I've been getting quite a few visitors from around the world lately, so I decided to add a guestbook for everyone to sign. Head down to the Bugs and Links section to sign it. So let me know where you are and what you think about the site. Thanks to DeoDuce for the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We keep hearing about the recent shift in the polls that puts Bush ahead of Kerry. The reporters keep saying that it's the ads by the Swift Boat Vets For Truth group that's doing it. I agree that may be part of it, but I think it's really the book Unfit For Command. I think many of these undecideds are reading the book and coming to the same conclusion I'm sure most of have about him after reading it. John Kerry is an asshole. Sorry for that, but he is. He's the kind guy who would push his own mother to the ground or steal a candy bar from a child if he thought it could get him a few more votes. After reading only a few pages I feel..., foul is the best word I can come up with, when I see him. The reason he wanted to join the Navy and be put on a Swift Boat in the first place shows the kind of leader he would REALLY be. Read the book to know what I'm talking about if you haven't already. Reading this book is making me feel even sicker thinking that he could be the next president of the United States. We're screwed if that happens. I wanted to remain civil and try to respect him should he win, but after reading this book I don't think I could ever call him President Kerry. I won't go so far as to say "Kerry won't be/isn't my president" like many Liberals did after Bush won, though.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We keep hearing about the recent shift in the polls that puts Bush ahead of Kerry. The reporters keep saying that it's the ads by the Swift Boat Vets For Truth group that's doing it. I agree that may be part of it, but I think it's really the book Unfit For Command. I think many of these undecideds are reading the book and coming to the same conclusion I'm sure most of have about him after reading it. John Kerry is an asshole. Sorry for that, but he is. He's the kind guy who would push his own mother to the ground or steal a candy bar from a child if he thought it could get him a few more votes. After reading only a few pages I feel..., foul is the best word I can come up with, when I see him. The reason he wanted to join the Navy and be put on a Swift Boat in the first place shows the kind of leader he would REALLY be. Read the book to know what I'm talking about if you haven't already. Reading this book is making me feel even sicker thinking that he could be the next president of the United States. We're screwed if that happens. I wanted to remain civil and try to respect him should he win, but after reading this book I don't think I could ever call him President Kerry. I won't go so far as to say "Kerry won't be/isn't my president" like many Liberals did after Bush won, though.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Nana nana, boo boo, stick your head in doo doo. Seriously, Michael Moore showed the world his level of maturity lastnight after he was booed at the convention. This is what, something a fifth grader would have done in the 90's. Grow up big man. And don't you just love his "patriotic" hat? His faux love for America cracks me up.
Okay, it's out of my system. Seeing Kerry windsurf and snowboard makes me want to vote for this cool dude. No, sorry, it makes me want to laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Okay, it's out of my system. Seeing Kerry windsurf and snowboard makes me want to vote for this cool dude. No, sorry, it makes me want to laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Did you watch his speech? He has to run in '08. He was funny, he was serious, he was the man of the night. He had that crowd wrapped around his finger. The joke he made about "Baby Face" Edwards needing two Americas for Candidate Waffles' double positions on the issues had me rolling. He stole the show. It kind of makes me sort of wish Kerry wins in November just so that Guliani can kick his ass in 2008. Almost. If he does decide to run, he's already earned my vote. To read his speech, head over to Blogs For Bush.
There were some other great moments tonight. When the woman from Iraq come up and gave a speech, that was great. She talked about what it was like living under Saddam. Watching him murder her friends and family. But the three woman who lost loved ones on 9/11 was very powerful. I'm not a crier, but I almost lost it when they were speaking about their brothers and husbands who died that day. H.W. coming in to the convention to Van Halen's Jump was great. The singing of the military songs medley was nice. However, John McCain was a disappointment. He was bland and dry. Reminded me of his good buddy, John Kerry. The only good thing to happen during McCain's speech was Michael Moore being booed. And I missed it. Damn. I want to see that. I hope Fox plays that again sometime, or if someone knows where I can download a video of it let me know. I've never watched a convention before, but this thing was great. If you're not watching it on C-Span, then you're missing it.
Going back to Guliani. He even got John Kerry around of applause. He said "I respect him for his service to our nation" and the hatefilled Republicans had the nerve to applaud that. Do you think the Dems would give Bush a round of applause for anything? I don't either.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Did you watch his speech? He has to run in '08. He was funny, he was serious, he was the man of the night. He had that crowd wrapped around his finger. The joke he made about "Baby Face" Edwards needing two Americas for Candidate Waffles' double positions on the issues had me rolling. He stole the show. It kind of makes me sort of wish Kerry wins in November just so that Guliani can kick his ass in 2008. Almost. If he does decide to run, he's already earned my vote. To read his speech, head over to Blogs For Bush.
There were some other great moments tonight. When the woman from Iraq come up and gave a speech, that was great. She talked about what it was like living under Saddam. Watching him murder her friends and family. But the three woman who lost loved ones on 9/11 was very powerful. I'm not a crier, but I almost lost it when they were speaking about their brothers and husbands who died that day. H.W. coming in to the convention to Van Halen's Jump was great. The singing of the military songs medley was nice. However, John McCain was a disappointment. He was bland and dry. Reminded me of his good buddy, John Kerry. The only good thing to happen during McCain's speech was Michael Moore being booed. And I missed it. Damn. I want to see that. I hope Fox plays that again sometime, or if someone knows where I can download a video of it let me know. I've never watched a convention before, but this thing was great. If you're not watching it on C-Span, then you're missing it.
Going back to Guliani. He even got John Kerry around of applause. He said "I respect him for his service to our nation" and the hatefilled Republicans had the nerve to applaud that. Do you think the Dems would give Bush a round of applause for anything? I don't either.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"In this great struggle, we need a commander in chief who is a beacon, not a weather vane"
Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico |
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Kerry daughters were booed at the MTV Music Awards lastnight. They expected to roll in there and the masses of people would cheer their message, "Vote for our daddy". But it didn't happen. The boos from the audience far outweighed the cheers. At one point, Alexandra Kerry had to put her finger to her mouth and try to "Shhhh" the audience while her sister campaigned for Daddy Waffles. Maybe there's hope for the future after all.
Credit: Drudge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Kerry daughters were booed at the MTV Music Awards lastnight. They expected to roll in there and the masses of people would cheer their message, "Vote for our daddy". But it didn't happen. The boos from the audience far outweighed the cheers. At one point, Alexandra Kerry had to put her finger to her mouth and try to "Shhhh" the audience while her sister campaigned for Daddy Waffles. Maybe there's hope for the future after all.
Credit: Drudge
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I finally got my copy of the book over the weekend. I've been reading it and I wanted to point out a part that I think shows Kerry for the kind of person he really is. We keep hearing about how Kerry is opportunistic and doesn't care who he tramples over to get what he wants, and I think this really brings it to light. If you haven't read the book and don't want a spoiler, then don't read the stuff below, otherwise read on.
John O'Neill talks about a "Swiftee" reunion that took place in the Summer of 2003. They gathered to share stories and remember their friends who didn't make it back home. Here's what O'Neill say about Kerry and that reunion.
Okay, you can read now. If you don't have this book, you really need to pick it up. I'm only still in Part 1, but if Kerry really is the kind of person that these "Swiftees" say he is, then he's a bigger ass than Clinton ever could be.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
John O'Neill talks about a "Swiftee" reunion that took place in the Summer of 2003. They gathered to share stories and remember their friends who didn't make it back home. Here's what O'Neill say about Kerry and that reunion.
"Kerry made a cameo appearance accompanied by a film crew and a corps of directors and assistants at an earlier outdoor event. Pushing aside various Swiftiees, Kerry ignored many of his fellow Swiftees. He placed himself front and center for the shot, pushing aside Swiftiees like Jack Chenoweth, an officer and one of the true heroes of the 'Rassmann' incident. One of Kerry's political aides singled out some Swiftees to participate in his video. Most declined. After filming the cameo and allowing one or two snapshots to be taken dockside, Kerry and his entourage disappeared, not bothering to attend a memorial service for the Swiftees who had died in Vietnam" |
Okay, you can read now. If you don't have this book, you really need to pick it up. I'm only still in Part 1, but if Kerry really is the kind of person that these "Swiftees" say he is, then he's a bigger ass than Clinton ever could be.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You know, I'm beginning to think that the SciFi Channel is run by Republicans. Their show, Scare Tactics, was hosted by Shannen Doherty, a Republican, but now she's gone and their new host is Stephen Baldwin, another Republican. Makes you wonder, don't it. Might we be seeing the beginning of Affirmative Action for Conservative celebs? Well, maybe not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You know, I'm beginning to think that the SciFi Channel is run by Republicans. Their show, Scare Tactics, was hosted by Shannen Doherty, a Republican, but now she's gone and their new host is Stephen Baldwin, another Republican. Makes you wonder, don't it. Might we be seeing the beginning of Affirmative Action for Conservative celebs? Well, maybe not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I guess he was in Cambodia in '68 after all.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Started my Christmas shopping today. Had to go the damned mall to get my mom a couple of boxsets, Hank Williams and Conway Twitty. I have only four words to describe today. I Hate The Mall. Got up a 8:00 this morning because the moron I talked to at the store told me they opened a 10 A.M. Wrong. They didn't open until 12. I was there at 9:45 waiting around because someone can't tell time. So I go in there and walk all over the entire place looking for FYE. Guess where it was. Right downstairs from where I came in. I find out they don't open until 12, and I'm already mad. So I leave. I went to Petsmart for some things, then to Best Buy to try and kill some time. I went back to the mall, damn mall, and they're opening the doors just as I walk up. Finally, some good luck. I go in and find the Hank Williams, but can't find the Conway Twitty. I'm ready to blow a gasket. I'm hot, tired and now pissed. I ask the clerk and he goes right to the back and gets it. Here's some more good luck. I got the last copy of each the store had. How about that. Now, as I said, I'm hot, tired and steamed. I pay and leave, only to get lost inside the damn mall. Went the wrong way and had to walk the entire length twice to get back out to the car. Never again. You all can keep the mall. But on the bright side, I think she'll like the CD's. She's crazy for Hank and Conway. I've added the links in case you're a fan as well.
I have an update to my post yesterday about the protesters. I gave a couple of links to some pictures from NYC. It seems the Communists For Kerry isn't real. It's a parody site created by Republicans. The guys dressed up, the signs are all fake. Had me fooled. Check out the site. And if you'll have a look at the pictures, the guy in the "Fags For Bush" shirt is real. He's a homosexual who strongly supports W and wants him re-elected in November. I think that's just great. Read the comments from the link to Slant Point to get the story.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Started my Christmas shopping today. Had to go the damned mall to get my mom a couple of boxsets, Hank Williams and Conway Twitty. I have only four words to describe today. I Hate The Mall. Got up a 8:00 this morning because the moron I talked to at the store told me they opened a 10 A.M. Wrong. They didn't open until 12. I was there at 9:45 waiting around because someone can't tell time. So I go in there and walk all over the entire place looking for FYE. Guess where it was. Right downstairs from where I came in. I find out they don't open until 12, and I'm already mad. So I leave. I went to Petsmart for some things, then to Best Buy to try and kill some time. I went back to the mall, damn mall, and they're opening the doors just as I walk up. Finally, some good luck. I go in and find the Hank Williams, but can't find the Conway Twitty. I'm ready to blow a gasket. I'm hot, tired and now pissed. I ask the clerk and he goes right to the back and gets it. Here's some more good luck. I got the last copy of each the store had. How about that. Now, as I said, I'm hot, tired and steamed. I pay and leave, only to get lost inside the damn mall. Went the wrong way and had to walk the entire length twice to get back out to the car. Never again. You all can keep the mall. But on the bright side, I think she'll like the CD's. She's crazy for Hank and Conway. I've added the links in case you're a fan as well.
I have an update to my post yesterday about the protesters. I gave a couple of links to some pictures from NYC. It seems the Communists For Kerry isn't real. It's a parody site created by Republicans. The guys dressed up, the signs are all fake. Had me fooled. Check out the site. And if you'll have a look at the pictures, the guy in the "Fags For Bush" shirt is real. He's a homosexual who strongly supports W and wants him re-elected in November. I think that's just great. Read the comments from the link to Slant Point to get the story.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The protesters that'll be making appearances in New York during the RNC next week have been getting a lot of attention. Some are saying how bad it'll be and this and that. I say bring it on. I think it's an absolute hoot seeing the kind of emotion Republicans bring out in people. Madmen screaming up and down the street. People walking around in their underwear or naked. Images of Bush being compared to Hitler and bin Laden. People burning or hanging their paper dolls of Bush. The world is about to see the real face of Liberalism, it's true face. They want to shutdown the convention and NYC. You don't see conservatives out making asses of themselves like this, do you? Free speech all around, except for Republicans I guess. Want to see what I'm talking about? Head to Slant Point and Blogs For Bush to check some pictures of the protesters. Check out the Communist For Kerry guy. Priceless.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The protesters that'll be making appearances in New York during the RNC next week have been getting a lot of attention. Some are saying how bad it'll be and this and that. I say bring it on. I think it's an absolute hoot seeing the kind of emotion Republicans bring out in people. Madmen screaming up and down the street. People walking around in their underwear or naked. Images of Bush being compared to Hitler and bin Laden. People burning or hanging their paper dolls of Bush. The world is about to see the real face of Liberalism, it's true face. They want to shutdown the convention and NYC. You don't see conservatives out making asses of themselves like this, do you? Free speech all around, except for Republicans I guess. Want to see what I'm talking about? Head to Slant Point and Blogs For Bush to check some pictures of the protesters. Check out the Communist For Kerry guy. Priceless.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Alice Cooper is a Republican. He's one of the few celebs who are brave enough to admit it. But it gets better. Cooper recently said that rockers supporting Kerry is one thing: treason. But not the kind you're thinking of.
I knew I liked Cooper for more than just his music.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Alice Cooper is a Republican. He's one of the few celebs who are brave enough to admit it. But it gets better. Cooper recently said that rockers supporting Kerry is one thing: treason. But not the kind you're thinking of.
"ALICE COOPER has told the Canadian Press that all the rock stars campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry are guilty of one thing: treason. The shock-rock legend, a staunch Republican who attends NBA games in Phoenix with Arizona Senator John McCain, was disgusted when he learned of plans by Bruce Springsteen, John Mellencamp, R.E.M. and other bands to hold a series of concerts aimed at unseating U.S. President George W. Bush.
"To me, that's treason. I call it treason against rock 'n' roll because rock is the antithesis of politics. Rock should never be in bed with politics," says the 56-year-old Cooper, who begins a 15-city Canadian tour on Aug. 20 in Thunder Bay, Ont. "When I was a kid and my parents started talking about politics, I'd run to my room and put on the ROLLING STONES as loud as I could. So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick. "If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal." Despite his strong insistence that rock has no place in politics, Cooper is one of just a handful of high-profile musicians who've proclaimed support for Bush. " |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I can't believe nobody has asked Jim Rassman about this yet. Is he really the most reliable person to ask about what happened that day in March? Think about it. His boat was just blown up by a mine. He's flung in the water. He's dazed and confused. All he really knows is that sometime after the explosion John Kerry's pulling him from the water. I don't know about you, but if I'm hit by a mine I don't think I would have the awareness to notice if there's gunfire coming from the river banks or not. He'd be scared and in a haze. He would have no idea if Kerry fled and returned or not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I can't believe nobody has asked Jim Rassman about this yet. Is he really the most reliable person to ask about what happened that day in March? Think about it. His boat was just blown up by a mine. He's flung in the water. He's dazed and confused. All he really knows is that sometime after the explosion John Kerry's pulling him from the water. I don't know about you, but if I'm hit by a mine I don't think I would have the awareness to notice if there's gunfire coming from the river banks or not. He'd be scared and in a haze. He would have no idea if Kerry fled and returned or not.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Teresa Kerry seems to think talking about her husbands lies about Vietnam are hurting the moral of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'd love to hear her thoughts on her husbands backstabbing of his "Band Of Brothers" in '71.
Credit: NewsMax
I put it as a question because I don't know if it's true or not. Drumwaster has a post up in which Kerry is now saying that his swiftboat may have actually left the scene during the whole rescuing Jim Rassman event. Kerry has been saying for some 30 years that his boat was the only one to stay and he turned back to pull Rassman from the river. He, Drumwaster, doesn't give a link to where he saw this. That's why I'ved added the ?. But I trust his posts.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Teresa Kerry seems to think talking about her husbands lies about Vietnam are hurting the moral of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
"I believe that discussions or attacks on [my husband's] service undermine the peace of mind not only of Vietnam veterans but of those now fighting for their country" |
Credit: NewsMax
I put it as a question because I don't know if it's true or not. Drumwaster has a post up in which Kerry is now saying that his swiftboat may have actually left the scene during the whole rescuing Jim Rassman event. Kerry has been saying for some 30 years that his boat was the only one to stay and he turned back to pull Rassman from the river. He, Drumwaster, doesn't give a link to where he saw this. That's why I'ved added the ?. But I trust his posts.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I want to thank Matt for his help.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I keep hearing from Dems, that weenie Alan Colmes more specifically, that the Swiftboat Vets For Truth are mad a Kerry because "he had the courage to stand up and tell the truth about what was going on in Vietnam". No. That's not why they're angry at Kerry. They're angry because he gave up of his own free will what these men were tortured for not saying. The testimony he gave before the Senate is the stuff these men were subjected to bamboo shoots under their fingernails, barb wire wrapped around their necks and even killed for not giving up. I know Kerry didn't say he saw this stuff himself, but rather that he was told these things. But he didn't have to go on public record like he did with this. One last thing. I haven't seen McCain say anything about the Swift Vets newest ad. That's because he can't. They're is nothing in that ad that he didn't say himself at one time.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I keep hearing from Dems, that weenie Alan Colmes more specifically, that the Swiftboat Vets For Truth are mad a Kerry because "he had the courage to stand up and tell the truth about what was going on in Vietnam". No. That's not why they're angry at Kerry. They're angry because he gave up of his own free will what these men were tortured for not saying. The testimony he gave before the Senate is the stuff these men were subjected to bamboo shoots under their fingernails, barb wire wrapped around their necks and even killed for not giving up. I know Kerry didn't say he saw this stuff himself, but rather that he was told these things. But he didn't have to go on public record like he did with this. One last thing. I haven't seen McCain say anything about the Swift Vets newest ad. That's because he can't. They're is nothing in that ad that he didn't say himself at one time.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
As you can see, the U.S. Women's Soccer team beat Brazil in overtime 2-1 for the gold. Pretty good game. But they did the unthinkable. After they won, they grabbed the American flag and ran and lap with it. That's a no-no. They could have made some people mad at us.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In case you've been living under a rock or are unlucky enough to own a Mac, you know Microsoft has released Service Pack 2. Which is all well and good for you lucky bastards with broadband. But for us poor stiffs still using dial up, downloading SP2 isn't an option. Well, Microsoft now has the free CD with SP2 on their website. Order the CD.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
In case you've been living under a rock or are unlucky enough to own a Mac, you know Microsoft has released Service Pack 2. Which is all well and good for you lucky bastards with broadband. But for us poor stiffs still using dial up, downloading SP2 isn't an option. Well, Microsoft now has the free CD with SP2 on their website. Order the CD.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
William Kennedy Smith is in trouble with the law once again, for the same charge. Rape. The woman accusing Kennedy Smith of rape this time around says he attacked her nearly five years ago. Can these Kennedy's ever stay out of trouble?
John O'Neill is a tool of the Bush Administration. Well, maybe not. It seems that O'Neill voted for Gore in 2000 and bashed Bush to boot. Gerry Birnberg, a friend of O'Neill, says that he, O'Neill, voted for Gore in 2000, said "George Bush is an empty suit who is not competent to be elected president" and that he intended to vote for Edwards before Kerry got the nomination. Kind of puts the kibosh on the Dems battle cry that he's a Bush puppet. Too bad Big Media won't report this story.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
William Kennedy Smith is in trouble with the law once again, for the same charge. Rape. The woman accusing Kennedy Smith of rape this time around says he attacked her nearly five years ago. Can these Kennedy's ever stay out of trouble?
John O'Neill is a tool of the Bush Administration. Well, maybe not. It seems that O'Neill voted for Gore in 2000 and bashed Bush to boot. Gerry Birnberg, a friend of O'Neill, says that he, O'Neill, voted for Gore in 2000, said "George Bush is an empty suit who is not competent to be elected president" and that he intended to vote for Edwards before Kerry got the nomination. Kind of puts the kibosh on the Dems battle cry that he's a Bush puppet. Too bad Big Media won't report this story.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Typing mistake or did he really say that?
Credit: Blogs For Bush
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"The truth, which is what elections are all about, is that the tax burden of the middle class has gone up while the tax burden of the middle class has gone down"
John Kerry - Aug. 25, 2004 |
Credit: Blogs For Bush
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching H&C and they were talking to someone from the Kerry campaign, can't think of this name, and he kept going on "Show the tape, show the tape, show the tape. Bush never denounced this 527 ad". Talking about the Swiftboat Vets For Truth ads. Well, actually he did denounce it. Here's what Bush said at the press conference at his Crawford ranch.
All of them, but of course Kerry hasn't denounced or condemned the ads. Only the Swift Vet ads.
Credit: Washington Times
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching H&C and they were talking to someone from the Kerry campaign, can't think of this name, and he kept going on "Show the tape, show the tape, show the tape. Bush never denounced this 527 ad". Talking about the Swiftboat Vets For Truth ads. Well, actually he did denounce it. Here's what Bush said at the press conference at his Crawford ranch.
"I'm denouncing all the stuff being on TV of the 527s. I hope my opponent joins me in condemning these activities of the 527s" |
Credit: Washington Times
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Bush's "ties" to 527's are wrong, but my "ties" are okay.
Sorry for the crappy post today, I'm just feeling too good. Hopefully I'll be at the top of my game tomorrow.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Bush's "ties" to 527's are wrong, but my "ties" are okay.
Sorry for the crappy post today, I'm just feeling too good. Hopefully I'll be at the top of my game tomorrow.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Actor Stephen Baldwin, brother of Republican hater Alec Baldwin, is set to speak at the Republican National Convention in NYC. I had no idea Stephen Baldwin was a Republican. How bizarre is that. I wonder if Alec even speak to Stephen. Other celebrity Republicans to make appearances are Do Derek, Wayne Newton, Darryl Worley and a slew of Christian musicians. Brooks & Dunn will be hosting a concert at MSG with Lee Ann Womack Latin gospel singer Jaci Velasquez and Christian rock band Third Day. Should be good. And how many of these people do you think will bash Kerry? My guess, none. Too bad Ted Nugent won't be there.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Actor Stephen Baldwin, brother of Republican hater Alec Baldwin, is set to speak at the Republican National Convention in NYC. I had no idea Stephen Baldwin was a Republican. How bizarre is that. I wonder if Alec even speak to Stephen. Other celebrity Republicans to make appearances are Do Derek, Wayne Newton, Darryl Worley and a slew of Christian musicians. Brooks & Dunn will be hosting a concert at MSG with Lee Ann Womack Latin gospel singer Jaci Velasquez and Christian rock band Third Day. Should be good. And how many of these people do you think will bash Kerry? My guess, none. Too bad Ted Nugent won't be there.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
My second attempt at something with PS. I think it's getting a little better, but I still need a lot of work. Tell me what you think.
Just hours after Sen. Bob Dole called for Kerry to apologize to veterans for what he said about them after he returned from Vietnam, Kerry called up one of the swiftboat vets, Robert "Friar Tuck" Brant. But it wasn't to apologize, it was to ask why swiftboat vets are opposed to him.
KERRY: "Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?"
BRANT: "You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there."
KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."
I love that line. Not you guys, just the other baby killers. I'm sure that'll help him with the rest of the Vietnam vets.
Kerry asked if he could meet with Brant face to face, but Brant turned him down. Who would have thought calling war heroes nothing more than a bunch of murders and rapists would come back to bite you on the ass later on? Apparently not Kerry.
Credit: Drudge
John Kerry
George Bush
See the difference?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just hours after Sen. Bob Dole called for Kerry to apologize to veterans for what he said about them after he returned from Vietnam, Kerry called up one of the swiftboat vets, Robert "Friar Tuck" Brant. But it wasn't to apologize, it was to ask why swiftboat vets are opposed to him.
KERRY: "Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?"
BRANT: "You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there."
KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."
I love that line. Not you guys, just the other baby killers. I'm sure that'll help him with the rest of the Vietnam vets.
Kerry asked if he could meet with Brant face to face, but Brant turned him down. Who would have thought calling war heroes nothing more than a bunch of murders and rapists would come back to bite you on the ass later on? Apparently not Kerry.
Credit: Drudge
John Kerry
"The issue here, as I have heard it raised, is was he present and active on duty in Alabama at the times he was supposed to be. Just because you get an honorable discharge does not in fact answer that question" |
George Bush
"Senator Kerry is justifiably proud of his record in Vietnam and should be. It's noble service" |
See the difference?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
My first picture done with Photoshop. Now I know it's just all the others that I've done, but I'm starting to learn. Now I'm trying to figure out how to make backgrounds. 3D effects like this 
Hopefully I'll get it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This from a man who's right arm was destroyed when he ran out of his foxhole to save a man's life. Both heroes, but I don't think Bob Dole has lied about his service in WWII.
It seems that there are 46,000 New York voters who are also registered to vote in Florida. Sounds kind of fishy, doesn't it. And get a load of this piece "unbiased" reporting.
Gee, you don't think they went out of their way to try and find a Republican involved in all this mess, do you?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"One day he's saying that we were shooting civilians, cutting off their ears, cutting off their heads, throwing away his medals or his ribbons. The next day he's standing there, 'I want to be president because I'm a Vietnam veteran.' Maybe he should apologize to all the other 2.5 million veterans who served. He wasn't the only one in Vietnam. I respect his record. But three Purple Hearts and never bled that I know of. I mean, they're all superficial wounds. Three Purple Hearts and you're out" |
It seems that there are 46,000 New York voters who are also registered to vote in Florida. Sounds kind of fishy, doesn't it. And get a load of this piece "unbiased" reporting.
"One was Norman Siegel, 84, who is registered as a Republican in both Pinellas Park, Fla., and Briarwood, Queens. Siegel has voted twice in seven elections, including the last four presidential races, records show" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got Photoshop Elements 2.0 for my birthday, and I'm not happy. I've been working with this thing all day, and it's hard as hell. Every tutorial I can find is only for the full PS and the few that I can find for Elements aren't very good. And forget the almost 300 page manual. It doesn't tell you anything. Hopefully this thing won't turn into a $70 waste of money. Matt, I may be calling you before long. I would show you all something I've done, but I haven't been able to do anything yet. Hell, I can't even figure out how to crop something from one pic to another.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got Photoshop Elements 2.0 for my birthday, and I'm not happy. I've been working with this thing all day, and it's hard as hell. Every tutorial I can find is only for the full PS and the few that I can find for Elements aren't very good. And forget the almost 300 page manual. It doesn't tell you anything. Hopefully this thing won't turn into a $70 waste of money. Matt, I may be calling you before long. I would show you all something I've done, but I haven't been able to do anything yet. Hell, I can't even figure out how to crop something from one pic to another.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles is calling on Bush to make Swift Vets For Truth stop running their ads. The president doesn't have any control over this group of men. He could ask them to stop, but he can't make them. Moron.
Just a quick question. Why hasn't Kerry given a speech to the military? He claims to support the troops, but he has yet to go speak to them. Hell, Bush went to Iraq to speak to our troops. Kerry can't got to Fort Lewis in Washington state?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles is calling on Bush to make Swift Vets For Truth stop running their ads. The president doesn't have any control over this group of men. He could ask them to stop, but he can't make them. Moron.
Just a quick question. Why hasn't Kerry given a speech to the military? He claims to support the troops, but he has yet to go speak to them. Hell, Bush went to Iraq to speak to our troops. Kerry can't got to Fort Lewis in Washington state?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And John Kerry says Swiftboat Vets For Truth is in bed with Bush. Get a load of this.
Credit: Blogs For Bush
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
And John Kerry says Swiftboat Vets For Truth is in bed with Bush. Get a load of this.
"(April 7, 2004) John Kerry has hired an Internet-savvy Democrat to run his presidential campaign's online communications, a move that raises new questions about the link between his campaign and the independent groups that run TV ads on his behalf.
Zach Exley, the director of special projects for the MoveOn PAC, is going to the Kerry campaign to become its director of online communications and organization. Exley also worked during the Democratic presidential primary for Howard Dean, helping Dean set up his web-based organization. Since Kerry became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee in early March, the MoveOn PAC has spent more than $2.5 million on TV ads that attack President Bush. But under the new campaign-finance law, those efforts cannot be coordinated with the Kerry campaign. A MoveOn statement said Exley and the staff of all MoveOn entities have agreed that they will not be in contact through the election period to avoid the appearance of coordination, "even though federal election rules permit some forms of communication" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
So Candidate Waffles wants us to believe he really condemns the latest ad that still goes after Bush's military record. For some reason I find that hard to believe. Hasn't Kerry himself said the exact same things MoveOn is saying? Hasn't people in his campaign said the same things MoveOn are saying? Can someone please site me on example where Bush has criticized Kerry's military record? Because I can't find one. He's actually called it a great service to his country. Mr. Kerry's going to have to work a little harder if he wants Right Minded people to believe he thinks this ad is wrong.
Kerry's calling for the publisher of Unfit For Command to withdraw the book and not publish it.
Shouldn't he actually be calling on Warner Books Inc, the publisher of Dude, Where's My Country?
I'm sure you've all seen the new Swiftboat Vets For Truth ad. If not, it has ex-POW's talking about how the Vietcong used Kerry's senate testimony against them during their imprisonment. One question, how is McCain going to slam this one? He said the exact same things about Kerry as these guys are. It'll be interesting to see.
Bad title I know, but can I do? Anyway, recently Ted Kennedy was placed on the no-fly list. The official report was that it was a mistake, but I, with help of the VR-WC have found the real reason Kennedy wasn't allowed on the plane.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
So Candidate Waffles wants us to believe he really condemns the latest ad that still goes after Bush's military record. For some reason I find that hard to believe. Hasn't Kerry himself said the exact same things MoveOn is saying? Hasn't people in his campaign said the same things MoveOn are saying? Can someone please site me on example where Bush has criticized Kerry's military record? Because I can't find one. He's actually called it a great service to his country. Mr. Kerry's going to have to work a little harder if he wants Right Minded people to believe he thinks this ad is wrong.
Kerry's calling for the publisher of Unfit For Command to withdraw the book and not publish it.
"No publisher should want to be selling books with proven falsehoods in them" |
I'm sure you've all seen the new Swiftboat Vets For Truth ad. If not, it has ex-POW's talking about how the Vietcong used Kerry's senate testimony against them during their imprisonment. One question, how is McCain going to slam this one? He said the exact same things about Kerry as these guys are. It'll be interesting to see.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles said today that is basically being ran by Bush. Well I've found proof that is being funded by the Kerry Campaign. Illegal.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's not often I have to make a correction, but I have to today. In yesterday's post, KERRY FLIP-FLOP NUMBER 5,698, I said that Kerry supported a withdrawal of troops from Korea and Europe as early as 4-5 months ago. It seems I was wrong. Kerry made that quote only 18 days ago on August 1 of this year. I'm sorry about that. Damn, that has to be the fastest flip-flop of his long waffleing career.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's not often I have to make a correction, but I have to today. In yesterday's post, KERRY FLIP-FLOP NUMBER 5,698, I said that Kerry supported a withdrawal of troops from Korea and Europe as early as 4-5 months ago. It seems I was wrong. Kerry made that quote only 18 days ago on August 1 of this year. I'm sorry about that. Damn, that has to be the fastest flip-flop of his long waffleing career.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles called on the White House today to demand that Bush condemn for their criticism of his four months in 'Nam. Why should he? They bring up some good points that need to be discussed. has way more people saying the same things they are than Kerry has. Kerry can't just flash is medals and sweep this under the rug. But I'm sure Bush will condemn this one group right after Kerry condemns, the entire DNC, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Hollywood, Whoopie Goldberg, Bruce Springstein, John Mellencamp, Barbra Streisand and himself.
There is a tradition in Washington. When your opponent's convention is taking place, you lay low and not campaign giving them the spotlight. Bush went to his Texas ranch during the DNC. Guess where Kerry will be during the RNC. Stumping at The American Legion who will be having their convention at the same time. And what's Kerry's excuse for this? He's a member of the American Legion, so screw tradition.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles called on the White House today to demand that Bush condemn for their criticism of his four months in 'Nam. Why should he? They bring up some good points that need to be discussed. has way more people saying the same things they are than Kerry has. Kerry can't just flash is medals and sweep this under the rug. But I'm sure Bush will condemn this one group right after Kerry condemns, the entire DNC, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Al Sharpton, Michael Moore, Hollywood, Whoopie Goldberg, Bruce Springstein, John Mellencamp, Barbra Streisand and himself.
There is a tradition in Washington. When your opponent's convention is taking place, you lay low and not campaign giving them the spotlight. Bush went to his Texas ranch during the DNC. Guess where Kerry will be during the RNC. Stumping at The American Legion who will be having their convention at the same time. And what's Kerry's excuse for this? He's a member of the American Legion, so screw tradition.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to clarify a story that's in the news right now. I'm sure you've all heard the story out of Tulsa, OK about the homeless guy who killed a bartender. If you've ever wanted some proof on how the media manipulates things, this story is it. The story Big Media is telling is only about 5-10% true. While it is true that a homeless guy did kill a bartender everything else it wrong. There are no people walking around with "Fuck The Homeless" shirts on. There are no vigilantes walking around ready to pounce on the first homeless person they see. There are no homeless people who are afraid for their safety because of this. All that garbage is just the normal everyday pap put out by Big Media to sell a story. Just manipulation by Big Media to make the homeless seem like the poor innocent victims of the evil, hatemongering Rednecks.
Lest we forget how John Kerry turned his back on his "Band Of Brothers".
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I have to clarify a story that's in the news right now. I'm sure you've all heard the story out of Tulsa, OK about the homeless guy who killed a bartender. If you've ever wanted some proof on how the media manipulates things, this story is it. The story Big Media is telling is only about 5-10% true. While it is true that a homeless guy did kill a bartender everything else it wrong. There are no people walking around with "Fuck The Homeless" shirts on. There are no vigilantes walking around ready to pounce on the first homeless person they see. There are no homeless people who are afraid for their safety because of this. All that garbage is just the normal everyday pap put out by Big Media to sell a story. Just manipulation by Big Media to make the homeless seem like the poor innocent victims of the evil, hatemongering Rednecks.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Then, some time in April or March of this year
Now, just today at a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars 105th Annual Convention
What's changed in those four of five months, Mr. Kerry? Oh, that's right, Bush did it. Now that W's done something, that makes it the wrong thing. I see. That's the only excuse I can come up with anyway. Everytime he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Then, some time in April or March of this year
"I think we can significantly change the deployment of troops not just there but elsewhere in the world, in the Korean peninsula, perhaps, in Europe, perhaps" |
Now, just today at a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars 105th Annual Convention
"For example, why are we unilaterally withdrawing 12,000 troops from the Korean Peninsula at the very time we are negotiating with North Korea – a country that really has nuclear weapons? As Senator John McCain said, “I’m particularly concerned about moving troops out of South Korea when North Korea has probably never been more dangerous than any time since the end of the Korean War.” This is clearly the wrong signal to send at the wrong time." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now he's a hero and a gold medalist. Way to go Waffles.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Sen. Tom Harken from Iowa said the following about V.P. Cheney.
Wait a minute. Isn't this the guy who said he flew combat missions in Vietnam but then had to admit that he was never actually in 'Nam. He was stationed in Germany, I think. But because Cheney didn't got to Vietnam, that makes him a coward. Does that make Clinton a coward? Does the fact that Edwards never joined the military make him a coward? Does it make the millions and millions of Americans who didn't serve in 'Nam or join the service cowards? Just wondering.
I can't help but laugh every time I hear some Dem go nuts when Kerry's attacked in any way, shape or form. Bush has been attacked every which way there is for the past four years. The names he's been called, the lies spread about him. Then when Candidate Waffles is attacked, they can't handle it. Suck it up boys. The only one you can blame for this is Kerry himself. If he wasn't such a liar, there would be nothing to go after. You know, on the subject of all Kerry's lies, I beginning to wonder if John Kerry is his real name. The man's entire life is a lie, maybe his name is too. I mean, JFK, just a little to coincidental don't you think?
In case you don't get the e-mail updates from Bush's website, go here. It's a great Kerry game. It's like that game Simon. You know the one where you have to hit the color the game tells you to. This thing can get a little hard after awhile, but funny.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Sen. Tom Harken from Iowa said the following about V.P. Cheney.
"When I hear this coming from Dick Cheney, who was a coward, who would not serve during the Vietnam War, it makes my blood boil. Those of us who served and those of us who went in the military don't like it when someone like a Dick Cheney comes out and he wants to be tough. Yeah, he'll be tough. He'll be tough with somebody else's blood, somebody else's kids. But not when it was his turn to go." |
I can't help but laugh every time I hear some Dem go nuts when Kerry's attacked in any way, shape or form. Bush has been attacked every which way there is for the past four years. The names he's been called, the lies spread about him. Then when Candidate Waffles is attacked, they can't handle it. Suck it up boys. The only one you can blame for this is Kerry himself. If he wasn't such a liar, there would be nothing to go after. You know, on the subject of all Kerry's lies, I beginning to wonder if John Kerry is his real name. The man's entire life is a lie, maybe his name is too. I mean, JFK, just a little to coincidental don't you think?
In case you don't get the e-mail updates from Bush's website, go here. It's a great Kerry game. It's like that game Simon. You know the one where you have to hit the color the game tells you to. This thing can get a little hard after awhile, but funny.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
So much for freedom of speech I guess. Go read the entire post on BFB. It's a good post.
Credit: Blogs For Bush
A quick question. Why won't John Kerry allow his book, The New Soldier, to be reprinted? He absolutely refuses to let this happen. Is he trying to hide something?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"Hardened electronic activists are planning to jam up the servers of, and related websites, once the Republican National Convention gets underway Aug. 29.
"We want to bombard (the Republican sites) with so much traffic that nobody can get in," said CrimethInc, a member of the so-called Black Hat Hackers Bloc. It's one of several groups planning to distribute software tools to reload Republican sites over and over again. These FloodNet programs are similar to hackers' distributed denial-of-service attacks, which overwhelm a server with thousands and thousands of simultaneous requests for information." |
Credit: Blogs For Bush
A quick question. Why won't John Kerry allow his book, The New Soldier, to be reprinted? He absolutely refuses to let this happen. Is he trying to hide something?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I am so bored. There is nothing to post on. No real Bush or Kerry news. No new stupid thing the Dems have done worth posting on. So I thought I would take this time to talk about me. Tell some things about me that you all might or might not want to know. Some personal things, some funny things. And maybe some things that may disturb you. Well, lets see, I live in a small town in Northeastern Oklahoma. Population maybe 10,000. My school mascot was the Tiger. I don't know about you all, but I hated those damn pep rallies before football games. Dumber things I can't imagine. I was born August 23, 1979. So my birthday is next week. 25. And, by the way, I haven't gotten any of my gifts I posted earlier this month. Come on people, less than a week to go. As I've stated in the past, I'm poor. I live in a mobile home park. A poor Republican? That's not right. I'm not married, nor am I seeing anyone at this time. Ladies, my phone number is... sorry about that. I'm only 5'6. Black hair, like just about every Indian on the planet. Brown eyes. I also tend to pop my knuckles by making fists and squeezing until they pop. I have a little Shih Tzu named Dee-Jay. I have an adopted squirrel that tends to come around when I put food out in the bird feeder I have in my back yard. Here's something I'm not proud of. I'm still afraid of the dark. I sleep with a light on. At night my mind goes into overdrive. I imagine I hear things. For some reason I start to think about horror movies when I got to bed. I don't sleep with my feet uncovered. Scared something will grab hold of them. Stupid I know, but that's me. I'm comforted a little because my favorite author, Stephen King, has admitted he does the same. So I don't feel like a total coward. I'm scared of thunderstorms. If you've ever lived in what's known as "Tornado Ally" then you know why. Any storm that form between March and really October can produce a tornado. I admit it. I'm addicted to porn. Which make me a hypocrite. I don't believe in sex before marriage, but I like porn. Go figure. I'm more attracted to Indian(Native American) and Asian women than any other race. I guess it's the black hair. I'm a sucker for black hair. There's just something exotic about it. My preferences in people are you have to be kind first of all. I don't like it when people make jokes about someone else just to be hurtful. I like someone with a good sense of humor. Gotta love to laugh and joke. I'm not big on people taller than me. Weird. Being only 5'6", that's a lot of people. Here's something strange. The nails on my little toes don't grow right. I can't explain what it's like other than it's short and stubby. I use to be a Democrat, until I realized how wrong I was. I use to support abortion. "It's a woman's body to do with as she sees fit". Until I heard Jerry Falwell. "But no one gave her the right to do what she wants to with the body growing inside her". Or something like that. That really opened my eyes. Speaking of which. As I'm sure everyone here knows, I'm Agnostic. That means I have trouble believing in a God. I don't out right discount the existence, that's an Atheist. I like to believe that there's something out there, but I just don't know what it is. And I can't follow any one religion. I mean, who's to say who's right. Christian, Judaism, Buddhism, Muslim and so forth. They can't all be right or wrong. I just believe that we should treat each other with respect and dignity and try to except everyone for who they are. It's hard, I know. I know I don't. But I try. Gay or straight. Black or white. Tall or short. Old or young. Try to live by the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think my Liberal's coming back. Not. I hope I've given you a little insight into what makes Powerage who he is. By the way, the name Powerage came from the greatest album from the greatest band in the world, AC/DC. And I hope you still respect me in the morning after reading this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I am so bored. There is nothing to post on. No real Bush or Kerry news. No new stupid thing the Dems have done worth posting on. So I thought I would take this time to talk about me. Tell some things about me that you all might or might not want to know. Some personal things, some funny things. And maybe some things that may disturb you. Well, lets see, I live in a small town in Northeastern Oklahoma. Population maybe 10,000. My school mascot was the Tiger. I don't know about you all, but I hated those damn pep rallies before football games. Dumber things I can't imagine. I was born August 23, 1979. So my birthday is next week. 25. And, by the way, I haven't gotten any of my gifts I posted earlier this month. Come on people, less than a week to go. As I've stated in the past, I'm poor. I live in a mobile home park. A poor Republican? That's not right. I'm not married, nor am I seeing anyone at this time. Ladies, my phone number is... sorry about that. I'm only 5'6. Black hair, like just about every Indian on the planet. Brown eyes. I also tend to pop my knuckles by making fists and squeezing until they pop. I have a little Shih Tzu named Dee-Jay. I have an adopted squirrel that tends to come around when I put food out in the bird feeder I have in my back yard. Here's something I'm not proud of. I'm still afraid of the dark. I sleep with a light on. At night my mind goes into overdrive. I imagine I hear things. For some reason I start to think about horror movies when I got to bed. I don't sleep with my feet uncovered. Scared something will grab hold of them. Stupid I know, but that's me. I'm comforted a little because my favorite author, Stephen King, has admitted he does the same. So I don't feel like a total coward. I'm scared of thunderstorms. If you've ever lived in what's known as "Tornado Ally" then you know why. Any storm that form between March and really October can produce a tornado. I admit it. I'm addicted to porn. Which make me a hypocrite. I don't believe in sex before marriage, but I like porn. Go figure. I'm more attracted to Indian(Native American) and Asian women than any other race. I guess it's the black hair. I'm a sucker for black hair. There's just something exotic about it. My preferences in people are you have to be kind first of all. I don't like it when people make jokes about someone else just to be hurtful. I like someone with a good sense of humor. Gotta love to laugh and joke. I'm not big on people taller than me. Weird. Being only 5'6", that's a lot of people. Here's something strange. The nails on my little toes don't grow right. I can't explain what it's like other than it's short and stubby. I use to be a Democrat, until I realized how wrong I was. I use to support abortion. "It's a woman's body to do with as she sees fit". Until I heard Jerry Falwell. "But no one gave her the right to do what she wants to with the body growing inside her". Or something like that. That really opened my eyes. Speaking of which. As I'm sure everyone here knows, I'm Agnostic. That means I have trouble believing in a God. I don't out right discount the existence, that's an Atheist. I like to believe that there's something out there, but I just don't know what it is. And I can't follow any one religion. I mean, who's to say who's right. Christian, Judaism, Buddhism, Muslim and so forth. They can't all be right or wrong. I just believe that we should treat each other with respect and dignity and try to except everyone for who they are. It's hard, I know. I know I don't. But I try. Gay or straight. Black or white. Tall or short. Old or young. Try to live by the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think my Liberal's coming back. Not. I hope I've given you a little insight into what makes Powerage who he is. By the way, the name Powerage came from the greatest album from the greatest band in the world, AC/DC. And I hope you still respect me in the morning after reading this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Get a load of this. It seems not even John Kerry knows who John Kerry is. Yesterday on the Kerry website, there was a page up that said that Candidate Waffles served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 8 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee. One little problem. Kerry never served as vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. It seems that there was another Senator, a Bob Kerrey, that served as vice chairman. The page containing the lie was pulled down faster than Madonna's skirt at a frat party. Damn, John Kerry's life is just one big lie after another.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Get a load of this. It seems not even John Kerry knows who John Kerry is. Yesterday on the Kerry website, there was a page up that said that Candidate Waffles served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 8 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee. One little problem. Kerry never served as vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. It seems that there was another Senator, a Bob Kerrey, that served as vice chairman. The page containing the lie was pulled down faster than Madonna's skirt at a frat party. Damn, John Kerry's life is just one big lie after another.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Got an e-mail yesterday from Barnes & Noble saying that the release date for Unfit For Command is being pushed back. They didn't give an exact date, but said it should ship sometime this week. Damn that Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Trying to silence the truth.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Got an e-mail yesterday from Barnes & Noble saying that the release date for Unfit For Command is being pushed back. They didn't give an exact date, but said it should ship sometime this week. Damn that Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Trying to silence the truth.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I found this picture on Reuters and had to post it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I don't read the NY Times, but I know many of you do. I also know the low regard you hold Maureen Dowd in. I think I may understand it a little more. On CBS's Early Show, Dowd called First Lady Laura Bush an attack dog for the GOP because she dared to speak her views on stem cell research. Dowd,
What Mrs. Bush said was that the new science wouldn't do much to cure Alzheimer's. Which, oddly enough, is what Ron Reagan said at the DNC. Huh. I guess Ms. Dowd forgot that part. So does that make Ronnie, Jr. an attack dog for the DNC? I bet Ms. Dowd doesn't think so.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"She's been dragged out to be a Republican attack dog on the most contentious issue, stem cell research, defending her husband's, you know, refusal to use more [stem cell] lines. I think it's a huge mistake. Laura is this fantastic, nice, Marian-the-librarian type who was curled up with a cat on her lap reading Dostoevsky and they drag Laura on to the campaign trail because she had such high approval ratings" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just a personal post. This Saturday, local radio D.J. Rockin' John Henry passed away. John Henry hosted shows on one of the areas local classic rock stations and the best show in the country, The Smokehouse Blues on Sunday night. Every Sunday night for the past 15 years you could tune into KMOD and get four solid hours of blues hosted by one of the coolest guys on the planet. Sunday nights just won't be the same without Rockin' John. He will be greatly missed by this fan. I'll close this post with the line Rockin' John used closed his show.
"The Blues Gave Us Everything"
Amen, brother.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"The Blues Gave Us Everything"
Amen, brother.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Remember when Howie D was considered the darling of the internet and the internet candidate. People thought he had pulled a coupe because he had around 90 bloggers on his blogroll. Well, it's seem that bloggers like Bush more than any other candidate. To date, Blogs For Bush has 800 bloggers on their roll. Who's the internet candidate?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Remember when Howie D was considered the darling of the internet and the internet candidate. People thought he had pulled a coupe because he had around 90 bloggers on his blogroll. Well, it's seem that bloggers like Bush more than any other candidate. To date, Blogs For Bush has 800 bloggers on their roll. Who's the internet candidate?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching some of the athletes entering the Olympic arena. Just a couple of things I wanted to mention. First, I hate interpretative anything. Did anyone else see that history of Greece thing? What the hell was that? Statues breaking apart. Kids on "paper" boats. Human statues. Some blue thing flying around. What? Second. I was very surprise at the huge round of applause America got. I was expecting massive boos from the crowd, but the U.S. got one of the biggest cheers there. Third. The cheers for Iraq and Afghanistan was amazing. First time for something like 20 years for both countries to be in the Olympics. The crowd went nuts. Forth. It was sad to see the lack of applause for Israel. It's sad there's so much anti-semitism in the world. However, it was nice to hear a lack of applause for Iran as well. Back to Israel for a second. The gold medal hopeful in Judo for Iran it seems has refused to take part because he drew an Israeli opponent in the first round. I guess he couldn't face the shame of possibly losing to a Jew. To bad, so sad.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just watching some of the athletes entering the Olympic arena. Just a couple of things I wanted to mention. First, I hate interpretative anything. Did anyone else see that history of Greece thing? What the hell was that? Statues breaking apart. Kids on "paper" boats. Human statues. Some blue thing flying around. What? Second. I was very surprise at the huge round of applause America got. I was expecting massive boos from the crowd, but the U.S. got one of the biggest cheers there. Third. The cheers for Iraq and Afghanistan was amazing. First time for something like 20 years for both countries to be in the Olympics. The crowd went nuts. Forth. It was sad to see the lack of applause for Israel. It's sad there's so much anti-semitism in the world. However, it was nice to hear a lack of applause for Iran as well. Back to Israel for a second. The gold medal hopeful in Judo for Iran it seems has refused to take part because he drew an Israeli opponent in the first round. I guess he couldn't face the shame of possibly losing to a Jew. To bad, so sad.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Hurricane Charley has been upgraded to a Category 4 hurricane. That's 145MPH ground winds. Damn. The strongest winds I've ever encountered was maybe around 70MPH, I can't even fathom 145. One question. When will Kerry and the DNC blame Bush for Charley as a ploy to steal Florida like he did in 2000?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Hurricane Charley has been upgraded to a Category 4 hurricane. That's 145MPH ground winds. Damn. The strongest winds I've ever encountered was maybe around 70MPH, I can't even fathom 145. One question. When will Kerry and the DNC blame Bush for Charley as a ploy to steal Florida like he did in 2000?
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This is why Bush is a better man than John Kerry. On Larry King yesterday, President Bush said of Candidate Waffles:
Even after all the personal attacks by Kerry, Bush still says something like this. Bush has never attacked Kerry's service record or the lies he's told about his time in Vietnam, unlike Kerry has, and that's one of the many reasons I'll be voting for him this November.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
This is why Bush is a better man than John Kerry. On Larry King yesterday, President Bush said of Candidate Waffles:
"He views it (his service in Vietnam) as honorable service, and so do I" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You all remember the movie Cool Runnings. About the Jamaican bobsled team and their Olympic story. Well, we may have a new underdog to root for. The Iraqi soccer team. They came into Athens with nobody giving them a chance. They were lucky to even make it to the Olympics. They just played their preliminary game against heavily favored Portugal, an awesome game I might add, and beat them 4-2. This is a victory they really earned and deserved. After everything they've went though by Saddam and Uday this is something they really needed. It may only be a soccer game to you and me, but to them it's something that could help bring pride back to their country. I think they have something to prove to the world. If you would have told me two or three years ago that I would be cheering for Iraq in anything, I would have laughed in your face. But I would love to see them win any medal. How awesome would that be? Even if they don't win another game they showed they have what it takes. In case anyone care, their next game against either Costa Rica or Morocco will be played Sunday.
Finally someone is reading the law books over there. The people of California voted this down, but Mayor Newsom thought he could interpret the law better. One small victory.
Credit: AP News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The California Supreme Court on Thursday voided the nearly 4,000 same-sex marriages sanctioned in San Francisco this year and ruled unanimously that the mayor overstepped his authority by issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.
The court said the city violated the law when it issued the certificates, since both legislation and a voter-approved measure defined marriage as a union between a man and woman." |
Credit: AP News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just a quick post. We keep hearing from people like Michael Moore that Bush sent our children to war. That Bush sent them to Iraq to fight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the President of the United States need the approval of the U.S. Congress to declare war? He can't just wake up one day and send American troops into a country to fight. So, in actuality, didn't Kerry and Edwards "send our children to war"?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just a quick post. We keep hearing from people like Michael Moore that Bush sent our children to war. That Bush sent them to Iraq to fight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the President of the United States need the approval of the U.S. Congress to declare war? He can't just wake up one day and send American troops into a country to fight. So, in actuality, didn't Kerry and Edwards "send our children to war"?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you haven't bought your copy of Unfit For Command yet, go to Barnes & Noble now and get it for $19.56. It'll be almost $28 in stores, but my total at B&N was only $23. Go get it and piss the people at the NYT off by making it a Number 1 bestseller.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
If you haven't bought your copy of Unfit For Command yet, go to Barnes & Noble now and get it for $19.56. It'll be almost $28 in stores, but my total at B&N was only $23. Go get it and piss the people at the NYT off by making it a Number 1 bestseller.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing

The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles and his sugar mamma had to sleep in separate bedrooms Sunday night after a campaign rally in Arizona. The two got into a heated argument after the rally and needed a little cooling off time. Your humble blogger, with the help of the VR-WC, has been able to find out what the argument was about.
Waffles - But baby, please don't' cut me off.
Sugar Mamma - I told you John, you've had enough.
Waffles - I can't survive without it.
Sugar Mamma - No more.
Waffles - Fine. I don't need your stupid money anyway.
Sugar Mamma - Is that so?
Waffles - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I do need it.
Sugar Mamma - Go sleep in the other room tonight, John.
Waffles - Yes ma'am.
Credit: Drudge
Lark, a guess poster over at StarkTruth, made a great point in a post yesterday.
I've lost a lot of respect for McCain over this.
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Candidate Waffles and his sugar mamma had to sleep in separate bedrooms Sunday night after a campaign rally in Arizona. The two got into a heated argument after the rally and needed a little cooling off time. Your humble blogger, with the help of the VR-WC, has been able to find out what the argument was about.
Waffles - But baby, please don't' cut me off.
Sugar Mamma - I told you John, you've had enough.
Waffles - I can't survive without it.
Sugar Mamma - No more.
Waffles - Fine. I don't need your stupid money anyway.
Sugar Mamma - Is that so?
Waffles - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I do need it.
Sugar Mamma - Go sleep in the other room tonight, John.
Waffles - Yes ma'am.
Credit: Drudge
Lark, a guess poster over at StarkTruth, made a great point in a post yesterday.
"What is with the sudden indignation over a 527 anti-Kerry ad? I certainly don't remember McCain making a stink over all the 527 anti-Bush ads that have been run. If McCain's problem is that he despises attacks on someone's military service record, then why didn't he strongly defend Bush like this every time some liberal moron group carried on saying Bush had been AWOL? I didn't hear Mr. RINO make a big stink over Kerry when he denigrated Bush's service in the National Guard.
Bush has NEVER spoken critically of Kerry's service record. Kerry did cross that line. That didn't seem to bother McCain" |
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's nothing to post on at this time, so I thought I would go through my archives and re-post a few of my favorite posts from the past. Some of you have read them, and some either haven't or have forgotten them. Enjoy.
This first one is probably my all time favorite post.
This next post is perfect for all those Lefties out there screaming their heads off about people questioning Kerry.
This next on has to be the funniest damn thing I have ever read.
And finally, the Pledge Of Allegiance.
That's the post that prompted me to put the pledge on the blog for all to read and enjoy. I hope you enjoyed either reading for the first time or re-reading these posts.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's nothing to post on at this time, so I thought I would go through my archives and re-post a few of my favorite posts from the past. Some of you have read them, and some either haven't or have forgotten them. Enjoy.
This first one is probably my all time favorite post.
Feb. 21, 2004
"HISTORY OF THE GOP Found this site that describes the history of the GOP and I though I would share some of it with you. The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge. So, what do we learn from this part? Before the Republican Party was founded, there were two main parties. Democrats and Whigs. After the GOP was founded, most Whigs joined up. So that tells us that the Democratic Party was the party of pro-slavery, not the Republican Party. If the Whigs joined the GOP, then the Whigs must have been anti-slavery. The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party. Now you can make the argument of Jefferson being pro-slavery. You can do it if you want, but he also was instrumental in establishing the freedoms we now have. In 1856, the Republicans became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." Even though they were considered a "third party" because the Democrats and Whigs represented the two-party system at the time, Fremont received 33% of the vote. Four years later, Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican to win the White House. 33% right out of the gate. Kind of reminds me of what's happening today with Nader. The Green Party is considered a "third party" and they have every right to become a player in presidential elections. Just don't tell the DNC that. Abe Lincoln was our first Republican president. He was one of the key supporters of abolishing slavery. The Republicans of the day worked to pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which outlawed slavery, the Fourteenth, which guaranteed equal protection under the laws, and the Fifteenth, which helped secure voting rights for African-Americans. Outlaw slavery, equal protection under the law and voting rights for blacks. Boy, if you listen to the world today the Republican Party is the party that's trying to hold the black man down. Proof has nothing to do with history evidently. In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to favor women's suffrage. When the 19th Amendment finally was added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control. The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican, Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917. Wow, Republicans were also instrumental in women's rights. Plus the very first woman elected to Congress was a Republican. Kind of dampens the image the Democrats portray us as being, doesn't it. Abolishing slavery. Free speech. Women's suffrage. In today's stereotypes, none of these sounds like a typical Republican issue, yet they are stances the Republican Party, in opposition to the Democratic Party, adopted early on. It seems the Democratic Party was lead kicking and screaming into the 20th century, not the GOP. The GOP, Grand Old Party. Now you know our history, your history. Go out and spread the word. Let the world know you're proud to be Republican. The party of anti-slavery and pro women's rights." |
This next post is perfect for all those Lefties out there screaming their heads off about people questioning Kerry.
Feb. 27, 2004
"MY ENVIRONMENT MADE ME DO IT I had to "steal" this post from Claudia. I don't think I've read many things more true than this. What makes a hero Benedict Arnold was a war hero, wounded in battle -- before he turned against his country. Hitler was likewise a decorated and wounded veteran of the First World War. Being a war hero is not a lifetime "get out of jail free" card, exempting you from responsibility for what you do thereafter. -Thomas Sowell That says it perfectly. Great find." |
This next on has to be the funniest damn thing I have ever read.
Nov. 22, 2003
"SHOOTING AT A KKK RALLY The following is from the AP. It's the funniest damn thing I've ever heard of. Enjoy. JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. - A bullet fired in the air during a Ku Klux Klan initiation ceremony came down and struck a participant in the head, critically injuring him, authorities said. Gregory Allen Freeman, 45, was charged with aggravated assault and reckless endangerment in the Saturday night incident that wounded Jeffery S. Murr, 24. About 10 people, including two children, had gathered for the ceremony. The man who was being initiated was blindfolded, tied with a noose to a tree and shot with paintball guns as Freeman fired a pistol in the air to provide the sound of real gunfire, Sheriff Fred Phillips said. A bullet struck Murr on the top of the head and exited at the bottom of his skull, authorities said. Freeman fled the ceremony but was arrested near his home, authorities said. He was released on $7,500 bail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Poetic Justice." |
And finally, the Pledge Of Allegiance.
Nov. 19, 2003
"THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I came across this while online and I thought I would share it with you. Comic legend Red Skeleton wrote this piece some years ago. Story has it that one of his teachers in school explained the words and the meaning of the Pledge Of Allegiance to his class. Skeleton later wrote and recorded his recollection of the lecture. Enjoy. I - - Me; an individual; a committee of one. Pledge - - Dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity. Allegiance - - My love and my devotion. To the Flag - - Our standard; Old Glory ; a symbol of Freedom; wherever she waves there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts, Freedom is everybody's job. Of the United - - That means that we have all come together. States of America - - Individual communities that have united into forty-eight great states. Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose. All divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that is love for country. And to the Republic - - Republic--a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people; and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people. For which it stands, One Nation - - One Nation--meaning, so blessed by God. Indivisible - - Incapable of being divided. With Liberty - - Which is Freedom; the right of power to live one's own life, without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation. And Justice - - The principle, or qualities, of dealing fairly with others. For All - - For All--which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine. And now, boys and girls, let me hear you recite the Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands; one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You may notice that 'Under God' isn't in there. This was done before 'Under God' was put into the Pledge Of Allegiance, which recently people have been getting their panties in a bunch over. It's there, deal with it. It's being there doesn't hurt anyone. Calm down. If you don't want to say 'Under God', then don't." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just a question for you all. If you could have your dream job what would it be? You have no worries about danger or money or anything, what would you want to be. Myself, I want to be a professional beach bum. Just like in Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville. I want to move to Hawaii and live in a little shack on the beach. Do nothing but hang out in the ocean or my hammock and collect sea shells all day. Drive a little Moped where ever I go. Soak up the sun. Don't have to get up until afternoon if I choose. I can't think of anything better. There's times when I just want to jump on a plane and do it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Just a question for you all. If you could have your dream job what would it be? You have no worries about danger or money or anything, what would you want to be. Myself, I want to be a professional beach bum. Just like in Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville. I want to move to Hawaii and live in a little shack on the beach. Do nothing but hang out in the ocean or my hammock and collect sea shells all day. Drive a little Moped where ever I go. Soak up the sun. Don't have to get up until afternoon if I choose. I can't think of anything better. There's times when I just want to jump on a plane and do it.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know that John Kerry was in Vietnam. Oh yeah, he was there. And we all know how Moore likes to create stories for his mocumentaries. Well, it seems that Candidate Waffles likes to make up stories as well. Kerry's been claiming for years that he was illegally sent into Cabodia on Christmas of '68. Turns out that may be a bold face lie. Here's the story Kerry likes to tell.
John O'Neil, co-author of Unfit For Command and the Swift Boat commander who took over Kerry's boat says that Kerry was never in Cambodia during Christmas or at anytime during the war. All the living commanders in Kerry's chain of command deny that Kerry was ever ordered to Cambodia. Three of the five crewmen on Kerry's boat deny that they or their boat were ever in Cambodia. Kerry himself even changed the story for his book Tour of Duty. In his book, Kerry writes about a mortar attack that occurred on Christmas Eve 1968 near the Cambodian border in a town called Sa Dec and Christmas day was spent at the base writing entries in his journal. Another Flip-Flop, or Kerryism as some have taken to calling them. This man has a 30 year history of lies and spin to make himself seem the hero or the only good guy out there. John Forbes Kerry. JFK. Just For Kerry. Because that's who he's out for.
Credit: Drudge
Why is he running? For one, he hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of winning. And second, he's not even from Illinois. He lives in Maryland. I guess he's moving it Illiois so he can run. Just like Hillary Clinton moving to NY to run. My feeling is you shouldn't be allowed to run for office of a state unless you have lived there at least 5 years.
We already know that on 9/11 Kerry would have walked out on school kids scaring them, now it turns out he's to busy to even wave to kids with Cancer.
I guess Candidate Waffles and "Baby Face" Edwards were just to busy for talk with some sick kids. Maybe coming up with ways to blame Bush for their Cancer.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
We all know that John Kerry was in Vietnam. Oh yeah, he was there. And we all know how Moore likes to create stories for his mocumentaries. Well, it seems that Candidate Waffles likes to make up stories as well. Kerry's been claiming for years that he was illegally sent into Cabodia on Christmas of '68. Turns out that may be a bold face lie. Here's the story Kerry likes to tell.
"I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by the Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared--seared--in me" |
Credit: Drudge
Why is he running? For one, he hasn't a snowballs chance in hell of winning. And second, he's not even from Illinois. He lives in Maryland. I guess he's moving it Illiois so he can run. Just like Hillary Clinton moving to NY to run. My feeling is you shouldn't be allowed to run for office of a state unless you have lived there at least 5 years.
We already know that on 9/11 Kerry would have walked out on school kids scaring them, now it turns out he's to busy to even wave to kids with Cancer.
"The Kerry Edwards campaign disappointed dozens of children suffering with Cancer on Sunday when the candidates' whistlestop train tour failed to stop and greet them while traveling through a ranch where they were vacationing in New Mexico.
'The train tracks run for four miles through the ranch,' complained radio host Don Imus, who runs the Imus Ranch for the kids - some of them terminally ill - near Santa Fe, New Mexico." |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
That's what we need to do here. Not the death penalty, but stop funning about with drugs. A minimum of 40 years in prison with no parole for drug dealers. Right now we soft shoe around with drugs. Giving them maybe a year or two for possession and maybe 5-7 for dealing. The government needs to get tough.
Credit: Sky News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"Iraq's interim government has reinstated capital punishment in its bloody battle against insurgents.
The penalty will be meted out to those guilty of murder, endangering national security and drug dealing" |
Credit: Sky News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got another coward leaving a comment without an e-mail address. That makes two. Just like a Dem to throw a bomb and run. This isn't D.O.D by any chance, is it? Get a load of this from the KERRY TRIED TO RUN post.
Let me break this down and answer it.
Yes, John McCain is a true American. He was captured by the Vietcong and help as a POW, but yet doesn't feel the need to use it for political gain. Kerry could learn something from McCain.
I'm only interested in this election because I think Bush will make me wealthier? Alright, I can move out of the trailer park now. Sweet.
I could give a rats behind about the men and women risking their lives in Iraq? I think you all can judge this one for yourselves.
Bush will make my stock portfolio rise? Dude, I'd better invest in the market then. Anyone of you other rich Republicans got some money I can borrow. I'll pay you back with Bush wins and I become rich.
I freely admit it. I Hate John Kerry.
Back to McCain. When did I ever talk about McCain. I like the guy. He speaks his mind. Just like Bush was a couple of years ago, McCain doesn't listen to polls. Too bad Bush has begun to.
I McCain sound like a commodity. Talk about calling the kettle black. That's not a racist joke. Look at Barack Obama at the DNC. The showed him off like a piece of property.
Bush is my boy? My puppet? How does he aim where I tell him to? I didn't tell him to throw the Taliban out of power. I didn't tell him to kick Saddam's ass. He did on his own. And I commend him for it.
I love it when people are too scare to leave a real name or an e-mail address. Although I do have is IP address, which is just as good.
As promised, here's the second of three polls.
How Many Medals Do You Think America Will Win In The Olympics This Year?
I'll just take my guess here instead of in the Rants. I'm going to say 95 total. 40 Gold, 34 Silver and 21 Bronze.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I got another coward leaving a comment without an e-mail address. That makes two. Just like a Dem to throw a bomb and run. This isn't D.O.D by any chance, is it? Get a load of this from the KERRY TRIED TO RUN post.
"McCain is a true American. George W Bush and you "Kerry Haters" are only interest in this election because you think you will be wealthier if Bush wins. You could give a rat's behind about the young men and women risking their lives in Iraq so that your precious stock portfolio will rise.
"Kerry Haters" How preschool is that! You can't handle the integrity of John McCain. A loose canon you call him, you make him sound like commodity. Your boy, your puppet George Bush well he Aims right where you tell him to." |
Yes, John McCain is a true American. He was captured by the Vietcong and help as a POW, but yet doesn't feel the need to use it for political gain. Kerry could learn something from McCain.
I'm only interested in this election because I think Bush will make me wealthier? Alright, I can move out of the trailer park now. Sweet.
I could give a rats behind about the men and women risking their lives in Iraq? I think you all can judge this one for yourselves.
Bush will make my stock portfolio rise? Dude, I'd better invest in the market then. Anyone of you other rich Republicans got some money I can borrow. I'll pay you back with Bush wins and I become rich.
I freely admit it. I Hate John Kerry.
Back to McCain. When did I ever talk about McCain. I like the guy. He speaks his mind. Just like Bush was a couple of years ago, McCain doesn't listen to polls. Too bad Bush has begun to.
I McCain sound like a commodity. Talk about calling the kettle black. That's not a racist joke. Look at Barack Obama at the DNC. The showed him off like a piece of property.
Bush is my boy? My puppet? How does he aim where I tell him to? I didn't tell him to throw the Taliban out of power. I didn't tell him to kick Saddam's ass. He did on his own. And I commend him for it.
I love it when people are too scare to leave a real name or an e-mail address. Although I do have is IP address, which is just as good.
As promised, here's the second of three polls.
How Many Medals Do You Think America Will Win In The Olympics This Year?
I'll just take my guess here instead of in the Rants. I'm going to say 95 total. 40 Gold, 34 Silver and 21 Bronze.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been looking around at some history on Candidate Waffles and ran across this.
So for all his grandstanding and touting of his war record, he tried to run to Europe like "Bubba". I wonder why he doesn't tell this part to people? And what's all this year and a half to two years in Vietnam. Kerry spent a total of eleven months there. Anyway, here's the link.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I've been looking around at some history on Candidate Waffles and ran across this.
"After an application for a twelve month deferment to study in Paris was denied, Kerry joined the United States Navy on February 18, 1966" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
CLICK FOR BIGGER IMAGE Here's a link to the story. It's an interesting read, go check it out. Here's part of the article.
So for all you nuts out there taking The Day After Tomorrowas the truth, there you go. Hell, I'm no scientist, but even I knew this.
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Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"A study by Swiss and German scientists suggests that increasing radiation from the sun is responsible for recent global climate changes.
Dr Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research, said: "The Sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures." |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now I know my polls have never taken off, but I'm a glutton for punishment. I have three poll questions that I thought up yesterday and I'll post one today, tomorrow and Sunday. Here's the first one.
Do You Have Old Glory Proudly Displayed At Your Home?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Now I know my polls have never taken off, but I'm a glutton for punishment. I have three poll questions that I thought up yesterday and I'll post one today, tomorrow and Sunday. Here's the first one.
Do You Have Old Glory Proudly Displayed At Your Home?
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
To go with this.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
A 58 year old woman in Belfast, Ireland has just won a record 20.1 million pounds ($37 million) in the lottery. That's the good news. The bad news. She's suffering from cancer. She has cancer of the esophagus and is going through chemo now and is planning on having major surgery next month. I'm not trying to be cruel. I know what it's like to lose someone to cancer, but that's just not fair. $37 million and she many not be around to enjoy it very long. Damn. She said the first thing she's going to do is take a vacation to Las Vegas with her husband and buy a new washing machine. The rest of it's to ensure that her family and friends are secure for life.
Credit: Yahoo! News
Candidate Waffles newest jolly is preaching from the book of Michael Moore. Kerry's been talking about W's reaction to the news of 9/11. Well, it seems that Kerry and a few other Dems didn't know what to do for 40 minutes. What Kerry told Larry King
The second plane hit the tower at 9:03. The Pentagon was hit a 9:43. 40 minutes. He's bitching about, what was it, seven minutes? That's why Kerry's an ass. Bush knew what to do. Try not to scare those kids. Kerry, in his fashion, couldn't make up his mind what to do.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
A 58 year old woman in Belfast, Ireland has just won a record 20.1 million pounds ($37 million) in the lottery. That's the good news. The bad news. She's suffering from cancer. She has cancer of the esophagus and is going through chemo now and is planning on having major surgery next month. I'm not trying to be cruel. I know what it's like to lose someone to cancer, but that's just not fair. $37 million and she many not be around to enjoy it very long. Damn. She said the first thing she's going to do is take a vacation to Las Vegas with her husband and buy a new washing machine. The rest of it's to ensure that her family and friends are secure for life.
Credit: Yahoo! News
Candidate Waffles newest jolly is preaching from the book of Michael Moore. Kerry's been talking about W's reaction to the news of 9/11. Well, it seems that Kerry and a few other Dems didn't know what to do for 40 minutes. What Kerry told Larry King
"I was in the Capitol. We'd just had a meeting - we'd just come into a leadership meeting in Tom Daschle's office, looking out at the Capitol. And as I came in, Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon. And then word came from the White House, they were evacuating, and we were to evacuate, and so we immediately began the evacuation" |
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Scroll down and you'll find a new section under Heroes. It's Truth About Kerry. It's a collection of great sites that try to shed some light on Candidate Waffles. Two notes. Swift Boat Vets For Truth is a real site, but for some reason isn't loading. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon. And check out U.S.S. Yorktown. It's from a Vietnam vet who's willing to support Kerry if only he would answer a few questions. Some good cartoons there.
I like this one. Some great questions for Kerry as well. If you know of any more sites that you think I should add, let me know so I can get them up.
I've also added two new blogs. New England Republican and Naspino. Two good sites. Check them out if you haven't already.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Scroll down and you'll find a new section under Heroes. It's Truth About Kerry. It's a collection of great sites that try to shed some light on Candidate Waffles. Two notes. Swift Boat Vets For Truth is a real site, but for some reason isn't loading. Hopefully that'll be fixed soon. And check out U.S.S. Yorktown. It's from a Vietnam vet who's willing to support Kerry if only he would answer a few questions. Some good cartoons there.
I've also added two new blogs. New England Republican and Naspino. Two good sites. Check them out if you haven't already.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Pictured above is Scott Eizember. I don't how many people remember last year when he went on a rampage killing a 70 year old couple, attempted murder of a 16 year old boy and the beating of his grandmother. After he was captured, he then escaped from jail. Then started a 5 week search for him. He had kidnapped a couple in Arkansas and forced them to drive him to Texas. And here's where it gets good. The man he kidnapped talked him into pulling over at a rest stop. When Eizember did, the man was able to grab a gun in his van and shoot him. He assaulted the couple and stole their van. He was later captured after we went to a fast food store asking for help. He was gone by the time police arrived, but they were able to catch him from the clerks description.
Why am I doing this post some may be asking themselves. Because I just wanted to show that picture that was in yesterdays paper. Look at his eyes. The man is pure evil. Reminded me of Charles Manson.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
Why am I doing this post some may be asking themselves. Because I just wanted to show that picture that was in yesterdays paper. Look at his eyes. The man is pure evil. Reminded me of Charles Manson.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The citizens of Missouri have stood up and said "No" to gay marriage. 71% of the people in Missouri are against gay marriage and they voted to amend the state constitution to allow only a marriage between a man and woman. But you know some activist judge who thinks he/she knows better will try to over turn this with the help of the Anti-Conservative Liberal Union. The great state of Oklahoma has a vote on this in November I believe. Can't wait for this vote.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The citizens of Missouri have stood up and said "No" to gay marriage. 71% of the people in Missouri are against gay marriage and they voted to amend the state constitution to allow only a marriage between a man and woman. But you know some activist judge who thinks he/she knows better will try to over turn this with the help of the Anti-Conservative Liberal Union. The great state of Oklahoma has a vote on this in November I believe. Can't wait for this vote.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's been a lot of talk about stem cell research recently. What with Ronald Reagan dying and Ron Reagan appearing at the DNC to talk about the subject. There's also talk about how Bush is against stem cell research. But that's false. He's not against stem cell research, it's embryonic stem cell research he's against. They're are two different types of stem cells. Embryonic and Somatic(Adult) stem cells. President Bush has given government funding to both. I've looked everywhere and can't find how much funding he's approved. Maybe someone reading this can find it and let us know. There's also the fact that no one knows if stem cells are even able to do the things some think they can. People are all in a tizzy thinking they could cure cancer and Alzheimers, but the truth of the matter is we don't know. I support the research of Somatic stem cells but not embryonic. If they're capable of doing what many believe, the that's awesome. I hope they can. Here's a great site to read up on stem cells. Thanks to Claudia for the idea of this post.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
There's been a lot of talk about stem cell research recently. What with Ronald Reagan dying and Ron Reagan appearing at the DNC to talk about the subject. There's also talk about how Bush is against stem cell research. But that's false. He's not against stem cell research, it's embryonic stem cell research he's against. They're are two different types of stem cells. Embryonic and Somatic(Adult) stem cells. President Bush has given government funding to both. I've looked everywhere and can't find how much funding he's approved. Maybe someone reading this can find it and let us know. There's also the fact that no one knows if stem cells are even able to do the things some think they can. People are all in a tizzy thinking they could cure cancer and Alzheimers, but the truth of the matter is we don't know. I support the research of Somatic stem cells but not embryonic. If they're capable of doing what many believe, the that's awesome. I hope they can. Here's a great site to read up on stem cells. Thanks to Claudia for the idea of this post.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Remember during the anti-freedom protests, news outlets made sure they got shots of signs that compared Bush to Hitler? Well, there seems to be a new sign out on the campaign trial, but Big Media have yet to get this on air or print. It's a sign that reads "Flush The Johns". These signs have been showing up all over the place. Bush speeches, Cheney speeches, Kerry speeches and Edwards speeches. How come camera men haven't gotten shots of these things? Is the Kerry loving media hoping that if less people know about these signs they'll just go away?
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
It's that time again. Wictory Wednesday. I want everyone who reads this blog to volunteer and/or donate to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign. If you would like to help George W. Bush lead this country to greater things, click the button below and find out how you too can become a part of Wictory Wednesday. See that butt load of blogs to the right labeled Wicktory Wednesday? Well, look around and you'll see them. By signing up for Wictory Wednesday, you get to have your blog added to that list. That list is posted on everyone of those sites. Just think of all the readers you could get then.
Credit: NewsMax
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
I was reading La Shawn's blog and she has a post up that inspired this picture. She has a quote from someone named Star Parker from Urban Cure that wrote
It's good to see some are smart enough to not blindly follow the Democratic party like sheep.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
"The Kerry-Edwards ticket is perhaps the wealthiest team to ever run for the White House. Do blacks really need these guys, with their $2,000 suits and $300 haircuts, telling them that they need government to solve all their problems, decide where and how to educate their kids and provide for their health care" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Al Franken Show is heading to television. The Sundance Channel, and obscure satellite and digital cable channel, will be showing a one hour version of Franken's show starting in September. They're taking the best of his three hour show and turning it into a one hour telecast. The best of his show? What are they going to do with the other 59 minutes 50 seconds? Because the best of The Al Franken Show is the part where he signs off for the day.
I wonder who the Sundace Channel supports for president? I guess both parties think this will help each others ratings. Franken will get all 5 of Sundances viewers and Sundance will get both of Franken's listeners. It's a win win situation.
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
The Al Franken Show is heading to television. The Sundance Channel, and obscure satellite and digital cable channel, will be showing a one hour version of Franken's show starting in September. They're taking the best of his three hour show and turning it into a one hour telecast. The best of his show? What are they going to do with the other 59 minutes 50 seconds? Because the best of The Al Franken Show is the part where he signs off for the day.
"Sundance plans to keep the satirist on its network through the November U.S. presidential election, and possibly beyond, a spokesman for Franken said" |
Credit: Yahoo! News
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You're damn right he would. During Bush's press conference this morning he started talking about WMD in Iraq. Something to the effect of
Then he reaffirmed why he's a great leader. He said
That's why I like the man. He sticks to what he says, unlike Candidate Waffles who refuses to acknowledge that he was smart enough to make up his own mind about WMD's. He seems to want to blame Bush for his own actions. That's what children do. The president of the United States doesn't pass the blame.
According to Kerry, Bush has made the terrorists hate America even more than before.
Well, duh. That's because he fought back. He didn't cower in the corner like Clinton did. One attack was all it took for Bush to show why we won't be bullied around.
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
You're damn right he would. During Bush's press conference this morning he started talking about WMD in Iraq. Something to the effect of
"We all thought there would stockpiles of weapons. I did, the U.N. did, Clinton did, many people did. We may still find weapons." |
"Knowing what I know now, I would done the same thing." |
According to Kerry, Bush has made the terrorists hate America even more than before.
"The policies of this administration, I believe ... have resulted in an increase of animosity and anger focused on the United States of America. And the intelligence agencies of our country will tell you .... the people who are training terror, are using our actions as a means of recruitment" |
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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