(Good Morning)
We n' de ya ho, We n' de ya ho
We n' de ya ho, We n' de ya ho, ho ho ho
He ya ho he ya, Ya ya ya
The above are the lyrics to a traditional Cherokee song that was/is sung to greet the new day and to give thanks to the Great Spirit for being able to witness that new day. What it translates to is
I am of the Great Spirit, Ho! I am of the Great Spirit, Ho!
I am of the Great Spirit, Ho! I am of the Great Spirit, Ho! It is so, it is so.
Great Spirit, Great Spirit, Great Spirit
I'm not a very good Indian. I don't know much about my heratige or sadly even my family. The only thing I do know is that my family were once known as Yellowfeather and that was changed sometime in the late 1800's - early 1900's. Not sure why. But everyone once and a while I'll get on a "Native trip" where I'll start looking around and listening to music to try and help me remember where I come from. I was listening to this song last night and I thought I would put this post up. I would also put the song up, but YouSendIt.com, for some reason, isn't letting me. But if you go to Amazon and search for Robbie Robertson's album "Music For The Native American" you can hear a sample of it. Who knows, you may even buy the album.

Technorati Tags: Native American, Native Indian, Cherokee, Cherokee Tribe
How come you put up a mourning song?
Mourning songs for my family are:
as are war cries and general shrieks of excitement.
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