ago after five-and-a-half years of German occupation." |
11 Million Jews, Non-Jew Poles, Blacks, Gypsies, Jehovah Witnesses, Handicapped and Homosexuals murdered by the orders of one man. 11,000,000. Imagine just how many that is. Want to see something really disturbing? Click here and here. That's sick. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being called a Nazi or a Facist by people who claim to be open minded. I'm nothing like Hitler. I'm nothing like a Nazi. Bush is nothing like Hitler nor a Nazi. I'm sorry to go off like this, I know this isn't the right place for it, but I had to get that off my chest. Even in jest, it pisses me off. That man was an honest to God monster, and I don't like being compared to him in the least bit.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, he's from Oklahoma, but he is a Dem. And let me state for the record, I am 100% against Cockfighting. What the hell is the fascination with watching animals tear each other apart for money?
Updated with some recommendations. Now, I've noticed nobody's going there when I update it. Why not? Come on people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Yes, he's from Oklahoma, but he is a Dem. And let me state for the record, I am 100% against Cockfighting. What the hell is the fascination with watching animals tear each other apart for money?
Updated with some recommendations. Now, I've noticed nobody's going there when I update it. Why not? Come on people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by reader John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
It appears the Dems may have stolen the Washington Gov. election. Christine Gregoire, who was declared the winner after a recount, won by only 129 votes. But it seems out of the all the votes cast in the election, 737 of them have been verified as being illegal. Votes cast by felons, dead people, people who voted twice, and from provisional ballots that were illegally fed directly into voting machines.
Okay, back to my opinion. When this was going on, and Gregoire was declared the winner, I thought the GOP should just drop it. She has won, the people of Washington didn't need this. But if over 700 votes have been verified as being illegal, this does need to go to court.
A guy walks into a bar and notices a very large jar on the counter and
sees it's filled to the brim with $10 bills....The man guesses there must
be thousands of dollars in it!!
He approaches the bartender and asks, "What's up with the jar?" The
bartender answered, " pay ten dollars...and IF you pass 3 get all the money!!!"
The man certainly isn't going to pass this up..and he asks "What are the
3 tests?"
"Pay FIRST..." says the bartender..."Those are the rules." ~ So the man
gives him $10 and the bartender drops it into the jar..."OK," the
bartender says, "here's what you have to do..." ~
FIRST: "You have to drink that ENTIRE GALLON of Pepper Tequila...the
WHOLE thing, all at ONCE..and you CAN'T make a face while doing it."
SECOND: "There's a Pit Bull chained-up out back with a sore tooth...You
have to REMOVE the bad tooth with your BARE HANDS..."
THIRD: "There's a 90 year-old woman upstairs who has NEVER reached orgasm
during intercourse...You've gotta MAKE THINGS RIGHT for her."
The man is stunned..."I know I paid my $10...but I'm not an IDIOT!..I
WON'T DO IT!! You'd have to be NUTS to drink a gallon of Pepper Tequila,
and then DO those OTHER THINGS!!!"
"Your call," says the bartender, "but your MONEY stays where it is..."
The man has a few drinks...then a few more.
Finally...he asks, "WHERRRE'S ZAAAAT TEQUIIIIIILA?!?!?!?!?" He grabs the
gallon of Pepper Tequila with both hands and downs it with a BIG slurp...
Tears are streaming down both of his cheeks, bt he doesn't make a face.
Next...He staggers out back to where the Pit Bull is chained-up. The people
inside the bar hear a HUGE, NOISY, WILD SCUFFLE going on outside...
They hear the Pit Bull barking...then they hear the guy screaming...the
Pit Bull is yelping..and then... -- SILENCE.
Just when they think the man SURELY must be dead, he staggers back into
the bar...With his shirt ripped...and Large Bloody Scratches all over his body...
"NOW!!!....." He says...
Thanks John.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by reader John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
It appears the Dems may have stolen the Washington Gov. election. Christine Gregoire, who was declared the winner after a recount, won by only 129 votes. But it seems out of the all the votes cast in the election, 737 of them have been verified as being illegal. Votes cast by felons, dead people, people who voted twice, and from provisional ballots that were illegally fed directly into voting machines.
Okay, back to my opinion. When this was going on, and Gregoire was declared the winner, I thought the GOP should just drop it. She has won, the people of Washington didn't need this. But if over 700 votes have been verified as being illegal, this does need to go to court.
A guy walks into a bar and notices a very large jar on the counter and
sees it's filled to the brim with $10 bills....The man guesses there must
be thousands of dollars in it!!
He approaches the bartender and asks, "What's up with the jar?" The
bartender answered, " pay ten dollars...and IF you pass 3 get all the money!!!"
The man certainly isn't going to pass this up..and he asks "What are the
3 tests?"
"Pay FIRST..." says the bartender..."Those are the rules." ~ So the man
gives him $10 and the bartender drops it into the jar..."OK," the
bartender says, "here's what you have to do..." ~
FIRST: "You have to drink that ENTIRE GALLON of Pepper Tequila...the
WHOLE thing, all at ONCE..and you CAN'T make a face while doing it."
SECOND: "There's a Pit Bull chained-up out back with a sore tooth...You
have to REMOVE the bad tooth with your BARE HANDS..."
THIRD: "There's a 90 year-old woman upstairs who has NEVER reached orgasm
during intercourse...You've gotta MAKE THINGS RIGHT for her."
The man is stunned..."I know I paid my $10...but I'm not an IDIOT!..I
WON'T DO IT!! You'd have to be NUTS to drink a gallon of Pepper Tequila,
and then DO those OTHER THINGS!!!"
"Your call," says the bartender, "but your MONEY stays where it is..."
The man has a few drinks...then a few more.
Finally...he asks, "WHERRRE'S ZAAAAT TEQUIIIIIILA?!?!?!?!?" He grabs the
gallon of Pepper Tequila with both hands and downs it with a BIG slurp...
Tears are streaming down both of his cheeks, bt he doesn't make a face.
Next...He staggers out back to where the Pit Bull is chained-up. The people
inside the bar hear a HUGE, NOISY, WILD SCUFFLE going on outside...
They hear the Pit Bull barking...then they hear the guy screaming...the
Pit Bull is yelping..and then... -- SILENCE.
Just when they think the man SURELY must be dead, he staggers back into
the bar...With his shirt ripped...and Large Bloody Scratches all over his body...
"NOW!!!....." He says...
Thanks John.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you all can hear, I've added a theme song to the blog. Don't like it? Too bad, I do. And isn't that the only thing that matters. But don't worry, it's only 6K and set to play only once. And you could always hit Esc or go down to Links & Things and stop it. Also, 5 points to the first person to tell me what song it is. It's pretty easy.
Concerning my post below about Hillary and her flip-flops, there's that word again, head over to The American Princess. She gives a pretty good elaboration on what I was talking about.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you all can hear, I've added a theme song to the blog. Don't like it? Too bad, I do. And isn't that the only thing that matters. But don't worry, it's only 6K and set to play only once. And you could always hit Esc or go down to Links & Things and stop it. Also, 5 points to the first person to tell me what song it is. It's pretty easy.
Concerning my post below about Hillary and her flip-flops, there's that word again, head over to The American Princess. She gives a pretty good elaboration on what I was talking about.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
How many times do I have to complain about Blogger before I do something about it? It finally decided to let me log on so I can post.
Sorry Mr. Wonk, but I have to take over class today.
Boys and girls, take your seats. 4th period English is starting. Today kids, we're going to study definitions. What words mean. Today's word is:
It is an adjetive.
And the definiton of disingenuous is Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating
Now, can someone use Disingenuous in a sentence? Yes, Billy.
Thank you Mr. Greenfeather. "Hillary Clinton's recent move to the right of center is VERY disingenuous."
That's correct, Billy. Nice work, A+. That concludes today's lesson. Next week we'll continue with the same topic and talk about people not learning from the past mistakes of others. Class dismissed.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
How many times do I have to complain about Blogger before I do something about it? It finally decided to let me log on so I can post.
Sorry Mr. Wonk, but I have to take over class today.
Boys and girls, take your seats. 4th period English is starting. Today kids, we're going to study definitions. What words mean. Today's word is:
It is an adjetive.
And the definiton of disingenuous is Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating
Now, can someone use Disingenuous in a sentence? Yes, Billy.
Thank you Mr. Greenfeather. "Hillary Clinton's recent move to the right of center is VERY disingenuous."
That's correct, Billy. Nice work, A+. That concludes today's lesson. Next week we'll continue with the same topic and talk about people not learning from the past mistakes of others. Class dismissed.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this and laughed so much I started to cry. Hope you like it as well.
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are
the letters used to define bra sizes?
A = Almost Boobs...
B = Barely there.
C = Can't Complain!
D = Dang!
DD = Double dang!
E = Enormous!
F = Fake.
G = Get a Reduction.
H = Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Saw this and laughed so much I started to cry. Hope you like it as well.
Have you ever wondered why A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H are
the letters used to define bra sizes?
A = Almost Boobs...
B = Barely there.
C = Can't Complain!
D = Dang!
DD = Double dang!
E = Enormous!
F = Fake.
G = Get a Reduction.
H = Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Happy Birthday, Deo.
Not The Passion or F911. So we all can finally shut up about it, Hollywood chickened out and didn't nominate either one for best picture. However, The Passion did get 3 nominations for cinematography, makeup and original score while F911 didn't get a one. You can add your own laughter. But if Moore ever decides to quite making films, here's a new job for him. $760/hr plus all the doughnuts he can eat.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Happy Birthday, Deo.
Not The Passion or F911. So we all can finally shut up about it, Hollywood chickened out and didn't nominate either one for best picture. However, The Passion did get 3 nominations for cinematography, makeup and original score while F911 didn't get a one. You can add your own laughter. But if Moore ever decides to quite making films, here's a new job for him. $760/hr plus all the doughnuts he can eat.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Can anyone here tell me why the Left in this country wants democracy to fail in Iraq? Why are they so hell bent against it? Could it be because if he succeeds, Bush will go down in history with Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt as one of great leaders of this country? That's what I think anyway. The Bush haters can shake their heads and smirk all they want, but if an Arab country were to become a free democratic nation, Bush will have done something nobody would have ever been able to do before.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Can anyone here tell me why the Left in this country wants democracy to fail in Iraq? Why are they so hell bent against it? Could it be because if he succeeds, Bush will go down in history with Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt as one of great leaders of this country? That's what I think anyway. The Bush haters can shake their heads and smirk all they want, but if an Arab country were to become a free democratic nation, Bush will have done something nobody would have ever been able to do before.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
No doubt you've all been hearing people screaming over the airwaves how global warming to blame for the weather events that have been taking place lately. It's an old argument. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the term "global warming" mean, oh, I don't know, a WARMING of the globe. What's with all these blizzards and record cold temps. I want to point you all to a book. Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by Scientists, Politicians, and the Media by author Patrick J. Michaels. While he admits there's a problem, he states that it's overly exaggerated by the treehuggers. Okay Liberals, prepare to outright dismiss him as a Right-Wing nut. Here's an interview he gave to Fox News' Brit Hume. You all should go read what he had to say. Very interesting. Maybe Al Gore should stop freaking out and actually open his mind.
Damn that Condi Rice. She's the one who did the attacking, not Barbara Boxer.
As Larry The Cable Guy says; That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.
Good for them. If a woman is going have her baby murdered, she needs her grief exploited. I feel no sympathy for them what so ever. If they don't care for their child, at least this church does. Go read the whole story.
Credit: The Guardian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
No doubt you've all been hearing people screaming over the airwaves how global warming to blame for the weather events that have been taking place lately. It's an old argument. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't the term "global warming" mean, oh, I don't know, a WARMING of the globe. What's with all these blizzards and record cold temps. I want to point you all to a book. Meltdown: The Predictable Distortion of Global Warming by Scientists, Politicians, and the Media by author Patrick J. Michaels. While he admits there's a problem, he states that it's overly exaggerated by the treehuggers. Okay Liberals, prepare to outright dismiss him as a Right-Wing nut. Here's an interview he gave to Fox News' Brit Hume. You all should go read what he had to say. Very interesting. Maybe Al Gore should stop freaking out and actually open his mind.
Damn that Condi Rice. She's the one who did the attacking, not Barbara Boxer.
"'She turned and attacked me,' the California Democrat told CNN's "Late Edition" in describing the confrontation during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing" |
"A Roman Catholic church buried the ashes of hundreds of aborted fetuses Sunday, a day after the 32nd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, drawing criticism that the church was exploiting women's grief to make a political statement." |
Credit: The Guardian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was so surprised with the way the last caption post went, I thought why not try it again. Here you go, caption this little beauty. Thanks for the pic John.
Is a ho. I've never been one for Bond movies, but recently I've been watching everyone that's on t.v. And I've come to the realization that, like Madonna, he'll sleep with anything on two legs. Out of the five Bonds over the years, Roger Moore has to be my favorite. But of course I'm a little biased. I also like The Saint. But I think Moore's humor is just a little sharper than the rest. Then we have the Bond Girls. You all know their names so I won't need to recite them. Some of the best names in film. If you're not a Bond fan, you're missing out.
Put on your night shirt and your morning gown
You know by night I'm gonna shake 'em down
Put on your night shirt Mama, and your morning gown
Well, you know by night I'm gonna shake 'em down
Your custard pie, yeah, sweet and nice
When you cut it, mama, save me a slice
Your custard pie, I declare, it's sweet and nice
I Like your custard pie
When you cut it, mama... mama, please save me a slice
Updated with a review of iRobot and an endorsement of a fine product.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Is a ho. I've never been one for Bond movies, but recently I've been watching everyone that's on t.v. And I've come to the realization that, like Madonna, he'll sleep with anything on two legs. Out of the five Bonds over the years, Roger Moore has to be my favorite. But of course I'm a little biased. I also like The Saint. But I think Moore's humor is just a little sharper than the rest. Then we have the Bond Girls. You all know their names so I won't need to recite them. Some of the best names in film. If you're not a Bond fan, you're missing out.
Put on your night shirt and your morning gown
You know by night I'm gonna shake 'em down
Put on your night shirt Mama, and your morning gown
Well, you know by night I'm gonna shake 'em down
Your custard pie, yeah, sweet and nice
When you cut it, mama, save me a slice
Your custard pie, I declare, it's sweet and nice
I Like your custard pie
When you cut it, mama... mama, please save me a slice
Updated with a review of iRobot and an endorsement of a fine product.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submited by reader Russ. The views may not be the same one's I have, but they are. If you have a problem with what's in the post, too bad.
I recived an email from a Russ Vaughn. A Vietnam war hero. It wasn't labled as a Guest Post, but I had to do it. Mr. Vaughn, thank you for your service to this country and I hope you don't mind that I guest posted your email. Please, enjoy the poem.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submited by reader Russ. The views may not be the same one's I have, but they are. If you have a problem with what's in the post, too bad.
I recived an email from a Russ Vaughn. A Vietnam war hero. It wasn't labled as a Guest Post, but I had to do it. Mr. Vaughn, thank you for your service to this country and I hope you don't mind that I guest posted your email. Please, enjoy the poem.
"How many of you Liberals does it take to win a war?
Well how the hell can we tell? You won’t fight one anymore. You say that you support the troops, but the truth’s plain as your face, You’d pull us from the battle, march us home in full disgrace. You’ve no stomach for the fighting, got no mettle, got no pluck; If you ran this war on terror, we’d be a very well plucked duck. The wolves of Jihad smell your dread, can smell your craven breath, And emboldened by the fear they scent, lust for our bloody death. “But wait,” you protest piously , “We are fighters for the poor.” Might we suggest you start to fight, before wolves come through the door? Do you think they’ll still believe in you, your poor, your gays, your blacks, When the wolves run wild among them, sinking fangs into their backs? Think then that they’ll be caring, when they’re counting out their dead, We inflict pain on a captive wolf to learn what’s in his head? Do you really think, you bleeding hearts, when they bleed in scarlet torrents, They’ll care we cage the savage wolves, search lairs without signed warrants? For years we watched your “feel good” courts defang our criminal laws, Handcuff our police, give felons rights, espouse the criminals’ cause. Felonious wolves were freed to prey, and we suffered their wild rages Till “thinking” men took back the courts, put the wolf packs back in cages. With your same old clueless “feelings” you now decry this war; And with your same old fuzzy logic, common sense you still ignore. We must look into “root causes” and we must try to “feel their pain;” Pardon if our eyes start rolling, at your same old lame refrain. It’s hard to fathom whence you come, perhaps some flawed eugenics, That begets utopian pessimists, sires optimistic cynics. Thanks be the power to rule the land remains beyond your means; A regime of yours, would be like, no doubt, being ruled by pimpled teens. Your quixotic quest for a world love nest, denies some truths quite real, Like the need to have some “thinking” folks to preserve your right to “feel.” Abhorring blood on your own hands, there’s a hard truth you’ve ignored, Someone else must take your plowshare, and beat it back into a sword. So how many of you Liberals does it take to win a war? Or is there simply nothing you believe worth fighting for? How is it that you’ve never learned, like most when they grow older, That appeasing badness is a bad idea, only makes the bad guys bolder. Has your fear of spilling human blood made you Jihad’s useful fools, Ignoring that their wolf packs never fight within the rules? By your demand we stay our hand, you weaken and you bind us; Forcing us to fight off wolf attacks with that hand tied behind us. So we bend some rules, in war you fools; so what? Show some respect, When it’s your fuzzy-headed “feelings” “thinking” men fight to protect. Russ Vaughn 2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division Vietnam 65-66" |
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, it seems everyone and his mother is writing a book today. So I thought why not get into the fray myself. And so I've written a book. It's to help Liberals come to an understanding why John Kerry lost the election to Bush. Now, it's in the process of being published right now, so I don't have a copy to show anyone. But I do have these pictures for you all to enjoy. I smell Pulitzer.
I.D. page
Dedication page
Quote page
Chapter one
The story
Note: It's important that you look at each picture in the order they are presented.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Well, it seems everyone and his mother is writing a book today. So I thought why not get into the fray myself. And so I've written a book. It's to help Liberals come to an understanding why John Kerry lost the election to Bush. Now, it's in the process of being published right now, so I don't have a copy to show anyone. But I do have these pictures for you all to enjoy. I smell Pulitzer.
I.D. page
Dedication page
Quote page
Chapter one
The story
Note: It's important that you look at each picture in the order they are presented.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Steven Bochco thinks television is too Conservative? I agree. Why just yesterday I tuned into my favorite show... you know what, this isn't going to work. I was going to put a show that I could spin to make it seem like it doesn't bash Republicans at every turn, but I couldn't think of one. Someone needs to go to Steven and slap him upside the head with a reality stick. Can anyone name me one show on t.v. today that has a Republican character that isn't a racist, hate mongering homophobe or portrayed as some ignorant redneck with the Stars & Bars hanging all over his living room? No, you can't. When Hollywood put a Conservative on a show they're either like Archie Bunker or Mace O'Neil from ABC's failed sitcom It's All Relative. Never heard of it? Well it was about a Conservative man who had to deal with his gay in-laws. Every episode was filled with an honest portrayal of Conservatives. You know, where we can't go five minutes without saying something dumb like Tinkerbell or Fairy or Fruit to gay people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Steven Bochco thinks television is too Conservative? I agree. Why just yesterday I tuned into my favorite show... you know what, this isn't going to work. I was going to put a show that I could spin to make it seem like it doesn't bash Republicans at every turn, but I couldn't think of one. Someone needs to go to Steven and slap him upside the head with a reality stick. Can anyone name me one show on t.v. today that has a Republican character that isn't a racist, hate mongering homophobe or portrayed as some ignorant redneck with the Stars & Bars hanging all over his living room? No, you can't. When Hollywood put a Conservative on a show they're either like Archie Bunker or Mace O'Neil from ABC's failed sitcom It's All Relative. Never heard of it? Well it was about a Conservative man who had to deal with his gay in-laws. Every episode was filled with an honest portrayal of Conservatives. You know, where we can't go five minutes without saying something dumb like Tinkerbell or Fairy or Fruit to gay people.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
People, I beg you. When leaving a comment to a post, please let me know what post you're commenting on. I read them through Haloscan, so sometimes I have no idea what in the world you're talking about.
A poor dog in the U.K. had a litter of 24 puppies. Which is a new record. Poor thing. Good and sad news to tell you about. The sad news is that four of the puppies were too weak and died. The good news, the remaining 20 are worth $1,800 each. $$$Cha-Ching$$$.
Look at this fish.
I have a new blog for everyone to enjoy. The American Princess. And yes, it is a Right Minded blog. Welcome to the Bloggerhood Emily. Look around and see if you can't find something you like. And thank you for the quote for the site. Everyone go down and read it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
People, I beg you. When leaving a comment to a post, please let me know what post you're commenting on. I read them through Haloscan, so sometimes I have no idea what in the world you're talking about.
A poor dog in the U.K. had a litter of 24 puppies. Which is a new record. Poor thing. Good and sad news to tell you about. The sad news is that four of the puppies were too weak and died. The good news, the remaining 20 are worth $1,800 each. $$$Cha-Ching$$$.
I have a new blog for everyone to enjoy. The American Princess. And yes, it is a Right Minded blog. Welcome to the Bloggerhood Emily. Look around and see if you can't find something you like. And thank you for the quote for the site. Everyone go down and read it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And so begins W2.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Who didn't see these two stories coming?
Dems to delay Condi vote.
Kerry votes "NO" for Condi.
Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move,
gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.
Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing,
gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting.
Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way,
watch your honey drip, can't keep away
You know what to do. Either do one or do both, and make them funny. I have two great ones for the first pic, but I think I'll let someone else have them.

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Who didn't see these two stories coming?
Dems to delay Condi vote.
Kerry votes "NO" for Condi.
Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move,
gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.
Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing,
gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting.
Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way,
watch your honey drip, can't keep away
You know what to do. Either do one or do both, and make them funny. I have two great ones for the first pic, but I think I'll let someone else have them.
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Reader Jake sent this site to me. Sign Language. It's a bunch of actual funny road signs and such. Have a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Reader Jake sent this site to me. Sign Language. It's a bunch of actual funny road signs and such. Have a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Lead singer for the band Fuel has caused yet another stir for Conservatives. At Tuesday's youth concert, he let out a dirty word. "Welcome to the greatest fucking country in the world". Now, I understand it was concert full of teens and such, but it's not like they've never heard, or even said for that matter, the word before. And I happen to agree with him, this is the greatest fucking country in the world. I think some of us need to loosen up just a little bit. It's not like he pulled a Jim Morrison and exposed his Crawling King Snake.
One more day.
The quotes are up. So far only three, so come on people. Let me know what you think. Scroll down to read them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Lead singer for the band Fuel has caused yet another stir for Conservatives. At Tuesday's youth concert, he let out a dirty word. "Welcome to the greatest fucking country in the world". Now, I understand it was concert full of teens and such, but it's not like they've never heard, or even said for that matter, the word before. And I happen to agree with him, this is the greatest fucking country in the world. I think some of us need to loosen up just a little bit. It's not like he pulled a Jim Morrison and exposed his Crawling King Snake.
One more day.
The quotes are up. So far only three, so come on people. Let me know what you think. Scroll down to read them.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
A human rights group claimed Tuesday that it has obtained video footage showing dissident activities in North Korea, with demands for freedom and democracy written over a poster of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il. And as we all know, just like in Iraq under Saddam with his pictures, pictures of Kim Jong Il are not to be messed with. No one can authenticate the video, but a man is heard on it yelling
I guess it's true, everyone longs to live in freedom.
What a novel idea. Sealing the borders for protection. Who could ever think of doing something like this? That's what we need to do here, not just for elections but permanently. We need to do something.
A democrat with some sense, now that's rare.
The following post was submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
A human rights group claimed Tuesday that it has obtained video footage showing dissident activities in North Korea, with demands for freedom and democracy written over a poster of North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il. And as we all know, just like in Iraq under Saddam with his pictures, pictures of Kim Jong Il are not to be messed with. No one can authenticate the video, but a man is heard on it yelling
"The North Korean people are suffering from hunger and poverty because of Kim Jong Il's dictatorship and dogmatic politics" |
What a novel idea. Sealing the borders for protection. Who could ever think of doing something like this? That's what we need to do here, not just for elections but permanently. We need to do something.
"Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., urged Europe to "get over" the fact President Bush was re-elected and work with the United States on common problems.
"I spent a little time in Europe recently, and I have one simple message: Get over it. Get over it. President Bush is our president for the next four years, so get over it and start to act in your interest, Europe," Biden said during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing to confirm U.S. Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice. "But that requires us to engage in the hoped-for diplomacy from the gentle lady from Stanford." Rice was provost of Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., before Bush tapped her to become national security adviser in 2000. Rice has vowed to work with Europe and other U.S. allies on issues, including Iraq. Trans-Atlantic relations were hurt following the U.S.-led decision to invade Iraq." |
Pandering for votes, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday compared Rev. Al Sharpton to civil rights icon Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks made a statement by sitting in the front of a bus when it was illegal for a black to do so. Can anyone name one thing Shaprton has done that even comes close to that?
I was sitting and watching The Blue Collar Comedy Tour lastnight, and Jeff Foxworty was telling some of his redneck jokes and I thought I might share some of my favorites with you. See how many make you say, "Hey, that's me".
You Might Be A Redneck If... think watching professional wrestling is foreplay think a Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy've got more than three cousins named "Bubba". I'm the Bubba in the family
...your favorite entree is Spam barbecued on the grill
...your child's first words were, "Attention K-Mart shoppers!"
...your whole family is Democrats except little Mary. She got to readin''ve ever taken reading material into an airplane restroom've ever stood in line to have your picture made with a freak of nature think potted meat on a saltine is an hors d'oeuvre can't visit relatives without getting mud on your tires honest-to-God think women are turned on by animal noises and seductive tongue gestures have a Hefty Bag for a passenger-side window
...your favorite beer company cannot afford to advertise time your belches to achieve a personal best think Campho-Phenique is a miracle drug clean your house with a water hose've ever stolen toilet paper've ever talked back to characters on the movie screen have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say cool whip on the side
The ones in green all apply to me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Pandering for votes, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg yesterday compared Rev. Al Sharpton to civil rights icon Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks made a statement by sitting in the front of a bus when it was illegal for a black to do so. Can anyone name one thing Shaprton has done that even comes close to that?
I was sitting and watching The Blue Collar Comedy Tour lastnight, and Jeff Foxworty was telling some of his redneck jokes and I thought I might share some of my favorites with you. See how many make you say, "Hey, that's me".
You Might Be A Redneck If... think watching professional wrestling is foreplay think a Volvo is part of a woman's anatomy've got more than three cousins named "Bubba". I'm the Bubba in the family
...your favorite entree is Spam barbecued on the grill
...your child's first words were, "Attention K-Mart shoppers!"
...your whole family is Democrats except little Mary. She got to readin''ve ever taken reading material into an airplane restroom've ever stood in line to have your picture made with a freak of nature think potted meat on a saltine is an hors d'oeuvre can't visit relatives without getting mud on your tires honest-to-God think women are turned on by animal noises and seductive tongue gestures have a Hefty Bag for a passenger-side window
...your favorite beer company cannot afford to advertise time your belches to achieve a personal best think Campho-Phenique is a miracle drug clean your house with a water hose've ever stolen toilet paper've ever talked back to characters on the movie screen have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say cool whip on the side
The ones in green all apply to me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following posts were submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the posts, take it up with him, not me.
Two quick stories. I don't have much time.

Hero Bracelets. Good site. Go take a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following posts were submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the posts, take it up with him, not me.
Two quick stories. I don't have much time.
"A dentist found the source of the toothache Patrick Lawler was complaining about on the roof of his mouth: a 4in nail the construction worker had unknowingly embedded in his skull six days earlier.
A nail gun backfired on Mr Lawler, 23, on January 6 while working in Breckenridge, a ski resort town in the central Colorado mountains. The tool sent a nail into a piece of wood nearby, but Mr Lawler did not realise a second nail had shot through his mouth, said his sister, Lisa Metcalse. Following the accident, Mr Lawler had what he thought was a minor toothache and blurry vision. On Wednesday, after painkillers and ice failed to ease the pain, he went to a dental office where his wife, Katerina, works. We all are friends, so I thought the (dentists) were joking ... then the doctor came out and said, Theres really a nail, Mrs Lawler said. Patrick just broke down. I mean, he had been eating ice cream to help the swelling. He was taken to a suburban Denver hospital, where he underwent a four-hour surgery. The nail had plunged one and a half inches into his brain, barely missing his right eye. This is the second one weve seen in this hospital where the person was injured by the nail gun and didnt actually realize the nail had been imbedded in their skull, neurosurgeon Sean Markey told KUSA-TV in Denver. But its a pretty rare injury. Mr Lawler was recovering today in the hospital, where he was expected to spend several more days. Mrs Lawler said her husband is in good spirits. The doctors said, If youre going to have a nail in the brain, thats the way you want it to be, she said. Hes the luckiest guy, ever." |
Hero Bracelets. Good site. Go take a look.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the
true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of
former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down
together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state
sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression,
will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation
where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content
of their character.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists,
with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition
and nullification - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and
black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as
sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every
hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain,
and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.
Here's to hoping that dream will come true one day.
For four years, Liberals have been screaming that if Bush were to be re-elected he would go into Iran. And it looks like they were right. And like the title says, about damn time. It seem the U.S. has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets. Scare the shit out of the Mullahs and maybe they'll get back into line.
But wait, we can't be thinking of going into Iran just to stop terrorists. We must want their oil, just like in Iraq. Only, we haven't been taking Iraqi oil. We've been selling it to help in the rebuilding of the country. Huh. Anyway, thanks to John K for the link.Credit: Reuters/My Way
Found these while looking around and thought you all might like them.
But it's an evil we're willing to live with.
No comment.
I've posted this before, but I just love it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of
former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down
together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state
sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression,
will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation
where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content
of their character.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists,
with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition
and nullification - one day right there in Alabama little black boys and
black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as
sisters and brothers.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every
hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain,
and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord
shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.
Here's to hoping that dream will come true one day.
For four years, Liberals have been screaming that if Bush were to be re-elected he would go into Iran. And it looks like they were right. And like the title says, about damn time. It seem the U.S. has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets. Scare the shit out of the Mullahs and maybe they'll get back into line.
"This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush administration is looking at this as a huge war zone. Next, we're going to have the Iranian campaign" |
Found these while looking around and thought you all might like them.
But it's an evil we're willing to live with.
No comment.
I've posted this before, but I just love it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found this over at Stark Truth. Very offensive. If you offend easily, first you're at the wrong blog, secondly, you should stop reading right now.
Learn to speak Chinese in 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!
1) That's not right ......................... Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive?............. Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP................................ Kum Hia Nao
4) Stupid Man ............................... Dum Fuk
5) Small Horse .............................. Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach? ................. Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped into a coffee table .............. Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift ............ Chin Tu Fat
9) It's very dark in here ................... Wao So Dim
10) I thought you were on a diet ............ Wai Yu Mun Ching?
11) This is a tow away zone ................. No Pah King
12) Our meeting is scheduled for next week ... Wai Yu Kum Nao?
13) Staying out of sight ..................... Lei Ying Lo
14) He's cleaning his automobile ............. Wa Shing Ka
15) Your body odor is offensive .............. Yu Stin Ki Pu
16) Great ................................... Fa Kin Su Pah
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Found this over at Stark Truth. Very offensive. If you offend easily, first you're at the wrong blog, secondly, you should stop reading right now.
Learn to speak Chinese in 5 MINUTES!!!!!!!
1) That's not right ......................... Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive?............. Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP................................ Kum Hia Nao
4) Stupid Man ............................... Dum Fuk
5) Small Horse .............................. Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach? ................. Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped into a coffee table .............. Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift ............ Chin Tu Fat
9) It's very dark in here ................... Wao So Dim
10) I thought you were on a diet ............ Wai Yu Mun Ching?
11) This is a tow away zone ................. No Pah King
12) Our meeting is scheduled for next week ... Wai Yu Kum Nao?
13) Staying out of sight ..................... Lei Ying Lo
14) He's cleaning his automobile ............. Wa Shing Ka
15) Your body odor is offensive .............. Yu Stin Ki Pu
16) Great ................................... Fa Kin Su Pah
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Okay, I've noticed that lots of other bloggers have sections where they post what people are saying about them and their blogs. I'm thinking about doing it as well. And here's where you come in. E-mail me what you think about this blog. Make it funny, serious, clever, good or bad. If you love my blog, let me know. If you hate me, let me know. I've never had much success in things like this. My readers seem to just like to read what I post and not participate. Come on people let me know what you really think about me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Okay, I've noticed that lots of other bloggers have sections where they post what people are saying about them and their blogs. I'm thinking about doing it as well. And here's where you come in. E-mail me what you think about this blog. Make it funny, serious, clever, good or bad. If you love my blog, let me know. If you hate me, let me know. I've never had much success in things like this. My readers seem to just like to read what I post and not participate. Come on people let me know what you really think about me.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's been a lot of talk recently about the new report that came out saying that Saddam didn't have, nor was he pursuing WMD's or the production of WMD's. Well, back on Oct. 8 of last year I made this post that broke the words Weapon, Mass and Destruction down. Let's refresh our minds on this.
Anyone who doubts that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction should pick up a dictionary sometime.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's been a lot of talk recently about the new report that came out saying that Saddam didn't have, nor was he pursuing WMD's or the production of WMD's. Well, back on Oct. 8 of last year I made this post that broke the words Weapon, Mass and Destruction down. Let's refresh our minds on this.
"Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Let's break it down and define it.
Weapon - Anything used to injure, defeat or destroy Mass -A quantity or aggregate of matter usually of considerable size Destruction - the state or fact of being destroyed Now, let's see if Sarin, VX, Mustard or Anthrax could qualify in any of these definitions. Are they weapons? Yes, all can destroy human life. Can they destroy a considerable amount, or size, of people. Yes, Saddam had already proven that they could with the Kurds. Can they destroy? I think I've already stated that they could. So, what do we conclude from this. These gases that Saddam had hidden throughout Iraq are Weapons, they can cause Mass casualties and they can cause Destruction. I didn't decide to call them WMD's, Merriam-Webster calls them WMD's." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog for everyone to enjoy. Evil Conservative Blog. Check it out. And welcome to the Bloggerhood Irish John. Have a look around and see if you can find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added a new blog for everyone to enjoy. Evil Conservative Blog. Check it out. And welcome to the Bloggerhood Irish John. Have a look around and see if you can find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
What with CBS already being views as Liberal and biased, you'd think that they'd want to find someone who's seen as a moderate to replace Dan Rather when he finally steps down. Why then are they thinking about bringing in Katie Couric?
Four days.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
What with CBS already being views as Liberal and biased, you'd think that they'd want to find someone who's seen as a moderate to replace Dan Rather when he finally steps down. Why then are they thinking about bringing in Katie Couric?
Four days.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
To seek the man whose pointing hand, The giant step unfolds
With guidance from the curving path, That churns up into stone
If one bell should ring, in celebration for a king
So fast the heart should beat, As proud the head with heavy feet
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
To seek the man whose pointing hand, The giant step unfolds
With guidance from the curving path, That churns up into stone
If one bell should ring, in celebration for a king
So fast the heart should beat, As proud the head with heavy feet
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Feel like you're not doing a good enough job of letting people know who you voted for last year? Well, here's another way of showing your pride in voting for Bush or your shame in voting for Kerry.
I Did Not Vote For Bush
Count Me Blue
Hope Bracelet
Count Me Red
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Feel like you're not doing a good enough job of letting people know who you voted for last year? Well, here's another way of showing your pride in voting for Bush or your shame in voting for Kerry.
I Did Not Vote For Bush
Count Me Blue
Hope Bracelet
Count Me Red
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sitting here flipping through the channels and I fall upon The Jerry Springer Show. How can anyone still be watching this? I haven't watched this show in 3-4 years, and now I know why I stopped. This damn show gives us rednecks a bad name, as if we didn't already have one to begin with. I just want to let you non-southerners know that not all of us down here like to sleep with our cousins or want to marry our momma's, daughter's, uncle. We all don't go swimming in the cement pond. We don't all have missing teeth or are fat strippers who like to wear halter tops and micro-mini skirts. Some of us, sure, but not that many.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm sitting here flipping through the channels and I fall upon The Jerry Springer Show. How can anyone still be watching this? I haven't watched this show in 3-4 years, and now I know why I stopped. This damn show gives us rednecks a bad name, as if we didn't already have one to begin with. I just want to let you non-southerners know that not all of us down here like to sleep with our cousins or want to marry our momma's, daughter's, uncle. We all don't go swimming in the cement pond. We don't all have missing teeth or are fat strippers who like to wear halter tops and micro-mini skirts. Some of us, sure, but not that many.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Okay, I'm at my limit. There are two people here that need to come to some kind of understanding. You two know who you are. I don't want to lose any readers because of some petty arguments and squabbling. I should have posted this yesterday, but I didn't so I'm posting it now. You can disagree with each other, but something needs to be worked out. And fast. Damn, I feel like a dad driving his kids on vacation. Don't make me turn this blog around.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Okay, I'm at my limit. There are two people here that need to come to some kind of understanding. You two know who you are. I don't want to lose any readers because of some petty arguments and squabbling. I should have posted this yesterday, but I didn't so I'm posting it now. You can disagree with each other, but something needs to be worked out. And fast. Damn, I feel like a dad driving his kids on vacation. Don't make me turn this blog around.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Clint Eastwood threatens to kill Michael Moore. Too bad he was only joking.
Non-lethal weapons, but you know the Left would still bitch and moan about them.
Credit: New Scientist
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Clint Eastwood threatens to kill Michael Moore. Too bad he was only joking.
"THE Pentagon considered developing a host of non-lethal chemical weapons that would disrupt discipline and morale among enemy troops, newly declassified documents reveal.
Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an "aphrodisiac" chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale, the proposal says. Other ideas included chemical weapons that attract swarms of enraged wasps or angry rats to troop positions, making them uninhabitable. Another was to develop a chemical that caused "severe and lasting halitosis", making it easy to identify guerrillas trying to blend in with civilians. There was also the idea of making troops' skin unbearably sensitive to sunlight. The proposals, from the US Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, date from 1994. The lab sought Pentagon funding for research into what it called "harassing, annoying and 'bad guy'-identifying chemicals". The plans have been posted online by the Sunshine Project, an organisation that exposes research into chemical and biological weapons. Spokesman Edward Hammond says it was not known if the proposed $7.5 million, six-year research plan was ever pursued." |
Credit: New Scientist
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I received this e-mail today.
So, there you go. Head on over and check the site out. I've never thought of myself as a public opinion leader. I say it, you all do it. Cool. I'm getting a big head now.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I received this e-mail today.
"Earlier this week, Progress for America, Inc. began a national cable buy promoting Social Security reform and voluntary personal savings accounts for younger workers.
In addition, we sent an e-mail to millions of activists across the country urging them to call Congress and demand immediate action. As a public opinion leader, we are hoping you will help advance Social Security reform by posting a link to our website ( ) or a copy of our ad on your Blog. Please feel free to e-mail me at arandle@dcigroup.comwith any questions. Thanks, Ashton T. Randle" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Try to tell you baby, what you tryin' to do?
Tryin' to love me baby, love some other man too.
Bring it on home, Bring it on home
Went a little walk downtown, messed and got back late.
Found a note there waiting, it said, "Daddy, I just can't wait."
Bring it on home, Bring it home, Bring it back home, Bring it back home to me baby
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Try to tell you baby, what you tryin' to do?
Tryin' to love me baby, love some other man too.
Bring it on home, Bring it on home
Went a little walk downtown, messed and got back late.
Found a note there waiting, it said, "Daddy, I just can't wait."
Bring it on home, Bring it home, Bring it back home, Bring it back home to me baby
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submited by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
Isn't the Republican party supposed to be the party of the rich and previledged white man? Got to give it up to the guy though, he's trying to make lemonade out of some pretty serious lemons.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submited by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post, take it up with him, not me.
Isn't the Republican party supposed to be the party of the rich and previledged white man? Got to give it up to the guy though, he's trying to make lemonade out of some pretty serious lemons.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I said from the very beginning that even if no WMD's were found it was worth it. It doesn't bother me that none were found, but that's only because they weren't looking in the right place. Syria. But that's another post. I like this quote,
As if the Bush administration were the only one's who thought he had them. Russia, England and France also thought he did. But that's just good 'ol American Leftist biased journalism right there. Because Bush had the chutzpah to go into Iraq and remove Saddam, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children that would have been slaughtered by him and his demon seed and thrown into mass graves, won't be.
Credit: ABC News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"The invasion of Iraq, which ousted Saddam Hussein and has cost the lives of some 1,300 U.S. military personnel and billions of dollars, was "absolutely" worth it, despite the absence of any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, President Bush told ABC News' Barbara Walters in an exclusive interview that will air this Friday" |
"Saddam insisted he had no weapons of mass destruction, and U.N. inspectors failed to uncover them. But the Bush administration was adamant that Saddam was deceiving the international community" |
Credit: ABC News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ever wonder why I don't particulary like the French? Well, here's a good reason why. Only a Frenchman would say something like this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Ever wonder why I don't particulary like the French? Well, here's a good reason why. Only a Frenchman would say something like this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was looking around and found some quotes that I liked and I thought you all might like them as well. Enjoy.
If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. ~Hamilton Fish
If you take advantage of everything America has to offer, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. ~Geraldine Ferraro
Only Americans can hurt America. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution. ~John F. Kennedy
America is an enormous frosted cupcake in the middle of millions of starving people. ~Gloria Steinem
America is a place where Jewish merchants sell Zen love beads to agnostics for Christmas. ~John Burton Brimer
Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. ~Alexis de Tocqueville
Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that is the way I know I am an American. America is the only idealistic nation in the world. ~Woodrow Wilson
It is the flag just as much of the man who was naturalized yesterday as of the men whose people have been here many generations. ~Henry Cabot Lodge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was looking around and found some quotes that I liked and I thought you all might like them as well. Enjoy.
If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. ~Hamilton Fish
If you take advantage of everything America has to offer, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish. ~Geraldine Ferraro
Only Americans can hurt America. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower
We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution. ~John F. Kennedy
America is an enormous frosted cupcake in the middle of millions of starving people. ~Gloria Steinem
America is a place where Jewish merchants sell Zen love beads to agnostics for Christmas. ~John Burton Brimer
Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom. ~Alexis de Tocqueville
Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that is the way I know I am an American. America is the only idealistic nation in the world. ~Woodrow Wilson
It is the flag just as much of the man who was naturalized yesterday as of the men whose people have been here many generations. ~Henry Cabot Lodge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
A convenience store clerk was fired for ignoring a U.S. Marine. It seems the Marine went into a Dallas convenience and was asked by the clerk if he was indeed a Marine. When he answered yes, the clerk walked away and didn't return. The sister of the Marine began an e-mail campaign against the store to which the owner replied by firing the clerk. Let me ask you all a question. If this had been a black or Arab man who was refused service in this store, would we be hearing the word "discrimination" being screamed all over the airwaves? Yet, since it was a Marine, which I'm assuming was white, this wasn't discrimination on the part of this clerk? Huh.
The power of Kabbalah compels you. The power of Kabbalah compels you. Madonna was seen in a Kabbalah temple "chanting mystic spells" to cleanse Chernobyl. Please, I beg you, go read the article. It's the funniest thing I've read in some time.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
A convenience store clerk was fired for ignoring a U.S. Marine. It seems the Marine went into a Dallas convenience and was asked by the clerk if he was indeed a Marine. When he answered yes, the clerk walked away and didn't return. The sister of the Marine began an e-mail campaign against the store to which the owner replied by firing the clerk. Let me ask you all a question. If this had been a black or Arab man who was refused service in this store, would we be hearing the word "discrimination" being screamed all over the airwaves? Yet, since it was a Marine, which I'm assuming was white, this wasn't discrimination on the part of this clerk? Huh.
The power of Kabbalah compels you. The power of Kabbalah compels you. Madonna was seen in a Kabbalah temple "chanting mystic spells" to cleanse Chernobyl. Please, I beg you, go read the article. It's the funniest thing I've read in some time.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Are you a Liberal? Do you hate the mega successful FoxNews? Then this product is for you. It's called Fox Blocker. With this revolutionary device, you'll never have to be bothered with staring at Bill O'Reilly's face again. Just screw it into the back of your television set and, viola, no more extreme Right-Wing propaganda. How much would you expect to pay for such a marvelous device? $29.99? $39.99? No. Today only, you can get your very own Fox Blocker for the low, low price of $8.95. That's right, only $8.95. Plus as a special bonus when you order your very own Fox Blocker, we will send an e-mail to the advertisers on FNC telling them that you bought one in hopes that they will see the error of their ways and stop advertising on FoxNews. So, order yours today because it's just too hard to block the channel on your own.
And now back to our program.
Credit: Brian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And now back to our program.
Credit: Brian
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post take it up with him, not me.
Proof that the Left DO hate America.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The following post was submitted by John K. The views may not be the same one's I have. If you have a problem with what's in the post take it up with him, not me.
Proof that the Left DO hate America.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And I thought "Dubya" and "Bubba" were friends. I know one vote of "no" he's going to get.
Alimony, alimony payin' your bills,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
I'm madder than a wet hornet. Robert Plant's coming to town March 11, and I'm unable to go. Damn rotten luck.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And I thought "Dubya" and "Bubba" were friends. I know one vote of "no" he's going to get.
Alimony, alimony payin' your bills,
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills.
Livin', lovin', she's just a woman.
I'm madder than a wet hornet. Robert Plant's coming to town March 11, and I'm unable to go. Damn rotten luck.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If he wasn't destroying our planet with pollution, this wouldn't happen. Oh, and don't forget to send PeTA to save the penguins.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If he wasn't destroying our planet with pollution, this wouldn't happen. Oh, and don't forget to send PeTA to save the penguins.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
All this time I've been calling the U.N. Useless Nations. Well, it seems I was wrong. It appears the U.N. is good for one thing. Rape. Thanks to reader John K.
The report has finally come out and four CBS employees have been handed their pink slips for the false report they did last year. And, unless I'm mistaken, and correct me if I am, this reports still says they can not determine if the documents used in the piece were fake or not. Please. Ronnie Milsap could see they were fake.
For my readers in Southern California, a gift.
A year's worth of rain in two weeks. Damn.
I'm not a big fan of the Beatles, but there are a few songs I like. One of them is I Am The Walrus. Anyway, I was watching VH1 Classic this morning and they played a video by Styx that covered the song. Unfortunately, it's only at iTunes. But if you're able to download it, get it. It's good.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
All this time I've been calling the U.N. Useless Nations. Well, it seems I was wrong. It appears the U.N. is good for one thing. Rape. Thanks to reader John K.
The report has finally come out and four CBS employees have been handed their pink slips for the false report they did last year. And, unless I'm mistaken, and correct me if I am, this reports still says they can not determine if the documents used in the piece were fake or not. Please. Ronnie Milsap could see they were fake.
For my readers in Southern California, a gift.
I'm not a big fan of the Beatles, but there are a few songs I like. One of them is I Am The Walrus. Anyway, I was watching VH1 Classic this morning and they played a video by Styx that covered the song. Unfortunately, it's only at iTunes. But if you're able to download it, get it. It's good.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Fellow Republican, and Bush supporter, Kid Rock, is set to play during the four day presidential inauguration on the 18th. And many GOP'ers are upset about this. I say too bad. I like Kid Rock. He has the guts to come out and admit he's a Republcian. But, that's the good news. The bad news, Hillary Duff and JoJo are set to play as well. This might be an inauguration that I may watch, sans Duff and JoJo of course.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Fellow Republican, and Bush supporter, Kid Rock, is set to play during the four day presidential inauguration on the 18th. And many GOP'ers are upset about this. I say too bad. I like Kid Rock. He has the guts to come out and admit he's a Republcian. But, that's the good news. The bad news, Hillary Duff and JoJo are set to play as well. This might be an inauguration that I may watch, sans Duff and JoJo of course.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Mahmoud Abbas was elected the new Palestinian Prime Minister. Let's hope some good will come out of this and that they don't go back to the days of terror of Arafat. Hate's a hard thing to overcome.
I've added a new blog to the hood. A soon to be published author no less. Peace For Our Time. Welcome to our Bloggerhood Chase. Hope you find somethings you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Mahmoud Abbas was elected the new Palestinian Prime Minister. Let's hope some good will come out of this and that they don't go back to the days of terror of Arafat. Hate's a hard thing to overcome.
I've added a new blog to the hood. A soon to be published author no less. Peace For Our Time. Welcome to our Bloggerhood Chase. Hope you find somethings you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Oh, mama, well I think it's time I'm leavin'
Nothin' here to make me stay
Whoa, mama, well it must be time I'm goin'
They're knockin' down them doors
They're tryin' to take me away
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Oh, mama, well I think it's time I'm leavin'
Nothin' here to make me stay
Whoa, mama, well it must be time I'm goin'
They're knockin' down them doors
They're tryin' to take me away
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you've ever been any kind of "modern art" museum, then you've probably seen paintngs like this one. For some reason these damn things sell for hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Well, here's my "art", who want's to buy it?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If what's below is real, I think we should listen to, me. Sounds like the future is very bleak.
Go here.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If what's below is real, I think we should listen to, me. Sounds like the future is very bleak.
Go here.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
From the future. It's good to speak with you all again. I like to never remembered my password to this. I only have a few minutes. The year is 2045 and it's been hell getting here. Quick background. In the year 2008, Hillary Clinton, with Al Gore as her running mate, ran for president and won. Soon after, all hell broke loose. Al Gore took control of the country from Hillary, imprisoning her in the process. With the reign of General Gore, as he liked to be called, came a wave of uber-Liberal dominance. Within three years everything was outlawed. Smoking, drinking, driving, mowing laws. Everything that sent any kind of pollution into the air was done away with. How did he do this? He destroyed the Constitution. That's right. He ripped it apart on live t.v. declaring that he, General Gore, was in control and that this country was under his rule. As a further demonstration of his power he sold the entire west coast of the country to Japan. You'll see that later. We tried to fight, but it was futile. He sent his own personal army out and they squashed every uprising we staged. So was the way of life until 2024 when General Gore finally passed and his successor, Damon Welch, who was just as mad, took over. But he wasn't as crafty as Gore. Over the next 16 years a few of the uprising began to succeed. Then a few more, then a few more and so on and so on until the year 2040 when the NAFF, or New America Freedom Fighters, were able to storm the White House killing Welch in the process. That was five years ago and it's taken that long to get the country back to any kind of normalcy. Some may be asking how I'm able to do this. Make this post. Well, General Gore had some of the brightest minds in the country working around the clock to invent a way to travel through time. They were experimenting on his other invention, the internet, and were only able to perfect time travel through it. I know how weird this sounds, but it's been 40 years. Look where the country was in 1965. We beg you, please don't let this happen. You can change the future. If not, the country will be broken down to something like this
Oh, one last thing. In 2007, don't let the cartoon character Sammy Sloth become popular. Trust me.
From the future. It's good to speak with you all again. I like to never remembered my password to this. I only have a few minutes. The year is 2045 and it's been hell getting here. Quick background. In the year 2008, Hillary Clinton, with Al Gore as her running mate, ran for president and won. Soon after, all hell broke loose. Al Gore took control of the country from Hillary, imprisoning her in the process. With the reign of General Gore, as he liked to be called, came a wave of uber-Liberal dominance. Within three years everything was outlawed. Smoking, drinking, driving, mowing laws. Everything that sent any kind of pollution into the air was done away with. How did he do this? He destroyed the Constitution. That's right. He ripped it apart on live t.v. declaring that he, General Gore, was in control and that this country was under his rule. As a further demonstration of his power he sold the entire west coast of the country to Japan. You'll see that later. We tried to fight, but it was futile. He sent his own personal army out and they squashed every uprising we staged. So was the way of life until 2024 when General Gore finally passed and his successor, Damon Welch, who was just as mad, took over. But he wasn't as crafty as Gore. Over the next 16 years a few of the uprising began to succeed. Then a few more, then a few more and so on and so on until the year 2040 when the NAFF, or New America Freedom Fighters, were able to storm the White House killing Welch in the process. That was five years ago and it's taken that long to get the country back to any kind of normalcy. Some may be asking how I'm able to do this. Make this post. Well, General Gore had some of the brightest minds in the country working around the clock to invent a way to travel through time. They were experimenting on his other invention, the internet, and were only able to perfect time travel through it. I know how weird this sounds, but it's been 40 years. Look where the country was in 1965. We beg you, please don't let this happen. You can change the future. If not, the country will be broken down to something like this
Everyone should read this. I was sent this by reader JohnK. It talks about one of the possibilities why there hasn't been an attack on the U.S. since 9/11. It's only a Washington rumor, but the more I read it the more sense it makes. So, go read it and let me know what you think. Thanks John.
Crocodile. Crocodile.
Click the link for a picture of her crying. Priceless.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Everyone should read this. I was sent this by reader JohnK. It talks about one of the possibilities why there hasn't been an attack on the U.S. since 9/11. It's only a Washington rumor, but the more I read it the more sense it makes. So, go read it and let me know what you think. Thanks John.
Crocodile. Crocodile.
"Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., wipes away a tear as she announces with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, that they will object to the certification of Ohio's electoral votes during a joint session of Congress today Thursday, Jan. 6, 2005. It would be only the second time since 1877 that the House and Senate were forced into separate meetings to consider electoral votes." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was going to have the voting go on until tomorrow, but 100% you like this look better. So, it's back.
Updated with reviews of Collateral and Open Water.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was going to have the voting go on until tomorrow, but 100% you like this look better. So, it's back.
Updated with reviews of Collateral and Open Water.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've changed the look again. But I need your help. I actually like both this one and the other look. So, I'm going to let you all vote on it. If you need a comparison, here's a screenshot of the other look. Which ever one gets the most votes will be the look. And, yes, I know the header doesn't exactly match up with the background image. But I got pretty damn close using only my eye.
So far it's three for the old look and none for this new one. I'll keep this going until tomorrow.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, I've changed the look again. But I need your help. I actually like both this one and the other look. So, I'm going to let you all vote on it. If you need a comparison, here's a screenshot of the other look. Which ever one gets the most votes will be the look. And, yes, I know the header doesn't exactly match up with the background image. But I got pretty damn close using only my eye.
So far it's three for the old look and none for this new one. I'll keep this going until tomorrow.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We're having a pretty decent ice storm in the great state of Oklahoma today. Mainly north of where I live. But all of you fellow Okies who live in the iced areas, be careful out there.
I've added a new blog for everyone to enjoy. The Crusader. Welcome to the Bloggerhood, William. Have a look around and see if you can't find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We're having a pretty decent ice storm in the great state of Oklahoma today. Mainly north of where I live. But all of you fellow Okies who live in the iced areas, be careful out there.
I've added a new blog for everyone to enjoy. The Crusader. Welcome to the Bloggerhood, William. Have a look around and see if you can't find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This tsunami is costing them money. Hundreds of thousands dead. Parents no longer have children. Children no longer have parents. Families no longer have homes. And it's costing Big Media outlets hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover this.
We need to take up a collection for these poor reporters. Won't you please help? Call 1-800-RATS-ASS. Give me a break.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This tsunami is costing them money. Hundreds of thousands dead. Parents no longer have children. Children no longer have parents. Families no longer have homes. And it's costing Big Media outlets hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover this.
'Excessive baggage is very expensive,' said one news exec." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Little drops of rain whisper of the pain, tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
together we shall go until we die. My, my, my.
An inspiration is what you are to me, inspiration, look... see
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got linked this called Protestor/Facts from Jake. It's a good site. Here's an example of what it is.
PROTESTORS: "War is profitable."
THE FACTS: No, freedom and democracy are profitable.
PROTESTORS: "This is an old man's war fought by young people."
THE FACTS: Then why is my 50-year old uncle fighting in it?
Check it out.
Is this true?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got linked this called Protestor/Facts from Jake. It's a good site. Here's an example of what it is.
PROTESTORS: "War is profitable."
THE FACTS: No, freedom and democracy are profitable.
PROTESTORS: "This is an old man's war fought by young people."
THE FACTS: Then why is my 50-year old uncle fighting in it?
Check it out.
Is this true?
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you'll read my post below, you'll see that I like flavored Pepsi. Some people don't. It's a preferance thing. Well, I came up with a great new flavor some time back. Mix some Pepsi and strawberry Crush together. It is the best stuff in the world.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you'll read my post below, you'll see that I like flavored Pepsi. Some people don't. It's a preferance thing. Well, I came up with a great new flavor some time back. Mix some Pepsi and strawberry Crush together. It is the best stuff in the world.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm bored, so I thought I would post this.
-I'm still afraid of the dark. I still sleep with a light on. I'm not joking.
-I have a Grateful Dead bean bear sitting on top of my computer. Gift from my mom. Lost Sailor. It's was the closest one to my birthday.
-I love classical music. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. Really calms your mood.
-I hate speed. I don't like going over 60 when in a car.
-I'm still a virgin. Have to be married first.
-I'll sit here and stroke my beard without even knowing I'm doing it.
-I love motorcycles, but you'll never get me on one.
-I'm scared to death by spiders. Nasty little things.
-I don't like touching frogs.
-I have almost 6GB of music on my hard drive.
-I don't have nails on my little toes.
-I use to dislike America and our military. But 9/11 opened my eyes, as it did many others.
-Right now, at this very moment, I'm listening to The Tony Snow Show here on 1170 KFAQ.
-I've been to Mexico and could have died as a result.
-I never had detention while in school.
-My pocket knife has a deer on the handle.
-My I.Q is around 120. I'm average.
-My favorite curse word is Damn.
-I loved Vanilla Pepsi. I also liked that Holiday Spice Pepsi. Damn good stuff.
-My father was Cherokee while my mother is white.
-My favorite radio station is Star 103.3. Tulsa's only classic rock station.
-I hate football. Yes, a 20-something male who hates football. And basketball as well. Hell, throw in every other sport but baseball and soccer.
I think that's enough info about me you all need to know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I'm bored, so I thought I would post this.
-I'm still afraid of the dark. I still sleep with a light on. I'm not joking.
-I have a Grateful Dead bean bear sitting on top of my computer. Gift from my mom. Lost Sailor. It's was the closest one to my birthday.
-I love classical music. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart. Really calms your mood.
-I hate speed. I don't like going over 60 when in a car.
-I'm still a virgin. Have to be married first.
-I'll sit here and stroke my beard without even knowing I'm doing it.
-I love motorcycles, but you'll never get me on one.
-I'm scared to death by spiders. Nasty little things.
-I don't like touching frogs.
-I have almost 6GB of music on my hard drive.
-I don't have nails on my little toes.
-I use to dislike America and our military. But 9/11 opened my eyes, as it did many others.
-Right now, at this very moment, I'm listening to The Tony Snow Show here on 1170 KFAQ.
-I've been to Mexico and could have died as a result.
-I never had detention while in school.
-My pocket knife has a deer on the handle.
-My I.Q is around 120. I'm average.
-My favorite curse word is Damn.
-I loved Vanilla Pepsi. I also liked that Holiday Spice Pepsi. Damn good stuff.
-My father was Cherokee while my mother is white.
-My favorite radio station is Star 103.3. Tulsa's only classic rock station.
-I hate football. Yes, a 20-something male who hates football. And basketball as well. Hell, throw in every other sport but baseball and soccer.
I think that's enough info about me you all need to know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Place troops on the U.S./Mexico border. It seems the Mexican government is handing out comic books with tips on how to sneak into America called The Guide for the Mexican Migrant. The book contains safety information for border crossers and a primer on their legal rights as well as drawing of illegal aliens running and hiding from border patrol. When is W going to stop pandering to Latinos and do what's right for this country?
Ladies and gentlemen, we already have a candidate for Laugh Of The Year, 2005.
Let's see, America has less than six percent of the world's population yet we manage to give almost half of the global foreign aid alone, 60% of all the food aid on the planet and more aid money and any other country. Too bad other countries can't be as stingy as us.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Place troops on the U.S./Mexico border. It seems the Mexican government is handing out comic books with tips on how to sneak into America called The Guide for the Mexican Migrant. The book contains safety information for border crossers and a primer on their legal rights as well as drawing of illegal aliens running and hiding from border patrol. When is W going to stop pandering to Latinos and do what's right for this country?
Ladies and gentlemen, we already have a candidate for Laugh Of The Year, 2005.
Let's see, America has less than six percent of the world's population yet we manage to give almost half of the global foreign aid alone, 60% of all the food aid on the planet and more aid money and any other country. Too bad other countries can't be as stingy as us.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You say you haven't been rocked in a long, long time
And good hard rockin is so hard to find
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you shout
Oh, your homemade loving done knocked me out
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You say you haven't been rocked in a long, long time
And good hard rockin is so hard to find
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you shout
Oh, your homemade loving done knocked me out
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Oak, sumac or something. I don't know what it is, but I've got it all over my hands. And I'm in pain. Out the other day doing some yard work and I was cutting some kind of vine or something of my fence and that's where I must've gotten it. It didn't have any leaves on it so I didn't know not to mess with it. If anyone has any remedies, please let me know. I know about the oatmeal one, and I'm using calamine lotion, but it ain't working.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Oak, sumac or something. I don't know what it is, but I've got it all over my hands. And I'm in pain. Out the other day doing some yard work and I was cutting some kind of vine or something of my fence and that's where I must've gotten it. It didn't have any leaves on it so I didn't know not to mess with it. If anyone has any remedies, please let me know. I know about the oatmeal one, and I'm using calamine lotion, but it ain't working.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added some more blogs. All Canadian. Some, if not all, I'm not sure, are Eastern Canadian Conservatives. While not impossible, it is rare. It's like Republicans in California and New York. They're there, just highly outnumbered. Welcome, eh! Have a look around and see if you can't find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've added some more blogs. All Canadian. Some, if not all, I'm not sure, are Eastern Canadian Conservatives. While not impossible, it is rare. It's like Republicans in California and New York. They're there, just highly outnumbered. Welcome, eh! Have a look around and see if you can't find something you like.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This post is dedicated to the men and woman who have served and are serving in the United States military. I've never been in the armed forces, so I don't even pretend to know everything you go through or the sacrifices you have made or are making. But my father was in the Army during the Korean War so I have tremendous respect for you and what you do for us. I just wanted to let you know that you have people back home who love, support and respect you and who wish you a safe and speedy return. You sacrifice everything in your lives for people you don't even know. You may not call yourselves heroes, but that's what you are.
The first of every month, I post this message. It would be nice to see people honor and thank the men and woman who keep us safe. So if you would like to take part in this, just save the image above to your server. If you don't have one, Photobucket or Tinypic are two great free host sites. What's great about this is that anyone can participate. There's no political leanings here. Show your support for the men and woman who defend our freedoms.
I knew it. I love this part.
Global warming caused the earthquake? I thought shifting tectonic plates atop magma caused earthquakes, not cars. Well, according to this website anyway. And they make no mention of global warming.
Credit: The Austalian
As you all know, I recently sighed up with GMail. Well, in doing so I got four invitations to give out. So, if you want one email me and let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This post is dedicated to the men and woman who have served and are serving in the United States military. I've never been in the armed forces, so I don't even pretend to know everything you go through or the sacrifices you have made or are making. But my father was in the Army during the Korean War so I have tremendous respect for you and what you do for us. I just wanted to let you know that you have people back home who love, support and respect you and who wish you a safe and speedy return. You sacrifice everything in your lives for people you don't even know. You may not call yourselves heroes, but that's what you are.
The first of every month, I post this message. It would be nice to see people honor and thank the men and woman who keep us safe. So if you would like to take part in this, just save the image above to your server. If you don't have one, Photobucket or Tinypic are two great free host sites. What's great about this is that anyone can participate. There's no political leanings here. Show your support for the men and woman who defend our freedoms.
I knew it. I love this part.
"The earthquake and tsunami apparently had something to do with global warming, environmentalists say, caused of course by greedy American motorists. Then there was the rumour that the US military base at Diego Garcia was forewarned of the impending disaster and presumably because of some CIA-approved plot to undermine Islamic movements in Indonesia and Thailand did nothing about it" |
Credit: The Austalian
As you all know, I recently sighed up with GMail. Well, in doing so I got four invitations to give out. So, if you want one email me and let me know.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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