Thats just what we need. Another RINO running. What? Liberal McCain not good enough for you that now your going to bat for a guy who wants abortion, Partial Birth abortion and Legal Gay marriage?
John, there are more important things out there than abortion or gay marriage. I want someone in the White House who has the balls to fight terrorism. I know other Republicans do, but Giuliani has a proven record of standing up for what he believes.
I would rather have a true conservative fighting Islam(terrorism); than someone who does not even think the most innocent of all people; the unborn; have a right to life. If he cares nothing for unborn innocent babies; how is he going to truly give a rats ass about you and I and this country we hold dear? Plus its just plain dishonest to say you are a conservative when you do not even hold basic conservative ideals. He would make a great policeman though; just not the leader of the free world.
Jake is correct for once. He could be the Ross Perot for the 08 election. If Perot had not run in the 90's; Clinton would never had won anything. And Bin Laden would have been killed by whom ever was President long before 9-11. Thanks Jake for the awesome reminder.
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It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government. Thomas Paine
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Of The United States of America, And To The Republic, For Which It Stands;
One Nation Under God,
Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
We Have Assumed Control
Wednesday Hero
Wednesday Hero was started in 2005 to honor the Men and Women of the United States Military. To let people know who was fighting, and dying, for them.
Thats just what we need. Another RINO running. What? Liberal McCain not good enough for you that now your going to bat for a guy who wants abortion, Partial Birth abortion and Legal Gay marriage?
John, there are more important things out there than abortion or gay marriage. I want someone in the White House who has the balls to fight terrorism. I know other Republicans do, but Giuliani has a proven record of standing up for what he believes.
I would rather have a true conservative fighting Islam(terrorism); than someone who does not even think the most innocent of all people; the unborn; have a right to life.
If he cares nothing for unborn innocent babies; how is he going to truly give a rats ass about you and I and this country we hold dear? Plus its just plain dishonest to say you are a conservative when you do not even hold basic conservative ideals.
He would make a great policeman though; just not the leader of the free world.
Yes, please, Rudy. Run.
Be the Ralph Nader in 08 for the Repubs.
Run your little overrated heart out.
Jake is correct for once. He could be the Ross Perot for the 08 election. If Perot had not run in the 90's; Clinton would never had won anything. And Bin Laden would have been killed by whom ever was President long before 9-11.
Thanks Jake for the awesome reminder.
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