Found these two pictures that I thought most of you would like. Can you guess which one's my favorite? Here's a hint, it's the one I wish I had in my bathroom right now. Enjoy.
Could all these attacks be helping W in the long run? We see Kerry all over the t.v. bashing Bush, we see Richard Clarke and the Kangaroo Commission, we see Bob Woodward's new book. All these are attacking Bush almost constantly and I have a feeling that the American people could start to turn on the attackers. They may begin to sympathize with Bush. According to a new poll, Bush is ahead of Kerry 48% - 41%.
Does anyone else see the future on this story? Kerry believes that Woodward's new book claims that Bush has a underhanded deal with the Saudi's for gas prices to be lowered sometime in October. I can see the future. When gas prices do start to lower after the Summer months, like they always do, Kerry and the Democratic Attack Machine will latch onto this and be all over the airwaves screaming, "I told you, I told you".
The Only Thing Necessary For Evil To Triumph
Is For Good Men To Do Nothing
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